invention of a gunfighter
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Invention of a Gunfighter Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #06, Episode #01

After being publicly humiliated by the town’s tough guy, Al Mooney (Ron Foster), young Johnny Chapman (Guy Stockwell) turns to his friend Joe Cartwright for gun training. However, Joe soon regrets his decision as Johnny transforms into a ruthless bounty hunter. To complicate matters, Johnny is hired to kill his former girlfriend Olive (Valerie Allen) and Joe himself. Invention of a Gunfighter, written by Dan Ullman, aired on September 20, 1964, as the premiere episode of Bonanza’s sixth season.

You can watch the entire episode below. It provides further details on the plot and some intriguing trivia.

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Watch the Full Episode of Invention of a Gunfighter

Watch the Full Episode of Invention of a Gunfighter:

Main Cast

Apart from the main cast, “Invention of a Gunfighter,” the inaugural episode of Bonanza Season 6 showcases several recurring and guest-supporting actors. The following individuals are featured in the episode:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Guy Stockwell as Johnny Chapman
  • Valerie Allen as Olive
  • Ron Foster as Al Mooney
  • Ray Teal as Sheriff Roy Coffee
  • Bern Hoffman as Sam the Bartender
  • Eddie Baker as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Nick Borgani as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
  • George DeNormand as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Jaye Durkus as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Bob Folkerson as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Al Haskell as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Hubbard as Doctor (uncredited)
  • Bob LaWandt as Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
  • Jack Lilley as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Martha Manor as Saloon Girl (uncredited)
  • Fred Rapport as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Rice as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Danny Sands as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Cosmo Sardo as Bartender (uncredited)
  • Phil Schumacher as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Cap Somers as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Jack Tornek as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Invention of a Gunfighter

After suffering humiliation at the hands of a seasoned gunslinger in front of his girlfriend and a bar crowd, timid Johnny Chapman seeks guidance from Little Joe to improve his gun handling skills. However, as Johnny gains proficiency and confidence, he transforms drastically, becoming a hardened and ruthless individual unrecognizable to Joe.

To the dismay of Joe and Olive, Johnny abandons his previous occupation to pursue a career as a bounty hunter. News spreads to Virginia City and the Cartwrights through the newspaper, revealing Johnny’s willingness to kill wanted men for more enormous bounties. Witnessing Johnny’s drastic change, Olive attempts to end her life by poisoning herself, only to be rescued by Joe and the doctor just in time.

Having claimed the lives of several men for bounties, Johnny arrives in Virginia City to find Olive. Sheriff Coffee informs him that he is no longer welcome in town and advises him to leave for good. Meanwhile, Olive seeks refuge at the Ponderosa, hoping to start anew. Johnny forcibly takes her with him, leaving a note for Joe, fully aware that Joe will pursue them.

In a tense confrontation in town, Johnny provokes Joe into a gunfight, but Joe refuses to engage. However, Johnny forces Joe’s hand, prompting Joe to deliberately wound him in the arm instead of delivering a fatal shot. Humiliated once again, Johnny realizes the gravity of his actions in front of Olive and the townsfolk. Olive decides to leave town on the next stagecoach, suggesting that if Johnny does the same, they both might have a chance to rebuild their shattered lives.

Full Script and Dialogue of Invention of a Gunfighter


Make it a shot.

Are you gonna tell me
what you want or not?

JOHNNY: Heh-heh-heh.
- I'd like to have a beer.


Maybe you ought to just bring
me what you think I ought to have.

I can't do that
until you let go.


Looks like you
got it pretty bad.

The worst.

OLIVE: Two beers, Sam.

MOONEY: Hello, Ollie.

You know, I been looking a long
time for you. Four, five months.

Seems even longer now.

I'm working. Please
get out of my way.


Now, I came here
ready to forgive you.

Don't make me change my mind.

OLIVE: Let go of me.

You know him, Joe?

No, never seen him before.

- Now, what's going on here?
- Nothing, Johnny, honest.

You heard, cowboy. You
go get lost someplace.

- I'll see you later, Johnny.
MOONEY: Don't count on it.

Now, you let go of her.

Come on, cowboy,
go for your gun.

Well, come on. Draw on me.

Al, no, don't.


Come on.

Ollie, honey,

looks to me like our friend
is just a little bit yellow.



Hey. Hey, Joe, do you
see these new boots?

They're fancy enough to
dance all by themselves.

You trying to barbecue us, Joe?

Stop poking that fire.

I'm sorry, Pa.

You should put that whole
incident right out of your mind.

It's not that easy.

Johnny and I have
been friends since school.

To have to watch him
be humiliated like that...

Would you feel
better if he was dead?

Because that's what he'd
be if he'd gone for that gun.

The way he feels now, I bet he
wished that's what had happened.

He'll get over it.

How would you know?

You've never been afraid
of anything in your whole life.

- That ain't true, Joe.
- Joe.

I think he handled it
absolutely correctly.

Civilized men oughtn't to
settle their differences with guns.

Especially in a crowded saloon.

How do you think
Johnny would have felt

if he'd gone through with the
fight and some innocent bystander

had been killed?

If I could only make
Johnny see it that way.

I know him too well, Pa.

All he feels right now
is that he turned yellow,

not only in front of the whole
town, but in front of his girl.


Little late for a social call.

Johnny Chapman.

- How are you, Johnny?
JOHNNY: Evening, Mr. Cartwright.

- Good to see you.
- Hi, John.

- Climb down. Come on in.

I'll take your horse. I've
got some chores in the barn.

Thank you kindly.

Come on in, Johnny.
Here, give me your hat.

Sit down.

Uh, how about something to eat?

No, I ain't much hungry.
Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.

I bet you'd like a cup of
fresh coffee. I'll make some.

Good idea.



How are you feeling, John?

Not too poorly, Joe.

I know how you feel. I wish
there was something I could do.

I want to thank you
kindly for asking me in here

and treating me just
the same as always.

Well, Johnny, you're the same
young fella you always were.

You're our friend.

You better not go saying that around
town, not after what happened today.

Come on. Now
you're talking silly.

Anybody that was your friend
yesterday is your friend today.

Little Joe,

I carry this thing for the same
reason most cowhands do, I guess.

You know, shooting
snakes, coyotes, signaling.

But I don't know how to
use it for anything else.

Well, John, just because you've never
used a gun to shoot at a human being,

it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Well, that's not it.

I'm glad I never shot at anybody.
I never will, if I can help it.

But I don't even know
how to handle a gun.

Joe, will you learn me how?

Look, John, I...

There's no one else I can ask.

John, you just said that

you wouldn't shoot at a
human being if you could help it,

and now in the same breath,

you're asking Little Joe to
teach you how to do just that.

I appreciate what you're
saying, Mr. Cartwright, and why.

But that's not my meaning.

If I could just know,

inside myself, that I
didn't have to be afraid,

well then I wouldn't be.

It's either that or leave.

Johnny, what are you saying?
This is your home. Your girl is here.

I know that.



I have known you

since you were
just a little gaffer.

Your pa and me, we
were real good friends,

and because of that, I
feel a certain responsibility.

And I agree that you
should not be afraid.

You should know
how to handle yourself.

But I'm not sure that

learning how to handle a gun

is gonna give you the
answer you're looking for.

But Little Joe wouldn't have crawled
out of that place like I did today.

I wouldn't be so
sure of that, Johnny.

No, you can't be
too sure of that. Heh.

Not even a man who had
been in that situation many times

could be sure of that.

I appreciate what you're
trying to say, Mr. Cartwright,

but you and me both
know better than that.

Now, I've seen Joe shoot and
draw. He's real good with a gun.

Who learned you, Joe?

My pa and my brothers.

You know my pa died
when I was 10 years old.

Joe, you're the closest
thing I got to a brother.

All right, I'll...

I'll help you any
way you want me to.

Thank you, Little Joe.

You won't be
sorry, I promise that.

You see, Joe?

Hm? Yeah, try one more time.



Hey, wait, wait. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Let me see this thing.


I don't believe it. How long has
it been since you cleaned this?

Couple of months ago, I guess.

Oh, just a couple of months?

Look, put it away and don't
use it again until you clean it.

You got rust on
there from last winter.

That thing isn't good for
anything expect cracking walnuts.

Okay, Joe.

And these bullets,
when did you get these?

Oh, uh...

I imagine you got them the
same time you got the gun.

I'm surprised they fired at all.

Get rid of them
and get new ones.

You were serious when you said
you didn't know anything about guns.

- I sure was.
- Now, about shooting...

One of the first things
my pa ever said to me was:

"Make sure the first shot counts
because you may not get another one."

In other words, don't miss
or the other guy will kill you.

Look, I want you to stop thinking
of your gun in just those terms.

Pa was talking about
shooting animals, not men.

Something like a mountain
lion or a wounded bear.

You're right, Joe.
I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Now, it's important
to be relaxed.

After you've been practicing for a
while and you get used to the gun,

that's just gonna come natural
to you, so don't worry about it.

And take your time. In
the beginning, don't rush it.

Stay relaxed.

You see what I mean?

After we've
practiced for a while,

I'll show you how to
fire if you're in a hurry.

You don't always have to
bring the gun up to eye level.

You can shoot from the hip.


And don't jerk the trigger.

Squeeze it. Squeeze
it slow and easy.

Okay, let's get started.

Just relax.




Well, Joseph.

Oh, hi, Pa. How
are things in town?

Oh, about the same.
Pretty dull place.

Sure glad to see you
doing some chores around.

- Well, thank you.
- Heh-heh.

You didn't happen to see Olive
while you were in town, did you?

No, no, I understand
she's working nights now.

Huh. What about that character
that was hanging around her?

That, uh, Al Mooney?

Oh, he's, uh...
He's still around.

Still playing poker and still winning
most of the time, I understand too.

You know, Joe, I don't think
that he's planning to leave.

Well, it's a free country.

Hey, uh,

- how's your pupil getting along?
- All right.

I hope he's getting the idea

that learning how to
handle a gun with skill

also carries a certain
responsibility with it.

I think he understands.
There hasn't been a day

- I haven't mentioned it to him.
- Mm-hm.

- I know he understands it.
- Yeah.

I hope so.

I know you understand,

because I believe I had
something to do with convincing you.

You know, there's quite a
difference between hearing something

from someone your own age

or hearing that same
thing from, well, your father.

You're not saying I shouldn't have
helped Johnny learn how to use a gun?

Oh, no, no, of course not.
I'm glad you're teaching him.

He was pretty determined
to learn anyhow.

Well, I'd prefer that it be you
teaching him than someone...

Well, someone with a
different set of values.



Hey, now that's more like it.

You know, you learn
pretty fast, Johnny.

That's because I got
me a good teacher, Joe.

How about that fast draw? When
you gonna show me your secrets?

- There aren't any.
- Oh, come on, Joe.

No, look, I'm telling you the
truth. Drawing is just like shooting.

It's a matter of practice
and familiarity, and that's all.

Of course, good reflexes
help, but you got those.

Not as good as yours.

We got the same reflexes.
All I got is the practice.

- Show me one more time, Joe.
- All right.

JOHNNY: Ready? JOE: Ready.



I wanna do just the same as you do,
but you do it so fast, I don't even see it.

- How do you start, Joe?
- Slow.

Just start slow. Just
like you're shooting.

And, uh...

I want you to start
with these, just in case.

Blanks, but what for?

I'm the teacher. Just do
what I tell you, all right?

Don't try to be like
lightning the first time.

Take it slow, that's
the important thing.

Just get the move.
Get it smooth.

Face the target. I'll teach
you to turn around later.

- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.



You see why the blanks?



JOHNNY: How you been, Joe?

I was about to give you up. Heh.

Didn't think you'd
come back here at all.

Well, I had a bunch of chores
pile up on me before I knew it.

Been practicing without me?

- Couple of hours every day.
- Good. That's what I like to hear.

Graduated from those
blanks a long time ago.

You, uh, still
got all your toes?

Heh-heh-heh. Sure.

For some reason, I favor these
tin cans to them plain rocks.

- You start me off, huh, Joe?
- All right.

- You ready?
- Yep.


Well, I guess you've
been practicing without me.

- Heh-heh.
- Johnny, that's good.

That's as good
as I've ever seen.

- You mean it, Joe?
- You bet I mean it. Every word of it.

I'm gonna get back to my chores.
Boy, you don't need me anymore.

- Heh-heh-heh.
- Take care.

I'm awful grateful, Joe.

I don't rightly know
how to thank you.

Yeah, well, the best way to
thank me is to stay out of trouble.

And only use that
the way you promised.

Just in self-protection.

Those are exactly my
intentions, Joe. Believe me.

I do.

I, uh...

I suppose you'll be
going into Virginia City.

Suppose so. I'm not
afraid now, thanks to you.

Well, I just hope you...

Give my best to Olive, will you?

Proud to.





How you been, honey?
Good to see you.

Johnny. Johnny, please, I...


It's pretty stupid of you to
come back here, cowboy.

I didn't come in here to make
trouble, Mr. Mooney, truly I didn't.

I just come to see my girl.

You're a liar, and
she's not your girl.

Al, leave him alone.
Johnny, please go.

JOHNNY: Get me a beer, Sam.


JOHNNY: Mr. Mooney?

I'll overlook the
insult this time.

I expect you're upset
about something.

I don't wanna shoot anything,

so if you'll just pick up your
winnings and walk out that door,

I won't have to hurt you.

Cowboy, you leave me no choice.

I'm gonna have to
bury you right now.

Now, you've got a
choice, Mr. Mooney.

You can walk out that
door as I suggested.

- Because there's no need for us...
- All right. All right.

You can keep that mouth
of yours shut long enough

to get your hand on your gun.

That is, if you got the nerve.

After you.

After you...




I'd like to, uh, say something
to you before you go.

All right.

Now, you're blaming
yourself for that man's death.

Pa, who else am I gonna blame? I
taught Johnny how to use that gun.

Joe, you don't know
what happened, do you?

You don't know whether
it was self-defense...

If it wasn't self-defense,
then I shot and killed that man

just as if I pulled
the trigger myself.


Because you taught
him how to draw a gun?

Suppose you taught a
man how to ride a horse

and three weeks
later he fell off.

- Would that be your fault too?
- Pa, that's not the same thing.


He's liable to need some
help. Let's go after him.

Just what I was thinking.

Don't worry, Pa,
we'll take care of him.


So help me, Joe, he
really tried to avoid it.

He even called him "Mr. Mooney"
and said he didn't wanna hurt him.

You sure of that, Sam?

It was Mooney insisted
on a fight, and even then...

Even then, Johnny
wouldn't draw first.

You'd have been proud
of him, Joe. Especially you.

Yeah, why especially me?

You're the one taught him
all he knows, aren't you?

Yeah, I guess I am.


OLIVE: Who is it, please?
- Joe Cartwright.

I'm sorry to bother you,
Olive. I was looking for Johnny.

He's not here, Joe.

Are you expecting him at all?

What do you want him for?

I just wanted to talk to him.

Haven't you talked to him
enough, taught him enough?

He wouldn't have killed anyone
if you hadn't taught him how.

Now, will you please
leave him alone?

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Joe, I'm sorry.

Come in.

I hope Little Joe is not taking
his orneriness out on that little gal.

Oh, fine.

I must say, he looks a
whole lot more confident

than he did the
last time I saw him.

Come on.

Hello, Johnny.

Well, Adam, Hoss.
Mighty glad to see you.

- Say, is Little Joe with you?
- Not at the moment.

He's gonna be sorry he missed
you, John. Hey, uh, I'll buy you a beer.

Well, I was just
about to go over

to see Olive for a couple
minutes before she goes to work.

When have you ever heard Hoss
here offer to buy anybody a drink?


Thank you kindly.
I'd be proud to accept.

Come on.

I was in love with
Al Mooney once,

until I found out what
he was, and I ran away.

I'd heard he was in jail for a while
and I prayed they'd keep him there,

but he swore he'd
find me, and he did.

He figured if he couldn't have
you, no one else could either.

I knew if he came to Virginia
City someone would get killed.

Johnny, if he tried to see me.

I was hoping I could
stop it in some way.

But then Johnny did come to
see me and it's Al that's dead.

You still love Johnny,
don't you, Olive?

Why shouldn't I?

He's the only decent man
that ever talked marriage to me.

So he killed a rat like Al Mooney.
That's not gonna change him.

Yeah, I know that.

Though at first when I heard
about it, I wasn't so sure.

I was sorry I ever taught
him to use that gun.

Joe, you shouldn't feel that.

- He would've learned...
- I know.

He would've learned
from somebody else.

Also that he tried to avoid the
gunfight as long as he could.

That's true, Joe. He did.


- Yes? JOHNNY: Ollie, it's me.

Hi, honey.

Hi, Johnny.

How you been, Little Joe?

Adam, Hoss, won't you come in?

No, thank you, ma'am.

We just came by to pick up
Little Joe on the way home.


Johnny, uh, Joe came
here looking for you.

I'm glad you've come, Joe.

I was gonna ride out to see you.
I wanted to explain everything.

Thought maybe you might
have heard things wrong.

Yeah, well, I heard
everything right finally.

Olive told me what
happened, so did the bartender.

You didn't think I rode into town
and picked that fight deliberate,

did you, Joe?

To be honest, that's
exactly what I thought at first.

I'm glad I was wrong.

There was nothing
else I could do.

I had to see Ollie. That or...

Well, I ain't afraid anymore.
Thanks to you, Joe.

I understand.

- And listen, good luck to both
of you. OLIVE: Thanks, Joe.

Oh, thanks, Hoss, Adam.
Thanks for your hospitality.

- Pleasure, John.
- Ma'am.




I come to town just as soon
as I could get the time off.

Do you realize I never
knew how many friends I had?

And I mean good friends.

Wasn't a person I ran into didn't
have something nice to say to me.

- Oh, I'm so glad, Johnny.
- And listen,

you know my boss, Mr. Wilkins.

Well, he said it's all right if I put
up that cabin on that creek property.

That means we can get married.

As soon as I get
enough put away.

Johnny, I can save too.

No, honey, I don't like
you working in that saloon.

It won't be for long,
I promise you that.

And nobody's gonna
be bothering you.

Not now. I guarantee that.

- Why'd you two follow me?
- The mood you were in.

- Why don't you mind your business?
- You listen to me...

- No, you listen to me.
ROY: Howdy, boys.

Looking for Johnny
Chapman. You seen him?

ADAM: He's upstairs with Olive.
- Oh.

He's not in trouble over
the Mooney killing, is he?

Well, I wouldn't quite say
that. In fact, just the opposite.

Al Mooney that he killed
was wanted in Colorado.

It seems that him and
some others broke jail

and on the way out,
they killed a guard.

- So Mooney was a killer.
- That's right.

- Listen, let me go tell Johnny myself.
- All right, Joe.

And tell him that he's got $2,000
in reward money coming, will you?

Yeah, I'll tell him.

I've got to go to work, Johnny.

All right, you, uh,
change your clothes.

I'll meet you over at the
saloon. We'll have some supper.


Well, Little Joe.

- You forget something?
- No, I just have some news for you.

What about?

Al Mooney was
wanted for killing a guard

in a jailbreak, according
to Sheriff Coffee.

You mean, I did the
law a favor killing him?

By the way, there was also
a $2,000 reward on his head.

Two thousand dollars?

JOE: That's right.

You mean, I get
$2,000 for killing him?

Do you hear that, Olive?

Two thousand dollars.

Now I can start thinking
about my own ranch.

And we don't have
to wait to get married.

Heh. How about that, Little
Joe? Two thousand dollars.

That's more money in two seconds
than I've made in the last two years.

And just by pulling a trigger.


- Any mail, Pa?
- Yeah, some.

I also got some
news. Not too good.

Johnny Chapman has
quit his job and left town.

- Is that all?
- No.

He's asked the sheriff to deputize
him. Of course Roy wouldn't do it.

What would Johnny
want with a badge?

Figures it will help him
in his new line of work.

He's gonna be a bounty hunter.

Hi, Olive. Let me
give you a hand.

Oh, thanks, Joe.

Have you, uh...?

- Have you heard from Johnny lately?
- Yes, I'll show you the letter.

This is the last time
you heard from him, huh?

The only time.

That was a little more than
a week ago from Placerville.

Looks like he's keeping
real busy making money.

Yes, he said we wanted to
start our marriage off right

with a place of our
own and everything.

Oh, I know what everybody's
saying, that he's turned bounty hunter.

And I know what that means.

But it doesn't mean that
he's going to have to use

his gun all the time, does it?

No, not necessarily.

Johnny wouldn't shoot anyone
unless he absolutely had to.

We both know that.

The bounty, the reward
that's offered for wanted men,

it's not always
dead or alive, is it?

Well, the reward is always more
for a man who's wanted dead or alive.

If you're gonna hunt, I guess it
doesn't pay to hunt any other kind.

Johnny wouldn't. I
know he wouldn't.

Look, Olive, we
were wrong about him.

Sheriff Coffee just got
word from Placerville.

Johnny was out after
another wanted man.

The reward was $800,

and Johnny killed him.

MAN: "Local boy grows richer.

Word has reached us
from Stockton, California,

that Virginia City's
own Johnny Chapman

is on his way to becoming
our first famous bounty hunter.

Young John, according
to the Stockton Sun,

last week disposed of his
fifth, or is it his sixth, fugitive,

and collected a
tidy $1,500 for him.

While other frontier
towns of America

are busy producing
presidents and senators,

we can at least point with
pride to John Chapman,

dealer in death
and human misery."


JOE: Olive.

Olive, open it up.

Go ahead, open it.

Yeah, she's still alive. Stay
with her. I'll get the doctor.

I don't need any
more lectures, Joe.

You sure of that?

I'm sure.

The doctor says I'm very lucky.

If it hadn't been for you, the
poison might have worked.

Well, I'm glad I
got here in time.

What made you come?


I was worried about you.

That article in the
paper about Johnny.

He's not worth it, Olive.

I know that.

Well, then why?

The only decent man that
ever wanted to marry me

and he turns into a
killer like Al Mooney.

Olive, he's not worth dying for.

He's not worth
living for either.

You're just gonna have
to learn to live without him.

I hope I can.

Oh, sure you can.

You wait and see.

An awful lot of
things in this world

are worth living for
besides Johnny Chapman.


- How you been, Sam?
- Fine.

- The beer cold?
- Sure is.


Where's Olive?

I asked you a question,
Sam. Where's Olive?

Ask somebody else.

Like me for instance, Johnny.

All right, Roy.

Where is my girlfriend?

Son, she ain't
your friend no more.

Neither is anybody
else in this town.

So if I was you, I'd just ride
on out and never come back.

I suspect, Roy,
you're mighty envious

because I'm doing your job and
getting paid a whole lot more for it.

You shouldn't have
said that, you know that.

My job is to protect
the people of this town.

Not to go around killing
men at so much a head.

But you wouldn't
understand that, would you?

So go on, do like I tell you.

Not till I see Olive.

You got no law that can
make me leave till I do.

All right. She's out
at the Ponderosa.

The Ponderosa?

Little Joe?

My friend.

Ooh, I thank you kindly
for the information.

I surely do.


How you been, honey?

Wait a minute.

- Ain't you glad to see me?
- No, I'm not.

You're just another Al
Mooney. Now, let go of me.

Now, wait a minute.

I've been out trying to
make us some money.

What have you been doing?
Two-timing me with Joe Cartwright?

Now, where do
you want him killed?

Here, in town, or on the road?

JOE: "Thanks for taking such
good care of Olive for me. Johnny."

Miss Olive.

You're quite sure you wanna
leave town with him, huh?

Yes, I'm sure.
Thank you, sheriff.

You truly do have a
suspicious nature, Roy.

Olive, honey, we got a couple
of hours before the stage leaves.

Why don't we go to the
saloon, have a beer or two?

- Roy?
- So long as you're on that stage.

Johnny, you promised.

Oh. I just changed my mind.

- Sam, can't you stop them?
- Nobody can, Olive. Not anymore.

You'd just get in the way.

Stage left yet?


How you been, Little Joe?

Where's Olive?

Well, now, you're just
in time to say goodbye.

We're gonna be
leaving in a little bit.

Not until after I talk to Olive.

Joe, she's in love with me.

I think you better just
stay away from her.

She's in love with what
you used to be, John,

not what you are now.

JOHNNY: Where you going?

I told you before, I'm
gonna talk to Olive.

Joe, don't you go doing
anything you're gonna be sorry for.

It's too late.

There's too many things I'm sorry
for already where you're concerned.

Mainly what I wasn't
able to teach you.

Oh. You taught me
all I needed to know.

No, I taught you a skill, that's all.
You taught yourself to be a paid killer.

Well, why don't we just stop talking
and, uh, you go for your gun, huh?

Well, go for it.

Seem to remember somebody
saying that to you once.

And he's dead now, Johnny.

The same as you're gonna
be when you meet a faster gun.

You want to try me, Joe?

What's your excuse gonna be?
There's no bounty on my head.

Tell me something. How many
of those men that you killed

could you have brought in alive?

You're afraid of
me, Little Joe. Heh.


No, I'm sorry for you.

Real, real sorry.

Don't you turn away
from me, Cartwright.


Thanks for not
killing him, Little Joe.

I didn't have to.

He did that to himself
a long time ago.

They all watched it happen.

All my friends.


Now I'm nothing.


I'm going to take that stage
when it comes in, Johnny.

You can too.

Maybe together we can
put the pieces back again.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is an outstanding, family-friendly series, perfect for solitary viewing and shared enjoyment with loved ones. The Invention of a Gunfighter marks the 169th episode out of 430. Produced by NBC, Bonanza graced their network from September 1959 to January 1973, crafting an impressive legacy spanning 14 seasons.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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