Gunsmoke Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Harvest Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #11, Episode #27

While some landowners have opted for a piece of government land, Ben Payson has different intentions. When his daughter forms a connection with a homesteader’s son, Ben resolves to expel the settlers by any means necessary. Gunsmoke Harvest was broadcast on March 26, 1966.

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Watch the Full Episode of Gunsmoke Harvest

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Gunsmoke Harvest Cast

The following cast members acted in the Gunsmoke episode, Harvest:

  • James Arness as Matt Dillon
  • Milburn Stone as Doc
  • Amanda Blake as Kitty (credit only)
  • Ken Curtis as Festus
  • Roger Ewing as Thad
  • James MacArthur as David McGovern
  • Alma Platt as Gran McGovern
  • Ted Jordan as Leemer
  • Fred Coby as Marty
  • George Kennedy as Ben Payson
  • Karl Swenson as Ian McGovern
  • Lesley Ann Warren as Betsy Payson
  • Richard LaMarr as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Rex Moore as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Jimmy Noel as Cowhand (uncredited)
  • Robert Robinson as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Rudy Sooter as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Sailor Vincent as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Max Wagner as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Harvest

Ian McGovern and his mother and son David emigrate from Scotland and discover a prime parcel of land just outside Dodge. While the land office confirms their entitlement to homestead it, Ben Payson asserts his ownership claim. Upon Ben’s appeal to Matt, he learns that the land is in the public domain, compelling him to adhere to the law, much to his dissatisfaction.

Following an incident in which Betsy is thrown from a horse and narrowly avoids a wild boar charge, David bravely comes to her. However, upon Betsy’s return home, she encounters her father’s lack of gratitude. As it becomes evident that David and Betsy share romantic feelings, tensions rise between their fathers, resulting in a confrontation in which Ben threatens David’s life if he continues his courtship of Betsy.

With Ben’s ranch hands returning from delivering his cattle to market, he leads them in an attempt to remove the “squatters forcibly.” In response, Thad and Betsy hastily ride to seek the marshal’s intervention, setting the stage for a showdown.

Full Script and Dialogue of Harvest

(crickets chirping)

(with Scottish accent):
Are you thinking of her?

(with Scottish accent):
When she's not in our minds,

she's in our hearts.


Looks a wee bit
better under the moon.

By day, it's a naked land.

Aye, it's not like
the Highlands.

 That's a fact.

I wonder if there is
another place in the world

where you can see so far,

yet see so little.

You've not the vision
you once had, Father.

What's the meaning of that?

The soil is rich.

It's no full of stones
to break a plough.

If you look real hard,

you can see fields
of wheat and corn

and orchards so heavy with fruit

that the ends of the boughs
are touching the ground.

I thought it was your
gran who has the visions.

Well, she's my
granny, but your mother.

At least I come by it honestly.


Come, come, Gran.

It's time that you
were in your bed.

(with accent): This night will
be our last sleep on the trail.

Is that a fact?

We'll be there come tomorrow.

- You see it in the fire, do you, Gran?
- GRAN: Aye.

That and more.

There's trouble waiting.

What manner of trouble?

Bad trouble.

There's a man of violence
and a lad and a lass.

And death is waiting
for one of the three.

Oh, is that all?

Is it not enough, then?

You might at least tell
us if the lass is pretty.

(laughing): Aye.

Father and son,
alike in your wit,

but it's all there.

And the lad...

is yourself.

Ah, Gran.

(laughing): Oh, Mother.

Aye, you can laugh, but
you'll see it come to pass.

Ah, 'tis the land
we sought, all right,

but 'tis a terrible price
we'll have to pay for it.

(theme music playing)


Sure some storm last night,

but it didn't cut
the heat any, did it?

Oh, Doc, you have
never saw no storm.

You mean that little ol'
piddling thunder and lightning?

Why, it didn't rain as much
as a little boy could spit.

I have saw storms

 that'd just wash a regular ditch...
 You do...

Would you... would you...
would you do me a favor?

Would you just once let me
make a simple observation

about something...
the weather...

Even though, to you at the time,

it might appear to
be inconsequential?

Well, yeah... "In" what?

What do you mean, "in what"?

Well, what you just said.

What... I just said?

That's what I'm asking you.

(Doc chuckles)

You like another beer?


Good. Go in there and
buy one for a change.

 I'm going to my...
 (Festus mutters)

I'm going to my office
so I don't get mixed up

in anymore of these
inane conversations.

"In" what?

What do you mean, "in what"?!

What you just said.

(hoofbeats approaching)

 Hi there.

 Howdy, Miss Betsy.
 Hot enough for ya?

Oh, yes, we were...

You want to know
something, Miss Betsy?

I wouldn't give a
hoot if I was to go blind

right this minute 'cause there
ain't nothin' within 100 miles

outside of you
that's worth lookin' at.

Well, you sure know how
to turn a phrase, Festus.

Well, that's easy

when I'm talkin' to a
pretty gal like you are.

Well, you better not let her
pa hear you talkin' like that.

Well, I don't give a hoot.

I'd stand up to him
eyeball to eyeball for her,

and if I'm lying,
I'm dying. I would.

Well, there's been
a few that's tried.

You know what the
whole trouble was?

They backed off.

Well, shoot, if I
was a mite younger,

I'd walk up to him, and I'd...

Well, if I was you,
I'd just hush up.

How is your pa, Betsy?

Ugly, mean and grumpy.

In other words, his usual self.

Have you seen Thad around?

- Oh...
- Yeah, right in there.

I'll fetch him for you. Thad?

Prettiest gal west of
the Mississippi wants

to palaver with you. Come on!

I'd like to send him
ahead just to announce me.

(chuckling): I wish
somebody'd send him a head.

BETSY: Oh. Hi, Thad.

Morning, Miss Betsy.

You doing any work right now?

Well, nothing I
couldn't put aside

if maybe you were to ask me.

Well, Pa wants to know

if you'll hire out
for about a week.

Well, I think that
can be arranged.

He needs a hand
till the crew gets back

with the herd he just bought.

Pays three dollars and found.

Well, I, uh... think
it would be just fine.

Why don't I, uh, ride out...?

Oh, well, that's very
kind of you, Thad,

but if you're gonna
go to work for us,

do you think that's such
a smart way to start out?

- Ah, think maybe you're right.
- BETSY: Mm.

Maybe you better ride on alone

and I'll, uh, catch
up with you tonight.

Fine. Bye, Doc. Bye, Festus.

- Miss Betsy.
- MAN: Hello.

DOC: Hi.

I beg your pardon.
Uh, could you help me?

I'm-I'm looking
for the land office.

Oh, sure. You see the
marshal's office there?

It's just right beyond there.

You fixing to settle
here, are you?

Aye, we are.

We found a grand
place a few miles back.

My father's standing on it now.

Oh, he's standing on it, huh?

MAN: Oh, just to make sure
that nobody else takes a fancy to it

before we've made our claim.

Well, ain't no need
to fret about that.

We haven't had a
homesteader here

in three or four
months, have we, Doc?


Uh, you'd know
better about that than I.

But it's a place we've been
looking for for many a long day.

Hate to lose it now,

especially since
Gran saw it in the fire.


Well, I... I don't think
you'd understand.

Well, we certainly welcome
you to Dodge, young fella.

Well, I thank you
for your greeting,

and no doubt we'll meet again.

Good day to you.

Now there's a mighty
nice young man.

Yeah, I, uh, wonder who he is.

(Festus laughs)

Sure talked funny, didn't he?

(laughs) Well...

Say hello to your pa.

I'll do that. See you two later.

I've got some
supplies to pick up.

Bye, Miss Betsy.

Thad, I want to
tell you something.

You hadn't ought to
back down from her pa.

That ain't no way to let Betsy
know how you feel about her.

Oh, I wasn't backing
down from her.

You heard me say
that I'd ride out with her.

Yeah, but I heared how
quick you changed your mind

when she said it
wasn't a good idea, too.

Oh. You mean, she didn't
want me to agree with her?

Well, of course not!

You sure have got a lot
to learn about women, boy.

I'll tell you that. Phew.


I don't know how you do it,

but you sure can
make food taste good.

You hungry?

If I wasn't, I sure am now.

Never figured a girl as
pretty as you could cook.

When do we eat?

When Pa gets here.

MAN: Pa is here.

Doesn't seem to me I
heard the dinner bell ring.

Well, it didn't really
ring, Mr. Payson. I was...

Pa, I just asked Thad to
fetch some water for me.

Did you also ask him to stand
around making pretty speeches?

Now, just a minute. Betsy
and I have been friends for a...

Son, when I want
information, I'll ask you for it.

I hired you to work, not to
make eyes at my daughter.

Pa, sit down. Supper's ready.

No, it's gonna have to wait.

You and I are taking a ride.

 Where to?
Down to the south fork meadow.

I understand we've
got some squatters.

Must be the homesteader
we saw in town.


Well, I was just asking Thad

if he wanted to
come to work for us,

and this fellow stopped

and asked directions
to the land office.

Oh, out of all the
people in town,

he just happened to stop
and ask you for directions?

Pa, I was with Thad
and Doc and Festus.


Well, whoever he is, he's gonna
have to get out of that meadow.

You know how to use
that gun you're wearing?

Yes, sir.

But I wasn't
figuring on using it.

Don't worry. I didn't
hire you as a gunslinger.

Just wanted to make sure
you knew how to handle it

in case you have to.

I can handle it.

Mm-hmm. All right, let's go.

Wait for me. I'll
change and go with you.

PAYSON: All right.

(birds singing)


You're the ones I
saw in town today.

My name is Ben Payson.

Ian McGovern.
This is my son David.

What are you aiming
to do with all of this?

We're aiming to
make a home of it.

You're on my land.

Not according to the
government land office.

This land is open
to homesteaders.

PAYSON: This meadow was mine

long before homesteaders
or government land offices.

IAN: We drove past your
property for many and many a mile.

Mm-hmm. And I've fought Indians

and drought and
blistering summers

and bitter winters
for every inch of it.

Had fate put us
here, Mr. Payson,

we would have
fought alongside you.

IAN: The few acres

that we will plant will
make no difference to you.

You'll plant nothing.

You'll put no
ploughs in this land.

The land is ours by law,

and as hard as we would
have fought with you,

we can fight just
as hard against you.

You've been warned.

Whatever happens
now is on your own head.

You should know that the
clan has spilled blood before

defending that
which belongs to it.

Mm. You better be
prepared to spill some more.

(sighs) I got a good notion

to give them a taste
of trouble right now.

 I wouldn't do that if I were you.
 Why not?

There's been somebody in that
wagon covering us with a rifle.

Let's go.

Ben, I've known you a long time.

I got the feeling
you didn't come here

just to talk about the
price of beef in Chicago.

What's on your mind?

Oh, Matt, I've got
squatter problems.

They showed up yesterday.

Moved into that
south meadow of mine.

South meadow? You mean
down by the river bottom?


Well, that's not on
your ranch, is it?

Well, we cut hay
off of it last year.

We often do in a dry year.

Did you check
with the land office?

They filed, if that's
what you're asking.

That pipsqueak of a land agent,

he knows better than
to let 'em file on my land.

(chuckles) Well, Ben,
I'm afraid you'll find

that that land is public domain.

Oh, public nothin'.

It's always been part of the
Bar B, and it always will be.

Well, yes, because nobody else
has come along that's wanted it.

See, that'll be the
government's attitude.

The government?!

Where was the
government 30 years ago

when I first came here? What
was the government doing

when there weren't
no railroad here

or this town or anything else?

(chuckles) Ben, I'm afraid
what you and I might think

doesn't really matter...
The Public Lands Act is law.

I built that ranch,

and I'm not letting anybody
take it away from me.

Ben, nobody's gonna
take it away from you.

But, you see,

if I let them get away with
this, there's gonna be others.

And if I don't put
a stop to this now,

they're gonna chew
me up into little pieces.

Ben, you're exaggerating
this whole thing.

Don't buy trouble
till it happens.

It's happening.

Matt, I want to know
where you stand.

Well, Ben, you and I have
been friends for a long time.

I'd do anything I could
for you... you know that.

But if it comes down to it,
I got to stay with the law.

Well, at least I know now.


(thunder rumbling)

(horse neighs)








(boar snorting)

Don't move.


(Betsy screams)


(thunder rumbling)

You all right? Huh?

Oh, I was so scared.
I can't stand up.

Well, I cannot say
that I blame you.

I've seen them attack calves.

Well, this one will
kill no more calves.

He'll be naught but sausage now.

(rain falling)

Over there!




Where'd you get
your sense of humor?

From your father?


(thunder rumbling)

(grunts) Oh...



 Thank you.

Oh, wait. You're
only making it worse.

Let me see.

Are all Scotchmen as
clumsy as you? (laughs)

There's no such
thing as a Scotchman.

People from my part of
the world are called Scots

or Scotsmen, if you will,

but we do not take
to being called Scotch.

I'll try to remember.

For someone who couldn't
stand a few moments ago,

you've made a swift recovery.

Well, I'm not
frightened anymore.

Why not?

Maybe you're not
as ugly as the boar.


Did it ever occur to you

that I could be as dangerous?

Do you have a name?

I was christened Elizabeth.

But nobody around here
calls me anything but Betsy.

I'll call you Elizabeth.

I'm wondering why you
came out to the meadow today.

I wanted to see if my
father would succeed

in running you off.

Ah. From the time
I was a wee lad,

I never ran from a loud noise.

It's more than a
loud noise, David.

Aye, there were signs the
man could be a wee bit more

if he put himself to it.

He's really a good man, David.

There has to be some good in him

to have fathered
the likes of you.

He'll try to make you leave.

Aye, I'm sure.

And I'm just as
sure you'll stay.

The McGoverns have got
a terrible fault, Elizabeth.

When they find
something they want,

they will not rest until
they make it theirs.

And what they've made their own,

they hold dearer
than life itself.


I think we'd better
be getting back.


Well, the rain's almost over.

Well, is that good enough reason

for leaving a place
as cozy as this one?

(footsteps approaching)

Betsy, where have you been?

 Thad and I spent half of the after...
 Pa, Pa,

I'm all right. I-I just
got caught in the storm

and waited it out in the hay
shed near the south fork meadow.

When your horse came home
alone, I didn't know what to think

or where...
 Well, he got spooked by a wild pig

and threw me.
A wild...

(stammers) Are you
sure you're all right?

Yes, Pa. I'm fine.

I'm just a little
messed up, that's all.

What were you doing
by the south meadow?

I was just out ridin'.

And-and this pig?

One of the
homesteaders killed it.

One of the squatters,
you mean, don't you?

Which one?

Well, what difference
does it make?

He saved my life.

I told you to stay
away from the meadow!

Why, Pa?

Because I don't want you
associating with land thieves!


Honest, hard-working...
Now, don't you tell me what they are.

I suppose they-they think that
we're indebted to them now, huh?

Well, I'd say we
are, wouldn't you?

Now, you listen to me.

Just because one of
those squatters came along

in time to kill a wild pig
doesn't give them any claim

on you, now do
you understand me?

Yes, Pa, I understand.

And I want you to stay away
from them, you hear me?

I hear you.

If one of them puts his
hands on you, I'll kill him.

(shuddering breaths)

If you're finished,
can I go now?

Aw, Betsy,

all I've ever wanted
is the best for you.

That's all I've ever wanted.

I didn't raise you for any
dirt-scratching sodbuster.

You didn't raise
me for a sodbuster

or a store clerk

or a ranch hand.

What did you raise me for, Pa?

Or haven't you ever
asked yourself that?


Where'd you leave Pa?

Over at the drift fence.

Came back for more
fence poles there.

You look nice this
morning, Betsy.

Why, thank you.

I noticed it this
morning at breakfast,

and I would have
said something, but...

you know how your pa is
these days, kind of touchy.

Well, it's nice to
know you thought of it.

Something wrong?

Are you going into
town pretty soon?

About noon to pick up the mail.


Thad, I've always thought of
you as one of my closest friends.

Well, that's nice to hear

because I kind of feel
the same way about you.

Then you'll do something
for me in friendship?

Well, sure. That's
what friends are for.

On your way into town,

would you ride down past
the homesteader ranch

and deliver this message...

Wait a minute. I can't do that.

I'm working for your pa,
and I'm beholden to him.

And you know how he
feels about those people.

Well, is it more
important than friendship?


Who do you want me
to give the message to?

Oh, what difference
does it make to you?

Well, is it Dave McGovern?

What if it is?

Have you gone sweet on him?

I don't know.

If I have?

I'm sorry, Betsy. I just...

 never figured it.
Neither did I.

Your pa's gonna have a fit
when he finds out about this.

That's why I want you to
deliver this message for me.

Please, Thad.

All right. I'll take it to him.

Oh, thank you, Thad.

You're the best
friend I ever had.

That's not exactly
what I had in mind.

But it's something.

Hey, Matthew.

Fixin' to go someplace, are you?

Yeah, I'm going out and
check on those homesteaders.

You mean them that, uh, filed
on ol' Ben Payson's meadow?

Yeah, except it wasn't
Ben Payson's meadow.

It was open range land.

Is ol' Ben givin'
you trouble, is he?

Oh, he's making
noises at it, yeah.

You know, he always
was one to glom on

to whatever he
figured was his'n.

Well, look at the way
he treats Miss Betsy.

Well, yeah, except my concern
right now is those homesteaders.

Well, if you ain't
got nothin' agin it,

 I'll ride out with you.
 No, glad to have you.




- Aye.
- (gasps)

Oh. You startled me.

I've been waiting for an hour.

I couldn't get out any sooner.

Pa's been watching
me like a hawk.

I'm glad that's it.

What do you mean?

I thought maybe you
had a change of heart.

Oh, you don't
really believe that.

Aye, I do.

I was on my way up to
your place to make sure

when I met your friend Thad.

You were coming to the ranch?


David, you're insane.

My father would have killed you.

Ah, I cannot believe that.

The man's not a savage.

David, when it comes to me,

there's a wildness in him I
don't think even he understands.

You don't know him like I do.

No, I don't. But I'm
willing to know him,

and I'm willing to
have him know me.

He's got to give
you up sometime.


does this land mean
so much to you?


Well, there's so much other
land to be had for the asking.

Maybe if you'd move away,
it wouldn't be so difficult.

I'm sorry. I cannot do that.

Well, if you're both
gonna be so stubborn,

if-if neither one
of you will give in,

something terrible
is going to happen.

I will not be driven from what
is mine by law and by choice.

Well, you're worse
than my father.



Is there another girl in
Dodge as pretty as you are?

Of course.


Now that I've found you and
I've told you how I feel about you,

would you think it a wee bit
strange if I decided suddenly

to give you up and go
off with another lass?

You know the answer to that.

Then why does it
seem so strange to you

that I do not wish to give
up the land of my choice?

(gunshot in distance)

You'd better go on home, quick.

You make one more
move and I'll shoot.

You won't need that gun, ma'am.

We're not here to harm you.

- Gran.
- It's all right, son.

I have them covered.
They'll give you no trouble.

I'll take that.

What do you want here?

Well, I'd like to talk to
you for a minute if I can.

My name's Matt Dillon.

I'm the United States
Marshal from Dodge City.

Are you a peace officer?

That's right, sir, I am.

Marshal, you'll, uh, have
to forgive me mother.

She's been, uh, a
bit wary of strangers

since we first arrived.

You've been having
trouble, have you?

Well, uh, I don't know
that you'd call it that.

There's a man drove by
and told us we must leave.


This is my son, David.

David, this is Mr. Dillon,
United States Marshal.


And this is Mr., uh...

Festus Haggen. Glad to meet you.

Did I hear the word "trouble"?

Well, your father was just
telling us somebody's trying

to move you off this land.

Aye, that's right.

Would his name by any
chance be Ben Payson?

Aye, that's the man.

If you're interested, Marshal,
we've a paper to show our claim.

Well, I know all
about your paper.

I also know about Ben Payson.

Uh, might he be
a friend of yours?

Yes, I'm afraid he is.

That must make it a wee
bit difficult for you, doesn't it?

Well, Mr. McGovern, my
job is to uphold the law,

friends or no friends.

I'm glad to hear that, Marshal.

We traveled many and
many a mile to be here,

and we'll travel no more.

Well, now, I can
also tell you this.

Ben Payson's not the kind of
man to back down very easy.

Now, if you're not gonna
do any backing down either,

well, somebody's
liable to get hurt.

If a man stands for his rights,

he must be prepared
for the consequences.

Well, we'll do what
we can to protect you.

We're not asking for help.

Well, I know you're not, but
you're entitled to it anyway.

Now, either Festus or I will try
to come by here about once a day

and look in on
you, but I'm afraid

we can't be here all the time.

We understand, Marshal,

and we're grateful
for your concern.


It's nice to know
that you're not alone.

Aye. It's always nice to
know you're not alone, Father.

(hoofbeats approaching)

Now, I've told you twice to
stay away from this place.

If I have to tell you again,

I'll lock you in your
room like a child.

Now get out of here.

Well, if that is the
lass that you'd have,

I'll not be the one
to dissuade you,

though you might have chosen
a better time and a better place.

What's the matter with you, man?

Can you not understand?

The lad did not have a choice.

What's the meaning of that?

Have you forgotten
what I saw in the fire?

A man of violence
and a lad and a lass.

You see, Father, it's
been decided beforehand.

We've naught to say
about it, any of us.

Ah, perhaps not, but here is
one that may think different, lad.


keep that whelp of yours
away from my daughter.

 Hold your insult!
 Your daughter's a grown woman.

You cannot go on
treating her like a child.

You heard what I said.

Then hear me.

When my house is
built, I'm taking her away.

You're just trying to
use her to get at my land.

We've already got the land.

(shouts indistinctly)






If he comes near
her again, I'll kill him.



Hello, David.

It's been a long time.

Four days. I've missed you.

And I you.

I've been to the
hayrick every day.

Well, this is the first time

I've been allowed
out of the house.

Aye, uh, I thought that
might be the way of it.

Did he know we'd met?


He's hardly spoken to me since.

I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter.

Thad told me you
were building a house.

Did he tell you what for?


I-I've got plans and-and
some of the material,

and, with luck, we'll be able to
start the framework next week.

It'll not be much at
first, but it'll be ours.

How long before you're finished?

Well, I cannot tell you,

but I'm thinking I'll
not sleep until it's done.

David, I'm afraid.

Of what?

I don't know.

That you won't finish the house,

that something will happen.

Hush, lass.

The Lord moved a great many
people to bring us together,

and I cannot believe that He
plans to keep us apart for long.

PAYSON: Betsy!

(sighs) So this was the
errand you had to run?

Father, please.

I told you to stay
away from her.

Aye, but she hasn't told me.

As long as she
lives in my house,

she'll do what I say.

Father, please stop it!

Come with me.

Don't yank at me
as if I was a child.


Don't worry, lass.

It'll be all right.

I'm gonna tell you something.

I'll see you in Hades
before you marry that girl.

That was a fine supper, girl.


All right, how long?

How long what?

How long do you intend to sulk?

Treat me like a stranger
in my own house?

I don't have anything to say.

Oh, Betsy, please.

We've always been able to talk.

It's always been
just you and me.


I can't keep you
with me forever.

I know that.

And I wouldn't dream
of standing in your way.

When the right time comes

and the right man comes along...

Right for who, you or me?

So you're on his
side all the way, huh?

It's not a matter of side, it's
a matter of right and wrong.

And it's me that's wrong for
protecting what's my own?

Neither's yours.

You don't own the land
and you don't own me.

(galloping hoofbeats

Oh, it's Leemer and Marty.

Can I go now?

Oh, yes, you can go now.

Hiya, boss.

 Oh, hi. How was the trip?
No trouble.

 We only lost about a dozen head.
 Good, good.

We rode on in
ahead of the others.

The rest of the crew
will be along with the herd

 in about an hour.

Say, boss, why'd you lease out
that meadow down by the river?

I didn't lease that.
Them are squatters.

You know, they're
breaking ground down there.

They put a plough
into that ground?

(scoffs) You said it.

All right, when the boys get
in, have them stay saddled.

Why? What are you figuring on?

We're gonna go down
there and run them off.

Okay. We'll let you
know when they get here.


You can't do this, Mr. Payson.

I'll bet she put you up to this.

Of course I did.

Somebody's got to
make you listen to reason.

If you go into that
meadow with armed men,

you'll be breaking the law.

Son, I told you once before...

When I want any information
from you, I'll ask for it.

Now get away from that door.


I won't tell you again.

Now stand over there.

(cocks gun)

Put that gun belt on the table.


You want me, Mr. Payson?

Stay in here and keep
an eye on these two

until the rest of us get back.

Yes, sir.


I'll make a promise to you.

Don't take your men down there,

and I'll stay away from David.

I give you my word.

(hoofbeats departing)

Sit down, Miss Betsy.

I sure am sorry, Miss Betsy.

What would you do if I
decided to leave, Marty?

Oh, you wouldn't
do that, Miss Betsy.

You wouldn't shoot
me, would you?

You hadn't ought to
talk like that, Miss Betsy.

Your pa'd skin me alive
if I was to let you go.



You'd best kill us
all here and now.

There'll be no end to
this as long as I shall live.

I gave you fair warning.

You heard my father. Shoot now,

or by all the saints,
you'll wish you had.

Get some hay under that wagon.

You'll regret this
as long as you live,

each of you. Each of you!


 Burn it.


Everything I own
on is in that wagon.

Fire it.

DILLON: All right, hold it!

Hold on, there!

All right, put up the
guns. Call 'em off, Ben.

All right, let 'em up.

All right, over here.

Get over there. Move, move.

All right, throw the
guns down, drop 'em.


They're burning everything.

 Elizabeth, come out of there.

David, come and help me.

Thad, go into town
and get Doc, quick.

Ben, get some of your boys
to start putting this fire out.

Let's go.


I'd give anything
to undo it all.

I think we all would, Pa.

Isn't there anything I can
say to persuade you to stay?

David thinks we
ought to get away.

I-I guess he's got
a right to hate me.

He doesn't hate you, Pa.
Neither do I.

It's just that we have
to make our own life,

and after what's happened,

neither of us want
to start it here.

How far will you go?

We're talking about California.

Well, that land's
no better than here.

It's not important,
if David wants it.

If you can give up
everything for him,

why can't you just
give up a little for me?

I don't know, Pa.

Maybe it's because

he's never asked me
to give anything up.




All right. You ready, Ben?


I thank you for letting me see
her before she left, Marshal.

Let's go.

How long do you
think they'll give me?

I don't know. That'll
be up to the judge.

Behind the Scenes of Harvest

It is the final of George Kennedy’s seven guest appearances as various characters.

The boom mike’s shadow is briefly visible on McGovern’s rifle stock after Matt and Festus ride away, and McGovern talks with his son.

Books Worth Reading:

Looking for More Gunsmoke Episodes?

Whether alone or with friends, try Gunsmoke as your next show to binge-watch. It is a classy American Western television series on the CBS network that aired for 20 seasons from 1955 to 1975. The 27th episode of Season 11 is entitled Harvest. 

You can find more about any of the Gunsmoke episodes here.

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