Muley Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #12, Episode #18
Following an encounter with a young gunslinger that leaves him wounded, Matt heads back to Dodge with intentions to settle the score and carry out a bank robbery. However, his plans take an unexpected turn when he becomes entranced by one of Kitty’s girls after a visit to Long Branch. This diversion leads him into a whirlwind romance, complicating his original mission. Gunsmoke Muley originally aired on January 21, 1967.
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Gunsmoke Muley Cast
Below are the actors featured in the Gunsmoke episode titled Muley:
- James Arness as Matt Dillon
- Milburn Stone as Doc
- Amanda Blake as Kitty
- Ken Curtis as Festus
- Roger Ewing as Thad
- Lane Bradbury as Lucky
- Glenn Strange as Sam
- Ted Jordan as Burke
- Howard Culver as Howie
- Zalman King as Muley
- Anthony D. Call as Pell (as Anthony Call)
- Marc Cavell as Arky
- Ross Hagen as Kay Cee
- John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
- Rudy Doucette as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chuck Hamilton as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bert Madrid as Townsman (uncredited)
- Fred McDougall as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jimmy Noel as Jimmy (uncredited)
- Chick Sheridan as Townsman (uncredited)
- Rudy Sooter as Townsman (uncredited)
- Max Wagner as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chalky Williams as Townsman (uncredited)
Full Story Line for Muley
While biding his time to kill Marshal Matt Dillon and execute a bank robbery, a youthful gunslinger (portrayed by Zalman King) finds himself enamored with one of Kitty’s saloon girls (played by Lane Bradbury).
Full Script and Dialogue of Muley
♪♪ Started early this morning, Jim. Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be a quiet day today, Marshal. Yeah, it does. Well, that's all right with me... That's the way I like 'em. - Hello, Kitty. - Where you going? Well, I'm heading up to see Doc for a minute. KITTY: Well, when you get through, come on back - and have a drink. - Sounds good. Festus! (horse neighing) Get Doc. Matthew? (theme music playing) Anything else you can think of, Miss Kitty? He had a dark beard. Almost black. Well, he hadn't ought to be too hard to find. Especially with them clothes he's wearing. All right, let's go. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ (splash) ♪♪ (birds chirping) What's all the excitement? You pass anybody on the trail headed the other way? Yeah, I did. A fella going in that direction, wearing a big hat, some kind of funny jacket. Why you ask? He shot the marshal in Dodge City. No. Well, I... I sure hope you find him. We'll get him. You bet we will. Come on, Thad. Well... looks like everything's working out just fine. (plays sustained note) (playing an upbeat tune) ♪♪ Any change, Miss Kitty? No, Sam. I wish to blazes I'd have ridden with Festus and the others. They'll catch him. Let me have another beer, barkeep. All right. I've been to funerals that show me more life than this place. Well, folks here are pretty upset. They're real fond of the marshal. Why? He's just another crooked lawman, ain't he? That'll be five cents. Hi. I ain't gonna buy you a drink, if that's what you're after. Well, I don't care. I just thought maybe you'd want to talk. About what? Anything you want to talk about. I mean, you being alone and all. And it's kind of my job. You mind if I sit down? Suit yourself. You just riding through? You could say that. Well, I just been here about two weeks. Miss Kitty... That owns this place... She says I don't belong in here. - She says I'm too young. - You are. Well, I'm not as dumb as I look. I hope not. Well, I like that. What's your name? Lucky. I mean, that's what everybody calls me. It's kind of a joke, though, 'cause I never had no luck in my whole life. You got to make your own luck in this world. That's right. That's exactly what I'm doing here. I'm going to stay here for a year... if Miss Kitty will let me. And I'm gonna make myself $1,000, and then I'm gonna go back East and be a lady. Just like that, huh? Yeah, you wait and see if I don't. You're gonna have a lot to put up with in a place like this. I told you I weren't dumb. No, you ain't dumb. Just crazy. Well, I think you can put up with anything if you know you're only gonna be there a year. Ain't you got no folks? Sure, I got a stepma who hates me and a pa who don't care, and that's one place I'm never going back to. I got a place like that myself. What's your name? Muley. Well, you know, this isn't a bad town if you're looking for a place to settle. I ain't looking for no place to settle. Well, pardon me. Oh, why don't you just get off your high horse and leave me alone? All I said was that this isn't a bad town. And all I said was that I ain't looking for no place to settle down. Well... well, I don't care if you settle down here or not. Well, that's good. 'Cause then we understand each other. Lucky? Yes, ma'am? Pardon me, please. Yes, Miss Kitty? He giving you trouble? No, I was just putting on. In fact, he's kind of nice. Well, I don't mean it's anything, really. If I got to know him better, maybe, but... I won't, 'cause he's just riding through. Why is it when you meet somebody you might could like you always lose 'em? ♪♪ ♪♪ Posse's back. I reckon you all better stay here while I find out about what's what. Wonder if they caught him. And we'll let you out in two or three weeks, just like I said, and don't start that with me again, either. Two or three weeks? Doc, make it more like two, three days. - Not a chance. - I got things to do. You haven't got a thing to do that can't wait. Now, I'm gonna keep you in that bed just like you are if I have to hog-tie you and keep you in there. What do you want? Matthew. Festus. Why, he looks just fine, don't he, Doc? Well, certainly, he's got a very fine doctor. They's a whole bunch of fellers waiting downstairs wants to hear about you. I'll go and tell... Just a minute. I'll issue the bulletins around here, and you stay here. And if he tries an... If you let him out of there, I'll have you boiled in oil. Well, Doc was telling me you were out on the trail after that bushwhacker. Did you have any luck? No, sir, not a bit, Matthew. We went 20 miles west of here, covered every cross-trail north and south for ten miles. That scamp has just vanquished from thin air, is what he's did. I'd sure like to get my hands on him. Well, I suppose you all want to know what's going on. Well, I'll tell you. Due to the uncanny skill and wisdom of his personal physician, the stubborn and ornery United States Marshal's gonna recover. (cheering) That kind of news calls for a drink. Come on, Doc. I'll buy a drink for everybody. Well, by thunder, Howie, we'll drink it, won't we? (indistinct chatter) (piano playing lively tune) LUCKY: Hi again. I didn't mean to pop off at you that way yesterday. I really didn't have no call to. Why ain't you in there earning your $1,000? I don't have to be to work till later. Um... I'm going to breakfast. There's a place down the street that's got pretty good doughnuts, if you've a mind to come along. I mean, I'll pay for my own and all. Well, I got to eat someplace. I might as well eat with you. You heard about the marshal, how he's gonna be all right and everything? Yeah, I heard. Everybody sure is happy about it. I'm tickled to death myself. MULEY: If anything was to happen to him, I just don't know what I'd do. Look, uh... you just run along, I'll... I just thought of something I got to do. Well, it's down thataways. It's called the... Listen, you just... you just keep going. I'll... I'll be there in just a few minutes. Did you kill that marshal? I shot him. But the doc says he's gonna live. - Fine, that does it. - What's the difference? He's out of the way, ain't he? That's right. He's in bed down at the doc's office. Then we just count him out and go ahead like we figured. You were gonna kill him. Take care of it before we got here, you said. Part of your big plan. Supposed to go like clockwork. Well, it looks like a broke clock to me. You calling me, Kay Cee? Wait a minute. Take it easy, now. - Muley, it's like Pell said... - No, no. Look, if the marshal's laid up, we can go ahead... You guys... No! Now, when you come in on this, you agreed to do it my way, didn't you, Kay Cee? Well, you know what my way is. With me, the main thing's getting the marshal. The bank comes second. Yeah, but it didn't work out that way. You had your big chance and missed it. Well, I'm going to make another chance, Kay Cee. What do we do in the meantime? You wait. You and Kay Cee, you go on down the street and you get yourself nice rooms in that boarding house. Pell, you check in at the hotel. That's where I'm staying. But stay away from me. None of us know each other. Can you understand that, huh, Kay Cee? Yeah, yeah. You're the one with the experience. I guess this town give you a lot of experience. (chuckles) You and your brother. (laughs) Don't you ever mention my brother's name in that tone of voice again. You understand me, Kay Cee? He didn't mean nothing by it. I'm talking to Kay Cee. You understand me, Kay Cee, hmm? Yeah, sure, boss, no offense. All right, let's get out of here. All right, Muley. And remember, none of us know each other. Till you kill that marshal? That's right, Kay Cee. Until I kill the marshal. Come on, let's get out of here. What are you doing waiting outside? Well, I figured, if we was gonna eat together, well, we ought to walk in together. Well, suppose I hadn't shown up? How'd you know I just wasn't stalling you, huh? Well, you're here, aren't you? That's right. Come on. Ooh, flannel cakes. Boy, I hadn't had those since I was a little girl. Why don't you have 'em, then? 'Cause they're 15 cents, and coffee and a doughnut's only a nickel. What's the difference... I'm paying for it, ain't I? You don't have to do that. I told you I'll pay for my own. Now, there you go again. Right off the bat, you gonna start off with an argument. Come here. Do you see that girl over there? Well, she wants an order of flannel cakes. And I want one, too. Well, thank you. (giggles) Ain't you ever had a man buy you a meal before? None 'cept my pa, and that was just at home. I never been in a real café like this till I come to Dodge. Well, this place ain't nothing to talk about. I guess you've been in lots of fancy places and... and probably bought lots of meals for women, hadn't you? A few. Well, how'd you do it? I mean, just drifting around the country and all and never having no regular job or nothing? Just saved up a couple bucks from my last job, that's all. What was it? Stopping half-grown crazy kids from asking fool questions. I'm not half-grown. I'm full-grown. Yeah, but that don't make you any less crazy. Golly, they look real good, don't they? Why didn't you ask your friends to have breakfast with us? What friends? Them three fellas that rode up when we were down the street there. Isn't that why you set me on ahead... So's you could talk to 'em? Never saw them before in my whole life. Really? Yeah, really. Wh... How come you ask? I don't know. I just thought it. I'm glad they're not your friends. Why? 'Cause... I didn't like their looks. Now, what can you tell about a man's looks? Plenty. I mean, they might could've been guilty of anything. What about my looks? Oh, your looks are different. I like your looks, Muley. But you don't know me any better than you know them, so how can you say that? Yes, I do. A woman can tell. She can, huh? Mm-hmm. You got folks somewhere? No, they been... they been dead for ten years. Well, who brought you up? My brother. Where's he? He's dead, too. He got in front of a bullet. Now, there you go again, you're starting off with those questions. You sure do get upset easy. Don't you forget it. Long as we might be spending some time together, on and off. You mean it? Yeah, I mean it. I figure I better keep my eye on you. Okay. Wait a minute. - What do you got there? - Where? You know where. Behind your back... what you got? - Well... - Let me see your hand. - Oh, stop this. - Well, it's just what Matthew wants. That's what it is. Here you are, Matthew. Just get away from here. Now, what in thunder do you think you're up to? Doc, I'm gonna get up out of here and try out my legs. You're not gonna do anything of the kind. I'm your doctor, and you'll do exactly as I tell you. You get up and get to moving around, you'll tear that bandage off and open the wound, and then you'll be in trouble. Doc, I'll just have to be careful and try not to tear off the bandage. All right, now, just a minute. That fella that shot you... They've looked all over west of town. They haven't found hide nor hair of him. Now, he could've doubled back into Dodge. Have you thought of that? Yeah, I've thought of that. Well, he's not gonna call you out. He's proved that. Now, he can take a potshot at you from any building, any window, anytime, anywhere. What about that? I've thought of that, too, and that's one of the reasons I want to get out of here and do some looking around. With this fella out on the loose and me not knowing who he is or where he is, I'm not gonna get much rest in this bed. Now, I got to get out of here. All right, you win. You know what I ought to do? I ought to get a gun and shoot you in the kneecap. (lively piano music playing) (quiet, indistinct conversations) Beer? Yeah. Hi, stranger. What do you mean, "stranger"? Well, where you been since this morning? How come it is every time I see you you got to start off with a bunch of questions? Well, I thought you said we was gonna see a little bit of each other. I said maybe. But I didn't say when. All right, when? When I get time. Well, what's taking up all your time? Thinking. I-I got things to figure out. And you better lay off them questions, you dimwit. What do you want to do? You want to get a man on the prod, hmm? You mean I bother you? Yeah. You bother me. Good. So that's why he don't mind keeping us hanging around here. Aw, she just works here. Yeah. Sure. You want to take a walk with me tomorrow? A walk? Well, the hills are real pretty this time of year, and I'll show you my favorite place. Well, I-I don't know if I can. I... I don't know if I'm gonna be able to work it out. (footsteps approaching) - Glad to see you around, Marshal. - Hello, Marshal. -Boys. Hi, Marshal. Sure is good to see you up again. Well, thank you, Lucky. FESTUS: Miss Lucky, you're looking prettier every day. LUCKY: Oh, thank you, Festus. Marshal, I'd like you to meet my friend Muley. Marshal Dillon, and that's Festus. How do? - Nice to meet you. - Oh, Marshal, I'm sure glad - you're all right again. - Howdy, Marshal. -Howdy. (indistinct chatter) You want to take that walk? If I can work it out. Try. ♪♪ SAM: What are you drinking, Marshal? DILLON: Oh, I'll have a beer, Sam. Yeah, much obliged. I'll have a whiskey, Sam. (knocking) Who's there? KAY CEE: It's all right. Let us in. You know, I must have sent for you gentlemen. Or else you wouldn't be here. It's a funny thing, 'cause I don't remember it. Well, I tell you, Muley, we figured it was time we had a little talk. Since when do you do the figuring, Kay Cee? That's my job. It's your job, but, uh, we're not too sure you're doing it. You feel the same way, Pell? Well, we've been doing a lot of sitting and waiting. Nothing else. I just want to get things straightened out. Yeah, Pell's right. You give us this big song and dance before we come out here. About how you rode with jobs on your brother's gang and knew all about how to plan things. Well, maybe your brother was smart. Yeah? He pulled off a lot of big ones. But that don't mean you learned nothing from him. And it don't prove you're very smart. (cocks gun) Well, you didn't ask for no proof when you came in on this, Kay Cee. No, you had a big plan then. Sounded fine. But it just didn't work. Oh, it's going to work out. We just got to wait for the right timing. We was just supposed to hit and get out. The marshal was supposed to be dead before we even got here. All right, gentlemen. You're right. There's got to be some changes. And I'm working on 'em. You're working on what? Arky... you're gonna be the first to know. At least you could tell us something, Muley. Hey, listen. You know, I figure I can tell you boys... Yes, sir, I figure ol' Muley plans to settle down here. Buy himself a little house. And maybe that, uh, marshal... He'll pin a law badge on him. (Kay Cee chuckles) Then he can hitch up with that dance hall gal and raise himself a bunch of young'uns, huh? (Kay Cee laughs) Shut up, Kay Cee! - You hear me, Kay Cee? Shut up! - Come on, let him go. - Get off him. - Let him go. You ever lay your hands on me again, boy... you better mean it. I meant it that time, Kay Cee. Well, I didn't mean no offense to the lady. But you got to admit she's sure been keeping your mind off your business lately. Well, I'm running the business, Kay Cee. So I'll do the worrying about it. Now, get out of here. And don't you come back until I call for you. And we just go on waiting, is that it? MULEY: Did I tell you to do anything else? No. No, you sure didn't. Come on, let's get out of here. (harmonica playing upbeat tune) I'll race you to the top! (laughs) (laughing, shrieking) Oh! (laughs) What are you, a girl or a mountain goat? A witch. When it's a full moon, I come out, and I lead men into the swamp, and I never let 'em out again. You're crazy as a loon is what you are. Sure, that, too. Oh, look. A prairie flower. They always smell so yellow and musty, sort of. Is that for me, hmm? Not unless you earn it. What do I got to do to earn it? I don't know, but I'll think of something. You be sure and let me know when you do, all right? Don't you worry, I will. Look up yonder, that's my favorite place I was telling you about. ♪♪ Come on. Hey, this place is a... is a cemetery. You sure are a crazy girl. I don't care, I like it. Hardly anybody ever comes here. And it's peaceful and quiet and away from things. Sure is quiet. Bet you could come up here and think all by yourself, couldn't you? That's one of the reasons I like it. Sometimes I come up here and sit just for hours and talk things over with myself. Any of these people ever join in with you? (laughs) Golly, no. That'd scare the living daylights out of me. There. Is that what I was supposed to do to earn it? Much more than that. But I only got one. Golly, I'll probably have to pick you hundreds and hundreds of flowers. Ain't it supposed to be the other way... Me picking them for you? I'd like that, too. But there's no reason it can't be both ways. Is that the kind of world you think it is, Lucky? Where people just go around picking flowers for one another? That's the kind of world it ought to be. Maybe. But that ain't the kind it is. But you wouldn't know, 'cause... 'cause you ain't been out in it long enough. I'm learning, though. Oh, yeah, you're learning, all right. In that saloon. You got to get out of there. You don't belong in that place, Lucky. Where do I belong, Muley? I don't know. Hey, Lucky, I'm-I'm gonna have to leave this town soon. Any time now, and when I go, I ain't gonna be able to take you with me. Mu-Muley? Now, don't ask me no questions, Lucky, because... because I ain't gonna be able to explain. Guess I had things figured wrong. Oh, no. No, you didn't, Lucky. Suppose... Now, you just suppose... that i-if... if I sent for you when I got where I was going later on, would you come? You mean it? You want me to put it in writing? Course I'll come. I don't know what's the matter with me. I get things all figured out in my mind, I know exactly what I got to do, and I know exactly how I'm gonna do it, then all of a sudden, I-I... and I look at you, and things get all mixed up and they don't look the same no more. Maybe that's 'cause you like me a little bit. - A little bit? - (laughs) Oh, I like you more than a little bit, Lucky. I... I like you too much. That's the reason I-I stayed away for two days. You remember when I stayed away for two days? Well, I stayed away because... because I figured, well, if I could... LUCKY: What's the matter, Muley? What you looking at? Golly, there must be hundreds of 'em like him in there. He's just some ol' no-good outlaw that got what was coming to him. Shut up, Lucky! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say something that was gonna upset you. It was the sorriest day of your life, the day you said hi to me. Why? 'Cause I'm gonna hurt you, Lucky. Don't you understand? I don't want to, but I'm gonna. A little hurting doesn't hurt nobody. I got something I got to do. Don't know how I'm gonna do it... but I'm gonna do it. (lively piano music playing in distance) (gunfire) (piano stops playing) (indistinct chatter) You know him? No, I just heard the shooting, that's all. All right, you better get back inside. Well, he didn't come off near as lucky this time, did he, Matthew? Well, according to Kitty's description, this isn't the same man at all. You mean there might be more than one of them? Could well be. Now, be careful where you look, but there's a fella standing next to that horse there... and there's one over here behind me, leaning against the post. Recognize either of 'em? Seen 'em around town this past week. Yeah, I've saw both of them fellers in the Long Branch, Matthew. I want you two to check up on 'em, see what you can find out. Find out where they're staying and what they're doing in town. Will do, Matthew. ♪♪ How'd you get in here? Well, Pell's key had fit your door. Talked Arky into it, didn't you? He wouldn't have moved on his own, but you had to talk to... talk him into it, didn't you, Kay Cee? And now you got the marshal on his guard. He's gonna turn this town inside out. It's gonna be ten times as hard for us now. How'd he talk you into it? We was all getting restless, Muley. We made a wrong move, and we admit it. What's the difference whether you admit it or not, Kay Cee? It's done, ain't it? From now on, we'll do it your way. Maybe we ought to just forget it and ride out of here. Oh, yeah, that'd be a good idea. And make another stupid move. Any man that rides out of this town in the next couple days and don't have a really good reason for it is gonna have a posse on his trail before he gets five miles. Can you get that through your head, pal? (Muley chuckles) What's the difference? Don't make no difference. 'Cause it ain't the end of the world. It's over, and it's done with. It really don't make no difference. 'Cause I got a couple other plans up my sleeve. And maybe, in a couple days, if everything goes right, we'll be able to get out of this town for good. You're the boss. Good-bye, Kay Cee. ♪♪ (glass shatters) Any luck? THAD: Nothing. We must have went through 200 of these, Matthew, and I haven't saw one face that I've saw around Dodge here lately. You know, it could be that none of them have any criminal records. Well... here's one that could have shot you in the back, but you killed him about six months ago in that bank holdup, remember? Say, wait a minute. Look at this. You know that kid we met in the Long Branch... That friend of Lucky's? Yeah, that, uh... Muley. Yeah, I knew he reminded me of somebody. FESTUS: Golly Bill, he does look like him, don't he? Rex Proddert. You know, I think he had a brother used to ride with him, too. THAD: Now, that might explain quite a bit. Well, of course. Revenge for killing his brother. Yeah, that explains Muley, all right. But what about the others? He must have offered them something to get in on it. THAD: Well, how about the bank? If Muley was here before, then he could tell 'em how to rob it. Probably it. Well, let's go get 'em, lock 'em in jail. It's not that easy, Festus... I don't have - any charges against 'em. - Well, they tried to kill you. Yeah, but I can't prove it. Well, what are you fixing to do? Tell you one thing I can do. Try to force their hand. Let me have a beer. Well, I guess I better get going if I'm gonna catch that stage. It should be about ready to leave. When do you expect to be back? DILLON: Probably be back tomorrow afternoon sometime, Kitty. KITTY: Well, you have a good trip. - Take care of things. - I'll try. Hi, Muley. How are you, kid? - Been missing me? - Sure, I missed you. Well, if you had, you would have been around sooner. Look, Lucky, lay off me today. I got things on my mind. What's her name? - No, I mean important things. - Well, I like that. Miss Kitty. Say, have you saw Matthew in here lately? He just left on the stage. Stage... Well, why'd he do that? Well, I don't know. What'd you want with him? Well, it ain't me. It's Mr. Botkin over at the bank. They got a big shipment of gold dust going out on that 9:00 train tonight, and, well, he wanted Matthew to keep a eye on it while they're loading it. What's Botkin so worried about, anyhow? He's moved gold shipments before, never had any trouble. Well, I know he has, but he says there's always a first time for everything, and all he's got's them two clerks to load it on the handcart and push it down the alley. Course, it won't take more than five minutes to get to the depot. LUCKY: Muley, I don't know what the trouble is, but I'm not helping any, so I guess I'll talk to you later. Hey... hey, look, kid. I meant it when I said I was gonna send for you. I believe you. Well, if he ain't here, he ain't here. That's all there are to it. KITTY: Well, I don't see what difference it makes anyhow. FESTUS: Yeah, I reckon you're right. ♪♪ (crickets chirping) Everything all right, Kay Cee? You leave them horses down there at the end of the alley like I told you? Just like you said, Muley. Street's empty. Good. There's only two deputies. It'll be a breeze. (quiet chuckle) Shouldn't take them more than five minutes to load that wagon. So let's get across the street so we can be ready for 'em. LUCKY: Muley? ♪♪ What the devil you doing here? I just wanted to talk to you a minute alone. No. Now, beat it, Lucky. Them's the two men you said you didn't know. I'm telling you to get out of here, Lucky. - Now, get out of here. - KAY CEE: No. She's going with us. The minute she gets out of here, she'll start shooting off her mouth. They're coming with the cart. Looks like you're gonna have to go with us, Lucky. Now, you take it easy, and you won't get hurt. ♪♪ Stay in here, Lucky. You keep quiet, and you stay out of sight. ♪♪ (cocks gun) Drop them guns! Come on, come on, get your... get over here. Lay down with your faces on the ground. PELL: Next sound you make will be your last one. MULEY: Come on, let's get those horses loaded. DILLON: Hold it. Get your hands up. Whoa. (grunts) You hold it, Marshal. Yeah, if you get me, Marshal, I get her. Kay Cee! Don't hurt her. 'Cause if you do... I'm gonna kill you three times over. Well, I'm gonna tell you, boy, you ain't giving the orders anymore. Now, you got us into this, and maybe she's gonna get us out. You can come or stay. Let her go, Kay Cee. Come on, Pell, let's get out of here. I mean it, Kay Cee. Out of my way, Muley. Let her go, Kay Cee. (gunshot) All right, you two, get up. Get this wagon and this gravel out of here. ♪♪ I didn't mean you no harm, Muley. I was just wanting... I wanted to talk to you. I would have picked flowers for you. Honest, I would have. (groaning) Muley. Muley. Come on, Lucky. Lucky... you better go before the crowd gets here. - (sniffles) - Lucky? Lucky. (sobbing) ♪♪
Behind the Scenes of Muley
Following Muley’s revelation to the posse about encountering the man they are pursuing earlier, there’s a prolonged shot featuring Muley and the posse. A stand-in is seen on horseback for Muley in this scene, as the subsequent shot depicts King and his horse facing a different direction.
Looking for More Gunsmoke Episodes?
If you’re seeking a television series for a binge-watching session, consider Gunsmoke by yourself or with your loved ones. This classic American Western series aired on the CBS network for 20 seasons from 1955 to 1975 is a must-watch. Muley is the 18th episode of Season 12, offering a captivating addition to the series.
You can find more about any of the Gunsmoke episodes here.