gunsmoke call me dodie
Gunsmoke Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Call Me Dodie Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #08, Episode #02

Pleasant Valley Orphanage harbors harsh conditions under the strict rule of Floyd Baggs and Matron Addie. Dodie, a 17-year-old, escapes after enduring yet another punishment. Doc Adams encounters Dodie in the wilderness and offers her a ride to Dodge City. In Dodge, tensions rise as he and Ky vie for her attention. Dodie crosses paths with Whip Puckett at a pool hall. Dodie, recognizing the need to earn money, seeks employment from Kitty. However, Kitty discovers Dodie’s status as a runaway and her history of abuse. Upon learning Dodie’s situation, Marshal Matt Dillon reluctantly apprehends her to comply with the law. Despite initial appearances of kindness, Matt uncovers the truth about the orphanage’s mistreatment, leading to the arrest of Floyd and Addie for cruelty and neglect. Dodie is left in charge of the orphanage as Matt takes action. This Gunsmoke Call Me Dodie, aired on September 22, 1962.

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Call Me Dodie Cast

The actors listed below-portrayed characters in the episode titled Call Me Dodie:

  • James Arness as Matt Dillon
  • Milburn Stone as Doc
  • Amanda Blake as Kitty
  • Joby Baker as Ky
  • Diane Mountford as Lady
  • Carol Anne Seflinger as Marth (as Carol Seflinger)
  • Dennis Cross as Norm
  • Buck Young as John
  • Jackie Searl as Floyd (as Jack Searl)
  • Mary Patton as Addie
  • Wallace Rooney as Dan Binny
  • Dal McKennon as Jake
  • Guy Wilkerson as Waiter
  • Bob Hastings as Whip
  • Nesdon Booth as Bartender
  • Kathleen Nolan as Dodie (as Kathy Nolan)
  • Jimmie Booth as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Danny Borzage as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Rudy Doucette as Townsman (uncredited)
  • George Ford as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Herman Hack as Blacksmith (uncredited)
  • Mathew McCue as Waiter (uncredited)
  • Fred McDougall as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Jimmy Noel as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Chick Sheridan as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Call Me Dodie

A teenage runaway from a harsh orphanage embarks on a journey of learning amidst the rugged characters and idlers of Dodge City. Dodie, aged 17 (portrayed by Kathy Nolan), escapes the brutality of Floyd and Matron Addie Baggs (played by Jack Searl and Mary Patton) at Pleasant Valley Orphanage.

In a struggle for freedom, Dodie inadvertently incapacitates Addie.

Meanwhile, Doc returns from delivering a baby and offers Dodie a ride.

In Dodge, Dodie encounters Whip Puckett (played by Bob Hastings), who makes advances towards her. Ky intervenes, leading to a scuffle. Seeking solace, Dodie enters the Oasis saloon, where she attracts the attention of two cowpokes, sparking a brawl.

At Delmonico’s, Dodie incurs a debt, which Ky offers to settle. Desiring employment, Dodie approaches Miss Kitty, who provides work and notices the scars on Dodie’s back. Despite being married, Ky shares moments with Dodie, teaching her valuable lessons. Upon discovering Dodie’s origins, Kitty realizes the extent of her hardship. Matt Dillon receives news of Addie’s injury, prompting him to return Dodie to the orphanage, where Addie miraculously recovers. Matt takes decisive action by observing the harsh conditions endured by the orphaned girls.

Books Worth Reading:

Full Script and Dialogue




Get back from there.

Quit your mooning
and get back to work.

You out there!

Move along, don't come
around here bothering.

You want me to come after you?

A kite, Dodie?

That's right... what they're
doing is called "flying a kite."

Birds fly... sparrows,
robins and meadowlarks.

Well, they're
free to fly, Marth.

They got no strings,
nothing to tie them.

Kite's not so free as a bird.

You know most everything, Dodie.

(laughs) Ain't no
"most" about it.

I plain know everything, Lady.

Now, you all get
back to your rooms.

You got a lot of
cleaning up to do.

Go on, now. Get.

You ever make a kite, Dodie?

Well, I've been trying.

If I had the proper paper and
some twine and some wood,

well, I could
make one just fine.

And fly it yourself?

All over.


Sure enough.

If Dodie says, "Sure
enough," it's sure enough.

She's made kites and
flew them herself all over.

Where'd you do it, Dodie?

Where I do most everything.

Right here in my head.


Listen, if you
can't do things real,

then doing them in
your head is next best.

Why, I've done everything,
been everywhere.

Well, you've been
here right along.

Just like us.

Longer than you, Marth.

Don't forget.

Years and years longer.

She's been to town twice.

You never been, Marth.

Calico's not fit
for making a kite.

The wind won't catch it right.

But we saw a kite.

And we can keep the memory
of what we saw in our mind.

I've almost forgot it already.

Oh, Marth... Marth,
you got to remember.

Remember what you saw.

And then, any time you
want, you can fly your own kite.

Any time you want.

Just close your eyes

and think of what we saw.

A blue sky,

and the feel of the wind,

and that old kite

just a-flying up there.

Not so free as a bird,

but flying.

See it?

I see it, Dodie.

Do you see the
young'uns flying it?

Wait a minute, now.

Sure, they... they are!

You see it, Marth?


Maybe I do.

Oh, keep trying.

(door opens)

You see?

I told you.

They was gawking and dawdling.

Lady, you and Marth
go to your room.

Go on.

Now, Dodie, what are you up to?

What's this, now?

It's a fire-eating dragon.

Touch it once and
you're a cinder.

I can touch it, though.

'Cause I got magic in me.

I can't feel fire,
and I can't feel pain.

(gasps, groans)

Ain't it good you
don't feel no pain?


Oh, you're rotten mean.

Stomping on dreams.

Well, you can't kill mine.

You just make mine strong.

- (Dodie screams)
- Hey!

Won't be you that
gets the next whipping.

Lady will take it for you.

Lady ain't done nothing.

You leave her be.

Well, then you simmer.

You simmer this minute.

What is it makes you a woman?

That warm, loving
heart of yours?

(Dodie gasps)

I want no more of your sass.

You got a whipping
coming, and you know it.

You gonna talk about
it, or you gonna do it?

Bring her along, Floyd.

(sobbing softly)


Dodie, are you all right?

I'm just laying here laughing.

Did it hurt as
much as last time?

Nah, old Addie Bag
ain't the woman she was.

I first come here, that
whip had a sting in it.

You talk so proud, Dodie.

Ain't no way in the world folks
can take the proud out of you.

If you don't let them,

they can't whip it out.

Whipping just a-hurts me.

Lady, as long as you're here,

you got to hate more
than they can whip.

I know it ain't a
pretty way to be, but...

You can bear it.



That's sweet, Lady.

There weren't no milk.

Cow's dry again.

Got to admire that critter.

Not giving milk
when she ain't a-mind.

Aren't you hungry?

I'm saving it.

I won't be here
come supper time.

Of course you will.

Old Floyd Bag's going into town.

As soon as he's good and
gone, I'm taking myself out of here.

You mean it, don't you?

Where you going?

I don't know.

What's it matter?

Take me with you, Dodie.

Oh, Lady.

I wouldn't be a bother.

If you just take me, I'll...

Lady, ain't it enough I
got to worry about me?

It ain't as if I know
where I'm gonna like.

You want me to
move free, don't you?

Lady, you got to remember
all the things I told you.

Think free.

And get strong in your head.

And then one day,

you'll go flying out of
here all on your own.

(rumbling in distance)

Is that old Floyd?

It's him right enough.

Is Addie with him?

No, just him.

Let hisself through the gate.

Now he's locking it.

(buggy rolling outside)

He's riding down the road now.

(Dodie sighs)

I'm a mite stiff.

I'll loosen up soon enough.

Maybe you're too
sore to go running off.

Oh, Lady.

I'm gonna miss you.

Maybe, if things
go right enough,

one day, I'll come
back and fetch you.

I just said "maybe," now.

Oh, Dodie.

(door opens)

(door closes)


Well, you-you were
told to stay in that room

until you were sent for.

I get lonely for
the sight of you.

If you've come here
to say you're sorry...

I've come to say
better than that.

I've come to say
good-bye, Miss Addie Bag.

Oh, Dodie, you're
always talking the fool.

You get back up into
that room and stay there.

Why, you're scared of me.

You're brave and strong
when old Floyd's around.

But you're afeard
to take me on alone.

Now, Dodie... Dodie!

Oh, I ought to.

I ought to.

But I won't.

What-what do you want?

I come for those keys.

Wait till Floyd gets back.

You'll get the whipping
of your life for this.

I won't be here
when Floyd gets back.

Wake up, old Addie Bag.

Wake up.

(Addie groaning)

I haven't got time to
find out if you're all right.




Well, we saw her
free sure enough.

Keep that picture of
old Dodie in your head.

Then, any time you want to,

you can run away.

Any time you want.


Bet you thought I forgot
all about you, didn't you?



Sure never thought you'd
pull her through, Doc.

About last midnight, I
thought sure she's a goner.

Yeah, well, she's pretty
sick, all right, Jake,

but she's all
right now, I think.

Well, I guess you
know how I feel.

Well, yeah, I guess
you feel tired like I do.

You know, treating folks
the way you do, Doc,

it seems to me you'd get
what they're suffering with.

Boy, that'd put me in an
awful shape, wouldn't it?

Considering all
the babies I deliver.

(Jake chuckles)

Sure am obliged to you, Doc.

Tell Emma I'll see her
sometime tomorrow.

All right. Bye.

(Doc clicking tongue)

(wagon approaches)

Whoa. Whoa.

Morning to you!

Well, morning to you.

My feet sure are tired.

I picked up an
awful lot of pebbles.

Well, you sure are in
the middle of nowhere.

Ain't I, though?

Where'd you come from anyway?

That field over yonder.

Guess I got to give up
sleeping in haystacks.

Get a crick in my back.

Yeah, a bed, you'd sleep
a little bit better than...

Well, where we heading?

Hmm. Dodge City, I guess.

Dodge City.

Yes, providing that's
all right with you.

I think I heard of that.

That'll be just fine.


Oh, you can call me Dodie.

Well, Dodie.

All right, my name's,
uh, Doc Adams.

- A sure enough doctor?
- Yeah.

Now, uh, Dodie, I
know your name,

but I don't really
know who you are.

Well, that's just about
all there is to tell, Doc.

I'm just me, and I'm
breathing and moving free.

You know, Dodge City, uh,

well, it's kind of a rough
town for a young girl alone.

How old are you, young lady?

I'm old enough to
take care of myself.

Always have and always will.

Besides, I'm not alone.

You're not?

I got you, ain't I?

(Doc clicking tongue)

Whoa... Whoa.

What are we stopping here for?

This is where I keep my horse.

"Moss Grimmick"?

- Oh, that's good. You got that right.
- (chuckles)

You know, I just
thought of something.

You haven't got another
thing with you, have you?

No, just me and
what I got on my back.

Well, that won't do.

Now, I'll tell you
what we'll do.

We'll go down to
Delmonico's first here

and get a bite to eat.

And I'll take you over to Ma
Smalley's and get you a room.


Well, you see, Doc,
I've only been in a town

twice before that
I can remember.

And, well, I want
to see it on my own.

You sure about that?

I'm sure.

All right, Dodie.

You just go ahead
and look around here

to your heart's content.

But I'll tell you something...
You'll get tired, and...

and if you do, that's my office

right down the street there.

See those stairs?
It's right up there.

Well, I thank you for the ride.

And I'm awful glad to
have you for a friend, Doc.

All right, Dodie.


- Well, now, hello.
- Hello.

Hey, Dan Binny, you're getting
the hang of how to run a place.

Uh, you, uh... you looking
for somebody, little lady?

No, I just come in to
see what's a bill-i-ard.

MAN: Hey!

Hey, now, don't do that.

Sure is a pretty color.

It's hard as a rock, ain't it?

Well, you just put that
back on the table, miss.

Well, I'm just
looking. I ain't taking.

You look all you like, now.

Afraid that kind of
breaks your string, Ky.

Dan, you gonna allow this?

Well, there ain't
nothing I can do.

She lifted it up.

There-there's no telling
where it might have gone.

Well, I just took the one.

You got all them others.

Yes, that's mighty greedy
of you, Ky, wanting them all.

Is this a bill-i-ards?

- Billiard.
- Billiard.

That's what the game is called.

And that ball there,
it's called a billiard ball.

Well, thank you.
That's most helpful.

Oh, you're gonna find
me mighty accommodating.

Just that I got a
powerful lot to learn.

Is that a fact, now?

DODIE: Well, I've done
an awful lot of reading

and doing things in my head,

but I'm anxious
to do things real.

Like these bill-i... billiards.

Say, you learn fast, don't you?

Well, it's 'cause
I'm so willing.

Oh, you can call me Dodie.

Dodie, yes, ma'am.

You know, Dodie, I-I think
we're gonna be fine friends.

And seeing as you got
such a powerful lot to learn,

and seeing as you're
so powerful willing...

DODIE: You ain't
give your name yet.

It's, uh... it's Whip, Dodie.

Whip Puckett.

Oh, wait a minute, Whip.

- All right, leave her be, Whip.
- Never you mind, Ky.

I said leave her alone.

Ky, we can shoot pool any time.

And, well, you heard her.

She don't mean
what she's saying.

You know her?

No, but you can tell
she's green as grass.

She looks all pink
and white to me.

Not green a bit.

Ky, you're beginning
to bother me now!

- All right, I mean to.
- Now, now, come on, now, boys.

There's no need to
get all hot about it.

The little lady
didn't mean nothing.

- You keep out of this, Dan!
- Yeah.


Is that all the
billiards for today?

(lively piano music playing)


You looking for someone, lady?

Oh, no.

I hardly know anybody.


Is that what the sign reads?

That's what it reads.

It's a funny word.
What does it mean?

It means "saloon."

Billiards is a game.

Oasis is saloon.

See? I'm learning.

You want to buy
something or not?

You sell whiskey?

BARTENDER: Right along.

I guess I'd like to taste of it.

You want to buy a
glass of whiskey?

Oh, well, I don't know
as I want a whole glass.

I-I never had it before.

And I... I-I sure
don't want to buy any.

I don't carry money.

Well, then you better
just move along, lady,

'cause I don't parcel
out tastes of whiskey.

Well, I just wanted
to learn about it.

We got whiskey.

We got no spoon to take it with.

Goes down right
smooth just swallowing.

Well, I-I-I just never
had any before.

It don't cost a cent.

Well, I guess there's
no harm in trying.

Oh, you'll get the
hang of it. We did.

I always read about it,
and I thought in my head

how it must go down kind of nice

the way folks are
always having it.

Well, now, you got to put it
up to your mouth, you know?

It don't just fly
up there by itself.


Just a minute,
and it'll take hold.


Take a bigger swallow.

It'll take that burning away.

A bigger swallow, you say?

More like a gulp.


Fetch her a glass of water.

Oh, my!

Oh, you got through
that worst part just fine.

Now, the rest of it's
as smooth as glass.

You lied to me.

You both lied.

You was bound to have a taste.

Don't it sit good now?

Why, I'd have sooner
tasted kerosene.

It sure don't taste
nothing like it reads.


It's downright disappointing.

You ain't gonna
be, now, are you?

A man did that
over at the billiards,

and there was a fistfight.

Well, we just want
you to stay with us.

- We figure you owed us something.
- Yeah.

But you said that
whiskey didn't cost a cent.

All I wanted was a taste.

There ain't nobody
as dumb as you.

Now, that ain't no
way to talk to her.

You think she just come
from church, do you?

What's the matter with
you? You got no sense!

(both men groan)

I'm obliged for the
taste of whiskey.

You had to go and
run her off, didn't you?

You dumb fool.

She took you in.

She took me in?

She took you in!

She's gone, ain't she?


Beats me.

You know this girl, now, Doc?

Yes, I know her.

Well, if you know her, Doc,

you know what I'm
talking about in her eyes.

All right, your
head's all right.

Now, why don't you go lay
down and go to sleep somewhere.

Yeah, sure, Doc.

Oh, uh, how much I owe you, Doc?

Just the sight of you going
out the door is enough for me.

You want to prefer
charges against Ky?


Marshal, I ain't mad at him.

Now, Doc, what about this girl?

You say you know her?

Well, from what I've heard here,

I'm not sure
whether I do or not,

but I do know Whip
Puckett and Ky Blessing.

You know that Cora Blessing's
just about two hops away

from having her first baby?

Those two ought to be
ashamed of themselves

for mauling a
young girl like that.

Well, I'll tell you something
about your young girl.

Not only did she start a
fight over at Dan Binny's

and half-wrecked the place,
but when she got through there,

she went over to the
Oasis, started a fight

between a couple
of whiskey drifters,

and they wrecked
half the furniture there.

Well, did she get hurt?

Was she hurt?

Well, yeah, did she?

Well, I don't know if she
was, but I'll tell you one thing.

If we don't stop
that girl pretty soon,

there won't be a building
left standing in Dodge.

Are you finished
this time, miss?

I'm full as a tick.

You sure eat a lot.

I guess I'm still growing.

You must get an awful
lot of dirty dishes here.

Yeah, I sure do.

You got somebody to
wash them good for you?

I've got me mostly.

Say, that'll be 45 cents.

I think I could stand
some more coffee.

That whiskey plum
took the starch out of me.

Well, I'll get the coffee.

Thank you.

What'll you have, sir?

Steak dinner, please.

Yes, sir.

I declare.

It... it sure is good
to see a friend.

You remember me?

Yes, ma'am, I-I do.

Oh, I can just
feel how that hurts.

It's nothing.

It's not a pretty
thing to get hit.

But I've got a doctor friend

could take care
of you just fine.

No need for doctoring.

You know, I never
did hear your name.

Ky Blessing's my name.

You can call me Dodie.

Hi, Dodie.

You got 45 cents, Ky Blessing?


I don't carry any money.

It's not that I left it home
or I've got some in a bank.

I don't carry any
'cause I don't own any.

I'll pay for your meal, Dodie.

Well, I know now I've
got to have money.

I'm gonna have to get me a job.

I'll pay you back, though.


You know,

it's nice to have you
for a friend, Ky Blessing.

Well, you're not
gonna have no trouble

finding any friend, Dodie, ever.

I like men.

I like talking to them.

All except old Floyd Bag.

Who's he?

Well, he's a man
don't bear talking to

or talking about.

But you know something true, Ky?

I'm gonna forget all
about old Floyd Bag.

You want to forget
about him, Dodie?

I'll see that you do.

(Ky chuckles)

DODIE: Ma'am?

You the head lady?

(chuckles) I'm not
called that too often,

but yeah, I'm-I'm the head lady.

You sure are pretty.

Thank you.

Of course, I don't
know pretty too good.

The only person I ever been
around much is Addie Bag,

and she ain't
pretty one little bit.

You're Dodie, aren't you?

I declare, this is
the friendliest town.

I just come in
here this morning,

and already you're
calling me by my name.

I'm a friend of Doc's.

Oh, he told you about me.


How come you came
in through that door?

Well, it seems like every
time I come in the front way,

there's a whole
lot of commotion.


I need some work, ma'am.

Well, I'm willing
to talk about it.

Why don't you come
on upstairs with me, huh?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I never even planned
a room like this in my head.

You like it?

Sure enough I do.

No cot ever felt this good.


What kind of work
do you do, Dodie?

Oh, cleaning, scrubbing.

If there's food, I can
do some cooking.

You got any kids?


That's good.

I've had about all the kids
I can take for a while yet.

You come from a big family?

Oh, land, no.

No family at all.

I'm thinking on getting
married, though.

Seems like a nice way to be.

Mm-hmm, if it's
with the right man,

it's a nice way to be.

But I got a lot
of looking to do.

Seeing and feeling

and just moving free.

But you need some work, huh?

Well, I already owe 45 cents.


You've got more than one dress?

Let's try this one on.

- Oh, now, ma'am.
- Come on.

I think I was born in this one.

If I was to put this dress on,

I might just fly away.

Well, let's see if you do.


Did I do something wrong?

What on earth
happened to your back?


That'll die down.

It's not a matter.

Dodie, who did this to you?

I don't think I've
ever had anything

feel like this against me.

So cool and smooth.



I was born this morning

right here in Dodge City.

Ain't nothing behind me.

I'm new.

All new.

Well, I guess you won't be
needing this dress anymore.

You gonna let me work for you?

Oh, we'll find
something for you to do.

After all, you can't go
around owing people 45 cents.

You're some kind of angel.

(Kitty chuckles)

No, you were
closer the first time.

I'm the head lady.


is it all right?

I-I mean, am I doing it right?

You are doing it right.

Well, it...

it feels right enough to me,

but then I never
kissed anybody before,

so I don't know.

Now, Dodie...

Well, I never.


I read about it a lot,
and... and I planned it.

Yeah, I know, in your head.

Well, I did.

Well, you did some
good reading, and, uh,

you did some fine planning.

Folks give up on it
after a while, don't they?

They give up on it?


Well, it's not something
you do all the time,

but it sure is nice.

(Dodie sighs)

It's the nicest
thing I ever done.

I ain't ready to
give up on it yet.

- Ky?
- Hmm?

Does it feel this good
kissing everybody?

Not everybody, honey.

I guess that's something
I ought to find out.

Well, you don't have
to find out tonight.

Well, of course not,

but supposing I was to marry you

and then find out I like
kissing somebody else better.

Why'd you have to go
and say that, Dodie?

It wasn't wrong what I said.

Yeah, I figure it was wrong.

Well, ain't that
the way it is, Ky?

I mean, young folks meet, and...

and then they kiss a while,

and if they like it,
they get married.

Oh, why do you have
to go into all that?

Well, I always read
it was after marriage

that folks give up on kissing.


Don't figure on
marrying me, Dodie.

Well, I ain't figuring on it,
but supposing I want to?

Well, don't want to.


'Cause I'm married.

Well, where do you keep her?

Home. Got a farm.

But you've been in
town all day and...

and here with me tonight.

Don't you like her?

Well, sure.

Dodie, you...

I don't make you out.

I can't even believe
the way you are.

Well, I'm just the way I seem.

How else can I be?

No, I don't know,

but I'll tell you, I'm
sure you don't mean it.

You just sure make
it hard on a man.


Couldn't be anyone
like you anywhere.

Kind of like a child.

Sort of like a woman.

Hard to tell what
you're gonna like, Dodie.

Well, I-I guess it's just
I got so much to learn.

Don't guess I'm gonna learn
any more here tonight, though.

Dodie, honey?

I'm sorry.

Why, Ky?

It was right nice up until
just a few minutes ago.






Doc, he's married.

Married? Well, who?


Ky Blessing.

(quiet laugh)

Oh, yeah, I'll say Ky
Blessing's married all right.

His wife's going to have a
baby about any minute now.


Well, shouldn't he
have told me that?

Well, of course. Anybody...

What did he do?

Well, it wasn't him
any more than me.

See, we was down
by the river kissing

for the longest time there.

I was really getting
the hang of it good, too.

'Cause I'm so willing to learn.

You know it's in the middle
of the dad-blame night?

It sure has been a long day.

It's been an
interesting one, though.


Well, there will be other days.

And there will be other nights.

But for what's left of this
one, I'm gonna take you

to Ma Smalley's
and get you a room.

And you're gonna stay there.

Oh, I'm sorry, Doc.

I didn't know
where else to come.

Oh, it's all right.

Don't matter, but, you
know, tomorrow morning,

I'm gonna come and get you.

We're going to Delmonico's
and have some breakfast,

just like I wanted to do in
the first place, remember?

All right, that's what we'll do.

And then after breakfast,

young lady, you and I
are gonna have a little talk.

Before you strike out again,

moving free and-and living.

You know, I've been
around most 28 years.

I sure ain't lived one of them.

You sit right here, I'll...

I'll get my coat and hat.



KITTY: Morning, Matt.

Well, hello, Kitty.

Did you have breakfast yet?

Well, no, I haven't, but
I've been looking for Dodie.

So have I.

She in some kind of trouble?

Yeah, I'm afraid so, Kitty.

She ran away from that
orphanage, didn't she?

That's not all, either.

- Oh.
- Morning, Doc.

Morning, Kitty. Matt.

Now, Dodie, here's some
decent folks I want you to meet.

This... well, you've met
Miss Kitty, haven't you?

- Morning, head lady.
- Hello, Dodie.

And this is Marshal
Dillon, Dodie.

Oh, please to make your
acquaintance, Marshal.

How you doing, Dodie?

Here, won't you sit down?

No, thanks, Doc, uh...

Dodie, I'm afraid you and I

are gonna have to
have a little private talk.

Oh, we don't
have to talk private.

Whatever you got to
say to me, you can say

in front of my friends here.

I'm afraid it's bad news.

Oh, they found me already, huh?

Oh, I knew they would.

DILLON: I'm gonna have
to take you back there.

Well, what is this?

Well, you see, Doc, all my
years since I was five years old

I... I spent in this
orphan home.

It wasn't a very pretty place,
so, well, I just plumb run away.

Well, I don't blame her.

They whipped
her... I saw her back.

Well, it wasn't
that, Miss Kitty.

I would've run away anyway.

Dodie, before you left there,

did you have a fight
with some woman?

If you mean old
Addie Bag, I sure did.

I'm afraid she
was hurt pretty bad.

Dodie, what...?

Well, it's not a matter, Doc.

Things wasn't like
I planned anyway.

Whiskey smarts,

and that Ky
Blessing kissed good,

but he was married.

Wasn't like I planned anyway.

All right, Marshal.

We'll go see old Addie Bag.

Did you miss me, Floyd Bag?

You done a terrible
wrong, Dodie.

Which marshal are you?

Dodge City.

So you got clean to
Dodge City, did you?

It was easy.

Well, much obliged,
Marshal. I'll take over now.

I think I'll just come in for
a minute if you don't mind.

Look at him, Marshal.

He minds.

We're just no hand for visitors

here at Pleasant Valley.

I-I guess you know
by now she's full of talk.

Well, look, Marshal, old
Addie Bag's up and about.

This is my sister Addie.

He's the marshal
from Dodge City.

You brought our
Dodie home, Marshal.

We're grateful.

Who you been laying the
whip to since I left, Addie Bag?

(Addie chuckles)

She's got the wildest kind
of imagination, Marshal.

So happens I've seen her back.

Who pays you to take
care of these children?

We get a bit from the state.

Not enough.

Enough for bread and
meal twice a day, ain't it?

And, of course, the money
you make off our sewing,

and me doing the heavy work.

Now, why don't you
just tell the marshal

how you make due just fine?

Think I'll take a
look around inside.

It's private property, Marshal.

You could've killed me, Dodie.

Can't think now why I didn't.

You bring trouble here
and you'll pay for it.


Reckon as how I will.


- LADY: Hello.
- Hello.

Who are you?

Well, I'm... I'm a
friend of Dodie's.

They gonna hurt Dodie some more?

No, I don't think so.

We're... we're gonna
try to see that they don't.

Show how they hurt you, Lady.

When Dodie run off.

Oh, that's not a matter.

Well, I'd sure like to see it if
you wouldn't mind showing me.

Would it help Dodie?

It might help everybody.

It's my back.

What was your name?


Well, you're a brave girl, Lady.

Not brave like Dodie.

But I'm little yet.

She do that to any
of these other girls?


And she locks us in our room

and doesn't let us come out.

Sometimes we don't
have anything to eat.

She do that to all you girls?

GIRL: Yeah.



Well, I'm gonna
have to run along now.

But don't you worry.

Starting today,
things are gonna be

a little different around here.

Do you know where Dodie is?

- She's right outside.
- (girls gasp)

I'm gonna send her
in here in just a minute.

Well, bye, girls.


You planning to prefer
charges against Dodie?

Ah, now, we're
understanding folks, Marshal.

She's come home...
we're content.

Good. That makes it easier

for me to take you
in to the county seat.

You're taking us?

Me and Addie?

Cruelty, child
neglect and filth.

And if I need anything
else, I'll think of it.

Can he do this, Floyd?

No, he can't. He
can't do a thing.

We got our side to tell, Addie.

You go get in the
wagon and wait for me.

Well, Dodie, you think you
can handle things till I get back?

Proud to, Marshal.

All right, fine. I'll be
back as soon as I can.

Marshal, you a married man?

Well, no, Dodie, I'm not, but...

You're right handsome.

I was just thinking,
I'll be heading back

to Dodge again
sometime, and, well,

you are a mite older,
but you act nice.


Thanks, Dodie.

You know, I got a
feeling next time,

things are gonna turn out

a lot more like I
planned in my head.

I tell you, I don't
doubt it, Dodie.

You sure got your own
way of doing things.

Most everyone says that.

LADY: Dodie!

(girls clamoring)

Oh, thank you!

DODIE: Bye, Marshal.


Behind the Scenes of Call Me Dodie

At 29 years old, Kathleen Nolan took on the role of Dodie, a 17-year-old orphan.

Kathleen Nolan also portrayed Kate McCoy in “The Real McCoys” (1957). Following a real-life horse riding accident that injured the actress, her character, Kate, was written out of the show’s final season with the storyline of her character’s death.

Chester is notably absent in this Gunsmoke “Call Me Dodie”, marking the first of two consecutive episodes without his appearance. His absence needs to be mentioned in both episodes.

Looking for More Gunsmoke Episodes?

Do you appreciate timeless, elegant television shows? If so, Gunsmoke is right up your alley. Whether you’re watching solo or with loved ones, this 20-season series, which aired on the CBS network from 1955 to 1975, will captivate you. Call Me Dodie is the second episode of Season 8.

You can find more about any of the Gunsmoke episodes here.

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