El Toro Grande Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #01, Episode #16
Bonanza has 14 seasons and over 400 episodes, with El Toro Grande as its sixteenth. John Tucker Battle wrote the episode, which premiered on January 2, 1960, and Veteran actor/director Ricardo Cortez acted as Don Xavier.
In this episode, Little Joe and Hoss go on a trip to Monterey, California. They carry the cash they plan to use to acquire their father, Ben, a prize bull. However, some bandits ambushed them on their way. Their troubles don’t there. They also have to deal with a young thief, a group of starving Indians, and an odd woman named Cayetena Losaro (Barbara Luna).
Read the episode’s plot and some behind-the-scenes trivia, or watch it below.
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Watch the full episode of El Toro Grande
Watch the full episode of El Toro Grande:
Main Cast
Aside from the main cast, Bonanza’s 16th episode, El Toro Grande, featured the show’s recurring and supporting cast members.
The list below displays the actors in this episode:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Ricardo Cortez as Don Xavier Losaro
- BarBara Luna as Cayetena Losaro (as Barbara Luna)
- Armand Alzamora as Eduardo El Montalban
- Alan Roberts as Epifanio Lopez
- Jose Gonzales-Gonzales as Valiente Lopez
- Penny Santon as Esmerelda Lopez
- Alma Beltran as Maria Theresa Losaro
- Tina Menard as Floriana
- Ralph Moody as Indian Chief
- Rodd Redwing as Indian Brave (as Rod Red Wing)
- Don Kelly as Second Bandit
- Duane Cress as Bandit
- Augie Gomez as Man Loading Bull (uncredited)
Full Story Line of El Toro Grande
Ben assigns Hoss and Joe to purchase a prize seed bull in Monterey, California. They encountered several people on their way.
While Joe and Hoss were sleeping on their way to California on their first night, two men attempted to steal the $15,000 cash they had brought. They engaged in a gunfight to protect themselves.
Upon their arrival at their destination, Joe butts head with Eduardo El Montalban, an envious neighbor, over the acquisition of the bull. The attention Joe receives from the daughter of the bull owner irks Eduardo as well. Joe is merely delighted to receive the attention of a lovely senorita. However, she was Eduardo’s soon-to-be bride.
When Hoss and Joe go to assess the bull’s value, El Toro Grande, they find out that it has vanished from its pen. Epifanio Lopez, his young caretaker, fears that the Americans will eat his beloved bull, so he decides to hide it. However, they eventually convinced him to return the bull.
Meanwhile, Cayetena has thrown herself at Joe, putting him in a potentially jeopardizing situation. She aspires to marry Joe, but he is more than happy to leave the next day with the bull, El Toro Grande, in a specially made wagon. Epifanio, his young caretaker, joins to look after him. Little did Joe and Hoss know, Cayetena had carefully loaded herself in the wagon with the bull.
Hoss discovers Cayetena shortly before her father and fiancée show up. The situation upsets Joe, believing he left that trouble behind. To get rid of Cayetena, Joe must engage in a sword duel and lose. That same night, Hoss encounters a bear that wants to devour the bull. He wrestles with the bear, chasing it away.
Epifanio notices that El Toro Grande has gone missing. He sees a trail and follows it, eventually coming across a group of Native Americans led by their chief, guiding the bull away. Epifpersuades them not to eat his friend and ends up being blood brothers with the leader who admires the young caretaker’s bravery. Hoss and Joe arrive in time to witness the departure of the Native Americans.
A mule cart arrives as Joe, Hoss, Epifanio, and the bull return to camp. The carriage houses a woman and man singing and playing guitar. It seems like they have to take Epifanio and his parents with them. Hoss learns that Epifanio’s mom will cook dinner, so he accepts their company.
Upon arriving at the Ponderosa, Ben is disappointed to discover that Hoss needed to pay extra for the wagon to return with the bull. Their arrival with the Mexican family did not please him either. However, he acknowledges that there’s always plenty of space at the Ponderosa.
Meanwhile, Adam asks if the duo encountered any difficulty along the way. Hoss and Joe quickly recount all their adventures. “That’s a lot of bull,” says Adam, who looks at them skeptically.
Full Script and Dialogue of El Toro Grande
Hyah! 700, 800, 900... 15,000. It's a lot of money for one animal, Ben. Yes, it is. Wait till you see this animal. Bye. Here's your money belt, son. You sure this is gonna fit around him, Pa? Pa, I don't know. $10,000 for one bull. Sure a lot of money. That Don Xavier... now, he's a sharp trader. Now if you have to go to 12,000, you go ahead. And, uh, you two got any ideas about taking a siesta in sunny California... Just forget it. You get back here as soon as you can. Oh, don't you worry, Adam. I'll take care of Hoss. I won't let him get involved with any of those dark-eyed señoritas. Don't you worry none about old Hoss. I can take care of them señoritas. Well, you make sure you look after that bull. I don't want anything to happen to him. Prometeo el Segundo llama Encarnado... That's the best seed bull west of the Mississippi. Yeah, that sure is a lot of bull, all right, Pa! So long, Pa. Bye now. Adios! $15,000. That's a pretty big boy to be carrying all that money. Don't matter to me. Big or small... they all fall dead the same way. Hey, Hoss? Hmm? Remember that little Spanish gal in Virginia City caused all the excitement? Yep. That was just one gal. Now we're going where they grow 'em. Now, Little Joe, you listen here. If I catch you anyt... Shh! Hey, don't shoot! We're friends. Keep your gun on him. My... my partner's horse threw him. I think he's got his ribs stove in. Give me a hand with him, will you? Thanks. Sit down, right there. Think you might have a cracked rib? Yeah, feels like it. That, uh, coffee looks mighty good. Go ahead, help yourself. Here, let me... let me look at it. Use that gun, I'll kill your brother. Ah, now let's have that 15,000. $15,000? Are you kidding? Think I'd be eating beans if I had $15,000? Get it. Look, I... HOSS: Little Joe... when two fellas wants it as bad as these two do, I... I reckon the only thing me and you can do is give it to 'em. Yeah, but, Hoss... Little Joe, give it to 'em. All right. This one's dead. Yeah. So is this one. I didn't mean to hit him that hard. Well, they don't deserve it, but let's bury them. The dogs are barking the "strange people" bark. Americanos. Two of them. Handsome? Uh-huh, one of them. If I were only 20 years younger. I am. And betrothed, no? Now, there's the vision of a man, Tia Teresa. Such insupportable wickedness. One's marriage bans are posted. Ay, may the saints defend us. Floriana, use oil of roses in my bath, and be generous. Sí, niña. I'll wear the white lace and the mantón de Manila. Ay, Dios mío. She should have been married a year ago. There will be trouble. Señor Cartwright? Señor Joseph Cartwright? Sí, señor. You must be Don Xavier Lazarro. That's right. This is my brother, Hoss. How are you, sir? Hoss? Well, I got another name, Eric. But nobody never calls me that except Pa sometimes, when he's kind of sore at me. You just call me Hoss. Hoss... Hoss. Hoss, el caballo. Caballo? Ah! Ha-ha-ha! Ah, sí, sí, sí. Mucho gusto, Señor Caballo. Adelante, señores. Hey, my name ain't Señor Caballo. Come on. Ah, Eduardo. Come in, you are welcome. This is Señor Joseph Cartwright. And his brother, Señor Caballo Cartwright. This is Señor Eduardo Vasconceles y Montalban. My neighbor and, soon to be, my son-in-law. Caballo? Oh, not exactly. My real name is Hoss. Tengo gusto servidor de ustedes. Yeah, likewise. How do you do? You do not speak Spanish, señors? Well, not nearly as well as you speak English, I'm sure. Here's to the acquisition of the finest seed bull in the Western world, Prometeus el Segundo Llama Encarnado. Ain't that pretty much of a mouthful? Oh, the vaqueros call him "El Rojo Grande." Big Red. Yeah, Big Red. That's much better. We'll call him Big Red. You surprise me, Don Xavier. You are selling Prometeo? Oh, I still have two of his young sons. And what have the Yanquis done to deserve the best Hereford bull in all California? Oh, we don't want to take all the credit. I think that, uh, our $10,000 had a lot to do with it. $10,000? You are much too easy, Don Xavier. Eduardo, we agreed on a price this morning. The matter is consummated. That is American thievery. He is worth at least 20. Please, Eduardo. These gentlemen are guests. A thousand pardons, Don Xavier. Forgive me if I have offended by being too loyal. I only wish these gentlemen had me to deal with. Yeah, well, if you ever happen to have anything I might want, señor, I'd be happy to deal with you. Cayetana. Tia Teresa. Doña Maria Teresa, Cayetana, with your permission, may I present Señor Caballo Cartwright. Señor. And his brother, Joseph Cartwright. Señor. I have great pleasure to meet you, Señor. I have greater pleasure, ma'am. Let me give you some wine. Come. Señor Cartwright. It was my impression that Americans excelled in all things. How is it that you must come to Monterey for a bull? Oh, they got Herefords back East. Henry Clay imported them in Kentucky way back in '17. Besides, our pa wanted Big Red. He's got the best bloodline. I'm aware of this, señores. I think Eduardo hoped to buy Prometeo for himself. Eduardo, you should have spoken sooner. Prometeo does not belong to me anymore. Shall we go to dinner? ♪ Anda dile que no cante ♪ ♪ Que mi corazon lastima ♪ ♪ Que pajarito es aquel ♪ ♪ Que cantaba en aquella higuera? ♪ ♪ Y anda dile que no cante ♪ ♪ Que espera que yo me muera. ♪ Epiphanio, what is the matter? They sold El Rojo Grande. Don Xavier sold El Rojo Grande. How many times I told you not to say a big lie to your papacito? It is true. I heard them say so. I was at the window of the hacienda. Don Xavier. Don Xavier, he can never do such a thing like that. To whom did he sell it to? Two men, Americanos from the high country. The poor bull... the poor torito. He will freeze to death in such a country like that. You know how our son feels about El Rojo Grande. Valiente, do something to help him, por favor. I will do something. I will pray. I will pray to Saint Jude the Obscure. He's the patron of the impossible things. Papa, can't you pray to a saint better known? Like Saint Francis, the one who loves all animals? Saint Francis... I will pray for him also. Yo, tambien. Meanwhile, let's sing. Let's be happy. Let's be happy. ♪ Que bonito pajarillo ♪ ♪ Que cantaba en aquella lima ♪ ♪ Anda dile que no cante, que mi corazon lastima... ♪ You will not go to the cold country in the hills where you will starve. What a wickedness to send you to such a place. And no one to brush you and scratch the places where flies bite. Those Anglos will want to eat you. Don't look like that. They won't eat you. They won't even take you away. My father, he is praying. Do you think the good saints will let them do this wickedness? My father, he is praying to Saint Jude and Saint Francis. And my mother is also praying. Me, too, I am praying. But maybe the good saints aren't listening so good today. I won't let them take you. Honest, I won't. And now, gentlemen, you will see the great prize bull that you have come so far to obtain. El Rojo Grande. Whereabouts is he? But I do not understand. Only this morning, I brought him from the shore meadows. Perhaps he has been stolen. Stolen? Oh, but that is ridiculous. Huh. I have it. Find the son of Valiente Lopez and you will find the bull. Floriana, have vaqueros bring horses to the hacienda. Sí, señor. Come with me. Valiente? ¿Sí, señor? Where is your son? My son, Epiphanio? Sí. I don't know, señor. Well, ask your wife. Ask my wife? Dicen los señores, los señores americanos y al patron que donde esta el chamaco que lo andan buscando porque creen que se llevo el toro. Preguntan, contestalos, no te ponga nerviosa. Yo no se para donde se habra ido. Estaba aqui hace un momento con el toro. Uh, she don't know. Well, where is the bull? You looking for the bull or Epiphanio, señor? Well, Big Red's all we want to find right now. Do you know where he is? The bull? I don't know, señor. No se. Ask your wife. My wife? Andale, pronto, contesta mujer. Dicen que andan buscando. Pronto, que contesta, porque no-no... no hay que hacer con... si no hay el toro, mujer. ¡Pronto! El toro, el toro, no se a donde se fue. Estaba aqui. Me acabo de ver, pero ahora no se. ¡No se, Valiente! She still don't know, señores. Little Joe, if we don't get that bull, Pa is going to be mighty disappointed. Yeah, where do we start looking? Wait a minute, señores. Wait a minute. I think I can help you. Because where... where the bull is, the boy is. And where the boy is, the bull is. You know that's how it is. Yeah, that makes sense, yeah. Yeah, the bull's with the boy, and the boy's with the bull. Eso, eso. That's what he said. The horses are ready, Don Xavier. Good. Valiente, you will ride with us. Sí, señor. Vámonos. You have much cattle rustling around here, señor? Very little. There are few Americans in this part of California. Oh, you have a very funny sense of humor. I know. Incidentally, I notice that you appreciate more than just cattle, señor. Meaning what? Meaning that I am betrothed to Señorita Cayetana. Or do you not know the meaning of this word? I know the meaning of many words, señor, including good manners. Little Joe. Look, forget it, Hoss. He's been riding me ever since I got here. As far as your girlfriend is concerned, you can forget it. I came here to get a bull. You will stay close to your father at all times, Cayetana. Of course, Tia Teresa. The Monte is hardly a fitting place for a young lady at night. It is the rancho of my father, Eduardo. I know every tree and rock. But there are bears and mountain lions about at night. And coyotes, but they are notorious cowards. Yeah, I know. May I? Of course. He is your son, Valiente. Where would you say the boy has taken the bull, huh? No man can go into the mind of another, patron. Not even that of his own child. Perhaps he has taken it to the old sheepherder's barraca. Sheepherder's what? The old sheepherder's house. It is so close by. Well, the boy couldn't have taken the bull very far. Anyway, we will separate. Cayetana, you will ride with me. But, papa... Muchachos, vámonos. Gently, gently. Have no fear. El oso will not approach the fire. Little Joe, you reckon that young'un might've took that bull off down there to that sheepherder's... whatever she called it? Oh, you mean the shack? Yeah. No, I don't think so, Hoss. Maybe we ought to check it out anyhow. Come on. Hey, wait a minute. Wait... it's no use wasting our time both looking. Why don't we split up? You-You top out that rim rock up there and I'll head on down to the shack, see if there's anything there. I'll meet you back here. Good. You see, Rojo Grande, el oso has gone away. There is nothing to fear. Rojo Grande, my dear Rojo Grande, I love you. I won't let the Americanos take you away. I will keep the fire bright. No bears or bad things from the dark will come to harm you. Please, Saint Francis. Please don't let the rain come to put our fire out. You must keep the bear away. It's not much of a rain, but it sure came up fast. The storms are always sudden here, and very strong. Yeah, I know. How'd you manage to get away from your father? Oh, it was simple. He went one way and I went the other. Oh, that's fine. Are you not pleased that I did so? Sure, I am. You are a gentleman. Are you not? I think so. And I can trust you, can I not? Well, sure. Sure you can. Then why don't you kiss me? Why don't I k-kiss you? Are you afraid of Eduardo? Eduardo? No. Are you afraid of my father? Your father? No. Uh, look, I'm, I'm not... I'm not afraid of anybody. Now, uh, why don't you go over and sit over there? Then-Then you won't have to be afraid of me. And, uh, I won't ha-have to be afraid of me. I think it is disgusting. You are just like a Spaniard. You think all women are without virtue. Oh, I didn't say anything like that. I... Oh, but you thought it. Always, we are kept behind bars or... or watched by some old eagle of a duena until we marry. And then, our wicked, jealous husbands watch us and spy on us until we are old and fat... and dead. Hey, well, I still didn't say anything about... I have been told that the Americanos treat their women with respect and trust. Well, we-we do, but... we just... Then kiss me one time and prove it. Yeah, well, we-we, uh... And prove it. Prove it? How can you stand there drinking coffee? At this very moment, our poor little angel may be lost or... or devoured by a bear. Ha! Cayetana knows every meter of this rancho, Doña Maria. And if she should encounter a bear, I feel sorry for the bear. Perhaps the Yanquis are with her. They have not returned as yet. No, neither of them has returned. She mentioned an abandoned sheepherder's hut. Do you suppose that...? Let us go and find out. I do not trust these Yanquis. Sí. ¡El oso! ¡El oso! ¡El oso! ¡El oso! Get out of the way, boy! Get out of the way! ¿El oso muerto? Huh? Dead? Yeah, he's dead. You can't hardly blame that old bear, though. Poor old thing was just naturally hungry and was trying to find him something to eat, that's all. I think it would make a small difference to Prometeo if he is to be eaten by el oso or you. Eat him? Why, you poor little splinter, you. You think we was going to butcher your bull? You are not? Why, you want to bet your boots we ain't. We paid a bunch of money for that bull, son. We're going to take him back up to the Ponderosa and put him out with... Let him... Let him marry a bunch of cows. He will like that. Then he'll have many strong sons and daughters with the red coat and white face. Yeah. I reckon he will. Will they put me in jail for stealing your bull? No, sir. Ain't nobody going to put you in jail. Then I am your servant for all time. I go with you and El Rojo Grande to the high country, even if I freeze to death also. Well, we'll see. I think I will not marry with Eduardo, after all. Even if he is rich. Well, why not? You wanted to marry him a little while ago. I have always wanted to marry an Americano. Oh, well, uh... Well, look, Cayetana, I... I-I never intended to-to break up anybody's marriage... marriage plans. Sometimes... sometimes love is stronger than intentions. Don't you love me? Oh, sure. Why, sure, I love you. I-I love you like a sister. A sister?! You would kiss a sister the way you kiss me?! Yeah, well, a close sister. Oh! What a monster! What a liar! You! You! Yeah... Well, I-I-I didn't really mean like a sister. Wh-What I meant was... that I-I have a... I forgive you. I forgive you, my darling. It is Eduardo and my father. They will make you marry with me. Oh, no. You have compromised me. I did what?! You have compromised me. The heck I did! Father, thank heavens you are safe. I was so worried about you after that dreadful storm. And why did you slip away from me in the dark? Why did I slip away? Why, you... Where is Señor Cartwright? How should I know? Come... we will return to the hacienda. You're sure Señor Cartwright has not been with you? What right have you to accuse me? I am your husband-to-be. I am not so sure about that. We will discuss that later. But one thing I am sure of... if Señor Cartwright has been with you, I will kill him. How come he can't ride in just an ordinary wagon? Because, señor... he is not an ordinary bull. This animal has traveled 12,000 miles around the Horn, and he must continue to travel in comfort. Yeah. $500 worth of comfort just for a bull. Ah... soft as a bride's bed. Sounds like highway robbery to me. All just for a bull. This is just not a bull. This bull's name is Prometeo el Segundo... Yeah, I know, I've heard all that, but to me, he's still just plain ol' Rojo Grande. Ah! Now, point is... Hoss, Hoss, you know, th-there's a lot of things more important than a bull. Know what I mean? So why don't you just give him the money and let's get out of here. Well, there you are, señor. It's a lot of money... You better count it. Ah... that isn't necessary, señor. Floriana, take this into the house, please. Sí, Patron. Come on, Red, let's go. Have mercy, señores. You can see he does not want to go. Yeah, I can see that. It's like some folks, Red, when you got to go, you got to go. Oh, please. Not like that. I will show you. Oh, no! Forgive me, Rojo Grande, forgive me. But when you got to go, you got to go. Adios, Señor Lazarro. Adios, adios. Giddyup! There, that ought to be enough. Oh, no, señor. Need big fire, all night. Hear a mountain lion scream. Mmm... Thanks a lot. What was that? It is all right, señor. It is only my mama and papa. Your ma and pa? Sí, señor. One of the burro had baby, and they cannot travel more faster than the baby burro can walk. ♪ Pajarillo... ♪ ♪ Y anda dile que no cante ♪ ♪ Que espera que yo me muera. ♪ Sorry to be late, señores. But it was the baby burrito. But tomorrow, we start an hour before you. Good. But, but where you going? Where we are going, señores? I don't know. Don't you? Now, hold on just a minute. We done took on one young'un, a fancy wagon and a team of horses that we wasn't counting on. You think we're going to take on... But, señor. A person's mother and father always go where they go. You would make me an orphan, and my mother and father childless. Oh, no, señor. You are too kind heart for that. Oh, this kid's got you all figured out. Besides, we can always use a little help. And I am, I am a very strong arm. Yeah, well, we don't need no strong arms. Oh, señor, mi hombre es un buen trabajador. Besides, my wife... she cooks. Yeah, well I don't care what she is. You say she's a good cook? Ah, for the angels. Muy sabroso. Cooks things like what? Ah, arroz con pollo, tamalitos, enchiladas, tacos, burritos, guacamole, chile... Mucha mas chicuetas, que barbaridad. No mas digame. Hey, Hoss, Hoss... you're putting on ten pounds listening to him. You just hush up, Little Joe. I ain't about to separate these folks from that poor, little old boy. Oh, no, no. Or you from that cooking. You can stay. Que lo dije que es un muchacho muy bien, hombre. Muy bueno, mujer... Andale, prepara pronto la comida para que le de a comer. You help me prepare the fire. Tonight, we prepare something very special. You hear that, Little Joe, "something special"? Won't have to put up with that rabbit stew of yours no more. What'd you expect me to make out of rabbits, roast turkey? Yeah! ♪ Diga diga diga que es una noche para soñar ♪ ♪ Diga diga diga que esta bella noche sea. ♪ Hey, Epiphanio, you're eating two suppers tonight like Señor Caballo? Not for me, for El Toro. Bull? Enchiladas and beans? El Rojo Grande likes to eat what people eat. A little people food is good for him. Epiphanio, you're going to spoil the bull. Then he will think he is a people. He is a people. Oh, no, not for you. I brought Your Honor some food. Oh... Oh, you're a good boy, Epiphanio. Someday when you are older and you can appreciate it, I will kiss you. That's nice. But I'm worried. My dad will kill me. The two Yanquis will kill me. Everyone will kill me when they find out. Nobody will kill you but me if you betray me. When will Your Honor reveal herself to the North Americans? There is a time for revealing and a time for concealing. At the proper time, I will reveal. Which of the North Americans will Your Honor marry? The big one with the kind face? No, the younger one with the kind face. With the handsome face. The one they call Little Joe. He's nice, too, I think. You think. I know. Esmerelda, you got any more of that coffee? Oh, seguramente, patron. Plenty more. Ought to give a cup of it to that bull. Think he'd like sugar in it? I think he will. He like everything sweet. Epiphanio, he spoil that bull. Yeah... this I got to see. A coffee-drinking bull. How does Your Honor tell which is best? Women are wiser than men, Epiphanio. Oh! So you're the bull that likes people food. What a stupid thing to say. Please, señor, I could not helping it. Her Honor would kill me if I told. Well, yeah, but... Señorita, what are you doing here, anyhow? Matrimonio. Matrimony? Her Honor going to marry your brother, Joselito. You and Little Joe marry? You are pleased, no? Well, yeah. I reckon I am, but does Little Joe know about this? Oh, not yet. He will be told at the proper time. Well, when's that? When my father arrives with pistolas and rifles to protect my honor. Hey, wait a minute... This ain't no shotgun wedding. Shotguns? No. Everybody knows shotguns are for the birds. Yeah, well... maybe you'd better come on back to the campfire with me and let your bridegroom know you're here. Oh, I will come as soon as I have fixed my hair. But don't told him. I want it to be a surprise. Lady, I promise you he will be that. I won't told him... I won't tell him. Come on, Epiphanio. Epiphanio, it might be a good idea if you... you'd take the bull down to the creek and water him. Sí, señor. Yeah. Pretty good, huh, Hoss? What do you think? I think me and you better have a little talk, Joe. Excuse us a minute, Valiente. Seguro que sí. Hey, thanks a lot, Valiente. Andale. What's the matter? Why didn't you tell me about your plans, Joe? My plans? What plans? Well, I mean, about fixing to get married and all. Now, I can't hardly wait to be an uncle. Teaching the little fella how to rope and rein his pony and all. I'm going to buy him his first one. A chestnut with a great, big Ponderosa brand right on the hip. He's going to be real cute. What's the joke? I want to know what happened between you and that Don Xavier's daughter last night. Hey, who told you about that? Never mind where I learned about it, just tell me what happened. Well, nothing happened. Look, don't bother me. I ain't going to be the only one that bothers you, Little Joe. Now, what happened? I said nothing. Are you sure? Well, sure I'm sure. I got out the window. Nobody saw me. That's all very nice. But what happened before you got out of the window? Hey... what's the matter? Have you been drinking? I just want to help you, Little Joe. You're in a real fix. What fix? Joselito! That one. Joselito! Oh, no. Oh, yeah. What are you doing here? I am eloping away with the man I love, you, my darling. Now-now, now, look, Cayetana. I-I never said anything about getting married. Then why did you compromise me? I didn't! Look, all I was trying to do was get out of the rain. I kissed you once. Twice. Once. Twice. Once. And now three times. Twice. Anyway, my father will never believe you. He is Spanish. So what? My father will kill you. But I will save your life. He will not kill the father of his grandchildren. Hey, what-what are you talking about? After we are married, we will have many fine, beautiful grandchildren for my father. Then he will forgive you. Hey, l... What am I going to do? Looks like you already done it, Little Joe. Oh, come on. I'm not kidding. Well, from the looks of things, neither is her pa. Papa, what are you doing here? I am here to protect the honor of my family. Don Xavier, there's been a little mistake. I am certain there has. Now, Now, l-listen, sir. I, uh... I-I didn't even know your daughter was in camp until just a few minutes ago. I... I'm just as surprised about it as you are. You are a liar, and a coward. And I intend to prove this to Señorita Cayetana. Hey! Hold on just a minute, pal. Hey! Hey, wait a minute, you two! Wait a minute. Remember, Señor? You said when we first met, if you ever wanted anything I had, you would be glad to deal with me? Now is your chance. Look, this is silly. The whole thing is a mistake. A true coward. He refuses to accept the challenge. Look, I didn't refuse anything. Little Joe, you keep quiet. You stay out of this, Hoss. You masquerading as a gentleman. What weapons do you choose? Choose your fist, Little Joe, or your guns. No, I-I'll take care of you on your own terms. You choose the weapons. Very well. We will fight a code duello with rapiers. Pick the longest, Little Joe. En garde. Engage. Stick him! Stick him, Little Joe! Well, let's not quit now. I don't get a chance to do this very often. Guess I should've used these in the first place. Shoot, Little Joe, I knew you could whup him all the time, anyhow. You better let him go before you lose a tree. You still ain't solved your shotgun wedding problem yet, Little Joe. I was praying for you all the time. That's nice. How can you be so cold to me when you have fought for me and won? I love you. We will have a fine, big wedding. Look, Cayetana, he's the one that loves you. He's the one that wants to marry you. Then you will not marry with me? No, I do not wish to marry with you. And when I do decide to get married, I'd like to do the asking. You, brute! Bully! You have nearly killed the only man I have ever loved. Oh! Forgive me, my darling. I was only trying to test your love. After we are married, you will not want to do such a thing, my dear. Nor will you have the opportunity. You will be married as soon as we return home, huh? Sí, Papa. Valiente. Oyes el chotocabra. ¿Donde esta nuestro hijo? Ay, San Jose, protejelo. What's the matter with your wife? She hear call of the chotocabra. You know chotocabra is those birds... how you call them? Wh-whippoor... whippoor... Whip-poor-will? Whip-poor-will, that's right. You know those birds, they are very mala suerte. That means "bad luck." That's why she is worried that Epiphanio didn't return back from creek. Don't you worry none about Epiphanio. That bull ain't going to let nothing happen to that boy. Hey, you know, he has been gone a long time, Hoss. Maybe I better have a look. What was that that Esmerelda called that whip-poor-will? Chotocabra, señor. That means in Spanish "goat sucker." Because those bad birds, they steal all the milk from the goats. Aww... I don't believe a goat would stand still for it. Is true, señor. I have seen with my own eyes. A lot of goats come back from pasture, no milk. Well, that don't prove nothing. Sure it proves. Why not? Well, have you ever see... have you ever actually seen one of them birds milking a goat? Uh, let me remember. Well, no, no... I cannot truly say that I have seen. But I have not seen many things in life, and it's so short. Get your guns and come on! What's the matter? Oh, Madre de Dios! ¿Que tal? ¿Que paso? The boy's gone, so is the bull. No! Hey, that boy wouldn't run off with that bull again, would he? Their tracks lead away from the creek. They're mixed with moccasin tracks. Moccasin tracks? Calmate, mujer. Calmate. ¡Alto, Rojo, alto! ¡Alto, Rojo! You can see he does not want to go. When he wants to go, he'll go. Our people are hungry. Why we not kill him here? It shall be done. No! You would rather die in place of bull? Yes, yes, kill me. But don't kill El Rojo Grande. Please, kill me. You sure that is what you want? Yes. You promise not to kill El Toro? So be it. You are very brave for one so young. Why? From my father. His name means brave, Valiente. What is your name? Epiphanio. Why? I was born on the 12th night. The night that the Wise Man saw the star in the sky. Then he knew the Lord Jesus was born. The One they nailed to a tree? On the cross. I have heard the story. You have the heart of a true warrior, little one. Now we are blood brothers. All right, hold it! All right, what's going on here? He... Epiphanio, y-you're bleeding. Me and Chief, blood brothers. Are these your people? Yes. Take your bull. Go in peace, and always be brave. Buena noche. What are you standing there for? We got to take El Rojo back. ♪ Que bonito pajarillo ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la... ♪ ♪ Que cantaba en aquella lima ♪ ♪ Anda dile que no cante ♪ ♪ Que mi corazon lastima... ♪ So you go with the bull, eh? Sí, patron. I take care of him good. Well, you boys got a little more than you bargained for, didn't you? A padded wagon, too. What did you, uh, have to pay for that? Just $500, Pa. Oh, just $500? Well, Pa, you can't hardly expect a bull like Big Red there to go any way except first-class, can you? Oh, no. No, no, he's right, Pa. I mean, you know, I-I think it's a cheap price, considering. Considering what? ♪ Que cantaba en aquella lima ♪ ♪ Anda dile que no cante, que mi corazon lastima ♪ ♪ Que bonito pajarito ♪ ♪ Que cantaba en aquella higuera ♪ ♪ Anda dile que no cante, que espera que yo me muera. ♪ Buenos días, señor. I am your obedient serviente. Who are these people? Well, tell him who they are, Little Joe. You tell him. Well, one of you tell me. They are mama and papa. W-We couldn't separate the boy from his mama and papa. And Pa, his mama's the best-danged cook you ever seen. Well, we... we certainly have enough room for them. Welcome. Welcome! ¡Ay, chihuahua! Te lo dije que es un muy bueno patron... Andale, llevate la guitarra pronto. A trabajar, a trabajar. Pronto. Te lo dije que es un muy bueno patron... Well, Adam, you thought these boys would have a lot of trouble bringing that bull up here, huh? I guess I was wrong, Pa. You sure you didn't have any trouble? Not a bit. Well, a little bit. Like, uh, wh-when Big Red almost got cut up into steaks by those Indians. Indians? Yeah, but that never would've happened except Little Joe was busy fighting a duel. Duel? Yeah, well, otherwise, I'd have had to get married. Married? Yeah, but th-that was right after Hoss fought the bear. Bear? Aw, that wasn't nothing. You ought to seen the way Little Joe gunned down them two bushwhackers that tried to steal our $15,000. Now, just a minute. Who you trying to kid? That's certainly a lot of bull. Yes, sir, it sure is.
Behind the Scenes of El Toro Grande
In this episode, Hoss uses his real first name, Eric.
Little Joe plays guitar during a camping scene, strumming it tuned right-handed. Meanwhile, viewers can see Little Joe wearing his gun on the left side of his body.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza is an incredible show to watch by yourself or with your family. NBC produced Bonanza, broadcasting it on their network from September 1959 to January 1973. El Toro Grande was the 16th episode out of 430 in the 14-season series.
You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>