The Way Station Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #06
Adam Cartwright and fugitive killer Luke Martin, portrayed by Robert Vaughn, seek refuge from a storm at the way station managed by old Jesse, played by Trevor Bardette, and his granddaughter Marty, represented by Dawn Wells. Adam senses Marty’s infatuation with the charming yet dangerous Martin and intervenes, warning the killer to stay away from the girl and leave. Marty is disappointed when Martin departs, but it’s not long before the outlaw’s true nature is revealed.
Other notable cast members include Dorothy Green as Lucy, Walter Reed as Tim, and Raymond Guth as Lafe. The Way Station penned by Frank Cleaver, originally aired on October 29, 1962.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Way Station
Watch the Full Episode of The Way Station:
Main Cast
The Way Station, the sixth episode of Bonanza in its fourth season, features recurring and supporting cast members. The following actors are in this episode:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright (credit only)
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright (credit only)
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright (credit only)
- Robert Vaughn as Luke Martin
- Dawn Wells as Marty Johnson
- Trevor Bardette as Jesse Johnson
- Dorothy Green as Lucy Fisher
- Walter Reed as Tim Fisher
- Raymond Guth as Lafe
- Keith Richards as Sheriff Ross
- Bert Stevens as Man Exiting Hotel (uncredited)
Full Story Line for The Way Station
Caught in the midst of a dust storm, Adam seeks refuge at a remote stagecoach way station for the night. There, he encounters an elderly stationmaster and his captivating granddaughter. The young woman longs to break free from the confines of her secluded life with her caring yet overly protective grandfather.
Amidst the storm, Luke, a fugitive gambler wanted for murder, arrives seeking sanctuary. As a stagecoach also arrives, carrying a driver and two additional passengers seeking shelter, Luke seizes control and holds them all captive. However, through a night fraught with tension and turmoil, Adam manages to overpower Luke and hand him over to the pursuing posse.
In an unexpected turn of events, Adam receives unexpected assistance from Luke as he aids the stationmaster and his granddaughter in finding a path to a new beginning, away from the confines of the way station.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Way Station
♪♪ Hey! Anybody home? Howdy, mister. Oh, hi. Was beginning to think the place was deserted. Wonder if I might use a little of your water? Help yourself. Sure is a storm blowing up out there. Could be. Night coming on, I wouldn't want to be caught in it. I wonder if I could spend the night. No, can't spend the night. I'd be glad to stay in the barn. No, this is private property owned by the stage line. I run it and I say you can water your horse, fill your canteen, and leave. I can't do any harm in the barn. I promise I won't disturb the chickens. Now, I ain't fooling, mister, you get. Put away that gun, Grandpa. You get back in the hou... I'm sorry, I don't like to have a gun pulled on me. This is still private property and you're still trespassing. Oh, don't mind Grandpa. He thinks every man that comes by here is going to grab me and ride away. Well, that's what you want, ain't it, Marty? That's it, ain't it? Maybe. Maybe that's the only way I'll get away from here. Uh, now, listen, I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just want to bed down for the night. I'll be gone in the morning. Oh, here, and be careful with that thing. The next fellow might take you seriously. Now, you get in that house and stay away from him. - Hello. - Well, hello. The wind's really blowing up a storm out there. Sure is. Kicking up sand and dust. Yeah, I'm glad I'm here instead of there. I want you to listen to me, young miss, uh... I don't want any more trouble with your grandfather, so I think it would be best for all concerned if you just turned your little ol' self around and went back into the house, all right? Grandpa is asleep in the chair. Does it every night after supper. Been watching him do it for eight long years. Yes, well, I still think it would be best if you... I didn't come here to see you. I came here to get one of my books. Oh? I hide 'em in here from Grandpa. Why do you hide them? Because they're about places. What kind of places? I'll show you. This one is about New York. It's got pictures in it, too. Have you ever been to New York? Mm-hmm. Really? What's it like? Well, it's, uh, big... noisy. It's got lots of people. Yes, that's what I thought... Lots of people. I'll bet it's like all the big cities... Rome an-and London and Paris. My grandpa doesn't want me to know about those places. He watches over me all the time. Won't let me even talk to anyone... especially boys... and men. Mm-hmm. Well, I don't think you ought to blame your grandfather. I think most men feel protective when it comes to their daughters, granddaughters, especially when they're pretty like you are. My mother was pretty once. I'm sure she was. She hated it here. After my father died, she used to stand out in the yard and watch the stage go. She used to say, "Someday I'm gonna get away from here and never come back." And she left? Yes. Some man came in on the stage one day and he was handsome and rich. He promised to show Ma the whole world. Think she'll ever come back? No. I don't want her to. Oh, really? Well, she got what she wanted. She got away. I drew this of her just before she left. It's very nice. You have talent. How long you been doing it? Ever since I can remember. I make my own charcoal and use whatever paper I... I don't know why I'm telling you all this. I don't even know who you are. Well, I don't even know who you are. I'm Marty... Marty Johnson. I'm Adam... Adam Cartwright. Been up on the Humboldt River, checking out the range. On my way home. Where do you live? Ponderosa, about a hundred miles from here. A hundred miles. I haven't been more than ten miles away from here. I'm beginning to think I'll never get away. Oh, yes, you will. One of these days some nice young fella is going to come along and take you away to those wonderful, mysterious places you've been reading about. Will you take me with you, Mr. Cartwright? No. Why not? Well, first of all, your grandfather would have the law right after me. If my mother was able to do it, why can't I? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. Who are you? My name is Cody. I've been running from that storm out there. On foot? No, my horse broke his leg in that gully back a few miles. I'd appreciate it if you'd give me some shelter for the evening. Uh, this girl's grandfather runs the place here and, uh, I'm afraid he doesn't take too kindly to strangers. As a matter of fact, he pulled a gun on me when I asked for the same thing. Well, I-I gather he didn't persuade you to leave. Yeah, just thought I'd warn you. I'm warned. You afraid of visitors like your grandfather? No, but Grandpa runs the station. Well, uh, you mind if I have some coffee, then? I'm kind of, uh, cold and hungry and tired, in that order. Come in the house, both of you. You're sure you want to do this? You know how Grandfather feels. I want to. Well, this ought to be interesting. Marty, Marty! Marty! What are you doing down there? Now, you go on and get in that house. I'm gonna tan your hide. You're right, he's downright unfriendly. Mm-hmm. Who are you? Name is Cody. Well, like I said to him, this here is private property and nobody's staying here. Now, go on, get, both... Don't. Put it back. I told you about that gun. I was just saying to the young lady here, I'm kind of cold and hungry and tired. Now, I think I'd be a lot more comfortable inside the house. So let's go, huh? Yeah, I've heard of the Ponderosa. Must be, uh, pretty soft owning a big spread like that. Well, if you consider working ten, 12 hours a day for, oh, 20 years to build it, guess maybe you're right. Well, there are quicker ways of getting rich, friend. Oh, I'm sure there are. Which way you headed? The border. I got a little deal down in Mexico. Mexico? Did I hear you say something about Mexico? Yeah, what about it? Marty's interested in faraway places. So was her mother. Look what happened to her. At least she had the courage to get away from here. My mother has been all over the world. Couple years ago I got a letter from Paris. Hmm, I hear that's a great ol' town. I bet she really did some living there. Can't you shut up? Now, you stop talking to her like that, filling her head with fool ideas. Oh, what's wrong with you, old man? You want her to wind up an old woman, regretting the things she's never done? Well, now, you talk just like the man that took her mother away. You all talk big. She's my granddaughter, and I don't want her hearing it. Well, now, I don't think words can do her any harm, Mr. Johnson. Well, your protectiveness is very touching, Grandfather. What's he protecting you from, Marty? Everything and everybody. He thinks he's going to keep me here the rest of my life, but someday I'm going to get away. And end up someplace where nobody cares what happens to you. Anything's better than being locked up. Oh, you got spunk, honey. Don't let anyone ever tell you what you ought not to do. You understand, don't you? Well, yeah, I can understand why you'd want to get away from this. Take me away. Marty! What?! I could go with you to Mexico. Look, kid, uh, I'm travelling fast so I have to travel alone. Well, you could leave me any place. Any place. Oh, come on, Marty. You know better than that. Use your head. Please, mister? We could use our horses from the corral. Oh, no, you won't. Whoa! Who's that? Oh. Where are you going? Now, where do you think I'm going? That's a stage coming in. I have to take care of it. Stage at this time of night? It's late. Way late. Will you mind your own business? What's the matter, Luke? Something wrong? No, no, nothing's wrong. Just think it's kind of a strange time of night for a stage to arrive. It's four hours overdue. Probably got caught in the storm. Whew! I ain't never seen the likes of that wind. Hi, Marty. Well, who are they? Oh, well, the storm blew us in, uh, but, uh, we're leaving in the morning. Sure is a humdinger. Horses can't make no time at all. We stopped at Juniper Hole for a couple of hours, figured it'd let up a little, but it didn't. Well, you better get going, Lafe. You're way late now. That's right, Jesse. So late, in fact, a couple of hours ain't going to make any difference. Well, I ain't running no hotel. But you're running a line station. And the line passengers are important, so you just end up with all that chatter, Jesse. We're staying here till morning. Think you can fix us up a little bit of grub, Marty? Sure... if Grandpa doesn't... Well, Grandpa can't do anything about it. He works for the stage line. Old man... how many passengers are there? Just two. Guess that's all there is. What difference does it make? None, no difference at all. Whew! Terrible out there! I never seen such a wind. How long do you think it'll last? Never can tell, but you'll be able to travel through it come daylight. Ah, we'd better. I got to get to San Francisco before the week's out. Oh, stop worrying, Tim. The job'll be there. I'm Lucy Fisher. My pleasure, ma'am. I'm Adam Cartwright. Mmm, it smells good. Well, we have a very good cook here. Adam Cartwright. Uh, Tim. Well, well. Luke Martin. I haven't seen you since St. Louis. Uh, what is it... three years? Just about. How are you, Lucy? I'm fine, Luke. Martin, huh? What are you doing out here, Tim? Well, we're on our way to San Francisco. I got a job managing the new Palace Saloon, if I ever get there. Well, I'm going to check on that driver. - No. - What? Stay in here. What's the idea? If you're on your way out from St. Louis, you've been hitting the same towns I have, so you're staying in here. Oh. Well, we fed the livestock, and I aim to do the same thing to myself. What's everybody being so quiet about? Let's get to them vittles. Wait. This is Luke Martin. Don't. Where did you meet the posse? When we stopped at Juniper Hole. They're staying there till the storm blows itself out. I figured the storm would delay them as much as me. Well, we might all as well make ourselves comfortable. Put your guns on the table. Down at the end. All right, now, step back. What do they want you for, Luke? I killed a man. How much, uh, money did that kid's father put up? $5,000. He must really want you, Mr. Martin. Boy, that worthless, weaseling kid sure wasn't worth that. He was a liar and a cheat, and he deserved to die. His pa didn't think so. Well, I thought so. And now that you're running, do you still think so? Well, what do you know about it? You weren't there when the kid came across the table with a knife in his hand. That's self-defense, isn't it? Well, not in that town. And that's why I'm running. And that's why I have to travel alone. Well, listen, it's going to be a long night, so let's all sort of relax and enjoy it, huh? Sure spent the night in better places than this. Come on, Marty. Let's get that food on the table. What about the posse? They don't know where I am. And they'll wait the storm out back at Juniper Hole. Take 'em about, uh, three hours to get here after they start. And besides, if I left, Tim would head right back for the posse, wind, or dust, or storm. Wouldn't you, huh, Tim? $5,000 is a lot of money. Don't anybody, uh, start counting it yet. You know, Marty, you're an awful good cook. Where'd you learn it? Not much else to do around here, except maybe feed the chickens. Well, anyway, you're good enough to make a living at it if you had to. A girl as pretty as Marty doesn't have to worry about earning a living as a cook. I'm not that pretty. You sure are, honey. Anytime you want a job, you just look me up in San Francisco. I pick the girls. I do the hiring, and don't you forget it. But I pick the girls, and don't you forget that. From the looks of the girls you've picked lately, you must be getting afraid of competition. Listen, you, there ain't a girl from St. Louis to San Francisco that would put up with the stuff I've taken off you in the last ten years. All right, all right, knock off that chatter out there and bring in some more coffee. What kind of a job are you talking about? Well, it's not for you, Marty. Well, anything's better than this. You got a lot to learn, kid. I've known plenty of nice girls that worked the bars. Some of them married pretty good, too. Don't listen to 'em, honey. Anytime you want a job, you just come and see me in San Francisco. Oh, thanks. I will. Men. You're all alike. Don't pay attention to any of 'em, Marty. Think the posse's going to take a chance on this storm? Seems to be dying down a little. Well, I tell you, I'm a gambler, friend, and I've got a long ride ahead of me. I think I'm going to stand a lot better chance when the storm is over. Besides, they're lawmen. They're not after bounty money like our friend, Tim, here. For a lousy 5,000 bucks, you risked getting yourself killed. Maybe I ought to make you pay for the chance you took, huh? Why shoot him? Why not? He deserves it. Maybe. Where does it end? Well, if he'd gotten his hands on one of those guns, he would have killed me. But he's not you. All right, sit up there. Maybe next time you won't be so lucky. You can do what you want with us. They'll get you anyway, Luke. You just wait and see. Maybe I would be better off bucking that storm than staying in here. Maybe you'd be better off going back. What does that mean... Give myself up? Well, you said the kid came at you with a knife. Maybe you can prove it. With the kid's father owning the whole town? Let's have a laugh together, huh, friend? I see what you mean. What would they do to you if you went back? They'd hang me. Maybe. Maybe only a jail sentence. Well, I'd rather be dead in that case. I know what you mean about jail. That's how I feel around here. Every day, just like the last one, day after day. We think a little alike, honey. Anyway, I don't plan on going back, dead or alive. By tomorrow night, I'll be in Mexico. ♪♪ It's been a long night. I have to get moving in a few minutes. How long has it been since you slept? Uh, so long, I've forgotten. It'll be even longer before you reach the border. Don't worry about it. I'll make it. - That's me, huh? - Mm-hmm. - It's not bad. - Like it? Yeah, I like it. Can I have it? I'd be pleased. You know, I get down to Mexico, I'm gonna get a frame for this, hang it up on the wall. I'll tell everybody about the pretty girl who drew it for me. Luke. Yeah? It's almost dawn. You'll be leaving soon. Please take me with you. Oh, honey, don't start that again. I could help you. You can help me? I can saddle horses, and I can ride as well as anyone. I know the desert. I could show you the way. You really want to get away from here, don't you? More than anything else in this world. All right, go on and saddle up two horses. You mean it? Go on, hurry. You're not being fair, you know? Why is that? Life with me wouldn't be that bad. The moment she gets in your way, you'll drop her. Oh, come on now. She's a big girl; she can take care of herself. That kid's lived here all of her life. She's never been any place else. Now, why don't you just leave her alone? I think I can help her. Well, what are you gonna do? Get her a job as a cook or send her on the way with Tim? That is, if you don't get yourself shot by that old man. No, I think, uh, that I know her a little bit better than you do. She'll be all right. She's got spunk, like I said. Anyway, I sort of, uh, I sort of like her. And somebody's got to take her out of this trap. Maybe so, but not you, huh? Well, I think, uh, I'm the only one who can do it, Cartwright. Well, at least we know where we stand. All right, put these in the saddle please. All right. Use your head, Luke. You can't outrun that posse with a girl on your hands. Well, I tell you, I think I can. No. No, you're fooling yourself. Everything's ready. I'll just go pack a few clothes. She's not going with you, Luke. We just been all through that, Cartwright. I'm not gonna let her get on that horse. No? Nope. Well, that kind of makes me feel like you're asking me to kill you. Would you? Is taking that girl with you that important? What's with you, Cartwright? Yesterday you didn't even know she existed. Anybody, stranger or not, deserves help when they're walking into trouble. Well, I don't understand you, friend. But you are right about one thing. It ain't that important to me. If you're ever down in Mexico, look me up. Tell Marty I'm sorry. Hyah! Where you going in those clothes? I'm leaving, Grandpa. With him? With that killer? No, you can't do that. I won't let you go. Marty! Where is he? Where's Luke? He's gone. No. No, he's taking me with him. No, he's not, Marty. He changed his mind. But he promised me. He promised. I know. Oh, leave me alone! Silly dang girl. I ought to go in there and tan her hide good. If you'd ever given her any understanding, and a little warmth from your heart, it never would have happened. You started it. It all started when you came here last night. No, it didn't start with me. It started a long time ago, and you know when. Now, I want you to go in there and tell her you're sorry. And promise her a chance in life. I don't know what to say. All right. Marty, I know you're not gonna believe it, but... I do know how you feel. And so does your grandfather. You know, the way you hurt now is the same kind of pain he must have felt when your mother ran away. You know... I don't think we ever really... really know anybody else's pain, just our own. When somebody you love turns their back on you and rejects you, it's... well, it's just about the blackest time in the world. And now it's that kind of a time for you. But understand it, Marty. Don't blame your grandfather. Don't blame anybody about what's happened to you. Right now, it could never work out with you and Luke anyway. I know, could say I haven't the right to talk another man down, but I don't mean that. I'm not even saying that he's absolutely wrong for you, but... Well, the way he is now, running away from himself, life or whatever it is... Well, the only thing he could bring you is just more pain. You see, when you start running, you got to be sure that you're not just exchanging one trap for another. You don't want to do that, Marty. Life promises too much to just carelessly and foolishly throw it away. Here. You know, you're a very lovely, very talented girl. Your drawings and your sketches show... a real gift. But it's a gift that's got to grow. It's got to be helped. Who's gonna help me out here? Well, I... I think I might be able to help you. I've got some great friends in San Francisco I know that'll be glad to help. But you got to help, too. You got to give time a chance. And you got to give yourself a chance. Luke, you're back. You've come back for me. Luke, I knew you'd come back. - What happened? - I guess I was wrong. That posse didn't hold up at Juniper. They rode on through. I saw them out there and doubled back. - I figured you'd never make it. - Well, what are you gonna do? Well, I don't know. I'll think of something. With that posse on your heels, it's kind of late, isn't it? Well, it could be. But I think my luck's still running good. Up to now, friend. Marty, you stay way from him. Hey, shut up, old man. Now, you better be getting inside. Hurry up. Barton, get the saddle off this horse and get it in the corral. Come on! Pack that stage up. Get it in the barn. You sure you know what you're doing, Marty, listening to a man like that? He'll take me with him this time. You got a lot to learn about men. Are you in love with that guy? I don't know. I've never been in love. You'll know. When the right man comes along, you'll know. I knew when I was in love with Tim. Are you still? It's different now. Tim's weak where that Luke is strong. Say, maybe that's good. At least Tim ain't being chased by a posse that wants to kill him. I'm, uh, sorry to call this reunion so soon after our last good-bye, boys, but, uh, that's the way the cards were dealt. So let's all settle down... I don't think we're gonna have long to wait. You expect to get out with just your gun? I don't think there's gonna be a need for any gun. When you met that posse, I told you, your luck ran out. Not yet, my friend. I told you how it'd end up with him. Now, you just wait, there'll be shooting and killing. All right, here they come. All right, now, just tell them your grandfather's sick, but keep them away from the house. - But, Luke... - Don't worry, honey. Everything'll be fine. All right. I'll try to get rid of them. Howdy, ma'am. I'm Sheriff Ross, and these are my deputies. We're looking for a man by the name of Luke Martin. Have you seen any strangers around here? No. There hasn't been anyone here since the stage went through last night. We ran into it at Juniper Hole during the storm. Well, they just changed horses and kept on going. What, in that storm? Well, one of the passengers was in a hurry to get to San Francisco. Yes, he talked about it at Juniper. Now, don't try anything, friend, unless you want that girl to get caught in the crossfire. And remember, all of you, any one of those bullets can hit you, too. You, uh... - you here all alone, ma'am? - Yes. Except for my grandfather... He's, uh, been sick in bed for the last few days. Well, that's too bad. Anything we can do for you? No, thank you. He'll be up in a day or so. Then would you mind if we watered our horses? Of course not. Thanks for your trouble, ma'am. Maybe he took a chance and moved on. Well, I guess all we can do is push on and hope to catch up with him. Good girl, Marty. Like you said, she's got spunk. Yeah, when we get out of here everything might just work out all right. You're a long way from getting out of here. They're mounting up. You see? It worked. Tim! Take cover! What happened? That stupid Tim. No, Marty. No. Why'd you have to do it, Tim? Why? For $5,000... how could you blame me? You big stiff. Is that all that's important to you? $5,000. You know what I could do with that kind of money? You could get yourself killed trying to get it, that's what you could do. No more... working for other people. I... I could've had a place of my own. You darn fool, you... you never would've known what to do with it. You always picked the wrong things, the... the wrong horses, the wrong women. I picked you, Lucy. I... I... Tim? He's dead! You killed him! Well, he deserved killing. All he was thinking about was that reward money... So he died trying to get it! You know you didn't have to shoot him, Luke. You saw what happened; I had him at the door. You didn't have to kill him. Well, what did you expect me to do? You saw him make his play... you know what he was trying to do. I'm fighting for my life, friend! How many lives do you figure yours is worth? As many as it takes to get me out of here. Luke? You haven't got a chance in there. At least send out the girl and the old man. Why get them killed? Send Marty out with Lucy. Nobody leaves here. There's no sense in getting the women shot. What good'll it do you? I'll show you what good it'll do me. It don't look like he's going for it. Now what? Well, he's pinned down... He can't get away. Sooner or later, he's got to give up. And listen, I don't want anybody risking his life when they don't have to. - Tell the others. - Yeah. What's happening? Why aren't they shooting out there? They know they've got him pinned down. You don't worry about that; I'm still ahead of 'em. All they got to do is wait. Yeah, well, I don't have to wait. I'm taking you out of here. Suppose I don't want to go. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you! Now, you're gonna do what I say! You're gonna get her killed, that's what you're gonna do. All he wants is a hostage! If you want to hide behind a woman's skirt, take me. I'm not asking you, either. I'm taking Marty out of here. Well, I'm not gonna let you do it, Luke. Don't get in my way, Cartwright. You know how it's gonna have to be. All right... if you want me to kill you. No! Luke, I'll go! Don't kill him! It's funny how it's always my choice, isn't it? You figure I got to worry about everybody else's problems and never my own. Well, this time it's gonna be different. - Come on! - Jesse, grab her! Leave him, leave him alone, leave him. Well, it's all over, Luke. Well, what are you gonna do, turn me in for the money? No. I don't need the money. But I'll see that you get a fair trial. I'll tell you want you can do, you can pull that trigger. No, that's the difference between you and me. Well, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail, do you understand that? You won't. They're gonna hang you. ♪♪ Let's go. Luke, I'm sorry. Yeah, I know. I wasn't much help, was I? You're lucky you didn't go away with me. Now maybe you'll get out of here. Listen, uh, there is one thing you can do for me. Well, that depends. You're gonna get $5,000 when you take me out to that posse. Will you see she gets it, so she can get her chance? She's got it. When you rode into the way station the other day, Mr. Cartwright, I almost shot you. But if you hadn't come, I'd have probably gone right on being a danged fool the rest of my life. Here they come. Now, Lucy, there's the address of the art teacher in San Francisco. Thank you, Adam. I'll put it right here in my little pocketbook. Don't worry, I'll deliver her safely. I'm sure you will. You gonna be all right? Sure. Maybe I'll find another Tim. With my luck, I always pick that kind of guy. Well, good luck. Good-bye, Adam. Good-bye, Grandpa. Good-bye, Marty. Now, I was only doing what I thought was right. - Oh, I know. - Oh! Can't even look at you without seeing your ma. Same fresh innocence. Same trust. The same hunger for all those things I couldn't give her. Oh, you gave me love, just as you gave it to Ma. I understand it now. Well, I-I... I better get those bags to the coach. Marty... while you're away, you'd better be a good girl or I'll tan your hide! If he don't, I will. Oh, thank you, Adam. Make it mean something, Marty. I will. ♪♪- Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Behind the Scenes of The Way Station
At the 43-minute mark, Robert Vaughn, in the role of “Luke Martin,” gives the directive, “Martin, unsaddle the horse and put it in the corral.” It’s worth noting that he addresses himself by his last name, Martin.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza offers family-friendly entertainment, perfect for individual viewing or gatherings. The Way Station stands as the 106th episode out of a total of 430. Produced by NBC, Bonanza graced their network from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning a total of 14 seasons.
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