Little Man… Ten Feet Tall Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #34
Written by Eric Norden and Frank Arno, Little Man-Ten Feet Tall explores the relationship between Ponderosa ranch hand Nick Biancci (portrayed by Ross Martin) and his impressionable son Mario (played by Michael Davis). Initially set on following his father’s dream of becoming a concert guitarist, Mario changes his heart when he witnesses Nick being bullied by his colleagues on the ranch. Disenchanted, Mario turns to Hoss Cartwright as a new role model.
Denver Pyle assumes the role of the Sheriff, joined by James Anderson, Lane Bradford, and Bern Hoffman in supporting roles. Originally broadcast on May 26, 1963, “Little Man-Ten Feet Tall” serves as the final episode of Bonanza’s fourth season.
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Watch the Full Episode Little Man… Ten Feet Tall
Watch the Full Episode of Little Man… Ten Feet Tall:
Main Cast
Little Man… Ten Feet Tall, the thirty-fourth episode of Bonanza’s fourth season, showcases several of the show’s recurring and supporting actors. The cast of this episode comprises the following individuals:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Ross Martin as Nick Biancci
- Michael Davis as Mario Biancci
- Denver Pyle as Sheriff Ed
- Lane Bradford as Todd
- James Anderson as Al
- Bern Hoffman as Bernie the Bartender
- Fred Aldrich as Barfly (uncredited)
- John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
- John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
- Ethan Laidlaw as Townsman (uncredited)
- Forbes Murray as Party Guest (uncredited)
- Clark Ross as Party Guest (uncredited)
- Ray Spiker as Barfly (uncredited)
- Sailor Vincent as Barfly (uncredited)
- Kathryn Wilsonas Party Guest (uncredited)
Full Story Line for Little Man… Ten Feet Tall
Nick Biancci and his son arrive in town, hopeful of discovering a new life in a foreign land after departing Italy. Scarred by the violence of his past in Napoli, Nick has sworn off any form of conflict. He labors at various odd jobs, diligently saving money to support his son’s pursuit of a career as a classical guitarist. Recognizing Nick’s skills, Ben offers him a job as a cook at the Ponderosa.
Tragically, two men catch wind of Nick’s savings and resort to violence to extract the information from him.
As they also threaten harm to his son, Nick faces a harrowing dilemma, forced to take drastic action to safeguard both his son and their dreams for the future.
Full Script and Dialogue of Little Man… Ten Feet Tall
- Hi, Bernie. - Hey, Hoss. - How about a big cool one. - Right. - Jeb, hi. - Hoss. Well, where you been? Been waiting for you for an hour. Uh, old Jake lost the stirrups for that new saddle. It took us all this time to find it in all that junk he's got over there. That your pa's birthday saddle? Yeah. You coming to the surprise party? - Yeah. - Yeah, I already invited him, but if you keep yapping about it all over town, it isn't going to be a surprise. Oh, Adam, I... I ain't told but 20 or 30 people. All right, Mario, you wait here, huh? First I gonna find a job, and then we go look for a room. Papa? Maybe I can play the guitar. Oh, no. No, no, no. Some day you gonna play the guitar in a great concert hall. Until that time, I'm gonna make the living for us both with my hands, huh? Papa, can I go in with you? All right, we go together, like always, huh? Come on. Uh, excuse me, man. If there is some work I can do for you, huh? I work very hard. Very strong. Lift bar, clean glasses, chop wood. Sorry, mister. We got all the help we need right now. Oh, please. I do anything, huh? I got nothing, mister. Grazie. Can you use a guitar player? Mario. You play the guitar? No. It is my son, Mario, who plays. This is a saloon, mister, not a music school. School? Oh, no, signore. My Mario... he's very good. His play like an angel. Then take him to a church. Go on, get him out of here. Ah, come on, Bernie, don't be so hard-hearted. Let the little boy play. Yeah, maybe it'll liven the place up a little. Well, if you fellas want to hear him. Okay, kid. Papa? What's your name, mister? Biancci. Nick Biancci. Mario. Hey, fellas, Mario Biancci's gonna play a little guitar for us. I ain't never heard no guitar like that. Neither have I. Hey? Can't you play something us Injuns can savvy? Yeah, or... or crow like a rooster. Least-wise, we can understand that. Sounds worse than an ungreased wheel. All right, lay off the kid, will you? Maybe we don't like the way he's playing. That is because you do not understand. My son is very good. Some day, he will be a great artist. Not if he keeps on making that racket, he won't. Papa? What about us, mister? Don't you want something from us? You do not appreciate good music. Sure, we do. Sure, we do. Right, Al? Yeah. Papa? Here's your money, Mario. Come. Please, signore, I want no trouble. Take it from him, Papa! Signore, please? Come on. Get it That'll be about enough, Tod. Butt out, Hoss. I said that was about enough. We're just trying to have a little fun, Hoss. You know that. Fine. Now give him back his guitar. Sure, Hoss, sure. Either one of you fellas want any more? No, that's enough. How much do you think it's worth, Mr. Biancci? I don't know. It's, uh... very old. Hundred dollars take care of it? It's settled. It's a hundred dollars. Hoss? A hundred dollars, Hoss? That'll clean us out. You could use a little cleaning out. You heard him. All of it. Is that it? That's it. All right, now that you've paid your fine, let's spend a night in jail and sober up. That's both of you! Won't you sit down, Mr. Biancci? No, no, no, we-we go. No, please, sit down a minute. I'd like to talk to you. You all right, little feller? I'm Adam Cartwright. This is my brother Hoss. How are you, sir? There you are, Mr. Biancci. Buy that young boy a new guitar. In this wild country, nobody cares about the musica. Only to fight, to fight. Oh, I don't know, Mr. Biancci. My brother Adam there, he cares a great deal for music. You play? No, no, I play at it. What I wanted to tell you was this: your son is welcome to my guitar until you can get him another one. Oh, no, we couldn't do that. No, no, no, please, listen to me. As a matter of fact, I have a great idea. Tomorrow, we're having a party. Birthday party. And I think we could use some fine entertainment. Hey, Adam, that is a great idea. What about it, Mr. Biancci, Mario? Come on, Mario. I'll even teach you how we bust broncs. These are nice people, Mario. All right, Papa. Then that settles it. We'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon. Meantime, you take that money and get yourself a hotel room. Grazie, grazie. We better get going on the rest of those birthday presents. You're right. Well, Mr. Biancci, Mario, so long. Grazie. Mario, I enjoyed your music very much. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at the party. - Thank you. - See you, little buddy. Well, another dull day. Dad-burn it, there ain't nothing like kitchen chores to take your appetite away. Take away your what? I can see this day isn't gonna amount to much, though. Today's the, uh, 23rd, isn't it? No, no, Pa, I think it's the 22nd, huh? It's the 23rd. I know because it's a very special day. Oh? Yep. Today ends all those kitchen chores. Hop Sing is due back in from San Francisco on the noon stage. Yeah, that's right. For some reason or other, I seem to think there's something special about this day, the 23rd, the 23rd. Hey, Pa, you're absolutely right. You know, I almost forgot about it. I promised Dave Stewart I'd take you over there to talk about building that new dam. Well, can't you take care of that yourself? No, there's only one Ben Cartwright. Besides, they want to talk to you, not me. I'm gonna go saddle up the horses. Well, I got a busy day in town. Say hello to Dave and Mark for me, will you? - Don't you forget Hop Sing, you hear? - Yeah. Ah! Well, Pa, if you'll excuse me, I got some dishes to wash. Happy Birthday, Ben. Hey! Where's Hop Sing? He couldn't make it. Sent us a telegraph, said his sister was too sick to leave her alone. Oh, man, we're in trouble. We got all those folks invited to the party for dinner... They're going to be hungry. Yeah, I know. I was telling Nick, here, about our problem, and he said he's a pretty good cook, and volunteered to help us out. Yeah? Hey, that's great, Mr. Biancci. Thanks! Oh, no, no, thank you. Thank you for your kindness. Hello, Mr. Hoss. Hi, little buddy. Good to see you again. How are you? Well, gentlemen, shall we get to work? - Yeah. - Ah, sì. Oh, I... I did not have the chance to tell you, but we are very grateful for the help you give us yesterday. Aw. I just hope you're as good a cook as that boy is a guitar player. Grazie. Hey. What is that smells so good? Spaghetti. - Spaghetti? - Sì. This? What's... what's it taste like? You never taste spaghetti? I'm gonna give you a taste right now. Here. - Taste. - Yeah? Ah... Take less, and turn the fork. - Huh? - Take... Turn the fork. Oh, yeah. Good idea. Spin him up on there, huh? There you go. Looks kinda funny, don't it? Hey. It tastes sorta good, though. Joseph, I think we'd better bed the horses down. Yeah, wait-wait a minute, Pa. I'll take the horses and bed 'em down. You had a hard day... go in the house, take it easy. Watch this. Happy birthday! Happy birthday, Ben! How does it feel, Ben? Well, don't tell me you've stopped counting. You don't know my pa very well. He stopped counting years ago. When he was 40. Yeah, that's high enough. I thought my own sons had forgotten how to count this morning. It's beautiful... it's beautiful. Are you, you trying to make a dandy out of your father? - Thank you, Adam. - Hey, Pa, look at this. This here is from Little Joe. I don't know what to say, I... All these fine gifts. My thanks to you. There is one thing I want to thank you for more than for these... beautiful presents. Your friendship. I, I guess I must be the luckiest man around these parts. Well, I don't know how you did it, but, doggone, you sure took me by surprise. All right, everybody take a seat, make yourselves comfortable, got a little surprise. And now, ladies and gentlemen, Master Mario Biancci will entertain us on the classical guitar. Ladies and gentlemen, with your permission... They got 'em a real party going on, Tod. Is he in there? Yeah, wearing an apron just like a hired hand. He is, huh? Come on, I've got an idea. Well, little man, you didn't expect to see us again, huh? Now, you listen to me, little man, you've got almost a hundred dollars of ours. We want it back now. Will you hurry up before one of them Cartwrights come in here? But I don't have no money. Don't hand us that. Hoss gave you the money; now hand it over. I-I gave it to Mr. Cartwright to put in his safe. You're lying. Tod, the kid's coming. Let him come in. Papa... Papa, what's wrong? No-Nothing, nothing, Mario. Y-You don't have to worry. Oh, doesn't he? I understand you're rather fond of this kid... The way he plays that music. How would you feel if he never played again? Oh, no. Oh, no, please, please. You can't do that. Where's the money? It's in the safe, I swear. I swear. We'll be back. Now, you listen. You have that money in your pocket, you understand? Sì. You say one word to the Cartwrights or the sheriff about us being here, and so help me, that kid of yours won't be the only one that gets hurt. Let's go, Al. Papa, what those men say... Would they do that? I cannot give them that money. It is for your music. Mario, don't worry now, Mario, huh? We will be gone before they come back. You mean we will run, Papa? Sì. Then, you are afraid, Papa? Sì, sicura for you. I am tired of violenza to those that I love. Have you forgotten why we left Napoli, why we came to this country? No, Papa, I have not forgotten. Good. Never forget, huh? Never forget. Young fella, you make sure you read the fine print. Don't worry, Pa, whatever I miss, the Stewarts will catch. Remember this, little brother, the contract's first and the women second. Big brother, I'm gonna be so involved with that small print, I just won't have time for women. Oh, yeah. Get along with you. - So long, Pa. - Take it easy, Joe. Well, I think I'll try some of that good coffee. Hey, Pa, you reckon you could talk him into sticking around till, till Hop Sing gets back? You really like his cooking, huh? I sure do. All right. - I'll talk to him. - Yes. Hoss. Are you going to train the horses now? Yeah, I sure am. Can I help you? Well, I thought you was supposed to be practicing that guitar. Oh, I can do that later. Can I ride the horse now? Yeah, I reckon so. Is it hard? No, up you go. There you go. Hold on. I have never enjoyed music the way I did last night. That son of yours is a remarkable musician for a boy his age. No, I mean that. - He's remarkable, just lovely. - Grazie, grazie. He's going to be even better after he takes lessons in a great music school in New York. Oh, are you going to take him to New York? - Sì. - Ah. That's a pretty far distance away, isn't it? Hmm... Nick, aren't there any good teachers closer by here, like, uh, San Francisco? Sì, but I think we go to New York. I have had my taste of the West. This is not the life I wish for my son. Violenza. Hmm? Fight, fight all the time, violenza. I make a mistake to come here. Nick, out here we learn to live with violence. Yeah, but the West is no place for a man to raise a son like Mario. That's why I go to New York as soon as I can earn the fare. Hmm. Just had an idea. Nick, suppose you stay here... Just until Hop Sing comes back... - And do the cooking around here. - Oh, signore. Oh, no, no, Hoss loves your cooking, we all do. - Sì...-No, look, you'll be doing us a great favor and you'll be earning some money to get you on your way to New York. Huh, huh? Grazie. I know Mario will like it here. He's very happy. He can help me with my work in the kitchen, huh? Fine. You know, I just think we've made a good bargain. Soon as I lasso us one of them old ponies out there, we'll have us a ride. Did you ever get thrown off? Sure, I have, especially training them ol' wild'uns. I'll learn to train a horse, too. It's gonna take a heap of learning. I'll learn to be strong and not afraid, just like you. Like me, huh? That's gonna take a whole bunch of eating and growing, young feller. I'd like to stay here and work for you and your father. You would, huh? I don't know about that. You talk to your pa? I haven't asked him yet. I think, if I was you, I'd talk to him first. I'll carry that for you. All right. Which one is yours? Whichever one I can catch first. You're doing a real fine job, Mario. I'm real proud of you. How you like ranch work? There's a lot to be done. Yep. Now, get your lug, put it on there. Mario, the dishes. You have not finished them. Papa, I can finish them later. You will finish them now. But Hoss will be waiting for me. We have work to do. Your work is with me, here in the kitchen. But I'm working for Hoss; you ask him. Mario... Papa, please. Mario! If your old man ain't something. That papa of yours can sure cook. Yeah, but he can't chop wood, train horses, fix fences and wagon like you can, Hoss. Yeah, well, I reckon that's not his line of work. I like this kind of work. My papa wants me to be a musician. What's your mama say about it? She's dead. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I reckon me and you got quite a bit in common. I lost my mama, too, when I was just a little fella. We have a lot in common, yes? We both feel the same, think the same. Yeah, we sure do. We're like partners. Yeah, I reckon we are, at that. Yeah. Oh, eat up. We got a lot of work to do yet, partner. Now, Mario, you must understand that we are not guests in the Cartwrights' house. We work here, and you are not a bambino. You must help. I do. I work for Hoss. This is not work. You are only in his way. He says nothing to you because he's a nice man, that's all. That's not true. I'm his partner; he said I was. Do not answer me back. We will do what we must do. Now, drink your milk and finish your work around the kitchen. Papa, I have the right to be what I want to be. You learned to talk to me like this here, huh? We pack our things; we leave right away. Why? Because you're afraid of the men who talked to you at the birthday party? What? It's for you that you're afraid, isn't it? Mario... No, I'm going to be like Hoss is. Not a weakling like you, washing dishes, bowing and begging for jobs and money. Mario. ♪♪ You did that quite well for a man who hates violence. I'm sorry, Signore Cartwright. I lose control. I hate violence. I hate violence because I was born into it. The vendetta in Italy. My family lived it, I lived it, my wife died in it. The vendetta! The vendetta. I have sworn an oath to never to lift my hand again against another human being. Ever since my Leonora's death, I do not fight. I have fled from it, from Italy to America, around the cape to San Francisco, and now to New York. I must go to New York to find a place of quiet and peace. Peace. For my son's sake. You have sons. You must understand. Yeah. Yes, I understand, Nick. Then you understand, too, I must take him away from here before I lose him. Of course you must. You see... my son has the genius. And nothing must interfere with that. Nothing. But I work for you. That makes you my boss. Well now, that's... that's partially true, Mario, but sometimes a man, a working man, discovers that he's got more than one boss. When he does, then he's got to decide which one of them he's gonna obey. Now, your pa is also your boss man. But I want to be a man like you. I want to make my own decisions. All right, I'll tell you how you can be a man. You go and apologize to your pa. You tell him you're sorry. You think on that, little buddy. ♪♪ Hey, Pa! Pa, come here! Nick! How did it happen? I don't know, Pa. Reckon he must have tried to ride that old mare, and she bucked him off or something. Let's get him into the house. No, don't touch him. I wouldn't worry too much, Mr. Biancci. Just a few bruises, they... They'll heal. They'll heal? So, you get used to it, hey? Like you get used to the violence, to the fist, to the gun? Is that what you have been teaching my son, signore? Mario? Mario? Please do not pretend to be asleep. We must discuss this stupid thing you have done. You might have broken your arm, smashed your hand, and then what happens to your music, huh? That's all that's important to you, Papa, isn't it? The music. You are important to me. Your life and for you, the music is your life. No. It's important for you, Papa, not me. Your genius is not important to you? You are blessed enough to receive it. You must use it. Practice, take lessons... No. I want to stay here and be like Hoss. Oh, you are just a little boy. You do not know what you want. We will do as I say. When you are well enough, we will leave here, and we will go to New York as we have planned. I will not let you waste what is in your soul. Found him down by the creek. Eyes are a little runny, got a little fever. I thought I'd sulfur and turpentine him a little bit. He sounds pretty good. He'll be all right. How's-how's Mario? Fine. I tried talking with Nick this morning. And he was pretty sore, like-like he blamed me for everything that happened. Oh, I don't think he means to. We fathers can be kind of ornery sometimes. I think Nick is afraid he's losing his son to something he doesn't like. What's that? You. Me? Well, not so much you, what you stand for. Pa, I don't understand. You see, Hoss, Mario kind of idolizes you. You're everything he thinks a father should be. Doggone, Pa, I ain't... I ain't done nothing on purpose to make him feel that way. Well, of course you haven't. Nick asked me to give him his money. He wants to leave just as soon as Mario's well enough. Yeah... Yeah, I reckon that... that would be best. Adam and I are going into town. Anything you need? No, thank you, Pa. ♪♪ That ought to do it, little feller. I thought you was supposed to be in bed. I'm not sick. I just got a bump on my head. You're not a doctor, neither. Are you angry at me? Is it because I tried to rope the horse? I'm sorry, Hoss. Just being sorry ain't enough, Mario. You did something you were told not to do. Now that don't set well with me. But you don't understand, Hoss. No, Mario, it's you that don't understand. Now, on the ranch, till you learn how to handle yourself, you don't do nothing, except what you're told to do. Now you went on your own, and did something that was very foolish. That's what my papa said. Well, your pa's right. Your pa's right about a lot of things, too. Like going back to New York, and studying your music. No, I want to be a rancher, like you. I won't disobey again, Hoss. I promise. Oh, yeah? Already you want to disobey your pa. Now what makes you think it's gonna be so different with me? Give me another chance, Hoss. Please. All right. All right. I'll give you a chance. Come on over here and help me. You pump them bellows when I get this fire started here. - What are you gonna do? - Don't ask so dang many questions. - Just do what I tell you. - Yes, Hoss. What's that for? It's a branding iron. As long as I've got that calf here, might as well put our mark on him. With that? Sure. What else? Won't it hurt? Look, Mario... ranchin' is... more than just training wild horse, or even greasing a wagon wheel. It's... shootin' a horse when he busts a leg, or riding fence when the weather's so cold you might even lose a couple of toes, or fingers. And it's brandin' calves... with red-hot irons. Now when I hold that calf down over there you bring this iron and you... stick it right down on his hip, real firm. I don't want to mess this up so we'll have to do it again. And don't mind the smell. Come on, it's hot enough. Well, come on. Mario. What you waitin' on? Come on over here and stick it on him. Come on. Mario... you know, we brand hundreds of calves every year. You gonna have enough tears to last through 'em all? Mario... it's all my fault. I... I been showin' you just the fun side of ranchin'. Your papa's right. If you're cut out to be a rancher then... a rancher's what you ought to be. But if you're cut out to be a musician... then that's what you gotta be. Where do you think you're going, little man? I go to look for my son. Do you always pack a bag when you go looking for him? Now where's the money? I do not have it to give it to you. Now, look, Hoss is the only one that can help you, and he doesn't seem to be around. Where's the money? Where's the money? Search him. If I had not sworn an oath... Now you, you run in the house and... tell your papa you done changed your mind. All right? Papa! - Papa. - No, Mario. - Papa. - Grab the kid. Remember what I told you the other night about the kid? Leave him alone! Hoss! Hoss. Hoss. Hoss, my papa, they will hurt him. I thought you told me your pa was a coward. Hoss, they'll hurt him, beat him. Looks to me like he's doin' all right, little feller. Of course the odds are a little bit out of favor, ain't they? Okay, hold it. That's about enough. No, no, no. I have some more fight... Papa. Come on, Al, put the gun away. You're not gonna shoot a man for a few dollars. What kind of a man is he? Does he worship money? It's not just the money, Tod, but I don't reckon you'd understand that. Now if you two fellers want some more action, I'll be more than happy to oblige you. Let me get him in the house. He'll be all right. Mr. Biancci, what'd you do with that money? You know, with you two Bianccis around here, we need a doctor living right here on the premises all the time. Hoss... thank you. Aw... don't take nothin' to look after these bruises. What with growin' up with a little brother like Joe, I've had plenty of practice. No, no, no, I mean... thank you for not interfering. For letting me do it... alone. Aw, Nick, you... every man's gotta fight his own battle, in his own way. And I think Mario understands that now, too. I hope so. Thank you, little... partner. Papa, how do you feel? Oh, I'm fine, Mario. Just fine. I'm sorry, Papa. Oh, no, Mario. It is I who should be sorry. I expect you to understand too much. I push you too hard. I forget you still... just a boy. Papa, we will go to New York and I will study my music. You sure that's what you want? Yes, Papa, and how I will study. - Papa? - Hmm? Where is the money? Yeah, Nick, I know you had it. Look in my shoe. In your shoe? Sì, take it off. Those stupid men. Instead of to fight me, they should've tried to tickle my foot. No, Mario, no! No, no, please. No, Mario... Well, what's going on here? Oh, hi, Pa. Oh, we had a little run-in with Al and Tod. Nick here took care of 'em in good fashion. He sure did. Nick, are you all right? Oh, sure, sure, Mr. Cartwright. I'm fine. Mario here has changed his mind about ranchin', too, Pa. Oh? Well, the New York Music Academy's going to get a star pupil, huh? Yes, sir, Mr. Adam. Yes, sir. Yeah, but until he does, you could, uh, starve to death. I better go fix some supper, eh? Oh, come on, Nick. Are you sure you're up to it? Oh, sure, Mr. Cartwright. I'm fine. Now I'm fine. I'll help you, Papa. Come on. Well, that's kinda nice to see them like that again, huh? Now, how did you manage it? Well, I just pretended I was you... teachin' one of us a lesson. And so help me, Pa, I can't figure out how you've made us think it was so rough all these years.
Behind the Scenes of Little Man… Ten Feet Tall
As Mario boldly enters the corral with a lariat rope, he neglects to close the gate behind him, leaving it swinging open as he approaches the horses. However, mere seconds later, when Hoss investigates the commotion caused by the agitated horses, the gate is mysteriously found latched closed.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza offers delightful and wholesome entertainment suitable for solo viewing or family enjoyment. Little Man… Ten Feet Tall is the 134th episode out of 430 in the series. NBC produced Bonanza and ran on its network from September 1959 to January 1973. The whole series lasted 14 seasons.
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