Knight Errant Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #08
Hoss Cartwright agrees to assist Lotty, the mail-order bride of his friend Walter Prescott, who is temporarily unable to fulfill his duties. However, Hoss’s noble gesture unexpectedly turns when Lotty develops feelings for him, leading to tension between them. To complicate matters further, Prescott, feeling resentful, hires a bounty hunter to target Hoss. The episode Knight Errant, which featured a talented supporting cast including Phil Chambers, Tyler McVey, Roy Engel, Tina Menard, George Robotham, and Gil Perkins, was initially aired on November 18, 1962. Joseph Hoffman penned it.
If you’re curious, explore the intricacies of the plot and discover some trivia, or sit back and enjoy the entire episode below.
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Watch the Full Episode of Knight Errant
Watch the Full Episode of Knight Errant:
Main Cast
Apart from the main cast, “Knight Errant,” the eighth episode of Bonanza Season 4 presents various recurring and guest-supporting actors. The cast includes:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Judi Meredith as Lotty Hawkins
- John Doucette as Walter Prescott
- Phil Chambers as Dick Thompson
- Ray Teal as Sheriff Roy Coffee
- Tyler McVey as Townsman
- Roy Engel as Doctor Martin
- George Robotham as Frank
- Gil Perkins as Whitey
- John Breen as Barfly (uncredited)
- Betty Endicott as Brunette Townswoman (uncredited)
- Michael Jeffers as Townsman (uncredited)
- Ethan Laidlaw as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bob LaWandt as Townsman (uncredited)
- Martha Manor as Blonde Townswoman (uncredited)
- Tina Menard as Francesca (uncredited)
- Bob Miles as Henry (uncredited)
- Cosmo Sardo as Bartender (uncredited)
Full Story Line for Knight Errant
Hoss Cartwright’s act of kindness takes an unexpected turn when the mail-order bride he’s agreed to accompany to a neighboring rancher develops romantic feelings for him before reaching her intended groom, leading to strained relations.
Full Script and Dialogue of Knight Errant
Ben! Hoss! Oh, Walter, how are you? Fine. I want you boys to come to the wedding. - Wedding? Whose wedding? - Whose do you think? I'll see you at the wedding. Hey, Sheriff, I want to talk to you. Hey, that was a bad one. Might have busted a leg, Pa. Hoss, get Doc Miller. Walter, you-you just rest easy now. Doc will be here in a minute. You're pretty lucky. You could've been killed. Lucky? I was supposed to ride out today and pick up my bride. Walter, you sure been keeping this wedding a secret. - When did all this happen? - Yeah, in all the excitement, I forgot to congratulate you, Walter. Uh, where'd you meet her? What does she look like? I bet she's a pretty thing, ain't she? Well, I've never seen her. Y-You never seen her? No. She's a mail-order bride. I answered an advertisement in some magazine. I'm supposed to pick her up. It's four days up and four days back to Willow Creek. You'd never make it. I got to make it. I gave that girl my word. I can't go back on a promise. Not only that, I just got through inviting half the people in town to the wedding. I ain't ever seen a man as anxious to get his head in a noose, have you, Pa? I reckon I'll just have to do something about it. What are you getting at, Hoss? Pa, could you spare me from the Ponderosa long enough to take a little ride up to Willow Creek and back? Well, uh, I guess if, uh, if there's gonna be a wedding, there's got to be a bride. Oh, no, wait a minute. I couldn't ask a man to do anything like that. Oh, Mr. Prescott, that's what friends are for. You just tell me how I can locate her. Be happy to do it. Well, thank you, Hoss. Listen, her name's Lotty Hawkins. Sent me a map on how to find her place. Now, I imagine she's gonna be pretty scared, not knowing me and all, so... just tell her I'm a good man and I'll make her a fine husband and... tell her I can't wait until she gets here for the wedding. Don't you worry about a thing. And, Hoss, bring her back to me safe and sound. Whoa. Giddy up. Go. Hey, look out for my goat! Whoa, whoa. Ma'am? Ma'am, could you tell me where the Hawkins ranch is? You found it. This is it. You must... You must be Miss Lotty Hawkins. Why, yes, how did you... You must be Mr. Prescott. Well, of course you are. - Come on in. - No, ma'am, I... Ma'am, you gonna take her in with us? Oh, no, no. Come on. She's gonna come in anyhow. Oh, Sam. Come on, Sam. Sam? Oh, Sam's a girl. Oh. Well, I-I didn't get much of a chance to freshen up. I didn't expect you so soon. But won't you sit down? Yeah, ma'am, I'm afraid I... - Please. - I've got a little bad news I need to tell you. Oh. Um, I was afraid of that. I know what you're trying to say. You don't like the way I look. No, ma'am, I like the way you look real fine. You do? Well, sure. Well, I certainly am glad to hear that, because I was wondering what you looked like, too, and I must say, I-I'm real pleased. That's what I got to talk to you about, ma'am. You see, I-I ain't Walter Prescott. Oh, you're not? No, ma'am, I'm Hoss Cartwright. Walter had a little accident. Nothing serious, mind you, but he hurt his leg, and the doctor thought he ought to get some rest, so I told him I'd ride up here and fetch you. Sort of getting late, though. I just wonder if your folks would mind if I put up here for the night. Oh, I-I don't have any folks. My ma and pa are dead. They are? Yes. You live way out here all alone? Yeah. Oh, except for Sam and Annie. They're my two goats. You must be awfully hungry. I'll get some wood and make some fire. Here, no, I'll do that. Why? Well, ma'am, that's a man's job, not a lady's. It is? Sure. I never did realize that there were so many lonely people in the world. Did you, Mr. Cartwright? No, I don't reckon I ever thought about it much, ma'am. I got so much family that I never want for company much. Matter of fact, most of the time, I'm wishing they'd leave me alone. I'd say you were very fortunate. I've always thought that it was kind of... It's raining. Yeah. I got to get Sam and Annie and bring them in here. You gonna bring them in here, ma'am? Well, yes. If I don't, they'll catch their death. Oh, look, you-you go ahead and finish your coffee. I'll bring Sam and Annie in. Thank you, Hoss. Are you comfortable, Hoss? Oh, yes, ma'am. Fine. Hoss? I'm so ashamed. Putting my advertisement in that magazine, but I was so lonely. And I was going through life getting lonelier and lonelier. Oh, ma'am, there ain't-ain't nothing to be ashamed about. I can't figure anything being any worse than going through life all lonesome. Nobody caring anything about you. Mr. Prescott's letter was the only answer I received. I almost fainted when he asked me to marry him. What's he like? He's a fine gentleman. Fine, fine gentleman. If you ask me, both of you got a pretty good bargain. I sure hope so. Hoss, have you ever heard of the Knights of the Round Table? The what? King Arthur an-and all of those knights and their ladies. Oh, they lived in England about, oh, a thousand years ago. And that's what they called themselves, the Knights of the Round Table. Well, the knights were so brave and so noble and so... so chivalrous. I used to love to have my ma read to me about them from her books. My ma was a schoolteacher. Did you know that? Miss Lotty, what ever happened to your ma? Well... They say she died of the fever, but that's not true. She died of overwork. She did all the plowing and everything. Pa used to say that it was a woman's job to keep busy while a man went out looking for something to eat. But it was usually liquor he went looking for. Ma'am, from now on out, things are gonna be a lot easier and a lot nicer for you. I used to have all these silly dreams of being swept off my feet by some beautiful, young, romantic man that come riding out of the west. But now I'm gonna marry a man that I only got some letters from. A man that I've never even seen or met. Dad-gumit. We have a poem about this. Would you like to hear it? "My house is constructed of natural soil. "The walls are erected according to Hoyle. "The roof has no pitch, "but it's level and plain, and I never get wet until it happens to rain." Good night, Hoss. Good night, Miss Lotty. "Oh, young Lockinvar, "he came out of the west. "Through all the wide border, his steed was the best. "And save his good broadsword, he weapon had none. "He rode all unarmed and he rode alone. "But ere he alighted by Netherby gate, "the bride had consented, the gallant came late. "For a laggard in love and a wastrel in war was to wed the fair Ellen 'stead of brave Lochinvar." That's right pretty, ma'am. Sure like to hear you read it, too. Thank you. Hoss? Mm-hmm? Is Mr. Prescott anything like you? Well, I reckon he is and he ain't. I'll tell you this. He's a fine gentleman, and he will treat you with all the respect and honor that... that you deserve. Well... does he look anything like you? Mr. Prescott? Mm-hmm. No. Thank your lucky stars for that, too. No. Compared to me, Mr. Prescott's a real fine, handsome gentleman. I reckon most fellers are compared to me, though. I wouldn't say that. I think you're one of the nicest-looking men I've ever seen. Oh. - Howdy. - Howdy. I ran out of food a ways back, and your coffee smells mighty good. Thought you might spare a cup. You bet your boots. Come right on. Howdy, ma'am. Plenty of coffee there. You just help yourself. Might even have a bean or two. Are you hungry? What's in here? What have you got there? You leave my books alone! Why you little wild cat... What's the matter? She too much for you? Leave me alone, you big brute! Well, I guess that got rid of them. That was wonderful, Hoss. What? Protecting me when it could have cost your life. Oh, them two skunks? Cowards are all alike. Anybody could have done it. Oh, not just anybody, Hoss. Not the way you did it. Oh, you better get some sleep. I want you nice and fresh and pretty tomorrow when we get to Mr. Prescott's ranch. Wait till you see that ranch house. Good night, Hoss. Good night, ma'am. I'll make you a palate out of some nice, soft pine needles and leaves, and I think I'll spend the rest of the night over there by that campfire in case those two skunks decide to come back. Hi. Ben! Boys! What are you doing here so early? Charlie, take the horses. You know the wedding ain't until tonight. Oh, we just thought we'd come along and see if we could give an old bachelor like you a hand, Walter. But I see a couple of other people had the same idea. Yeah, and I sure appreciate it. Besides, we wanted to see what the bride looks like. So do I, Adam. So do I. Well, we came to do some work. Let's go. That's a very good idea. I think I'll check the punch, make sure it's all right. Help yourself. You know something, Ben? What? I'm as nervous as a calf in a bullpen. Well, here I am. - I'm not getting any younger - Yeah. But I feel like a youngster about to take a girl out for the first time. Walter, you know something? I'll bet you that bride-to-be of yours is more nervous than you are right now. Here. Put that around your neck, and it'll keep you cool. Hoss, you are so downright chivalrous, you're going to spoil me for good. Here, this is finished. Oh, good. Good as new. Thank you, ma'am. Well... I guess you're gonna want to be going. Yeah. Uh... Miss Lotty? Ain't you gonna dress? Well, I am dressed. Well, I mean, no, in the new stuff that we bought back down a way. Oh, I'm gonna save those for the wedding. Miss Lotty? What? Ma'am, don't you want to look nice and fresh and pretty for meeting Mr. Prescott the first time? Hoss? Hoss?! Wow. Well, what do you think, Hoss? Do you think the folks at Mr. Prescott's will be pleased? They sure will, Miss Lotty. They sure will. Are you pleased with me, Hoss? Ma'am, I think you're just plain, plumb, downright beautiful. And I think Mr. Prescott's a mighty lucky man. Come on. Hey, folks, why don't you rest yourselves a spell? Some fresh sandwiches here and cold beer. Well, now, why don't you rest yourself a spell now? Come on, sit down now. You're the bridegroom-to-be. How about a beer for a bridegroom-to-be? Hey, here they come! There they are! Ben, I'm nervous as a leaf in a windstorm. Oh. Hi, Hoss. What have you got here? - Hi. - How are you? Hi, Joe. Fine, Adam. Mr. Prescott, here's your bride. Oh, Walter, don't you...? Do you want to say howdy? Yeah. All safe and sound, just like I promised. Lotty, this here is Mr. Prescott. Welcome to your new home, Lotty. Thank you. Mr. Prescott, if I... if I'd known your new bride was this beautiful, I would have gotten her myself. I believe I would have, too. Oh, Lotty, this is Mr. Cartwright, Hoss's father. And, uh, his other two sons... Little Joe. Ma'am. - And Adam. - Howdy. All these people are our wedding guests. But I know you must be tired, so I'll have Francesca show you her room. Francesca? Francesca?! - Sí, señor. - Oh. Uh, show my bride to her room, and see that she gets anything she needs. The wedding's going to be tonight, so it'll give you a chance to rest up for a spell. Come with me, señorita. Please come. Señorita. Congratulations, Mr. Prescott. You're a lucky man. Thank you, Little Joe. Ben, what do you think of her? Well, the important thing, Walter, is, what do you think of her? - I think she's wonderful. - Yeah. Hoss, I got to thank you. I'm gonna be indebted to you for the rest of my life. Forget it, Mr. Prescott. Like I told you, that's the least a friend can do. Well, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm gonna go in and do a little talking with the future Mrs. Prescott, and may get to know her a mite beforehand. She's certainly pretty, but, uh, a little younger than I thought she'd be. Well, I'm get gonna get me something to eat. What did you two talk about on the trail? Something uplifting, I hope. Lots of things. Yeah, lots of things. Like what? Mm, like, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Lots of things. King Arthur? Oh, come on. You're joshing me. King Arthur? - Mm. - Hey, Adam, we were making a big mistake. We ought to call him Sir Hoss. Sir Hoss, thou good and noble knight, I didst not know thou possessed charms to melt the heart of yon fair damsel who did dwell in the wilderness. Sir Hoss, oh, knightest of the chuck wagonest. Hey, here comes Walter. I propose a toast to the new and happy groom. Hear! Hear! Mr. Prescott, here's to your wedding. I ought to kill you, Hoss. I ought to kill you right where you stand. Mr. Prescott, what did I do? You know darn well what you did. Now get off my property. Walter, wait a minute. What happened? Maybe you ought to ask your son what happened. He knows. He knows what went on between them on the trail. I don't know what you're talking about. My good friend, I trusted you like I would my own son. You played me for a fool. That ain't true, Mr. Prescott. Why won't she marry me then? I don't know, but you got to believe me. You get out of here. The lot of you. Get out of here. Mr. Prescott? Let me go up and talk to her. Just let me go up and talk to her. You stay away from her, Hoss! So help me God, if I ever catch you going near her again, I'll shoot you on sight. Pa, I don't know what he's talking about. I swear I don't. Well... Come on. Hoss? Take me with you! Don't leave me here! Hoss, let's get home. There's nothing but trouble here. Giddyup. Giddyup. Hoss, please, don't leave me! Hoss! Hoss? Oh. Look at it this way. That little gal's lived on that farm all alone for all these years. I go up there, and I get her, bring her down here and drop her down right smack dab in the middle of a bunch of strangers to get married to a man she ain't never seen before in her life. Scare anybody, much less a little gal like her. Well, it makes sense. Doesn't change the fact that Prescott wants to kill you. Ah, he's jumping to conclusions. Ain't nothing wrong with that little gal, except... except she's scared, that's all. Maybe she's in love with you. In love with me? Oh. It's the biggest bunch of nonsense I... I ever heard. Well, I don't think it's nonsense. Why would she ask you to take her with you? You know, Adam could be right. She might be in love with you. Bartender, bring us a couple beers. Hold up. Good morning, Mr. Prescott. Good morning, Henry. Sure you won't change your mind, Lotty? No. I'm sorry. Henry, take her bag, see that she gets a nice room, and send the bill to me. I'll pay you back as soon as I get myself a job, Mr. Prescott. Hyah. - Hello, Dick. - Ron. Gavin. I've known Hoss Cartwright for more years than you can count. I always figured him as a man that could be trusted. I never thought he'd do a thing like this to me. Walter, it's just hard for me to believe that Hoss would two-time a man that way. What are you calling me, Thompson, a liar? I say Hoss Cartwright deliberately cut me with that girl. I say he's a skunk who can't be trusted. All right, Walter, have it your way, but I know the Cartwrights, and they ain't built that way. Hi, Charlie. Hoss Cartwright just rode up to the hotel. Walter, Walter. No. Hoss. Hi, Miss Lotty. I knew you'd come to see me just as soon as you could. I just knew it. Yes, Miss Lotty, there's, there's something kind of serious I got to talk to you about. Well, what is it, Hoss? Well, ma'am, some of the folks around town are saying stuff that... well, like, the reason you didn't marry Mr. Prescott was... was because you was in love or something with me, I... Then you know it, don't you, Hoss? You know it. All that time on the trail, you knew how I felt about you, and I was waiting for you to tell me how much you loved me, but of course you couldn't because you had to know for sure how much I loved you. Oh, I dearly love you, Hoss. I'm just so happy, I could cry. Listen, Lotty. Ma'am, ain't they someplace we can go where it's, uh, kind of private, where I can talk to you? Oh, well, of course, Hoss, of course. Give me the gun. Give me the gun. Help him over to a chair. Here, you need that more than you need that gun. Well, Walter, I guess I was wrong about Hoss Cartwright. Nice of you to admit it. So help me, I would have shot him. Prescott, my advice to you is to forget it. Forget it? That's one thing I will never do. That's all you can do. Man steals a horse, you put a bounty on his head. Why shouldn't it be the same for a man who steals your wife? Well, Walter, you don't mean that. Putting a bounty on Hoss Cartwright? Why shouldn't I? Hoss Cartwright stole my wife, didn't he? We've all paid up to $1,000 for a horse thief. I'd say a wife stealer is just about three times as bad. I suggest you go on home and forget it, Walter. Wild talk like that's no good. Some durn fool might take you up on it. Maybe if he did, he might not be such a durn fool as you think. Let's go find us some horses and guns. Ma'am, what I was trying to tell you back downstairs there was... Well... Yes? Well, ma'am, I... Well, about... about me... being in love with you... Oh, Hoss, you don't have to say it. I believe you. And it's just about the nicest thing that's ever happened to me in my whole life, being loved by a man like you. But... doggone it, Miss Lotty, you, you don't hardly even know me. I mean, well, not really you don't. I'm, I'm mean, vicious. I'd be so dad-burn ornery, I, I'd make any woman miserable. You would? Yeah. I, I got a real bad streak in me. You have? Yeah, why, compared to me, why, Mr. Prescott's a real fine gentleman, at least wise he was till he thought I crossed him up. You'd be doing yourself a big favor by forgetting me and marrying him. Hoss, I know what you're trying to do. You do? Yes, and I admire you for it. Well... I, I just wanted to be fair to you and Mr. Prescott, that's all. You are without a doubt the most honorable man I ever met... Willing to sacrifice our love so as not to be accused of betraying a friend's trust. Huh? You know, I think that's why I fell in love with you. You know, you're just like one of the Knights of the Round Table that I used to dream about. I mean, you're kind and courteous and gentle and, and brave. I used to think that to meet a man like you was just the silly dream of a, of a lonely, young, romantic girl, but now it's come true. Miss Lotty, y-you got to forget about me. You, you got to, you got to quit thinking things like that. Well, you're just trying to sacrifice yourself and our happiness because of Mr. Prescott. Well, I won't let you do it. Lotty, I, I ain't trying to sacrifice nothing. What I'm trying to do is... Well, Hoss, I understand your feelings and, and I respect them, but a very wise poet once said that "I could not love thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honor more." Miss Lotty... No, I won't permit it. Now, I know it'll take some time for Mr. Prescott to get over his anger, but he will. We must be patient and wait, and meanwhile, we can, we can still see each other. Secretly if, if we have to. Hoss, if I ever needed any proof of your love, you just gave it to me. Hoss, was that shot aimed at you? Danged if I know, Roy. Now, why in the world anybody want to kill you? I don't know. Why don't you ask Prescott? Wait a minute, are you saying that Walter Prescott took a shot at Hoss here? Well, not exactly, but just a little while ago, over in the saloon, he said it'd be worth $3,000 to him to see that Hoss was taken care of. You mean, you mean Walter Prescott offered a bounty, hired a man to kill me? I don't believe it. Well, sounded like it to me. He couldn't have been serious. Well, maybe he wasn't, but it looks like someone's taking him for serious. What happened? Somebody just took a shot at Mr. Cartwright. Hoss, he said that someone took a shot at you. - Are you all right? - Miss Lotty, Miss Lotty, everything is all right. - Well... - Go on back up. Everything will be all right, I promise. See you, Roy. Hoss. Dick, I'll see you later, huh? Thank you. I want you to do something for me. I want you to get out of this town and get out fast. Go home 'cause that bushwhacker is just itching to get another chance at you. Roy, if there's a man looking... Now, do as I ask, will you? Look, here's your horse. Now, make my job easier for me, will you, not tougher? All right, but I still can't believe that... that Walter would put a bounty on me. I just can't believe that. Good luck. Sheriff, Sheriff, is there anything I can do? No, there's nothing that you can do. Sheriff, this is all my fault, isn't it? Someone took a shot at Hoss because of me. I didn't say that, but since you're asking, Walter Prescott and the Cartwrights were pretty good friends before you come to town. Now you got two families at each other's throats, and Hoss Cartwright's got a pretty good chance of getting murdered. Well, if you talked to her, why didn't you tell her what you were supposed to? Doggone it, Pa, I... I just couldn't. I couldn't hurt that little gal, Pa. The poor little ol' thing's got a head chock-full of dreams. She's got me pegged for one of them... Knights of the Round Table. - And I don't want any cracks. - Hey, did I say anything? Adam, did I say anything at all? Hoss... I can understand your not wanting to... hurt the little girl's feelings, but, uh... sooner or later you're gonna have to tell her the truth. There's no telling what Walter'll do. He's already done it. Hmm? What's he done? Nothing. I can't talk to that little gal, but... dad-burnit, I can talk to Walter Prescott. I'm gonna go out there, and I'm gonna straighten this out with him once and for all. ♪♪ ♪♪ What are you doing here? I want to talk to you. We don't have anything to talk about. I came to ask if your offer of marriage still holds good. Why? Why do you want to know? I'm ready to marry you, if you still want me. What did you say? I've been thinking things over, and I'm ready to go through with our bargain. I see. Sit down. So I'll be able to sit down, too. It gets might wearying leaning on this too long. What made you change your mind, Lotty? Well, I found out I was wrong about Hoss. What happened between you and him on the trail? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing? You expect me to believe that? How'd he act toward you? He was very polite... and very gentlemanly. But that's all it was. Are you trying to tell me you're not in love with him anymore? What happened, Lotty? Didn't he ask to marry you? Well, of course he did. But I was the one who changed my mind. What difference does it make, Mr. Prescott? I'm here... isn't that enough? It sure is. You did the right thing, Lotty. You know, I'm gonna make you the happiest girl in the world. And I'll give you anything, anything you want... All you have to do is ask me. Thank you, Mr. Prescott. Lotty... will you be happy with me? Of course I will. Why else would I be talking like this? You're not a very good liar, are you? Liar? Yes. You knew about the bounty I put on his head. Well... there was some careless talk about it. You're still in love with him, aren't you? Why, Mr. Prescott, I told you... I came here to marry you. A woman doesn't come to ask a man to marry her with tears in her eyes, not if she's happy about it. ♪♪ That's Hoss! You got to help him! - Get in the house. - But you got to help him! Go on in the barn and get up in the loft. Oh, Hoss! I thought you wanted me killed. I did... until Lotty came here a little while ago and offered to marry me. - You did? - You know why? To save your life. You're a lucky young man. I guess it's true, isn't it? There's no fool like an old fool. Hoss... take good care of her, son. Oh, he will, Mr. Prescott, I know he will. Oh... everything's gonna be all right now. Isn't it wonderful, Hoss? Yeah, I reckon it is. There for a while, I... I thought the whole world was against us, but... but now all of a sudden everything's working out, just like in the storybooks. Oh, Hoss, I'm so happy! We can be married now. Miss Lotty... come over here and sit down. Yes, Hoss? Ma'am... Since the first time I met you... I've felt that you were a wonderful person. Well, yes, Hoss, I know that. I guess that's why it was so easy for me to fall in love with you. Ma'am, when... when two people like you and me like each other a great deal, they don't want to hurt each other, do they? I mean, they don't want to rush into anything. They... Well... what I mean is... Two people who "like each other"? We love each other. We do love each other, don't we, Hoss? Ma'am... like I said... of all the girls I've met, you're the... nicest... sweetest, but... ma'am, I... I don't know how I feel. Maybe if I had a little more time, if... - maybe I could learn to... - No. Please don't say anymore, Hoss. I thought I was so smart. I thought... All those sweet and wonderful things you said and did while we were on the trail, I thought you meant those for yourself, but you meant them for Mr. Prescott, didn't you? I didn't want to hurt you, Lotty. I know. You're too kind and gentle to hurt anybody. What are you gonna do now? I don't know. I... I think I'll go someplace and... and try to find myself a job someplace. You reckon you'll be all right? Yes, Hoss, I'll be all right. Because, you see, I'm not gonna believe in those... silly dreams anymore... about knights... in shining armor. I know they don't really exist. Except for maybe one. Good-bye, Hoss. ♪♪ ♪♪
Behind the Scenes of Knight Errant
The title is derived from the romantic ideals of the Middle Ages, reminiscent of the gallant knights in shining armor who roamed the countryside in search of adventures and romantic encounters.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza offers exceptional, family-friendly entertainment for solo viewing or with loved ones. “Knight Errant” stands as the 108th episode out of 430. Bonanza, produced by NBC, aired on the network from September 1959 to January 1973, boasting 14 seasons.
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