Inger, My Love Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #29
In the 1961 episode of Bonanza titled “Elizabeth, My Love,” Ben Cartwright reminisces about his first wife, Elizabeth, who was the mother of his eldest son, Adam. Then, in the installment aired on April 15, 1962, titled Inger, My Love, Ben reflects on his life with his second wife, the Scandinavian immigrant Inger Borgstrom (played by Inga Swenson), who gave birth to his second son, Hoss.
The story unfolds in Galesburg, where a young Ben works for tavern owner McWhorter (portrayed by James Philbrook). While there, Ben falls in love with McWhorter’s fiancée, Inger, and also faces challenges from Inger’s hot-tempered brother, Gunnar (played by Jeremy Slate). As Ben organizes a wagon train journey to California, he sets out for the “promised land” with his 5-year-old son Adam and his new bride, Inger, by his side. However, his happiness in his recent marriage proves to be short-lived. Inger, My Love unfolds as a series of flashbacks as Ben prepares a birthday celebration for his grown-up son, Hoss. Notably, this pivotal episode of Bonanza was co-written by David Dortort, Frank Cleaver, and Anthony Lawrence.
You can watch the full episode or read about it below for more details on the plot and fascinating trivia.
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Watch the Full Episode of Inger, My Love
Watch the Full Episode of Inger, My Love:
Main Cast
“Inger, My Love,” the third season’s twenty-ninth episode, features the following cast members:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Inga Swenson as Inger Borgstrom
- Jeremy Slate as Gunnar Borgstrom
- James Philbrook as McWhorter
- Johnny Stephens as Little Adam Cartwright
- Taggart Casey as Gunner’s Friend
- Harlan Warde as Constable
- Charles Fredericks as Bartender
- Helen Brown as Mrs. Miller
- Nolan Leary as Doctor
- Troy Melton as Man in Cafe (uncredited)
Full Story Line for Inger, My Love
Ben and Inger enjoy a picnic, savoring the sweetness of grapes. With a smile, Ben assures Inger that everything, including the air, water, and her company, is sweet. Inger notices grape juice on Ben’s chin, prompting him to brush it off, leading to shared coy glances. Ben reflects on how many paths he could have taken out West, possibly missing Inger. She jests about her peasant appearance, but Ben sincerely compliments her beauty. Inger playfully fishes for more compliments, and they share a laugh.
She appreciates Ben’s presence, suggesting the picnic as a well-deserved break from his hard work. Ben mentions both good and bad when asked about his own, particularly recalling his love for his late wife. Their peaceful moment is interrupted by Gunnar’s arrival, demanding Inger return to town. Inger stands her ground, stating it’s Sunday and the store is closed. Gunnar accuses her of preferring a picnic with a penniless drifter over a ride with McWhorter. Despite Ben’s attempts to diffuse the tension, Gunnar orders him to stay away from Inger, prompting her to assert her independence.
As Ben prepares to depart, Inger rushes to him, eager to clear up misunderstandings. Ben assumes she wants to discuss marrying McWhorter and walks away. Inger pursues him, shocked by the false rumor and blaming McWhorter for spreading it. Ben, disillusioned, explains his lack of prospects in town. She questions his constant drifting, urging him to move past the memory of his deceased wife. Ben defensively asserts his autonomy, but Inger tearfully challenges his stubborn pride and offers him a job, which he refuses. Hurt by his rejection, Inger accuses him of leaving his manhood with his late wife, and she flees in tears.
Inger exits the boarding house, tears streaming down her face, when Ben suddenly appears in the doorway, calling for her to wait. He declares that he will work at the store with her, explaining that while he’s not wealthy and has a young son, he wishes to share a big dream with her. Overjoyed, Inger eagerly prompts Ben to ask her, but he stumbles over his words. Before he can finish, Inger interrupts, agreeing to marry him, and they share a kiss. Inger worries momentarily about public opinion, but Ben proudly announces their impending marriage. Unfortunately, Mr. McWhorter, witnessing their affectionate embrace, looks on disapprovingly from the tavern.
At the General Store, Inger leaves early to prepare supper for Ben and Adam, asking Ben to find Gunnar, who has not joined them for meals lately. Ben wonders if Gunnar resents their constant presence, but Inger defends her brother, insisting on her love for him. Ben agrees to try to persuade Gunnar to join them but promises not to argue if he refuses.
Meanwhile, Gunnar signs a document at the tavern to sell the store to McWhorter. When Ben arrives to invite Gunnar home for a meal, Gunnar declines and tells Ben to stay away. Ben presses, explaining Inger’s concern, but Gunnar reveals his plans to head to the gold fields. Tempers flare when Gunnar confesses to selling the store, leading to a physical altercation between Ben and Gunnar. Ben leaves with Gunnar despite McWhorter’s protests about Gunnar’s condition.
At Inger’s, Ben informs her of Gunnar selling the store, perplexed by her laughter. Inger confesses that she had been trying to muster the courage to ask Gunnar to sell the store since they decided to marry, explaining that they can now pursue Ben’s dream out West. Ben is troubled by the sacrifice he believes Inger is making for him, but she insists it’s a choice she’s happy to earn to have a purpose alongside him. A knock interrupts them before they can further discuss, revealing the doctor with news of Gunnar’s severe injury.
In the aftermath, Inger blames Ben for Gunnar’s condition, while Ben insists he didn’t hit him that hard and senses something amiss. A constable visits, suggesting pressing charges against Ben, but Inger refuses, glancing back at Adam. Despite the constable’s warnings, Inger stands firm in her decision. Visibly concerned, Adam questions Inger about his father’s character, and she reassures him that Ben is not wrong.
Ben confronts McWhorter about Gunnar’s situation, demanding the truth. McWhorter suggests Ben leave town, but Ben refuses until he uncovers the reality. He insists McWhorter confess the truth to Inger and grabs his arm, but McWhorter retaliates with a punch, causing Ben to stumble against the counter. Undeterred, Ben persists, prompting another blow from McWhorter. This time, Ben fights back.
Adam inquires about his father’s return, to which Inger assures him he will. He then asks about her feelings for Ben, and she affirms her love but struggles to explain why she sent him away, urging him to sleep.
Unable to extract the truth from McWhorter, Ben returns to Inger’s battered and bruised. He seeks answers from Gunnar, who is unresponsive—Inger, torn by doubts, questions Ben’s innocence. Feeling the weight of her uncertainty, Ben laments the loss of her trust. Gunnar intervenes, revealing that Ben didn’t harm him; instead, McWhorter attacked him when he was defenseless.
Realizing McWhorter’s deceit, Inger seeks Gunnar’s blessing for their marriage, and he agrees to give her away.
As Ben prepares to depart, Gunnar wishes him well on his journey, hoping he finds what he’s seeking. Inger bids farewell to her brother, who bestows his blessings upon them. He shares his nickname, “Hoss,” meaning a good man with a friendly face, hoping they’ll name their son likewise. After heartfelt goodbyes, Ben, Adam, and Inger set off together.
At the Ponderosa, Ben awakens from a nap in the armchair as Hoss returns home. They celebrate Hoss’s birthday with candles on the cake, joined by Adam and Joe, who emerge from upstairs. Hoss makes a wish and blows out the candles, marking a moment of familial joy and unity.
Full Script and Dialogue of Inger, My Love
(fanfare plays) (thunder rumbling) Stop worrying, Pa. They'll be home in time. (thunder rumbling) (sighs) Pretty rough weather out there. Wonder if that coffee's still hot. Want some? Yeah, thank you. Hop Sing did a great job with that cake, didn't he? Yeah. "Happy birthday, Hoss." You know, I can never picture Hoss being a baby. Well, for your information, young man, he was a fine, strapping boy. (thunder rumbling) Look, if you're gonna worry about them, I'll go out and look for them. Oh, I'm not worried. I... They'll be here. They'll be here. Why don't you go upstairs and rest? Y-You must be tired. Yeah, and what are you gonna do? I got plenty to keep me busy down here. You're not just gonna sit here and worry, are you? Oh, no. Now, go on. All right, I'll be reading in my room. Take your coffee with you. Yes, sir. Happy birthday, son. Your son, Inger, my love. So long ago and so far away. (raucous singing and laughter) ♪ Oh, if I was a cassowary ♪ ♪ From the plains of Timbuktu ♪ ♪ What would you do? What would you do? ♪ ♪ I'd lay some eggs all filled with whiskey ♪ ♪ And get drunk as a kangaroo ♪ (cheering) ♪ Good for you, good for you ♪ ♪ Oh... ♪ ♪ If I was a tavern keeper ♪ ♪ From the Sangamon Valley so blue ♪ ♪ What would you do? What would you do? ♪ ♪ I'd line the pretty girls up on Main Street ♪ ♪ And kiss the ones dressed in calico ♪ (laughter) ♪ Good for you, good for you. ♪ (hearty laughter) Gunnar, you're a Hoss. That's what he is, boys... He's a Hoss! (Swedish accent): A horse? You call me a horse?! (chuckles) Not a horse, you crazy Swede... A Hoss. That's smoky mountain for a big man with a-a right pleasant way. Oh, then that's good, huh? Then, I be "Hoce." - Hoss! - Hoss! Hoss Borgstrom! (laughter) Another round of drinks, boys. Anytime a man gets a new name, that calls for another round of drinks. (laughter) Well, what'll it be, stranger? Whiskey or ale? Nothing. I'd like some information. Information? What kind of information? I was wondering where I could find some work. I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place, friend. It's been a bad year. Lots of these local boys looking for work. Do any kind of job. I... I got a sick boy out there. You might try that sawmill at the edge of town, but, uh, I'm afraid you won't have much luck. Well, I'll try there. Thanks. GUNNAR: Hey, you! (coin clinks on floor) Maybe that'll help you get out of town, huh? (laughter) Hey! Isn't that enough? Or would, uh, ten cents make you move faster, huh? (laughter) Gunnar, you're a bad judge of men. You're too extravagant. You can tell by just looking at him that he's only worth a nickel. (laughter) No! No, no, no, no. Today, I feel generous. Here's a dime, mister. (theme music playing) Come and get it. All right, hold it! All of you! Gunnar, you and the rest quiet down or I'll throw you out myself. You, come here. Well, you handled yourself pretty well. I'd have cracked their heads together myself. I could use a man like you around here. Do odd jobs, clean up, occasionally throw somebody out. I'll pay you a dollar a day and food. How about it? When do you want me to start? It's up to you. I'll be back. Oh, just a minute. Uh, you can probably use this. I'll be back. How are you feeling now, Adam? My head still hurts, Pa, but I'm getting hungry. Well, that's a good sign. That shows you're getting better. Pa, are we gonna eat soon? Yeah, son, yeah. Yeah, I'll-I'll go get something to eat. I'll be, I'll be right back. (Swedish accent): Thank you, Mrs. Nielsen. I hope your daughter likes the fabric. Good afternoon. Can I help you? Uh, yes, I, uh... Some milk and bread. You have a container for the milk? No. Oh, it's-it's all right, I'll loan you one. You can return it later. I-I have not seen you before. You must be a stranger in town. Yes, I'm... Would you happen to know of a room that I could rent cheap, where they don't object to children? So, you have children? A five-year-old boy. And your wife, she is with you? No, my boy and I are alone. Well, there is a Mrs. Miller who has a boarding house across the street. It's not very elegant, but it's clean, and I'm sure she won't object to a little boy of five. Uh, how much will that be? Ten cents should do it. Would you, uh... Do you have anything for a fever? Oh, you are not feeling well? Oh, it's not for me. Pa? Adam, I told you to stay in the wagon. Now, come along. Pa, I'm not feeling so well. My goodness, child, your head feels warm. Open your mouth, let me see your throat. Oh, it is not bad. Just a little on the pink side. It's a thing of the throat children get. Oh, wait a minute. I have something for that. Ah. W-What is it? It's salt pork and onions. Don't laugh... It's an old Swedish remedy. I'm sure it will help. When you get to the boarding house, ask Mrs. Miller to heat it. Well, how-how much will this be? Nothing. It's for the boy. I-I don't need charity. I'm not offering you charity. I'm-I'm offering you medicine for your boy, 'cause I happen to like children. Good-bye, Adam. I hope you feel better. Thank you, ma'am. (chuckles) Come on, Adam. Good afternoon, Inger. How's business? Business is fine, thank you, Mr. McWhorter. Oh, is it? I thought it was a little slow. The town's not doing so well these days. Oh, he's just some drifter. I gave him a job cleaning out the stable. Oh, well, let's hope he does a good job of it, then. (chuckles softly) Now, when am I gonna get my answer? I gave you your answer, Mr. McWhorter. I'm not ready to get married yet. Oh, come now, Inger. You're not gonna keep me waiting forever, are you? Well, I'm sorry if you object to waiting. Well, I don't mind waiting for something I want. You do believe in getting what you're after, don't you? Well, I always have. At least, I have up till now. I'd also be very grateful if you heated this up for him. Oh, the poor little boy. Of course. You can come down for it in just a few moments. Thank you, Mrs. Miller. Well, my goodness, you certainly didn't waste any time finishing that up. I sure wish there'd been some jam with the bread. Yeah, well, it filled up the cavity. And tomorrow, we'll have some real food, huh? Sure, Pa. Pa? Yes, son? Pa, did you have anything to eat? Oh, I'll, I'll have something to eat later. I'll go down and wait for that medicine. I wouldn't like that medicine, much. But that lady who gave it to us, she was nice, wasn't she? Yeah, yeah, she was real nice. Again, Gunnar? You are always emptying it, little brother, but you never help to fill it. I have the right. Our father left the store to both of us. And he expected both of us to run it, not one of us to waste his time and money at McWhorter's Tavern. Don't tell me what to do. I'm not made out for a storekeeper. What are you made for, Gunnar? To drink, to play cards, to spend your time with your friends talking of going off to gold mines? I am old enough not to take orders from my sister. I will do as I want. Please, Gunnar, you are wasting your life doing as you want. We could make a success of the store if you would work in it. I will not work in it! I told you I was cut out for other things. If you only would marry McWhorter, I could sell this stupid store! The ground is rich with gold in Canada! And I've been hearing such tales that makes my very skin crawl and my hands itch for the feel of it! But you need money for gear, for grub! The boys and I sold everything we had to McWhorter. We've got all the money we need. Me, I don't have any money. But you have a store! Sell it, man! Sell it! McWhorter'll buy it! It belongs half to my sister. But it's all in your name, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, it's all in my name. Then that makes it yours! Canada's no place for the softhearted, Gunnar. You boys talking about Canada again as usual? Not just talking about it, McWhorter. We'll all soon be on our way. All but you, eh, Gunnar? What about my offer? That'll get you there and beyond. You know why I can't sell you the store. Why not?! Aren't you man enough to handle your sister? I'm man enough... and you know it! It's Inger. She's as stubborn as my father was. (chuckles) All she needs is a husband. Wouldn't you like to tame her, McWhorter? (music box playing soft melody) He asked me if he could play it. I said it was all right. What are you doing here? I'm giving your son his medicine. I knew you'd be busy. I can take care of my son. Well, I'm sure you can, but not while you're working all day. Miss Borgstrom, I had to accept your medicine. That doesn't mean I can't run my own affairs. But Mr. Cartwright, why are you so against anyone helping you? Adam, I don't ever want you to play this again. Do you understand? Yeah, he told me about the music box. Did it belong to his mother? Yes, it did. He's better. His throat is better. His fever seems less. But I think he should continue with the medicine. I... I was gonna come by the store as soon as I cleaned up a bit. I don't mean to be ungrateful. It's just... You know, without that dirty beard, your face looks quite nice. In fact, if you wore a smile on it sometimes, it might be quite an attractive face. You know, I think you could use a good meal yourself, Mr. Cartwright. As soon as Adam is asleep, come to my house for dinner. It's right next to the store. You know, Pa, she's a real nice... I know, son. She's a real nice lady. (chuckles) Well, young fella, let's finish up this medicine. There we are. The food is not much. Oh, it's been very good. The winter has been hard all through Illinois. Not as hard as those farmers when it comes to paying their bills. They will pay their bills, Gunnar. They are honest people. Honest people who want everything on credit. Please, Gunnar, we have a guest. Oh, this looks wonderful. And I do thank you for your hospitality. Have you been a long time on the road? Yes. Yes, we haven't come too far in the amount of time it's taken. Four years to get from New England to Illinois. Four years? But surely it should not take so long. Well, we weren't on the move all the time. We made quite a few stops. You have to have funds to keep going. Yeah, a man can go nowhere without money. You, uh, you say you came from New England. What did you do there? I was a seaman most of my life. I wound up a first mate. When I got married, I opened up a ship chandler's shop, outfitting ships. Then when my wife died, my boy and I set out to build a new life. Why didn't you go back to sea? There's a life for a man! It's pretty hard to raise a boy when you're off at sea most of the time. I'd always had a dream about the West. It's a new country, it's big. I-I wanted to be a part of it. To build, to grow things. Yeah, yeah, that was just like my father. He had a dream of a new land, too. Where did it get him? A dirty store on a prairie crossroad. He worked till the sweat poured off him, and all he had when he died was, uh, that store. But his dream of a new land, at least he never gave that up. (scoffs) What do I care about a storekeeper's dream? That is your sin, Gunnar. It is a sin to not care. Don't tell me what's a sin. Don't preach to me all the time. I'm sick of listening to you. (door opens) (closes) I'm sorry, Mr. Cartwright. This was no way to treat a guest. It's been a wonderful evening. I-I haven't enjoyed one like this for such a long time. I... I really should be going. I left Adam with Mrs. Miller. I-I hope... I hope we will be friends. Thank you. Good night, Miss Borgstrom. Good night, Mr. Cartwright. (door opens, closes) The fox grapes are sweet. (grunts) Everything around here is sweet. The air, the water, the company. You, uh, you have a big spot of purple on your chin. All right? What are you looking at? There's so many places I might have passed through on my way west. I might have missed you. Well, I am a very large peasant woman, Ben. It would be hard to miss me. You're a very beautiful peasant woman. Oh, nay, my nose is too long, and my hands are rough. You're fishing for compliments. (laughter) Well, I hope I do better with those than with the catfish. Oh, you leave those to Adam. He's a pretty good fisherman. He's a fine boy, Ben. Yes. It was nice of you to ask us to share a picnic with you. Well, it's Sunday, isn't it? A man deserves a rest after a long week's work. (sighs) We have a river in Sweden like this Sangamon. Cold from the snows on the mountains. When we were children, my brother, Gunnar, and I used to run along the banks picking strawberries. Eating them until we were sick. You have a head full of happy memories, haven't you? And you? Some good and some bad. You, uh... You loved your wife very much, didn't you? Yes, I... I loved her very much. GUNNAR: Inger? Ah. Here you are. I've been looking all around for you. Why? Is there anything wrong? Get back to town right away. But it is Sunday. The store is closed. Mr. McWhorter came around in his new carriage asking for you. I did not tell Mr. McWhorter I would go riding with him. No. But you, uh, go off on a picnic with a penniless drifter. Gunnar. Gunnar, wait a minute. You stay out of this. I'm trying to tell you there's nothing to be angry about. I'll tell you something. You stay away from my sister. Gunnar, you are my brother, not my father. You be quiet. I do what is best for you. You do not run my life. You get back to town. Oh, Ben, I'm sorry. He is... he is young and unhappy. And very angry. With me. Hello, Gunnar. Did you tell your sister I was looking for her yesterday? Yeah, I tell her. Well, come on, man, tell me... What'd she say? My sister is a stubborn woman, Mr. McWhorter. You're the man in the house, aren't you? Since your father's gone, it's your job to see that things go right for your sister. Yeah. And I want them to go right for her. It was our father's wish that I watch out for her. Watch out for her? How, by seeing her waste away in that store across the street? Mr. McWhorter, if I sell you the store and Inger still doesn't marry you, what happens to her then? What, not marry me? Why, I've got everything in the world to give her. The richest man in the county. I could help you, too. Me? (chuckles) I don't need help. Oh, it takes money to go to the goldfields, Gunnar. Lots of it. Now, I could help a brother-in-law... Give him all the money he needs. So you tell her, Gunnar... Tell her how good I'd be for the both of you. Then you'd be better off without that stranger around. Stranger? That man you have working for you. My sister went on a picnic with him yesterday. With Cartwright? She's seeing him, and I think she likes him. Cartwright, I want to talk to you. Yes, Mr. McWhorter. It's about Inger Borgstrom. Yes? I'm going to marry her. I didn't know. She didn't tell me anything about that. And I don't want some shiftless drifter hanging around her. Well, Miss Borgstrom tells me that... Well, I am telling you. And here's something else I'm telling you. There's no place in this town for you. That mean I'm fired? That's exactly what it means. Here, drifter. Maybe you're not too proud to take that now, huh? (Gunnar laughing) INGER: Ben! Ben! I want to talk to you. Ben Cartwright, the least you can do is listen to me. Why? So you can tell me you're going to marry McWhorter? Marry McWhorter? Who told you that ridiculous story? McWhorter did, just before he fired me. And you believed him? Why shouldn't I? Is... is that why you're moving again? Did you hear me, Ben? There's nothing for me in this town. There's no future here. So, what will you do, go glowering through the world the rest of your life? What becomes of Adam? He'll be all right. I'll take care of him. Can you? Look, Ben, listen to me. How much longer can you go on drifting this way, running away from your memory of Elizabeth? She has nothing to do with it. She dwells over your head like a cloud. She's in... she's in your voice, in your... in your heart. Well, she's dead, Ben. You can't carry her with you for the rest of your life. It's my life. It's my business. I... I have a better answer than that. A... a simple solution. You... you could come to work for me in the store. If your stubborn pride will let you. I don't need your help. I don't need any woman's help. I'm man enough to stand on my own two feet. I'll tell you what I think, Ben Cartwright. I-I think you left... you left your manhood behind with your dead wife. (Inger sobbing) Pa, why did she run away? I don't know, son. No, I... I do know. Hey! Inger, wait. Inger... I-I'd like to talk to you. Talk? What good will talking do? Inger... I... I want to do as you suggest. I... I'll work in the store. Oh, Ben, that's wonderful. Inger, I... I'm not a rich man. I have a young son. But I do have a dream. A big dream. If only I could ask you to share it with me. Oh, ask me, Ben. Ask me. Uh, Inger, I... Inger... Yes, Ben, I will marry you. (laughing): No, Ben. What will people say? What will they think? Well, people will say that Miss Inger Borgstrom is going to marry Mr. Benjamin Cartwright! (giddy laughter) There are no more customers, Ben, - so I am going home to fix supper. - All right. Would you, uh, pick Adam up at Mrs. Miller's? Yes, I will, and I'll bring him along with me. Hurry. I'm an impatient woman. Oh, Ben. Um, would you mind very much seeing if Gunnar would come to supper? He has not eaten with us for days. Inger... you think Gunnar resents Adam and me eating with you all the time? I think he resents me working here. And I know he resents me loving you. Don't be angry with him, Ben. He is my brother, and I do love him. Even though he is young and sulks. All right. All right, I'll try to bring him along. Oh, but don't have an argument with him if he does not want to come. Why, I'll be as gentle as a lamb. (both chuckle) Thanks, Gunnar. You won't regret this. Gunnar. Say, you look like you could use a good meal. Why don't you come along home with me? I'm not going home. Stay away from me, drifter. Well, your sister's kind of worried about you. She'd like you especially to come home tonight. I told you I'm not going home. I'm going to the goldfields. Of course you're going to the goldfields, Gunnar. But you're not going tonight. He's telling the truth, Cartwright. And I have the money, too. We just made a business deal. That's right... a business deal! I sold him the store. You what? You had no right. He had every right. His father left the deed in his name, and I kept it in my safe. Now I own the shop. You did this to your sister. How could you? She'll get half the money. For years, your sister supports you, and you do this? Don't preach to me! Leave me alone. You give him back that money and get back the deed. Maybe without the store, he won't be so anxious to marry your sister, eh, Gunnar? McWhorter, you're right. You don't want my sister. You just want the store. - Gunnar... Gunnar! - I'll kill you. The boy's had too much to drink. I'd better take him home. Not in that condition. You go ahead. I'll take care of him. Yeah, maybe you're right. (Inger laughing) You don't seem to understand. I said Gunnar sold the store. Well, how can you find that funny? Oh, Ben, don't you see, in a way, it is. Ever since we decided to get married, I have been trying to get up the courage to do as Gunnar wanted and sell the store. Ben, now we can go west. We can find that dream of yours. We can build what you always wanted. But-but you mustn't do this for me. How could I build anything on your sacrifice? Sacrifice? To have found a purpose? A place in life with you? You-you're so... Inger... I-I know how you feel about Gunnar, though. Ben, I love you. You are my life now. It is time for Gunnar to make his own way. Oh, don't you see, my love? This is the way it should be. (knock at door) Oh, Doctor, come in. What is it? I have your brother here, Miss Borgstrom. I'm afraid he's badly hurt. Bring him in the bedroom. Quickly. How badly hurt is he? You should know, Cartwright. (door opens) When will you be back, Doctor? When I finish my rounds. And what can I do meanwhile? Well, not very much I'm afraid. Just, uh, keep him quiet. You know, with a fractured skull, we can't tell when he'll regain consciousness. But I'll be back. (door opens) (door closes) Ben, how could you? I don't understand. You fought with him, didn't you? The doctor says you almost killed him. I hit him, yes. You hit him? Ben, I thought the anger was gone. I thought when you said you loved me the anger would go. I-I didn't hit him in anger. I-I didn't hit him that hard. And now he is lying in that room and he may be dying. - Inger, please... - Ben, don't. Please, go. There's something terribly wrong here. You must believe me. Adam, you lie down for a little while. Stay here with Ms. Inger. Pa, what happened to Uncle Gunnar? I don't know, son. But I'm gonna find out. (door opens) (door closes) (door opens) (door closes) (knocking) Good evening, Ms. Borgstrom. Oh, yes, Constable. Mr. McWhorter told me what happened to your brother. It's a terrible thing. How is Gunnar? We, uh, we don't know yet. I'm sorry to be bothering you, but I thought the sooner you proffered charges, the sooner I could arrest that man, um... Cartwright is his name, isn't it? Yes, that is his name. But there will be no charges. No charges? If your brother dies, this man Cartwright is a murderer. And if Gunnar recovers, he should be punished anyway. I said there will be no charges. Ma'am, you're making a mistake. This Cartwright fella should be in jail. Good night, Constable. Good night, ma'am. ADAM: Ms. Inger? Yes, Adam. Ms. Inger, that man, he said my pa should be in jail. Is my pa bad? Poor darling. No he is not bad. He may get angry, and do a bad thing. But, no, Adam, he is not bad. McWhorter? What did you do to Gunnar after I left? I sent for the doctor and they took him home. Now, Gunnar wasn't hurt, not as he is now, when I left him here. You listen to me, Cartwright. If you had any sense, you'd get outta town before they pick you up. I'll get out of town after I find out the truth. Well, what do you want me to do about it? I want you to tell Inger what happened... Get your hands off me. McWhorter, I want you to tell Inger what... There's no need for any fighting. All I want is the truth. And I want you... Ms. Inger? Yes, Adam. Is my Pa coming to get me? Yes, Adam, he will. Do you love my Pa? Yes, Adam, I do. Then why did you send him away? Oh, Adam, it's something I just can't explain. Go to sleep now, hmm? (groans) (breathing heavily): Now... what happened to Gunnar? I'll tell you nothing. Ben. How's Gunnar? I think he's going to be all right. I gotta see him. I gotta talk to him. But the doctor said... Gunnar. Gunnar. (sighs) I thought he could tell me the truth. The truth? But you said you hit him. Yes, yes, I hit him. In a moment of anger I lashed out at him, and I'm sorry for it. But you believe that I could do... something like this to him? What else can I believe? I thought... once... you could believe in me and my love for you. You hit a man, and love is lost. Nothing to be done. Nothing. (crying) Oh, Ben... I want to believe you. (Inger sobs) BEN: Not if you'll always have doubts about me. Either you love me with all your heart... or there's no love at all. (crying) Oh, what shall I do? What shall I do? GUNNAR: Ben? Inger, Ben did not do this to me. Gunnar... what happened after I left? I remember falling to the floor. After you left I... started to get up, and something hit me on the head. That's the last I remember. McWhorter. It must have been McWhorter. He was the only one there. Yeah... but he'll never admit it. Oh, Ben, does he have to admit it? If he doesn't... how will you ever know the truth? You, you just told me, Ben. You said if one loves, one must love with all one's heart. I do, Ben. I do love you with all my heart. INGER: Oh. Gunnar, Ben and I would like to be married soon. Do we have your blessing? I give the bride away, yeah? Yeah. Just you take care of my sister. I'll take care of my wife... and that will take care of your sister. I hope you find what you're looking for. Maybe. Maybe not. But at least I will have tried. As for you Inger, take with you my love and grateful heart. Good-bye, Gunnar. You will be always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find your land, Ben, and raise fine sons. My friends once called me Hoss, which means a good man with friendly face. You are that, too, Ben. When you and Inger have a son, I... I hope his friends call him Hoss, too. Good-bye, Adam. You take good care of them, huh? Good-bye, Uncle Gunnar. (laughs) Gunnar. (approaching footsteps) Hey, Pa. - (door closes) - Wake up, Pa. Oh... Made it just in time. Oh, what happened to ya? Oh, old horse turned flip with me. It ain't nothin'. But you're not hurt bad, son? Nah, just stowed up a little bit, it ain't serious. Oh, good. - Hey. - Where's Adam? He's out there in the barn putting up the horses. Dog gone, Pa. - Looks good, don't it? - Sure is pretty. Hey, you're not gonna cut that cake without me, are ya? Hey, happy birthday, brother. Hey, what happened to your arm? Nah, I just stowed it up a little bit hurrying home for this cake. Well, there's nothing wrong with the other hand, go on cut the cake. We've been waiting all night. Wait till I light the candles. I guess you did have a long night, huh, Pa? Well, I had plenty to think about. So did I. I had a whole lot to think about, didn't I, Adam? How good that cake was gonna be when I got here. But it was worth waiting for. Yeah. It was worth waiting for. - Well, make a wish. - Yeah.
Behind the Scenes of Inger, My Love
Gunnar Borgstrom, portrayed by Jeremy Slate, reprises his role as the brother of Ben Cartwright’s second wife, Inger. Slate previously performed Borgstrom in the season two episode “The Last Viking.” In that earlier appearance, Borgstrom was depicted by Neville Brand as an older man during his visit to the Cartwrights.
In a scene where Inger passes a slice of pie to Ben, he hands it over to Gunnar. However, in the subsequent shot, Gunnar is shown already forking into a pie before him.
Additionally, Ben is seen wearing clothing that bears a resemblance to Hoss’ distinctive colors.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza is a wonderful, family-friendly program suitable for individual viewing and shared enjoyment with loved ones. Inger, My Love is the 95th episode among the series’ 430 episodes. Bonanza, produced by NBC, adorned their network from September 1959 to January 1973, embracing 14 seasons.
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