gunsmoke milly
Gunsmoke Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Milly Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #07, Episode #09

Seventeen-year-old Milly Glover and her younger brother Joey face financial hardship due to their father’s alcoholism and lack of initiative. Inspired by her friend Laura’s escape from poverty through marriage, Milly resolves to pursue courtship with three eligible bachelors in their vicinity. However, her actions lead to unforeseen consequences. Gunsmoke Milly aired initially on November 21, 1961.

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Gunsmoke Milly Cast

The following actors appeared in the Gunsmoke episode titled Milly:

  • James Arness as Matt Dillon
  • Dennis Weaver as Chester
  • Milburn Stone as Doc
  • Amanda Blake as Kitty
  • Jena Engstrom as Milly
  • Malcolm Atterbury as Glover
  • Billy E. Hughes as Joey (as Billy Hughes)
  • Don Dubbins as Potts
  • James Griffith as Tillman
  • Harry Swoger as Lawson
  • Sue Randall as Laura
  • Jimmie Booth as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Rudy Doucette as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Duke Fishman as Barfly (uncredited)
  • George Ford as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Chester Hayes as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Billy McCoy as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Jimmy Noel as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Chick Sheridan as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Glenn Strange as Sam (uncredited)
  • Lucian Tiger as Barfly (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Milly

The daughter of a destitute alcoholic father, Milly Glover, resolves to marry herself off to secure a better life for herself and her younger brother Joey. Witnessing how a successful marriage lifted her friend Laura out of poverty, Milly sets out to court three eligible bachelors in their vicinity, hoping for a similar outcome. However, her efforts lead to unintended consequences. Faced with desperation to escape her impoverished and abusive home life, the 17-year-old Milly, portrayed by Jena Engstrom, embarks on a quest to find a husband.

Despite three humiliating attempts, she resorts to retaliatory acts against the men who spurn her advances. The escalating conflict culminates tragically when two of the men fatally shoot each other in a dispute instigated by Milly’s father, Bart Glover, played by Malcolm Atterbury. Seeking redemption, Milly eventually finds solace when she and her brother are taken in by Laura Hawkins, now a widow. As Milly reflects on her actions, she confesses to Marshal Matt Dillon that she has some reckoning to do.

Full Script and Dialogue of Milly

What are you kids doing here?

Go on, now. Get out of the way.

And put that chair back.

It's awful crowded in there.

Did you see him?

I couldn't see everybody.

Oh, I'm so hungry.

Well, now, Pa said
he'd be straight home.

Well, why couldn't he ever
just give us the money?

We could go to the store.

He'd sooner die than
give us any money.


Oh. I didn't mean
nothing, Miss Kitty.

I'm not mad at you.

Matt, go see if Bart
Glover's in there,

and if he is, bring
him out here.


Milly, are you and Joey getting
enough to eat these days?

Oh, sure, Miss
Kitty, we're fine.

Well, remember, if

things get bad, you
can always call on me.

You'll do that, now, won't you?

We'll get along
all right, Miss Kitty.

I know you're kind of proud,
but don't let it
get in your way.

or in Joey's, either.

Oh, I'll take care of Joey.


I think you will.

Well, he was there, Kitty, but
he's gone about a half an hour.

He ought to be home by now.

Say, I'm going
down to Delmonico's

and have something to eat.

Would you kids
like to come along?

 No, Joey.

Uh, we better be going home.

Thanks anyway, Marshal.

So long.
So long.

Pa's home, all right.
How do you know?

Well, we left the
door shut, didn't we?

Maybe some animal got in!

Well, at least he
made some soup.

I made that soup yesterday.

He was supposed to
buy a little meat to put in it.

There ain't no
meat nowhere, Milly.

No, he didn't buy no meat.

Bought liquor instead.

Like always.

Joey, stop that.

But I'm hungry.

Well, that's no
excuse to act like a...

like he does.

Oh, I'm sorry, Joey.

I know you're hungry; so am I.

Come on, let's get out of here.

I know what we'll do.

We'll go over to Laura's.
She'll give us something to eat.

Milly, her husband don't
like us coming around there!

Well, maybe he ain't home.
It won't hurt to have a look.

Come on.



Laura, you home?

Milly! Milly, how are you?

Hello, Joey.

Well, come in! Come on in!

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

Why don't you come
around more often?

Oh, well, uh, we don't
like to be a bother.

Oh, you're never a bother.

Oh, I've got a surprise
for you. For you, too, Joey.

I finished it just this minute.

I must've known you were coming.

Just look at that.

Dried apple pie,
right out of the oven!

Now, come on, come
on, sit down, sit down.

Now, Laura.

hadn't you better save this?
What'll your husband say?

Well, I've got another
one there for him.

Now, come on, sit down
and I'll cut you some.

And be careful of this,
Joey. It might be a mite hot.

You're an awful
good friend, Laura.

Oh, I just wish you'd
come around more often.

It troubles me these days,

me having so much
and you having so little.

Well, Laura, now, you
deserve everything you've got.

Oh, I was just lucky
I-I found a man.

Sam... well, he has his
faults, but he's a good provider.

Go to, there, Joey.

Oh! You'll be wanting
some milk with that.

Oh, no, no, now, don't bother.

Oh, sure, I'll get you some.

Pie without milk's hardly
worth eating, I always say.

'Course, I never
could get my fill of milk.

That's why Sam bought
me that cow last month.

Said it shamed him
to be going into town

buying so much
milk all the time.

Now, you just help
yourself to more.

Oh, no, thanks,
this is plenty for me.

Well, you have more, Joey.

Go ahead. Take all
you want. Uh, Milly,

I'd like to show you
something in the bedroom.

Sam brought it home
last week. It's a surprise.

All right.

Just bring your pie.


Isn't it beautiful?

Oh, golly, Laura, it sure is.

Oh, and I'll bet it's
all full of clothes, too.

Aw, I'm sorry, Milly, I.

I didn't mean to show off.

I-I just wanted you to see it.

Oh, Laura, I'm happy for you.

I'm real happy for you, honest.

Oh, Milly, I wish I
could help you, but...

but you know the way Sam is.

He-He'd give me anything I want, but...
Well, I know.

That's the way it
should be, Laura.

A man ought to
take care of his wife.

But, Milly, you and Joey just
can't go on like this forever.

Laura, I've been thinking...

and coming here
today just cinches it.


Remember when you
was poor like Joey and me?

'Course I do.

And now you've got this
nice house and nice clothes,

plenty to eat, just everything.

I've been mighty lucky.

No, no, it's... it's not
so much lucky, Laura,

as that you use your head.

You got married.

Well, I... I must admit that...

Well... that's what it
takes... Getting married.

Oh, Laura...

do you think I'm too
ugly to get married?

Why, of course not, Milly!

But, Milly dear,
you're downright pretty!

No, no, I'm not,
but I know what.


Older men, widowers and such,

now, they can't expect to
get a real pretty gal, can they?

Now, Milly... Men
like Harry Tillman.

Or that Sam Lawson...
Why, he's even older.

Why, Milly, you can do
much better than that!

Well, Ed Potts, then.

He's only about 30.

Ed Potts is a terrible man!

No. No, now, Laura,
I'm gonna do it.

I've got to do it.

For Joey's sake,
if nothing else.

- But, Milly, it's...
- No, now, Laura, no,

don't try to talk me out of it,
'cause my mind's made up.

I'll go see Sam Lawson
tomorrow morning.

Yeah, I'll start with him first.

All right.

But you're sure
not going like that.

Let's have a look at this.

I think we can make this fit.

Oh, Laura, would you really?

You try it on, and
we'll take a look at it.

I'll go find you some shoes.

Oh, golly!

Now, where did them goldarn
kids get to this morning?



Get on back into the house here!

Oh, the devil take 'em!



Gee, Milly, it's... it's...

 Do you like it?
 It's beautiful! It's just...

Oh. Well, at least
I impress you.


Oh, wait. Now, Joey...

I want you to hide
this in our hiding place.

But can I go with you?
No, no, now,

not this time, Joey.

Now, you do as I say,

and I'll be back in a few hours.

You be good, now.

Mr. Lawson?

Mr. Lawson?

Mr. Lawson, wake up.

It's Milly Glover, Mr. Lawson.

What are you doing here?

Well, I come to see ya.

You're Bart
Glover's kid, ain't ya?


What'd he do, hold up
a stage or something?

Where'd you get
them fancy clothes?

 Mr. Lawson...
 How'd you get out here, anyway?

I walked.

You walked?

Five miles?

Yes, sir, I'm very strong.

You're very crazy,
if you ask me.

What do you want here?

I am strong, Mr. Lawson.

Why, I can work
from morning till night

and hardly even get tired.

I can cook and I can clean house

and I can sew.

Well, a little.

I'll be honest with
you, Mr. Lawson,

there's a lot of things
I got to learn yet,

but I'll learn 'em
real fast, I promise.

I ain't really had
much of a chance yet.

But I can sure
enough feed chickens

and throw slop to
hogs and all like that.

Who sent you out here?

I don't need no help.
I ain't hiring nobody.

Oh, no, I ain't
looking to hire out.

I need something more than that.

What are you talking about?

A husband.


'Course, Joey'd have
to come along, too,

but he won't be a
bother, I promise.

I'll look after him.

Oh, please, Mr. Lawson, we
won't be underfoot at all, I promise.

Who sent you out here?
What kind of a joke is this?

Oh, no, sir, it's no joke.

Nobody sent me;
I'm here on my own.

Oh, then it's your
idea of a joke!

No, honest, I'm
serious, Mr. Lawson.

A young girl like you
getting all decked out

to come out here and
marry a fat old man like me!

Well, you're mocking me!

I won't have it, you
hear? I won't have it!

I got a mind to thrash you.

I got a mind to thrash you good!

You get out of here,
you young jezebel,

and if I ever catch
you here again,

so help me, I'll horsewhip you!


 Hello, Mr. Tillman.


You look kind of familiar.

Well, I'm Milly Glover.

Oh, that drunken
Bart Glover's kid, huh?

Well, I'm, I'm 17.

What's this, your, your
birthday or something?

Oh, no, sir, I was
17 a month ago.

Well, ain't that fine.

Beat it, now, I,
I got work to do.

Oh, wait.

Mr. Tillman, I've
got to talk to you.

Please, Mr. Tillman.

Look, I live out here
because I like to be alone.

I don't want people around.

My nearest neighbor
is Sam Lawson,

and I'd shoot him if
he set foot on my land.

So who do you think you are,

coming out here
and bothering me?

Well, listen,
Mr. Tillman, it ain't fair.

Now, you got to at
least listen to me.

All right, all right.

Now, say it out, say it
fast, and then start walking.

Well, go on.

Joey... that's my
brother... H-he and I...

Well, we got to find something
better than what we got.

We can't go on like
the way we've been,

so it's up to me
to do something.

Well, go on and do it.

No, wait, Mr. Tillman,
I've got to get married.


You marry me, and I'll cook
for you and I'll clean for you.

I'll work real hard for
you, Mr. Tillman, I promise.

Marry you?

Why, of all the...

If that ain't the darnedest...

Me marry you.

Well, if that ain't
something, huh?

Stop it, stop it! It ain't fair.

Now stop it!

If you don't want to
marry me, just say so.

You ain't got no
right to laugh at me.

Just say you don't want
to marry me, that's all.

You bet I wouldn't
want to marry you.

I wouldn't marry any woman,

let alone an ugly, poor
white trash like you.

Brat of a no-good drunken
sot that everybody spits on.

Why, you ain't fittin'

to feed out of the same
trough as my hogs.

Look at you.

You think you're pretty, huh?

Well, that dress
don't cover nothing.

You're as ugly as sin.

A pitch-black
night in a blizzard

ain't got nothing on you.

Now, get out of here
before I run you through,

'cause I'll skin you out
and nail your ugly hide

to the barn like a rabid skunk.

Now get out!

At least Pa ain't here.

He went to the store
to get something to eat.

Oh, sure, sure, he did.

Where's the dress,
the pretty one?

Oh, I hid it in that sack
where you hid this one.


I'll give it back to
Laura tomorrow.

You didn't get married?

No, Joey, I didn't get married.

I sure didn't.

Oh, ain't there nothing
to eat around here?

Well, I found some
berries down by the creek,

but I et them,
Milly, I-I'm sorry.

Aw, Joey, you should have.

You did right.

Anyway, Pa is going to
bring something home tonight.

He's just bound to.

- Milly.
- What?

I'm glad you didn't get married.

We'll make out anyway.

We will, won't we?

I'll do it.

I'll do it, I'll try
one more time.

Joey, tomorrow I'm gonna
put that dress on again

and I'm going to
go see Ed Potts.

He's the only one left I know
of and he just can't say no.

He just can't.

20, 21, 22, 23...
Sam, give me a drink.

Look at that, Miss Kitty.

Ain't that a sight?

I sure wish Matt could
tie him up someplace

and turn those kids
over to the Widow Harper.

Well, it-it's
illegal, Miss Kitty.

Otherwise I know
he'd do just that.

I-I know, he told me.

Give me another one, Sam.

I got orders to serve you one
drink, Glover, and that's all.

That Kitty woman again, eh?

Well, it isn't fair.

Look, look there.

Is there something
wrong with that money?

Why don't you try
the grocery store?

Your kids might appreciate it.

My kids is fine.

They don't lack for nothing.

Well, I know a few things
that they're lacking for, Glover.

They're the happiest
little kids in the world.

Ain't got no cares.

Just a couple little animals
growing up free and easy.

Get out of here, Glover.

Come on, come on, money,
we'll find us another bar.

Hello, Mr. Potts.


I'm Milly Glover.

Oh, sure... I've seen
you around Dodge.

You alone?

Yes, sir. I want to talk to you.

Oh, sure.

Sure. Come on inside.

What's this?

That there's a still.

Ain't you ever see'd one?

It's nice.

Very nice.

I don't believe in
wasting no money on frills.

Oh, no. A bad waste of money.

Not that I can't
afford it, mind you.

Oh, I know, Mr. Potts.
Everybody says you're well off.

What you come here fer?

Well, I...

Could I sit down
first, Mr. Potts?

I'm kinda leg weary.


I was just about to
have some coffee.

I'll fetch you a cup.

Oh, thank you.

There you are.

Thank you kindly.

Kind of hot.

Now tell me why'd
you come here for.

I need help, Mr. Potts.


Oh, uh, not really.

I mean, I ain't
looking for a handout

or anything like that.

Now what you come fer?

Well, I'll be honest
with you, Mr. Potts.

Now this... it ain't an easy
thing for me to say, but...

I want to get married.


You... you proposing to me?

Well, I'll work
hard, you'll see.

What you want
to get married for?

Well, I'm 17... and
it's about time...

and I got responsibilities.

What's them?

My little brother Joey. I
gotta do something about him.

Now, you want to
marry me, move in here,

and bring your little
brother along, is that it?

I'll make a good
wife, Mr. Potts.

I can learn to do everything.

And Joey, he'll
work for you, too.

He'd be a big help to you.

Okay, Milly, you
can move in here.

Oh, Mr. Potts... Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, now, that ain't
no way to behave.

I'm sorry.

When will we get
married, Mr. Potts?

When, Mr. Potts?

Oh, now, Milly, I didn't say
nothing about getting married.

I said that you
can move in here,

and that don't include
no little brother, neither.



Well, now what's
wrong with that?

You'll eat regular...

you got a roof over your head...

and I won't beat you but seldom.

Less'n you get stubborn.

Now, what's your hurry?

Just let me out of here!

Not likely.

Not now.

Don't you touch me.

What's wrong, Milly?

Oh. Oh, nothing, nothing. I...

I sprained my ankle, that's all.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, it'll be all right
in a minute. I...

There. Better already.

I've been waiting for you.

You gonna marry Ed Potts?


No, I am not.

I must have been
crazy going over there.

I wouldn't marry him if he
was the last man on earth.

Well, why not?

'Cause he's too
ugly, that's why.

Forgot how ugly he is.


Oh, he wanted to marry me.

'Course he did. Ugly
old man like that.

Well, he'd be lucky to
get a woman twice his age.

You turned him down?

You bet I turned him down.

Got real mean about it, too.

Yeah, they was all mean to you.

All three of them...
Meanest men I ever saw.

But they ain't gonna
get away with it, Joey.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna fix
them, that's what.

We're gonna make
their lives miserable.

But how?

We're gonna be like
a couple of horseflies,

and we're gonna bite 'em
and bite 'em until they're raw.


Starting tonight after dark.

Dirty, rotten devils.

Oh. Doc.

I just, uh... I, uh...
practice in the...


What are all those things?

Oh. That... Them's my decoys.


You make those yourself?

Yeah, uh-uh. Made-made
every one of them.


Well, you know, Chester,

I've always kind of
wondered about you.


But by golly, I think
now I got it figured out.


You're some kind of a bird.


Well, now, I'm not gonna say
anything about it to anybody.

Well, I ain't no
such thing, Doc.

I just... uh... I
was just practicing

so's that I could watch 'em.

What's that?

Well, uh... nothing.

Well, let me see it.

Well, it-it's just my quacker.

Now give it to me.

Your what?

My quacker. It's my duck
quacker, and I made it myself.

I don't think I can stand this.

No, you can't stand it.

You know why you can't stand it?

I'll tell you. You just...

You can't stand
the word "quack."

Now, you see here.

And I'll tell you
something else, Doc.

- You ain't gonna be invited.
- Where?

Well, to the duck dinner that
me and Mr. Dillon's gonna have.

 Yeah. yeah.

Well, all right, if that's
the way you feel about it.

 I came in here this morning

to ask you to walk
down to Delmonico's

to have breakfast with me.

Well, uh, um, uh, I ate.

I had breakfast.

Oh, no, no.

You just wait here and fly
down later if you want to.


Oh, Doc, what are
you doing in there?

That marshal pay a little
more attention to his business,

we wouldn't have as
much trouble around here.

What's-what's... what
you talking about?

I don't need you,
Chester, or the marshal.

I can take care of my own.

 Well, what's the matter with you?

Well, what is it then?

Hello, Lawson.

Oh, there you are, Marshal.

Well, now, how
would you feel about it,

you round up a dozen
head of half-wild horses,

and someone come
up during the night,

let them out of the corral,
run 'em out all over the prairie?

Now, how would you
feel about that, huh?

Well, I don't guess that
I'd feel too good about it.

Now, I got to come to
town and hire me a rider

to go out and
round 'em up for me.

I can't do that kind
of riding no more.

How do you know
somebody did that?

If they were wild horses,
maybe they just broke loose.

Marshal, I'm wearing a gun today

for the first time
in a long while.

Now, I know who
turned out them horses,

and I'm gonna
put this gun to use

as soon as I lay eyes on him.

Who was it?

That no-good neighbor
of mine, Harry Tillman.

Tillman? You got
any proof of that?

Living next to that
skunk for five years

is proof enough for me.

Don't be a fool.
That's no proof at all.

I'm gonna kill him, Marshal.

And I'm too old to
care who knows it.


You're not too old to hang,

and don't you forget it.

By golly, I-I think that
he means that, Mr. Dillon.

 Oh, my.

Well, Chester and I are
gonna have some breakfast.

You want to join us?

No, no. I think
I better ride out

and have a talk
with Harry Tillman.

 I'll see you later.
 Come on, Chester.


Hello, Tillman.

Oh, well, what are
you doing out here?

Oh, you don't very
often wear a gun, do you?

I got cause to wear a gun.

What's that?

I'm gonna kill a man.

Sam Lawson?

How did you know?

Well, he's telling everybody

that you turned his
horses loose last night.

Well, he's lying... as usual.

Lookee here, Marshal.

Take a look at that.

Brand-new harness.

What happened?

It got all cut up with a knife.

Sam Lawson's knife.

How do you know
it was Sam Lawson?

He snuck over here
in the night and done it.

Did you see him?

I didn't have to see
him. I know Sam Lawson.

Tillman, you know,
Lawson's wearing a gun, too.

He claims he's gonna
shoot you on sight.

Let him come.

You know, I just
can't understand

two grown men like you

running around cutting up
harnesses, turning horses loose.

I didn't turn no horses loose.

You're acting like
a couple of kids.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourselves.

It's none of your
business, Marshal.

No, it isn't...

not until one of
you kills the other.

But you remember this, Tillman:

whichever one does the
killing is gonna hang for it.

There you are, Mr. Lawson.

What if Mr. Tillman sees us?!

Now you take this
and you get going,

 and I'll catch up with you.
 All right.




Glad I run into you, Lawson.

Saves me that ride all
the way to your place.

I was just coming to
pay you a call, Tillman.

You paid me a call last
night, you sneaking rat.

I didn't go nowhere last night.

You ain't even got guts enough
to admit it, have you, Lawson?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I rode all the way
out here to shoot you,

and I might as well get to it.

Oh, Miss Kitty, how are ya?

Doc, I didn't know
you were here.

You gonna throw me out?

Oh, no, no, you're
too good a customer.

Well, I'd like to be
a lot better, Kitty,

but I have to work sometimes.

Not tonight, anyhow.

Yes, I do. Yeah,
whenever Matt gets back.

What do you mean?

There was a shooting
today. I just heard about it.

I was at the Grant
place, upriver.

Who was it?

Sam Lawson, Harry
Tillman. They got to shooting,

and some cowboy found
'em out on the prairie.

And they're hurt
pretty bad, too, I guess.

Hello, Kitty, Doc.

 Matt, you find those fellas?

Yeah, Chester's got 'em
over to your office right now.

Oh. Well, I better
get on over there.

Save your money, Doc.

 It's on the house?

 Well, thanks. I'll see you later.

How about a drink, Matt?

Oh, no, I don't think
so, Kitty. Thanks.

Do you have any idea
what brought on a showdown

between Tillman and Lawson?

No. It's hard to believe

two grown men
acting that way, isn't it?

That might teach them a
lesson mightier than a feud.

 Give me a drink!

Leave that be.

Sam, have you given him more
than one drink in here tonight?

That's all, but he wasn't
exactly sober when he came in.

What's the matter with you?

Glover, why don't
you go on home?

Listen, we're not gonna serve
you in here anymore at all.

Not even one.

You got no right to say I
can't have another drink!

She's got all the right in the
world, Glover. Now come on.

I've got a perfect right
to have another drink!

Come on. On your way.

Who is she to say I can't
have another drink anyway?

See ya later.

Now, Glover, go on home.

If I see you around
town anymore tonight,

you're gonna sleep in jail.

Leave me be, Marshal.

Come on. Let's go.

 On your way.
 All right.

Oh, now, it's all right, Joey,
long as Pa don't catch you.

Where you been? I
been waiting for you.

Well, I been hanging
around Front Street,

seeing what I could find.

Did you hear anything new?

It's true, all right.
They shot each other.

But I did hear folks
say they was gonna live.

But what about us?

I didn't hear a thing.

I don't think anybody
suspects us yet.

Milly, if they find
out, will they hang us?

Oh, 'course not!

Quit worrying.

- I have decided one thing...
- What's that?

We're gonna leave
Ed Potts alone.

We ain't gonna plague
him like I planned.

We're just gonna forget
this whole business.

I never expected nothin'
like this happening.

I only meant to plague 'em some.

This is just a terrible thing.

Put that knife away, it's Pa.

I want some water.

Thought I told you kids
to keep this thing full.

Now get out to the
well and draw some.

She's more worthless
than you are.

She's been trying to help, Pa.

She's been what?

Trying to help.

To fix it so she and me
won't be a bother to you.

The only way she could do that

is kick you in the river
and jump in after you.

She tried to get married, Pa.

And she darn near did, too...

but he was too ugly.

What're you saying, boy?

Mr. Potts... he wanted
to marry her, all right,

but she wouldn't let him,
because he was too ugly.

Well, I'll be doggoned.

Milly... I'm fetching it, Pa.

 Never mind that.

I said I don't want none.

Yeah... Yeah.

You ought to be getting married.

You're how old?


Well... that's a
woman... yes, sir.

Ed Potts is too ugly, huh?


You think he's too
ugly to marry, do you?

You turned him down, huh?

Well, let me learn
you something. There.

There ain't no man
too ugly for you.

He wants to marry you,
you marry him, you hear?

No, Pa! Now, that ain't
the way it happened.


I just told it that way to
Joey 'cause I was ashamed.

What did happen?
Now, tell me the truth.

Well, he don't want to marry me.

Now, that's the truth, Pa.

Potts ain't the kind of man
to turn any woman down.

Why, I just told you,
Pa... I know, I know.

He still wanted you, just
the same, though, didn't he?

He should, too...

Why, you get cleaned up some,

maybe you ain't so bad looking.

Pa, listen...

Fact is, you probably
didn't talk to him proper.

Didn't tell him what a
good wife you'd make.

Never was too good
at speaking your mind.

I'll just go tell
him a few things.

Oh, no, Pa.

Don't go over there, please.

I don't want to marry Mr. Potts.

Please, Pa.


 Shut up!

I don't much care what you want.


Hello there, Potts.

How are you?

Hello, Glover.

Well... getting some
of your chores done.


Laying up some firewood for
them cold nights coming, eh?


Nothing like a good fire
on a stormy night, is there?


That is, of course, if a
man has to live by himself.

Did you ever think of that?

So what you come
out here for, Glover?

Well, I'll tell you.

How's the still, Potts?


Well, I... I'll tell you, Potts.

Tell you true. I
come about Milly.

Oh, now, she lied to you.

I didn't do a thing to her.

She been telling you stories.

Now, now, now, don't get upset.

I'm only interested
in one thing.

What's that?

Well, let me put it this way...

Milly's a good girl.

She's 17 and full-grown.

She's a hard worker,
and she can learn...

and she ain't
bad looking at all,

you get her cleaned up some.

Now you gotta
admit that, don't you?

She ain't no beauty.

But I guess I seen
worse looking women.

Well, now, suppose I was to...

make her come out here.

She could come.

You leave that to me.

You mean you want
her to come out here?

I said I could make her come.

But there's another side to it.

You can't forget that
she's my only daughter.

It's not just that she
helps around the place,

and takes care of things, why,

Milly's my pride and joy.

She's dear to me.

It'd take a big chunk out
of my heart to lose her.

And what do you figure that

chunk out of your heart's worth?

Why, you can't put a price
on such things, you know that.

Oh, of course not.

But, uh, you think that $30

would help ease
the pain a little?


Well, that's no more
than a horse is worth!

You can turn a
horse out to graze.

A woman takes feeding.

That's an insult to my daughter.

$30... why, it's criminal!

I won't go no higher.

What's the matter with you?

She's worth a hundred,
and you know it!

At least a hundred.

$30... take it or leave it.

What kind of a man are you?

You can't bargain
over a human being!

I said $30. I meant $30.

She just ain't worth any
more than that to me.


Think he's in there, Mr. Dillon?


Well, it's a good thing that
we seen Milly and Joey in town.

Put that gun down, Glover.

You put that gun down

and come on out of there!

We'll blast this shack to bits!

We know that you done it.

You might as well come on out!

You don't know nothing.

I been right here all day.

Arch Philips found Ed Potts
and brought him to town.

He come to long
enough to say that

it was you that
hit him in the head.

All right, now hold
it right there, Glover.

Drop the knife.

Go on, I said drop the knife.

You're gonna have
to shoot, Marshal.

You ain't gonna take me alive.

It might be the
best idea, Mr. Dillon.

All right, Glover.

Come on, let's get on your feet.

 You turning me loose?
 Not hardly.

Your kids is out there.

Is that all?

Well, they come to see you.

Throw 'em out!

Well, for heaven's sakes,

ain't you got no
decency about you at all?

Why don't you get a big
sack, put them both in it,

and throw them in the river?

Well, maybe it's just as
well that they don't see you.

What's the matter?

Uh... He didn't want to see 'em.

He what?

Well, they-they might as
well know the truth, Mr. Dillon.

He-He just didn't
want to see 'em at all.

That's all right, Marshal.

We're used to his ways.

Well, I... I'm
certainly sorry, Milly.

Come on, Joey. Let's go.

Good-bye, Marshal.

Oh, Matt... How is he, Doc?

Well, he's dead.

Ed Potts is dead?

Yes, Milly.

Well, that means
Pa will hang, don't it?

Well, he'll get a trial, Milly.

Poor Pa.

Poor, poor Pa.

Gee, Milly.

We're really alone now.

Look, uh...

you kids remember the
Widow Harper, don't you?

Oh, yes, she's a very nice lady.

Well, I've been talking
to her lately, and, uh...

well, she'd like to
adopt you and Joey.

Well, I'll have to talk
that over with Joey.

We're gonna have to
come back and see you later

- anyway, Marshal.
- Oh?

We have some things to tell you.

Bad things, I guess.

Well, you come on back
and see me anytime, Milly.

I'll be right here.

Thank you, Marshal.

Looking for More Gunsmoke Episodes?

Gunsmoke offers enjoyable viewing whether you’re watching solo or with your family. This American Western television series aired on CBS and boasts a rich collection of episodes. Among them, the 9th episode of Season 7 is titled Milly.

You can find more about any of the Gunsmoke episodes here.

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