The Julia Bulette Story Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #01, Episode #06
Bonanza is NBC’s longest-running Western television series that aired from September 12, 1959, to January 16, 1973. The show follows the adventures of the Cartwrights, who live near Virginia City, Nevada, bordering Lake Tahoe.
Written by Al C. Ward, The Julia Bulette Story, Bonanza’s sixth episode, first aired on October 17, 1959. Film noir icon Jane Greer acts as the guest character Julia Bulette, who owns a saloon in Virginia City. Despite Julia’s checkered past, Little Joe Cartwright falls for her charm and appeal. Disregarding the warnings of his father and brothers, Joe continues to admire the much older woman.
The sixth episode of Bonanza’s first season reveals background details concerning Marie Cartwright, influenced by the real story of a Virginia City madam. Moreover, it was also the very first episode to showcase Michael Landon.
Read its plot, including some fascinating trivia, or view the full episode below.
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Watch the full episode of The Julia Bulette Story:
Main Cast
Aside from the main cast, The Julia Bulette Story, Bonanza’s sixth episode featured a few of the show’s recurring and one-time supporting cast members.
The following people appear in the episode:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Jane Greer as Julia Bulette
- Alexander Scourby as Jean Millain
- Roy Engel as Dr. Paul Martin
- Robert Stevenson as George Romley (as Robert J. Stevenson)
- Kay E. Kuter as Mr. Finch (as Kay Kuter)
- Victor Sen Yung as Hop Sing
- Robert B. Williams as Tom
- Mary Munday as Gladys
- Kem Dibbs as Sheriff Brad Olins (as Ken Dibbs)
- Rush Williams as Pete
- Arthur Berkeley as Townsman (uncredited)
- Nick Borgani as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bill Borzage as Townsman (uncredited)
- Paul Bradley as Townsman (uncredited)
- Michael Cirillo as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bill Clark as Townsman (uncredited)
- Fred Coby as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jaye Durkus as Townsman (uncredited)
- Duke Fishman as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bob Folkerson as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chuck Hamilton as Townsman (uncredited)
- Ethan Laidlaw as Bartender (uncredited)
- Billy McCoy as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jack Perry as Townsman (uncredited)
- ‘Snub’ Pollard as Townsman (uncredited)
- Victor Romito as Townsman (uncredited)
- Mark Russell as Townsman (uncredited)
- Harry Seymour as Piano Player (uncredited)
- Tom Smith as Townsman (uncredited)
- George Sowards as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jack Tornek as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chalky Williams as Townsman (uncredited)
- Sally Yarnell as Sally (uncredited)
- John Zimeas as Townsman (uncredited)
Full Story Line of The Julia Bulette Story
Joe falls for Julia Bulette, the upscale saloon Julia’s Palace owner.
Ben objects to the relationship, claiming that Joe is projecting his feelings for his late mother onto Julia, who reminds him of her.
Joe continues to see Julia despite the opposition from his brothers, the town, and ex-lover Jean Millian.
When a fever outbreak strikes Virginia City, Julia and the Cartwrights are among the few who work to help the sick. Julia allows the utilization of her saloon as an infirmary, with gambling tables serving as beds for patients. The sick are cared for by the Cartwrights, Julia, and the doctor. Miners who want to help their town survive join them as well. Julia earns Ben’s respect, stating she’d be welcome at the Ponderosa if that’s what Joe wants.
Julia decides to show that she is no good for Joe by organizing a celebration after the outbreak to reveal her true nature to Joe. She ignores Joe and flirts with other men at the event.
Jean Millian appears and challenges Joe to a shooting match. Joe shoots him in the arm with a much faster draw. However, Joe is perplexed when Julia fawns over Millian. She tells Joe that “the door works both ways, and you should use it.”
Joe departs, realizing Julia does not want him to stay. Meanwhile, Julia also tells Millian that she will never see him again.
Adam and Hoss run into Joe in another bar and invite him to join them. The town council wants to thank Ben for his assistance in defeating the fever. Joe interrupts the meeting to state that Julia should be honored as well. The entire group then proceeds to Julia’s Palace.
Joe delivers a brief speech honoring her before proposing in front of everyone. Stunned, Julia walks away without responding to Joe’s proposal. The Cartwrights went back home.
The new sheriff comes to the Ponderosa to inform the Cartwrights about their search for Millian, who robbed and stabbed Julia before fleeing. Julia requested to see Ben and Joe, who rode back to town. She then informs Ben that she is returning his son. Julia tries to appear tough in front of Joe so he won’t miss her when she’s gone.
Joe looks up to see Julia’s room lights go out as the Cartwrights mount their horses to leave. Ben and Joe exchange sad glances as they scale their horses and ride away.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Julia Bulette Story
Hyah! Hyah! Hey! Hey, what'd they feed you up there in San Francisco, anyhow, Little Joe? Two months, and you're as skinny as ever. Uh, a little uglier maybe, huh? And a little bit smarter. I got five dollars more a head this year than you did last year. Hey, you hear that, Adam? Now I think that calls for a celebration. Yeah, you know, I think it's time Little Joe took a look inside Julia's Palace, huh? Adam, I said a little celebration. Well, it was a fair fight. Least as fair as it could be with John Millain. He's not hurt too bad. Come on, let's get him over to Doc Martin's. Every day you're more like a mad dog. Now, you will not provoke any more violence in my place. Do you understand that? It is amazing to me, my dear Julia, how such tender sentiments can come from trash like you. Well, um, welcome to Julia's Palace, Mister, um... Cartwright. Joe Cartwright. Oh. One of the Cartwrights from the Ponderosa? Yes, ma'am. It's a-a real nice place you've got here. I'm sorry I messed it up. Oh, don't be sorry. After all, you were defending my honor. I've never been here before. Oh, you must come back some time. I'd like that. As my guest. I'm Julia Bulette. I'd, uh... I'd like to repay you. With, uh, dinner here at my place. Tomorrow night? Yes, ma'am. Better get the brandy, Tom. Ah. We are of the same kind, you and I, Julie. Where men are concerned, we are the messengers of destruction. You do it through the heart. I do it with a gun. Does it matter to you which way it happens to this young man, hmm? Pa, do you think Julia Bulette might have known my mother? No, I... I don't think that's very likely. Yeah. Why not? They both lived in New Orleans. Yeah, they might just as well have lived on opposite sides of the world. What do you mean? Oh, what I've been trying to say is that... the only thing that Julia Bulette has in common with your mother... The fact that she's a woman. Ah, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Yes, she's a very beautiful woman. Well, come on, Pa. You better hurry up if you want to get to that town meeting on time. Come on. This is a meeting that'll be attended by Virginia City's leading citizens. Now, uh, sure you don't want to come along? Oh, no, thanks, Pa. I, uh... I got some other plans. Whoa! May I? Miss Bulette. Why so formal, Ben? It used to be Julia. Get up! I'm sorry. Julia. Shall we go in? Well, I... Oh, yes, I've been asked. My invitation said it was supposed to be a meeting of the leading citizens of Virginia City. What did yours say? Well, uh, mine said the same. Shall we proceed? Can you get the door? Well, looks like everybody's here that's gonna show up, so we might as well get things underway. And I guess we all know why we're here, too. Under the ground of Virginia City lies the greatest bonanza of silver known to man. Most of what's on top, though, is nothing more than trash. The first thing to do is among ourselves, by bringing in effective law and order. Well, starting with effective law and order, we'll have to raise a permanent city fund to interest the kind of men that we want. Ben, can we expect help from the ranchers? Well, the ranchers want law and order in town just as much as everybody else. Of course, we'll do all we can, but, uh... I don't think that'll be... that'll be enough. Yes, I realize that. Uh, as a matter of fact, that brings me to, uh... That brings you to why I was invited here? The, uh, kind of money you'll need will have to come from the people who mostly make up this town... The men who work in the mines. They will listen to Julia Bulette. So, gentlemen, I'll take care of raising the money, and, uh, the moralizing I'll leave to you. Oh, I know you'd love for me to stay, but... I do have a saloon to run. As well as an appointment to keep. Friends, there's a rumor around that we have a very wicked town here in Virginia City. So, while the bluenoses sit up on the hill and cry about it, I think we down here on C Street can do something about it. Here. Here. Now, the first thing Virginia City will need will be a little money in its pocket. I'm going to make the first donation. Tom, get me a bottle of brandy. Mm-hmm. A bottle of brandy. Now how much are you willing to give for this fine old Virginia City brandy? One hundred dollars. One hundred dollars? This is Julia's Palace, not another saloon. Now, come on, let me hear a respectable bid. All right. $200. Better. $250. $300. $500. Sold to Julia Bulette, $500. Now I'm giving it right back to Virginia City. Who's next? $200. $250. $300. Oh, come on now. $350. $500. $500. Sold to Little Joe Cartwright of Ponderosa. And I give it back to Virginia City, too. All right, that starts the open bidding over again. Gladys, come on up here. Make 'em pay till it hurts. Come on, Little Joe. Okay, fellas. What am I bid? Sally, we're gonna need something to keep all this money in. Oh, that's gonna be fine. Thanks. Let's see now. Hmm. One, two, three, four, five. I-I don't carry that kind of money on me. Could I give you a note for it? Oh... no. You saved my honor, I'll save yours. Now we're even. Oh, your daddy forgot to give you your allowance, huh? Look, Millain, just 'cause you shot up a few miners, that makes you the most feared man in town, but I'm not shaking even a little bit, so don't get in my way. You don't think I can make you shake like the others, huh? I think you only stay alive 'cause no grave will have you. I think you'd better go. You were going outside, my friend? Fine. No, he's-he's going with me. Monsieur? Would you rather spend a few minutes with him, or an evening with me? Some other time. That is a promise... from me. Make yourself comfortable. I'll fix us a brandy. No, thanks. Oh, you drink so little, gamble even less. You know, it's a good thing the finer side of a man burns out in his youth, or I'd be out of business. I hope you stay in business a long time. I'd hate to see you leave here. There are not many around here who would agree with you. Well, they snub you on Sunday, and come to your place on Monday. The world's better off without that kind of hypocrite. Don't try to change the world, Little Joe. Enjoy it the way it is. You'll grow older, and then, you'll be no different from all the others. I'm sorry about that. May I? Oh, of course. You could have your pick of any man in Virginia City. Why did you ask me here? John Millain might have killed you. Millain? How did you happen to make friends with a man like that? It was a long time ago. There's companionship between us. He's not fit to wipe your shoes. Don't be too sure. Julia, just to break up a fight... Was that the only reason you asked me up here? It was then. Is anything wrong? Uh-uh, no, quite the contrary. You know, you remind me of what I always pictured my mother would look like. Hmm? She was part French like you, came from New Orleans. And she was a very beautiful woman. All right? Tell me about New Orleans. I'm afraid it wouldn't be as your mother saw it. From different sides, a mountain never looks the same. I don't understand. You will. Good-bye, Little Joe. Go home where you belong. I'm coming back. And now for that little promise, huh? Just relax, Millain. I believe I'd do like he says if I was you. Me and Adam had figured you boys would be about ready to settle something. Now, why don't you settle it like gentlemen? Now, Hoss will hold your coat. If I've told little Joe once I've told him a thousand times to keep those elbows in. Joe's gotta learn to fight a lot dirtier than that. A couple of beers, Tom. You know, that kid's got lots of grit. One of these days he's gonna be able to whup that Frenchman. Yeah, but this wasn't the day. Tom. Bye-bye. Thank you, Tom. We'll see you. All right, Hoss. Five hundred dollars! I told you I'd work it out. It's not the money, Little Joe. I was planning to give more than that to the fund, anyway. It's just that I think you're beginning to make a fool of yourself. Why? What's wrong with her? Oh, nothing, nothing, she's a fine woman. All right, what is it, then? Well... Well, it's just that... Well, she's seen much more of the world than you have, boy. I see. That makes her bad. Well, Doc! Ben. Good to see you, come on in, now. Well, what brings you our way? Well, I just come down from the mines at Gold Hill. Oh, how are things down there? Ran into a few cases of fever. Fever, is it bad? Well, it's hard to say if they'll build up to epidemic proportions. So far, it's just a few scattered cases here and there. Oh, I'm glad of that. You're looking well, Ben. Feel wonderful, never felt better. That's good. Come a long way. This house, Ponderosa, three fine sons. Doc, a man with all the work you've got to do wouldn't take a long ride just to talk old times. Sit down. Have a little refreshment. Well... Hop Sing. How about a little cool water from that good well of yours? All right. Yes, sir, Mr. Cartwright. Glass of cool water for Doctor Martin. Yes, sir, right away. Now then, what's on your mind? Well, for one thing, the committee wanted you to know we received a letter of acceptance from Brad Olins. Oh, that's fine. Olins is one of the best. Yes. I only hope we can keep him. No. What's to stop us? Well, money, for one thing. Oh, Miss Bulette's bottle of brandy got us off to a fine start, but it can't stop there. We've gotta have the cooperation of the people. I sure hope we get all the cooperation we need. Ben, you know that most of the people of a community keep in step with the leaders. We're just beginning to find some of our leaders. You, for instance, Ben. All right. All right, Doc, keep talking. Well... I just don't know any other way to say it. People in town are talking about Little Joe and Ms. Bulette. Matters concerning my sons or myself are nobody's business but our own. No longer, Ben. It boils down to this. If Virginia City will keep her house clean, she has a chance to become an important part of this country. If she doesn't, she'll stay just a dirty little town on a mountain. I'll talk to Julia, Doc. Thank you. Brandy, Ben? I promise you it's the very best. I'm sure it is, Julia, but, uh, no, thanks. I'm finding out the Cartwrights aren't much of a drinking family. Well, that's true, but, uh, very much a family. Go on. Well, Julia, you know, the boy is young, he's, uh, he's full of life. I can understand how he could appeal to you. It has. You know, with you this is, uh, this is a passing thing. It's different for Little Joe. Different, how? Did he ever tell you about his mother? Yes. He never really knew her. She died when he was very young. You're the only other woman of French ancestry he's ever known. This and the fact that you also come from New Orleans makes you something special in his eyes. But not in yours. No, I guess not. Have you told Little Joe to stay away from me? No. I'd prefer him to hear it from you. And just what is it you'd like him to hear from me? Well, the difference in your ages, your ways of life. Not to mention the fact that the whole town is talking about us, and what that could do to a young man's reputation. Yes. There's that, too. Mm-hmm. I'll think about it, Ben. Julia, you're wonderful. I knew I could count on you. You know, this really will be best for you, for everybody. Tom. Bye, Mr. Cartwright. Tom. Has Little Joe Cartwright been around? No, but I passed the word along that you didn't want to see him anymore. I changed my mind. But, Miss Julia... I said I changed my mind. Hello, Little Joe. Where have you been? Virginia City. Ran into Doc Martin. There's several more cases of the fever. He's getting real worried. Oh, Joe, I've been waiting here to talk to you. What about? You've been with that woman again. Her name is Miss Bulette. Joe, you're a grown man, and I, I know you'll understand what I'm going to say to you. I know already. Pa, she's not the kind of woman that people say she is... Not anymore anyway. Now, look, I know she, she wears fine clothes and she talks good and she lives well, but... you know, a scar doesn't disappear just because you wash it. I guess that's how it was with my mother. You keep your mother out of this. I've heard you and Adam talk... How there were places you couldn't go, things you couldn't do because... Because she was part Creole. It was her language and the ways of her people that some folks didn't understand, nothing more. I know that, and still there were a lot of people that hated her. Pa, sometimes to see a scar, you know, you got to be looking for it. Little Joe, I... No, thank you, Hop Sing, I don't want no more. Only one piece cake? This dang cake's flat. The cake is not flat. For two days now, whole ranch is flat. No fun, nobody eat. No good without Little Joe. I just talked to Charlie; he's been in town. Seems the kid's having himself quite a time with Miss Bulette. They've been seen just about everywhere. She must be enjoying this. You know, it's doing something for Little Joe... Defending somebody he feels close to. He'll get over it. You think so? Well, let him find somebody else to defend. I'm not going to have that woman beating me over the head with my own son. We're going to bring Little Joe back from town if we have to drag him every step of the way. Well, he's not in there. Let's move on. Well, he shouldn't be too hard to find. Break it up. I said break it up. Ben, Ben. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You certainly should be. What for? For protecting my boy when a whole mob is trying to take him apart? Well, what that mob was doing to your boy is nothing compared to what he did to the inside of my opera house. He wrecked it. It'll take a whole week to put it back together again, and it was nothing but uncalled for violence. Uncalled for? What do you call what you did to Miss Bulette? Now, wait a minute. What's all this about? Perhaps I can explain. I have a box loge in this theater. Mr. Romley had it draped so it would be separated from the others. A new policy of the management. I accepted it, but my escort didn't. Well, with the district judge and new marshal coming in a couple of weeks, the committee... Ben, you know what I mean. Let's go. Let me know how much the damages will be. Now, you're coming home with us. You can make me go home, but you can't make me stay there. All I want is a chance to decide a few things for myself. I'll get the carriage. Now, why do you have to fight me and the town using a boy as a weapon? It's the only weapon I can use against you and win. Hmm. It's quite a victory, isn't it? Ben Cartwright's son defending the honor of Julie Bulette. It's even more of a victory. I have the help of his father. Ben? Oh, Ben! The fever's not an isolated thing any longer. It's all over Gold Hill. Then it is an epidemic? It'll be in Virginia City by morning. Chances are, it's the water. There's plenty of pure water on the Ponderosa. Adam, Hoss, get the hands together on the ranch and get some water down here. Yes, sir. All right now, folks, I'll need all the help I can get. Beds for the patients, men to transport them, and women to tend to them. What I need is good water, shelter and volunteers. Now, who'll be next? The Palace will be set up for anything you need right away. Well, thank you, Julia. All right, who else? Ye shall keep all my statutes so the land shall not spew you out. Well, the Lord was talking to Moses, not to Virginia City. You taught me that that meant everyone. So what's happening to the good people in this town? They're about to go to work, Little Joe. Julia, don't bother moving those gambling tables. They'll do nicely as beds. All right, Doc. Thank you. Well, it's gonna slosh around a little bit, but that'll have to do. Take her on down and fill her up with water and take her on into town. Soon as it's empty, bring it back. Giddyap. No, no, Hop Sing. Let me show you. See here? It's easy when you know how. You watch me, and I'll show you how to load barrels. You... You can't use your back strength and your muscles. You got to use your head, Hop Sing. That's right. You use your head your way, I use my head my way. Yeah. Now, look, you rustle up enough strength to take this medicine, and I'll, uh, let you take advantage of my good nature. Well, we're saving two for every one we're losing. In an epidemic like this, that's a victory. Well, those that are healthy are beginning to leave this town in droves. Just a dirty little town on a mountain. I guess that's all we were meant to be. But if to change it means crucifying people like her, I say it's not worth it. Hey, Doc, I got you three more volunteers. Oh, good. Oh, Pete, I thought you and your crew were pulling out? Well, maybe it's like Little Joe says, Doc. It's our mountain. We dug right into her insides with little more than our bare hands. And, well, it-it ain't decent to let some stinkin' thing like a fever chase us off. Mr. Cartwright there can show you plenty to do. You come with me, Pete. Joe. I've got something for you to do... take a break. Well, Doc, there's still a lot of work to be done. That goes for Julia, too. You two have been working for days. I need help, not new patients. You do as you're told. We've been asleep a long time. Oh, I dreamt I was in New Orleans. Hmm. Ah, it was a beautiful place. Well, Virginia City's a long way from New Orleans. I'm going to go there some day, maybe to live. Ah, this is where you'll stay. No, a man goes where he wants to be. I've watched the way you handle people here. A man stays where he's needed. And you? When a town starts to grow, I look for a new frontier. Julia, it doesn't have to be this way. I could... Your mother was French. Do you understand the language? Yeah, some of it. Cela aurait dû arrivé il y a des années. This should have happened many years ago? Mm-hmm. Someday you'll know what I mean. You'll also know why you must stay and I must go. We'll be needed inside. You know, I think you're gonna make it. Pa? What? I checked most of the mines, and there's not one new case of fever, Doc. And more than half the men have gone back to work. Ah. Good. Then we'll move the last of our patients over to the meeting house. Boys, let's move these blankets and beds over to the meeting house. Well, it was a fight, Adam, but it's the kind of fight that's good to win. Well, we, uh, lost one, too, Pa. Well, what do you mean? Well, Little Joe came back to the ranch this morning, and he took his things. Now that, uh, this is over... Julia, this, uh... this thing with Little Joe... I should never have interfered. Oh, I'm disappointed in you, Ben. Disappointed? A man of strength should never let sentiment interfere with his convictions. I'm the same woman I was before the fever. Well, I haven't changed, either. And nothing has changed between us. But I... I won't gamble with something I can't replace. If it's Little Joe's wish, you're welcome to become part of the Ponderosa. That's quite an offer. Especially since you don't think I'm good enough for him. Well, whether or not you're... good enough for Little Joe is... is something only you can decide. Tom! I want some champagne. Harry, let me have a tune, a lively one. As soon as the patients are moved, I want you to clear out this mess and put the gambling tables back in their places. I'm going to put on a night Virginia City will never forget! Mm-hmm. Well, after the fever, that should be a great celebration. Celebration? Who said anything about a celebration? This is going to be an execution. Julia Bulette destroying the sweet innocence of youth. Julia, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with me? I'm having fun. You call this fun? You're acting like a... Go ahead, Little Joe, say it. Mr. Cartwright, I think I've told you to stay away from Julia Bulette. It has been a short life for you, my friend. Let us hope it has been a pleasant one. John... Listen. I listen. I listen about this important thing I must do for you in Sacramento City. And I discover it is something which could have been handled by mail. John, please! Don't, John! Julia, are you all right? Let me see. It isn't a bad wound, mon cheri. Go upstairs. I'll fix it. Julia. Leave me alone. Julia, I did this for you. You want to do something for me? This bracelet, the necklace... They arrived today. A present from an old friend. They're diamonds, Little Joe. That's all any man can do for me. No, you don't mean that. Why shouldn't I? That door you came through, it works both ways. I think you'd better use it. Yes, Julie. You destroy with the heart, hmm? I used to wonder why it was I'd... send you away and then be so happy when you came back. Perhaps it is because we are cut from the same piece of cloth. Perhaps it's because, in order to hate you, I had to hate myself. As you said, we are very much alike. One cannot change this, Julie. One can try. I don't want to see you anymore, John. You have said this before. I never meant it before. We have been together too long, Julie. We have no escape one from the other. Good-bye, John. Julie... I have little which belongs to me... but what I have... no one will take away. No one! Go right ahead there, fellas. Drink them down, men. Little Joe... we heard what happened over at the Palace. You shouldn't have taken on Millain alone. Well, I beat him, didn't I? Little Joe, they... they're having the fanciest meeting you ever seen over at the community hall. Everybody's patting each other on the back for stopping that epidemic. Pa's right up there on the stage with them. He's going to make a speech. Now, you wouldn't want to miss Pa making a speech, would you? Everybody's patting everybody on the back, huh? Oh, it's a real fine meeting. Come on, Joe. You know, you're right. I wouldn't want to miss that meeting. There's nobody Virginia City has a right to thank more... than Ben Cartwright. Thank you, Mr. Romley. If we've done anything... Yes, sir, boy. Thank you, Mr. Romley. Joe. Oh, and thanks to you, too, Doc Martin. And I want to give a special thanks to all you honorable citizens. But how about giving a little thanks to the person who did the most to save this stinking town? How about some thanks for Julia Bulette? Oh, what's the matter? Don't you have the guts to admit when you're wrong? Well, Virginia City's fire engine company has been needing an honorary member. How about it, boys? Well, the lady isn't going to know anything about it until we tell her. Come on. Come on, Julia. Come on. Let's go. There we go. There we go. Well, Little Joe, it was you who got us here, so... you ought to be the one to say it. Well, this isn't just for what you did for Virginia City during the epidemic. Well, it's for all the things you've done for everyone in this town. - That's right. It's not a diamond necklace or a... or a bottle of champagne, but it's the best we've got. What do you say, boys? Three cheers for the first honorary member of Virginia City Fire Engine Company Number Two! Hip-hip! Hooray! Hip-hip! Hooray! Hip-hip! Hooray! There's no diamond necklace that goes with this either, but... I'd be especially proud if you'd consent to be my wife. Uh, what Miss Bulette is trying to say is... champagne on the house! Having faith in no one carries a special kind of security. You and your son have destroyed it. I'll never forgive you that, Ben. Hello, Ben. George. Ben Cartwright, this is Brad Olins. How do you do? Well, howdy. Nice to meet you. He got in with the new judge so we swore him in right away. Well, heard some nice things about you. Nice to have you with us. This is my son, Joseph. How do you do? How are you? You're about a week early, aren't you? Oh, a week early, but a day late. Oh? What do you mean? Julia Bulette was knifed and robbed last night. How is she? It's bad. Doc Martin's with her. A couple of the miners saw a tall, dark man coming out of her place just about daybreak. John Millain. That's the name. We followed him up this way. Then he's probably headed for Lake's Crossing. Me and Adam will show you the way. Oh, that's fine. We'd better get going. Oh, Joe, Miss Bulette sent word she'd like to see you and your dad. Hello, Ben. You've been asleep a long time. Looks like I win a battle and lose the war. I'm sorry. Everyone is. Everyone? Hmm... If New Orleans could only see me now, huh? Little Joe? He's here. I want to see him, Ben. Ben? Last night, you and the rest of Virginia City gave me a present. Now it's my turn. I'm going to give you back your son. Get me some brandy, Joe. I shouldn't be giving this to you. Oh, this is the way I live, kid. You're going to be all right. I don't care. It couldn't have happened at a better time if I lived to be a thousand. We beat them, Joe. We beat the apple-knockers. What? The high-and-mighty bluenoses. We took them for the ride of their lives. That play of yours. Bringing them in to lick my shoes just when they were ripe. They meant every word of that. Sure they meant it. That's what makes it so rich. They'll hear me laugh... Laughing every time they pass my grave. Don't move. And the biggest laugh of all... your old man. That night you were up here, I told you it was just for laughs, remember? I never intended to see you again. I never wanted to see you again. Joe... Oh... You better go, Joe. The doctor wants me to rest. I'm coming back. Well, we got Millain. He had her diamonds in his saddlebags. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Behind the Scenes of The Julia Bulette Story
Episode 6 marks Roy Engel’s first appearance as Dr. Paul Martin, then appears occasionally during the first five years. He sometimes played a doctor in the series, using a different name other than “Martin.”
The Depth of Beauty (1979) used a clip from this episode in which Ms. Greer makes an appearance as an actress (Dorrie Larkin) who was previously of beauty, only to have been disfigured by a plastic surgeon.
Ben informs Julia that Little Joe was too young to remember his mother. Later, Joe confronts his father about conversations he overheard his father and brother Adam discussing, mostly about where his mother could and could not go.
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Bonanza is a fantastic clean show to watch by yourself or with family. The Julia Bulette Story is the 06 episode out of 430. Bonanza was produced by NBC and ran on their network from September of 1959 to January of 1973. The whole series lasted 14 seasons.
You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>