The Quest Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #02
Frustrated with living in the shadow of his older brothers, Adam and Hoss, Joe Cartwright insists that his father, Ben, grant him more authority in managing the Ponderosa. Impressed by Joe’s determination, Ben assigns him the sole responsibility of supplying timber for a mining company’s construction project. Confident in his abilities, Joe sets out on this task, convinced he can handle it alone—but will he succeed without assistance?
The supporting cast for this episode includes Grant Richards as Will Poavey, James Beck as Dave Donovan, Frank Gerstle as Weber, Dan Riss as Crawford, and Charles Seel as Hawkins. The Quest written by John Joseph and Thomas Thompson, originally aired on September 30, 1962.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Quest
Watch the Full Episode of The Quest:
Main Cast
Besides the main cast, “The Quest,” the second episode of Season 4 in Bonanza, highlights a variety of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The following individuals have significant roles in the episode:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- James Beck as Dave Donovan (as Jim Beck)
- Grant Richards as Will Poavey
- Frank Gerstle as Jake Weber
- Dan Riss as Bert Crawford
- Harry Lauter as Drunk
- Charles Seel as Hawkins
- Grandon Rhodes as Mr. Simpson
- Sam Bagley as Barfly (uncredited)
- Frank Baker as Barfly (uncredited)
- Nick Borgani as Barfly (uncredited)
- Bill Clark as Granite (uncredited)
- Betty Endicott as Brunette Saloon Girl (uncredited)
- Bob LaWandt as Fight Spectator (uncredited)
- Martha Manor as Blonde Saloon Girl (uncredited)
- Troy Melton as Gunman (uncredited)
- Bob Miles as Bobby (uncredited)
- Cosmo Sardo as Bartender (uncredited)
- Ray Spiker as Barfly (uncredited)
Full Story Line for The Quest
Joe grows weary of living in his older brothers’ shadows and insists that Ben entrust him with greater responsibilities at the Ponderosa.
Ben assigns him to supply timber for a mining company’s project. Initially confident in his ability to handle it alone, Joe soon finds himself grateful for his family’s support when challenges arise.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Quest
Hey, Adam. Seen Little Joe? No, no sign of him. You don't reckon he went back to the ranch? No, he's probably found some little girl who couldn't resist his boyish charm. Hey, Joe. Dave, you all right? I got a good notion to take your friend on over there for free. Yeah, don't let me stop you; it's just my brother. Still say I could have stuck with you for four rounds. Yeah, well, we'll try it again sometime when your old maid aunts aren't around. All right, boys, drinks are on Dave Donovan. Joe, we didn't know you had a bet with that feller. You think you could ask me first before you put your nose in and make a fool out of me in front of everybody? So we made a mistake. Don't have to get sore; you've been fighting all over town. Look, it's my life and I like it. Now, I don't tell you what to do. I don't want you to tell me what to do. Stop drinking my beer. I want you to quit following me around. Joe, there ain't nobody following you around. First of all, we ain't got the strength. We just came to tell you, Pa wants to see you. Yeah, what about? Well, he just wants to see you, that's all. Yeah, well, you tell Pa... Tell him what, little brother? Yeah, what's the message? Tell Pa, I'll be, I'll be coming along. Few more drinks. I'd invite you boys along, but I know, at your age, you got to have some sleep. ♪♪ Just a moment, young man. Yeah, Pa. In this family we talk to each other. We don't mumble under our breath. Come here. I'd like to know what happened in town this afternoon. Nothing happened; I was just having a little fun, that's all. I don't like the idea of a son of mine brawling around town like a drunken cowboy. Now, Pa, I wasn't drunk and I wasn't brawling. If you two are gonna tell it, why don't you tell it straight? You know, if you don't start using a decent tone of voice with me, I might just have to give you that punch in the jaw I owe you. Yeah, why don't you start right now? - That's just enough out of both of you. - Pa, Little Joe has been spoiling for a fight for three weeks. Why won't you let him have it? Well, come on, that goes for you, too. Now, just a minute. This will go for you three. If you can't talk to each other without fighting, get on up to bed. Now, go on. Not you, Joseph. I want to talk to you. Now, what's this all about? What do you mean? You know what I mean. You're spending quite a lot of time away from the Ponderosa lately. I'd like to know why. Why can't I have some fun without the whole family jumping on me? I'm not jumping on you. Sure, I think everybody should have a little fun, but at the proper times and with the proper companions. I don't know. I don't know if it's 'cause I'm the youngest or what. No matter what I want to do or where I want to go, there's Hoss and Adam, ready to tell me what to do and what not to do. And help, oh, yeah, help, whether I want it or not. Well, don't you think we ought to help each other? Not all the time, Pa. Look, I spent my whole life on the Ponderosa, seeing the same old faces and doing the same old things. I'd always figured that the Ponderosa was your future as well as that of your brothers. Pa, how can I prove if I'm good at anything by myself? Joe, you don't have to prove yourself to us. I'm not trying to prove myself to you, Pa. I'm trying to prove myself to me. And what is it you're trying to prove? I don't know, whether... whether I'm good enough, whether I'm old enough, or whether I'm smart enough to do something by myself without three people waiting there to help me every time I stub my toe. Pa, it's not that I don't appreciate what you... Well, I guess every young man wants to... strike out on his own. It's just that... a father doesn't like to face up to it. Well, I'm sorry. I don't know what gets into me sometimes. I... I get restless or something, I don't know. Hey, what are you doing here? Huh? When you were in town, you must have heard about that new mine they're opening up on the other side of Sun Mountain. Yeah. Well, Bert Crawford of the Sun Mountain Company is asking for bids to supply the timbering. Bids? Will Poavey was in town lining the men up. He said he's got that contract in the bag. Hmm, I guess he will have as usual. Yeah. What's this, this little circle you got here? Hmm? Hey, isn't that that stand of fir right above Buckhorn Meadow? Yeah. Well, that's... see, now, that's ten miles closer to the mine than any timber Will Poavey's going to bring in. You're not thinking of bidding, are you? Well, I'd sure like to, but as Adam points out, most of that ten miles is straight up and down, it's... Eh, it's too tough a job. Anyway, we've got enough to keep us busy right here at home. Yeah, that's, uh, that's something else I wanted to say. I... I haven't been pulling my share of the load here at the ranch and I'm gonna change that starting tomorrow. Sure. Well, I'm for bed. How about you? No, I think I'll just stay up and read for a while, Pa. Don't worry, I'll get to bed in time and get up early and start working. Night, son. Good night, Pa. ♪♪ What are you doing there? You been up all night? Yeah, Pa, I have. Take a look. I got it all figured out. You got what figured out? How to get that buckhorn fir to the Sun Mountain mine and beat Will Poavey's price. - Oh, now, Joe... - What? I can do it! - Adam and Hoss... What? - I can do it! I've got it fig... All the figures right here, look. What's this? It's the most papers I've seen you with since you was in school. And up early, too. Joe's decided that he's gonna bid on that Sun Mountain timber contract for us. Timber contract? I thought we'd agreed it was too big a risk. What about Will Poavey? Yeah, what about Will Poavey? I've thought about Poavey. I'll underbid him by plenty and still make a good profit. Yeah? You know Poavey can play pretty rough. That's fine with me, too. If he wants to play rough, I'll hire a crew that plays rougher. Who you got in mind? I figure for a foreman, Dave Donovan. He's young and he's tough. Donovan? He's a good man, Pa. Now that doesn't make sense. You sure you can do it? I know I can do it. Well, I say let Joe do as he wants then. - Good luck, little brother. - Thanks. Tell you what. I'll get you Jake Webber. He'll make you a great foreman. He's a good woodman, too. Adam, I told you I've already got a foreman, Dave Donovan. All right, I'll take few days off and help you myself. Hey, yeah, me, too. The ranch can wait, can't it, Pa? I don't need any help. Now, look, this is my idea, it's my job and I want to do it by myself. Is that agreed, Pa? Yeah. Well, see you around. Good luck. Joe, come here. I want you to do something for me. What's that? Break these. Break these? All right. Wait a minute. You wouldn't think they... I can't do it, Pa. That's right. If you got it like this, you can't break 'em, but... singly, they can be broken. By himself... each one of us can be broken. Never let pride stand in your way, son. We're all here if you need us. I'll remember that, Pa. I better get started on this idea. Those trees aren't gonna cut themselves. Good afternoon, Mr. Poavey. Bert. Here's my bid. Oh. Getting in just under the wire. Six minutes. What's old Hawkins doing out here from San Francisco? He's just looking around. I'll still make the final decision, Will. I'm counting on that. This is an important contract. You've got the low bid... You're as good as in. If you want your cut, I'd better be. I think I'm gonna just check my figures over on this bid and make sure I got everything correct before I turn it in. Man, you're as fidgety as a fox in a forest fire. I know I am. You bidding? Uh-huh. Cutting it kind of fine, aren't you? Bids close any minute now. Yeah, well, I'll make it. Kind of young to be bidding on a big contract like this. Uh, look, d-do me a favor, don't talk to me right now, 'cause I'm trying to add these figures up, and it's kind of hard for me, all right? 17 times seven... A hundred nineteen. Thanks. That's your bid? Uh-huh, yep. Awful low, isn't it? No, it's an honest bid. It's about time Sun Mountain got one. I don't follow that, son. It's real simple. They've been getting bilked out of their timber contracts for a long time. Well, now, wouldn't the folks that run the company put a stop to that sort of thing? Hm? No. What do you mean, stop it? What do they know about it? Company's probably run by some fat old moneybag sitting behind a desk in San Francisco... couldn't tell you beans about the mining business. - Bid's closed. - Uh-oh. Wait a minute, got one more. I'm afraid that bid's too late. What do you mean, too late? I've been here all the time... I was just rechecking my figures. Bid's acceptable, Mr. Crawford! Yes. Yes, of course. Well, Mr. Hawkins, President of Sun Mountain, and I will now examine the bids, gentlemen. We'll announce our decision in a few minutes. Your papers, young man. I don't know what your name is, mister, but I want to thank you a lot. The name's Hawkins. You look kind of sick. Oh, no, I'm fine. I'm in great shape. Just called the president of the company an old fat moneybags. Gather around, gentlemen. Mr. Crawford and I have examined all the bids. For instance, Mr. Poavey here has offered a very good price. Well, I've always tried to give Sun Mountain the best deal I can, Mr. Hawkins. Crawford here can tell you that. Yes, indeed. This time I'm afraid it isn't quite good enough. We have a few that are somewhat lower. In fact, Joseph Cartwright here is considerably below you, Mr. Poavey. Well, he can deliver Ponderosa pine, Mr. Hawkins, but the contract calls for fir. And that's what I intend to deliver. Well, you're not talking about that stand of fir up above Buckhorn Meadow, are you? Yeah, I might be. Well, you'd never get it out. That country goes straight up and down between the mine and there. Is that true, Mr. Cartwright? Yes, sir, that's true, but I've taken that into consideration in my bid. Mr. Hawkins, you can't take this... Quiet, please. I like your spunk, young man. And your price. Joseph Cartwright wins the contract. Thank you, sir. See that you deliver that timber, young man. Don't worry, you can count on me. And, uh... you're-you're a lot thinner than I pictured you. Good luck, son. I'm sorry, Will, I did my best. Yeah, I'll bet you are. This is liable to cost you quite a bit of money. Both of us. Unless we can do something about it. You son of a gun, you did it! Well, wait'll Pa hears this. Like I said, it's a lot of money. Joe Cartwright! Say, that bid of yours came as quite a surprise to me, young fella. Well, you know, Mr. Crawford, I kind of got the idea you didn't want me to get that contract. Ah, whatever's best for the company. I'm glad to hear you say that. We'll do a good job for you. Fine. Now, just as soon as you post the performance bond, we'll sign the contract. Post the what? Performance bond. $5,000, cash. Well, wait a minute, that... there's nothing about that in the contract. Mr. Hawkins didn't even mention it. He didn't have to. It's company policy, standard procedure in all our contracts. Well, you can ask him yourself, if you want to. You do have the $5,000, don't you? You wouldn't have time to ride out to the Ponderosa and get it. I need it by sundown. That's company policy, too. I think I understand. Okay, you'll get your money by sundown. Boy, that looks like I don't have a job after all, huh? Don't worry, you got a job. Soon as we get to the bank. You know, I think I'm going to enjoy seeing how a man gets his hands on 5,000 great big dollars. Want to know something? I'm gonna kind of enjoy seeing it myself. Let's go. Little Joe, if your father wants to co-sign the loan, of course you can have it. You can have twice that amount. Mr. Simpson, I don't have time for that. Isn't there some way... couldn't I make it a personal loan? I'm afraid that's something else again. What do you want the money for? For a performance bond on the Sun Mountain timber contract. How'd you get that contract away from Will Poavey? By under-bidding him. More than $10,000. Whew. I'd say you made a very foolish bid. Why, the wagons alone are... I don't need wagons. Gonna build a flume. A flume? That's right, I'm gonna build a flume right down to the Truckee River. Here. See, I'm gonna float those logs right down to the mine. It's gonna work, I figured it all out. Well, I'll be... Joe, that might work. Did your brother Adam figure this out for you? My brother Adam had nothing to do with it. I figured this out all by myself. Well, do I get the loan or not? I'll grant the loan. But remember, if you don't deliver, you're out $5,000. Plus the interest. I'll deliver. Don't you worry about it. I'll deliver. You, uh... have your receipt book with you, Crawford? Come on, I got a lot of things to do. Let me have the receipt. Yeah, well, you heard the man, Crawford. Count the money and give him a receipt. Yes. Yes, of course. Hey, you know... I don't think I'm ever gonna get over the look on that Crawford's face when I handed him that $5,000 in cash. He never thought I was gonna raise that money. - Why do you figure that? - What you do mean, why? It's a lot of money, that's why. Your name's Cartwright, ain't it? Well, that had nothing to do with it. It was my idea about the flume that sold him on giving me that loan. Ah, come on, Joe. You know you had your family behind you. What kind of chance would I have of raising $5,000? Ah, what difference does it make? We got the money, didn't we? I want you to go out and get me some men. Sure. First thing in the morning. First thing in the morning, nothing. You're gonna do it tonight. First thing in the morning, we're going to work. All right, all right. - I'll need some money. - What for? You know, spread around, pass some drinks... - Yeah. You're right. - Get the men. It's getting thinner. Say, uh... while you're in there, do you think maybe I could get about a $50 advance? I'm a little short myself. I don't see why not. You're my foreman, aren't you? See you later, Joe. Right. Uh, evenin'. I'm, uh, I'm Jake Weber. - Jake, yeah. - Hi. Joe Cartwright. Nice to see you, hi. I heard tell you got that Sun Mountain contract. I'm open to work right now. Well, I've already got a foreman, Dave Donovan here. Hi. Excuse me, I got some work to do. Right, good luck. He's a pretty good man. Well, that's as may be. You're gonna need a couple of straw bosses, and, uh... I need the work. Jake, tell me something. My brother Adam send you? Nope. My Pa? If you don't want me, just say so. I'm sorry, Jake, it's got nothing to do with it. I can use you. Say the word, and I can fetch along a lot of my old crew. Good, that's great, I can use every man I can get. We're gonna camp tomorrow morning up in Buckhorn Meadow. I'll see you on the job, boss. I'll have the men start setting up. Fine. It's good to have you with us. Thanks. Thank you, boys, one and all. Now you're what I call a pretty fair country poker player. Yep. Cards are like the old reliable meat in a pot to me. Yeah, well, it cleans me. Barkeep, more whiskey over here. Hey, you're not leaving so early, are you? Well, it stopped being early two hours ago. Holy smoke, I clean forgot. I was supposed to be getting men to fill the payroll here. Say, you fellas wouldn't want to come to work for me, would ya? You better watch your language. No, I'm serious. The work's not hard. Top dollar. Hey, wait, wait, wait. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give a bottle of whiskey to every man who signs on with me. Well, why didn't you say that in the first place. Bring 'em on. I wondered when you'd be along. All right, what's the barrier for, Poavey? Well, you see, I bought myself a piece of timber that goes through here. Now, I wouldn't want to close off a road, but seeing's how I own it, you wouldn't blame me for charging a toll, would you? You name your price, I'll pay it. I figure $25 a wagon ought to do it. I figure a poke in the nose would... Take it easy, Dan. $25? That's just fine and dandy, Poavey. Git. Okay, open it up. It's gonna cost you $25 every time one of your wagons comes through here. And you're gonna need a lot of wagons. I hope you figured that in your bid. Okay, open it up. Open it up. Careful that log doesn't hit you in the face when it swings back now. He's bluffing. What makes you think so? At $25 a wagonload, that would break him. I saw that bid. He hasn't got enough margin. This is the crew you hired? They don't look like much. Looks ain't everything in a working man, Joe. They're spry and full of spirit. I can smell that. I'll whip 'em into shape, you'll see. There's no working 'em. I know their kind. You let me worry about that, mister. Neither you or me's got this deadline, Donovan. I'm the foreman. I can handle it. Your brother Adam'd send them packing in five minutes. My brother Adam's not boss on this job, Jake, I am. All right, call the men together. I want to talk to 'em. All right, you men, gather round. All right, let's get on your feet. Let's go. Boss wants to talk to you. Come on. We got a pretty tough job ahead of us. We're gonna build a flume from here to the Truckee River. I'm a fair man. I'm not gonna ask any of you to do anything I wouldn't do myself. But I do want a dollar's work for a dollar's pay. We got a deadline on this job. We can meet it if we all pitch in together. We can meet it with time to spare. We're gonna work in two crews. Loggers will work under Jake Webber. The rest of you men under Dave Donovan. And there'll be no drinking on the job. Any questions? All right, let's get to work. All right, come on. Let's go. All right, men, let's go. Back to work. On the double. Dave, let me see the bottle. Sure. You must be dry after a big speech like that. Hey, what's the big idea? You heard what I just said. No drinking. It goes for everybody. You getting kind of hard-nosed, aren't ya, boy? Expecting you to get the same way. Come on, foreman. I thought you were gonna whip these men into shape. Sure. Timber...! Timber...! Timber...! ♪♪ Okay, bring that one down there. What's going on here? Why aren't your men working? Maybe it's just because we don't feel so good. Well, if you don't feel good, go pick up your time. Now come on. Get moving! Dave! Dave Donovan! - Come on, move! - Yeah, Joe? Look, Dave, I want a hundred yards of this flume finished by tonight. A hundred yards? That's impossible. It's not impossible if you keep these men working. Now let's get going. All right. Okay, you men, get your backs into it! Let's go! Because he's a Cartwright, he thinks he can push everybody around. How much longer you gonna put up with him? Till payday. That's tomorrow. Timber...! Moving this big stuff is mighty slow work, Joe. We're falling behind. Yeah, I know, Jake. We could use some more horses. That sure would help. All right, I'll leave right away. If I don't get back by tomorrow, I want you to pay the men anyway. All right, but I don't think them Donovan men are earning their pay. Jake, don't worry about Dave's men. They're gonna do their share of the work. If you say so. Hey, Webber, we're short on timber down at our end. Keep those logs moving. - How's it going, foreman? - Pretty good. Timber...! I'm gonna leave for a day to get a couple more teams of horses. I want you to keep the men working just the way they are. Right. You can count on me. Smitty! Come on. Be my guest. Whoa! Don't waste it. Four lovely ladies. I tell you, boys, if you associate with the right people, then lady luck begins to shine. Sit down, boss. We're celebrating payday. All right, suppose you all get back to work. That goes for you, too, Dave. Hey, wait a minute. This is old Donovan, remember? Dave, you're drunk. Now don't give me any trouble. Don't give you any trouble? How does it feel to be a big man; money, giving orders, snapping your fingers, and everybody jumping? I don't know what's got into you, but I'm gonna say it just one more time. All of you, get back to work. We ain't through celebrating yet, are we, boys? It looks like I just lost a foreman. Pack up your things and get out. All right, if I leave, my boys go with me. All right, if any of you want to stay and work, that's fine. If not, you better follow him. Well, I'm staying. Come on. Let's get back to work. Cartwright... lots of luck. You're gonna need it. All right, men, let's get to it. Jerry, you take your men and finish up down at the south fork. Smitty, you and your men get your tools and follow me. Come on now. Let's go. Let's go. There he is, Pa, just like I told ya. I been keeping an eye on him up here. What do you think? Still has a long way to go. Think we ought to help him? No, that's for him to decide. You let that little great big Joe Cartwright fire you, huh? Can't cut with him, can you, huh? Cartwright's got all the money, run you right out of town, huh, Dave? Cartwright's are gonna come in town with a gun and go... to you. You ain't nothing. I heard Cartwright fired you. Yeah. Yeah, he tossed me a crumb and he took it away. I thought he was one of us, but I made a mistake. He belongs up there in that big house. Well, I thought you two were good friends. Me? I ain't got a big house and a stand of timber and a magic name. I'm just riffraff to the Cartwrights. You know, I learned a long time ago that this is the only true friend a man's got. How would you like a lot of these true friends? What's your proposition? $500 now... and $500 when Joe Cartwright forfeits his bond. Think you can do it? Mr. Poavey, you just bet on a sure thing. You with me? All the way. Make sure you got them all secured, good, Bobby. Right, Joe. Look at that, Jake. Another half mile and we can start the logs rolling. I can tell you now, Joe, I never thought you'd do it. I want to thank you and the men for sticking by me. Right. Hey, Brennan, what's the matter, you getting tired? I'm saving my strength to beat your head in when this job's finished. Yeah, me, too! All right, you both get a chance, when the job's finished. And we can all sleep for about three months. Everybody down! Come on, clear off the flume! We're sitting ducks up here! Come on, Jake! Let's get cover! Cover me; I'm gonna go take care of that flume. Get the rifles! Well, come on! You gonna let somebody shoot at you and not do anything about it? You men stay right where you are. I hired you as loggers, not gunmen. There's only another half-mile of flume to build. We can make it if we fight 'em off. Jake, I'm not gonna risk the lives of these men just to fill a lumber contract. ♪♪ ♪♪ Hah! I thought it was you. How's it going, son? What's the matter, boy? Trouble? I got more trouble than I know what to do with. Tell me about it. I don't know what good it'll do to talk about it now. Well... might do some good. I've told you my troubles a time or two. Yeah. Well, I... I made every mistake in the book. Trusted Donovan. I thought I could handle Poavey. Well, I handled 'em, all right. They hired some gunmen and they blew up a section of the flume. Anyone hurt? I had one man winged. Told Jake and the men to quit. I couldn't ask them to risk their lives. Hey, Joe, I saw your horse out there when I come out of the barn. We've, uh, run into a little trouble. What are you gonna do, give up? It's not what I want to do, I just don't have any choice. I can't do it alone. Well, Joe, uh... we're still here... if you need us. Yeah, I ain't, I ain't got nothin' to do for three of four days. Yeah, free as a bird. Yeah, I got about a dozen men sitting around doing nothing but collecting wages. Well... Okay, well, let's go, then. - What a blow, huh? - Yeah. - There he is! - Who is? Poavey! Crawford! Buy dinner! I'd have been here a little sooner, but I been out doing a little celebrating. I'm here for the other 500. Well, you almost made it, Donovan. Well, what do you mean by that? That whole Cartwright crew moved out when I blasted that flume. The trouble is, you're only half right. Crawford here went up to check on Cartwright's progress. His crew left, all right, but while you were out celebrating... they've come back. Not only Weber and his crew but the whole Cartwright family and all their ranch hands. His family?! But Joe would never ask them. You just made another mistake. He asked them, all right. Just hold that second 500. I'll get 'em. You figuring on taking that whole crowd on by yourself? One at a time. You must want that extra 500 awful bad. No... no, it's not the 500. It's a personal thing now. Pa, you know, I think Adam's idea'll work. Yeah. Hoss, Adam, how about getting started on that A-frame right way? - Right. - Right. Jake... why don't you take this group of men down to the unfinished lower section and get it finished right away. All right, boys! Let's get going! I better get our block and falls from camp. I'll get 'em. You get down there and make sure they get started. Hey, Jake... tell the men thanks for coming back. We're glad to be back, Joe. Hey, uh... how about being foreman for me while I'm gone? Well, sure, I'd be glad to... boss. All right, you heard what the boss said... let's get to work! ♪♪ Hi, family man. What do you want, Dave? Well, now, I thought I wanted some money, but now I want more than that. All right, exactly what is it that you want? I wonder what that fine family of yours is gonna think when they come up here and find you? Course, your pa's got two other sons. He won't miss you much. All right, Dave, come on! Come on! What's keeping Joe? Don't know, Pa. ♪♪ Good fight. Thanks, Pa. What brought this on? I figured I could take you. Finally had to bring your family in, didn't you? That's right; I called them. I guess that's where I made my mistake. I figured they'd let you down... the way my family let me down. Will you knock it off? I'm sick and tired of hearing the way your family let you down! Did you ever stop to think, for one minute, maybe you let them down? You might have let a lot of people down. The only help you're gonna understand you're gonna get from Sheriff Coffee. Well, looks like you did it, boy. No, we did it, Pa. Whee, look at that. Well, I guess you won't be needing us anymore. What do you mean, I won't be needing you anymore? You're not the three greatest workers in the world, but I can't beat the price.
Behind the Scenes of The Quest
Scenes from this episode featuring logging activities, the log flume, and tree cutting were repurposed in “Bonanza – The Prime of Life” (1963) (Season 5 – Episode 13).
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza provides wholesome entertainment that is ideal for solo enjoyment or family gatherings. The Quest is the 102nd episode in a series totaling 430 episodes. Produced by NBC, Bonanza aired on the network from September 1959 to January 1973, boasting a remarkable 14-season duration.