blessed are they
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Blessed Are They Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #30

The tight-knit community of Virginia City finds itself torn apart by a bitter feud between the Mahan and Clarke families. Ben Cartwright takes on the challenging task of mediating a ceasefire and determining which family will gain custody of twin grandchildren. Assisting Ben in navigating this delicate situation is the town’s new minister, portrayed by Robert Brown. The episode also features notable performances by Leslie Wales as Peggy, Ford Rainey as Clarke, and Irene Tedrow as Mrs. Mahan. Blessed Are They, written by Borden Chase and Frank Cleaver, originally aired on April 22, 1962.

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Watch the Full Episode of Blessed Are They:

Main Cast

The actors featured in “Blessed Are They,” the thirtieth episode of Bonanza’s third season, include:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Robert Brown as The Reverend
  • Ford Rainey as John Clarke
  • Irene Tedrow as Winifred Mahan
  • Walter Sande as Tom Mahan
  • Amzie Strickland as Mary Clarke
  • Leslie Wales as Peggy Clarke
  • Robert Brubaker as The Judge
  • Robert Foulk as Deputy Sheriff Clem
  • Rory O’Brien as Kenny Clarke
  • Tracy Stratford as Susan Clarke
  • Arthur Peterson as Reverend Jordan
  • Emile Avery as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Barton as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Rudy Bowman as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Bill Clark as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Betty Endicott as Clarke’s Daughter (uncredited)
  • Bob Hoy as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Michael Jeffers as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Wilbur Mack as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Martha Manor as Clarke’s Daughter (uncredited)
  • Bob Miles as Arthur Peterson (uncredited)
  • John Rice as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Henry Wills as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Blessed Are They

Ben Cartwright and the mysterious new minister of Virginia City collaborate to determine the custody of twin grandchildren left orphaned amid a bitter feud between the Mahans and the Clarkes.

Full Script and Dialogue of Blessed Are They

(fanfare plays)

(men shouting)

MAN: That-a-boy!

(shouting continues)

MAN: Come on! Get him! Get him!

- Come on!
- Let go of me!

All right! That's enough, now!

What's going on here?

- Let me...
- Thanks for breaking it up, Ben.


- All right, go on, now!
- Just be on your way.

About your business!
Go on, all of you!

Clem, what's going on
here? What's happening?

This town's being split down the
middle, that's what's happening.

Them Mahans and
them Clarkes won't stop

until they kill each other.

(Ben sighs)

I'm glad you're in town.

The judge wants to see you.



Come in.

Well, Judge, how's
His Honor the judge?

Fine, thank you, Ben.


How are things up
at the Ponderosa?

Well, not too bad, not too bad.

I've been wanting to
get in touch with you.

Yeah, uh, Clem said something
about you wanted to talk to me

about the silly feud between
the Mahans and the Clarkes.

Well, now, wait a minute,
Ben, it's not so silly.

- Oh?
- It's gotten to the point

where everybody in town's
caught between them.

And what's more important,

it's reached a state
of potential violence

where innocent
people can get hurt.

Well, Clem, you've got
all the authority you need

to handle the situation.

(chuckles) When the
Mahans and the Clarkes

start knocking
each other around,

there isn't a thing I can do.

One of them comes
in with a busted nose,

and I say, "What happened?"
He said, "I fell off the barn."

(brief laughing)

With Sheriff Coffee out of town

they don't listen
so good to a deputy.

Oh, come on, now, you're...
you're not gonna let them

get away with that
so easily, are you?

Can't you arrest them
for... disorderly conduct?

Or... fine them for
disturbing the peace?

There are all kinds
of things you can do.

We can go on making
small official acts

that won't really
stop the trouble,

or we can allow the
violence to erupt into killings

on both sides and then
punish the offenders.

But best of all,

we can try, with the
aid of men of goodwill,

to prevent murder
before it can happen.


CLEM: Now, Ben, the
judge here has appointed

a committee of townspeople
to, uh, tackle the problem,

go and talk to the
Mahans and the Clarkes.

That's a good idea.

You were elected
spokesman, unanimous.


And why would people
think that I'm so deserving

of such a dubious honor?

Because you're impartial, Ben.

Because both the Mahans
and the Clarkes respect you.

I can't accept this-this
kind of a responsibility. I...

And you're not gonna
flatter me into taking it on

by using words like, uh,
"impartial" and "respect"

and words like...

Besides, I'm too busy...
I got a ranch to run.

All right, if that's the
way you feel about it,

I guess there's no
law can make you do it.

(door opens)

Well, I guess there is no law
can make me do it. (chuckles)


(theme song playing)

- (Little Joe laughing)
- Wait. When old Howie Clarke

took the fourth
shot of that whiskey

and he found out
it was pure vinegar,

he'd like to have brought
the whole bar down.

(Little Joe and Hoss laughing)

You know, I've been hearing
about this feud between

the Mahans and the
Clarkes for months now,

but I still don't know
how it got started.

ADAM: Well, it started when

the young Jim Clarke up
and married Caroline Mahan

and they had twins.

That started a feud?

Well, not until they up and
took the twins and moved east.

still don't understand.

ADAM: Well, the reason
they moved east was, uh,

each family was so
jealous of the twins

that Jim and Caroline were
caught right in the middle,

so... they just up and left.

Both families kept
blaming each other

for running them off, right?

Well, with that for a
start, they've been fighting

over every other thing they
could think of ever since.

Is it necessary for you boys
to continue this conversation

about the Mahans
and the Clarkes?

Is it absolutely necessary?


Gee, you know, the
other day I was, uh...

down by Salt Creek to see how
that new dam was holding up,

and, uh... well, that
stream down there

is nothing but a mud
bank now, and, you know,

it took me five minutes
to get my horse to cross it?

But he's a smart horse.

He, uh, once he realized

that the barn was
on the other side

he just... finally
made up his mind that

he had to go through
with it, so... (clicks tongue)

he stepped right in and went
right across without a slip.

I spent a small fortune
educating my oldest son,

and he entertains me
with old-fashioned homilies.

Well... no, I guess you're
right, though, Adam,

I... suppose I'll
have to step in,

whether I want to or not.


Coming, Pa.

Pa, why has it
always got to be me?

How come you
don't take Little Joe?

You were so all-fired anxious

to get me into
this thing, right?

I figure you should each
have a chance to try to help.

How are we gonna
help without guns

if we get over there at the
Mahans and get in trouble?

Now, look, if you're trying to
be a peacemaker in a feud,

you can't go around
carrying a gun, can you?

No. What are your plans?

You figuring on influencing
them with words?

No, no, but, uh, coming
Sunday's Palm Sunday.

Well, I thought it'd be
kind of nice if we had a...

a welcome party
for the new minister.

You know? Everybody
bring some food,

we'd have a real
get-acquainted party.

You mean with the Mahans
and the Clarkes both there?

Well, of course... that's
just the point, don't you see?

I figure they're not gonna
be doing any fighting

right there in
front of the church.

And that will give
the new minister

a chance to get to
work on them right away.

Yeah. I'll bet he'll appreciate
your efforts, too, Pa.

- (Hoss chuckles)
- Come on, let's go.


- Ben! Hi!
- Good morning, good morning.

How are you? Nice to see you.

- May we come in?
- Of course! Pleasure to see you!

- And you, too, Hoss!
- Pleasure, Mrs. Mahan.

Well, sit down. Just
baked a fresh pie.

And I can fetch
coffee in a minute.

Well, that's wonderful... that
fresh pie really smells good.

Hoss, you want to sample that?

- Hot dang, I reckon I am.
- Mmm, it looks good.

Tom around?

No, he's out on the
range checking fences.

- Oh.
- Little trouble in town yesterday,

and we never know what
them Clarkes may be up to.

Yeah. This, uh, trouble
between you and the Clarkes,

that's been going
on quite a while now.

It's going on for
quite a while longer.

Caroline was the only
child Tom and I had,

and the Clarkes stole
her and the babies away.

Oh, well, now, do you
think that this quarrel

is gonna make the
loss any the less painful?

Ben... if someone
drove your sons away,

would you think of
them with kindness?

- Treat them with love?
- Now, Winifred,

I don't think the Clarkes
drove your daughter away.

HOSS: Mrs. Mahan.

How much good do you reckon
all this fighting and arguing

is doing Caroline?

Why, you're on
the Clarkes' side!

Oh, ma'am, we ain't
on nobody's side.

Of course we're not
on anybody's side.

We just thought maybe we
could talk a little about it...

No, I have nothing
to talk about, Ben.

Well, uh, anyway, what
we really came about,

uh... you know, the new minister
is gonna be here next Sunday,

- Palm Sunday.
- Yes, I know.

We're looking
forward to meeting him.

Yeah, we've missed
going to church

ever since we lost
old Pastor Miller.

BEN: Yeah, that was a real loss.

Well, we all thought
it might be real nice

if, uh, if we could have a nice
welcome for the new minister.

Everybody bring some
food, we could have

a real good get-together
right after the services.

Oh, that's a fine idea, Ben.

I'll bring something
really nice.

Well, good, I knew we could

count on you,
Winifred. Thank you.

Uh, Hoss, I guess we'd
better be getting along.

- Got a lot of other people to invite.
- Yeah.

- Thank you, Winifred.
- Just leave that good pie, Mrs. Mahan.

- Ben.
- (chuckles): Yeah?

Are you inviting the Clarkes?

Well, uh... of course.

They're members
of the church, too.

(sighs) Well, all right.

But just make sure at the party
that the food is kept separate.

We couldn't eat Clarke food.

I'm sorry. We would choke on it.

Good day, ma'am.


Hello, Peggy. How are you?

- How are you, Mr. Cartwright?
- Just fine.

- Hi, Little Joe.
- How are you, Peggy?

I declare, you get prettier
every time I see you.

(chuckles) Yeah, you sure do.

By golly, I hadn't realized
how grown up you'd become.

Well, I'm grown up, all right.

Fact is, I should be hanging
out my own kids' wash

instead of my
brothers' and sisters'.

Why, Peggy, a
girl as pretty as you

must have a lot of young
men buzzing around.

Well, the trouble
is, the nicest ones

all seem to be related
to, uh, you know who.

Mm. Oh, uh... your
ma and pa around?

Well, Pa's out on
the ranch somewhere,

and Ma went to
town for supplies.

Oh. Well, I'll tell
you why we came by.

You know, next
Sunday, Palm Sunday,

well, that's when the
new minister arrives.

We thought it'd be kind of nice

if we had a welcome party
for him after the sermon.

You know, everybody
bring some food

and we have a
good old get-together.

Oh, that's a wonderful
idea, Mr. Cartwright.

Be glad to tell them.


Uh... is everybody coming?

Yeah. Yeah, everybody's
gonna be there.

Even the Mahans.

Shh, don't use that
name around here.

Stampede the stock.


Well, I'm sure glad
somebody around here's

got a sense of humor
about this silly feud.

Well, don't judge the
Clarkes by me, Mr. Cartwright.

Believe me, no one
else takes it lightly.

Must be pretty tough on you

being caught in the
middle of a feud like this.

Well, it's worse
than that, Little Joe.

Never knowing when
one of your family's

going to kill
or... or be killed.

Sure hope that new minister
can do something about it.


Yeah, I sure hope he can.

Well, Peggy, uh, you
give your folks our regards,

and the message, and
we'll see you next Sunday.

I'll be there.
It's the only time

I get to see any of those
good-looking Mahan men.

- (chuckles): Good-bye, Peggy.
- See you Sunday, Peggy.



- Hi. How are you?
- Jim, howdy.

Ben, it's good to see you!

Clem, how are you? Judge.

- Hello, Ben.
- You had us worried.

We thought you
were gonna be late.

Well, as a matter of fact,
Hop Sing is away on a visit.

It took the boys
and me a little longer

to prepare the food
without his help.

(church bells ringing)

Well, wish she'd
hurry up and get here.

The more I smell that
food, the more hollow I feel.


- Hollow?
- Yep.

After you've been dipping
into those beans and pork

all the way in from the ranch?

Well, I'm afraid our beans
and pork are gonna look

kinda puny up against
all those fancy dishes.

I'm getting kind of
hungry. (chuckles)

I think I'm a little
too nervous to eat.

Uh-oh, here come the Mahans.

Well, Ben, where do you
want us to put the food

and some of the finest milk
produced in the territory?

Well, that's mighty
nice of you, Tom.

Sure we all appreciate
your generosity.

(horse neighs)

Uh, why don't you and the boys

- take your gun belts off and...
- Well,

we don't hardly go anywhere
without 'em these days.

Well, none of us
is wearing a gun.

Of course, except Clem here.

I can see that.

But you don't expect us to ride
these roads unarmed, do ya?

Why we could be
bushwhacked by The Clarkes

from any tree or rock.

MAN: We don't need no rock

to shoot at the Mahans
when we wanna.


Calm now.

Just, uh...


John, this is Palm Sunday.
(church bells continue ringing)

Palm Sunday.

Just keep things peaceful.

Ain't no Sunday peaceful...

with the Mahans around.

(church bells stop ringing)

I don't want any guns drawn.

Do you understand?

Not one.

Take off your gun belts.

Put them over there.

I don't trust the Mahans.

Make 'em drop theirs first.

Ben, Clem... better
get out of the way.

Listen to me, you two.

Just getting a little tired

of all this ruckus,
and the feuding, and...

and fussing, and
all this violence.

Now, just take off your
gun belts or get out of here.

MAN: No.

Everyone is welcome here.

That must be the new preacher.

How'd he get there?

This is your church.

And I am its gardener.

Hatred has no place here.

This is a house of love.

And you will enter as
friends and neighbors.


I don't know how he got in
there without us seeing him.

He sure handled everything.


Thank God.


you're at the right
place to do just that.


MAN: Please... Come in.

I-I didn't mean to disturb you.

You're not disturbing me.

I thought everybody had left.

It's been quite a day
so I came in here...

to gather my thoughts.

Most everybody has gone home.

But Mr. Cartwright
said he'd give me a ride

so I, I thought I'd wait and

have a word with you.

All right, Ms. Peggy.

What are your words?

Well, maybe it will
sound silly, but...

I wanted to thank you.

(soft laugh)

To most of us young people,

a year seems like
an awful long time.

To us it seems like
this terrible feud's

been going on forever.

I understand.

I sometimes suffer
from impatience myself.

Though it never helps
to solve the problem.

BEN: Oh, there you are, Peggy.

We're all ready to go now.

Well, Reverend, I'll
say good-bye again.

Oh, I wasn't interrupting
anything, was I?

- No.
- Of course not, Mr. Cartwright.

I was just telling the Reverend
how happy we are he's here.

How grateful we are.

BEN: Well, we certainly
are grateful, Reverend.

At the risk of repeating
myself, I'd like to say again

how inspiring your
sermon was today.

I-I've never seen the
congregation as quiet

or as attentive as it was.

It was real fine.

You know, I, I never thought

that I-I would see
what happened today.

To see the Clarkes
and the Mahans

joined together in
the hymn singing.

(laughs) They
joined together again

pretty good a little
later when they tackled

all that food at
the welcome party,

(laughs) didn't they?

Do you think that this
could be the beginning

of the end of the feud?

- Well...
- I mean,

wouldn't it just be
wonderful if it were all over?

- Yeah.
- It would be.

But I think you're
being overly optimistic.

Well, maybe so,
Reverend, but, uh,

as head of the committee
in charge of trying to get

the Mahans and the Clarkes
to settle their differences,

I can tell you we're
pretty happy you arrived.


You'd like to
transfer your burden...

over to me?

Well, uh, yea...
well, no, not exactly.

But you think that that
responsibility is now mine?

Is that it?

Well... Reverend, I...

Well, it seems to me that...

these people are
suffering some sort of

moral illness and...

Well, isn't that your calling?
To minister to such illnesses?

Ministers are human
beings, too, Mr. Cartwright.

We're not all-wise
and all-healing.

My capacity for
healing this breach

is probably no
greater than yours.

Well, I-I thought...

- We all hope...
- We all hope that we can

transfer our decisions and
burdens to other people.

Even ministers.

But there are some problems...

you can't give away.

- Hello, Ben.
- Judge.

I was afraid you might've
already gone home.

Oh, no. We were...
Is something wrong?


I came to see you, Reverend.

I have a problem. I
thought you could help.

Yes, whatever I can do.

This concerns you, too, Peggy.

It's bad news I'm afraid. I...

I just received a wire from
the authorities back east

in Illinois about your
brother and his wife.

There's been an accident.

An accident?

What do you mean?

Jim and, Jim and Caroline.

They're not... dead?

That's what the wire said.

I'm terribly sorry.

Oh, no.

And, and the twins?

They're all right.

Reverend, I thought perhaps

you could help break the news
to the Mahans and the Clarkes.


No, I'll do it.

I'll... go home
and... tell Ma and Pa.

I'll go with you, and then...

go over to the Mahans.

I'll, I'll drop you both off.

Babies... Those poor babies.

I'll, I'll get my things.

Miss Peggy.

I wish I had the words

to express my sympathy.

Don't need words.

I understand.

What a terrible
tragedy for those...

poor families.

Judge, you said the
children were spared.

What's going to happen to them?

The wire covered that, too.

This concerns you, Ben.


The authorities in Illinois
said that the parents'

last request was that the
twins be placed in your custody.

Until you could
decide their future.

Well, (sighs)

why would they
request a thing like that?

You were a very good
friend to the family.

- Well, yes...
- Perhaps they remembered

that you remained impartial

during the quarrel

between the two families.

Oh, that's...

it's much too much
of a responsibility.

Well, it was the
parents' last request.


Of course, you could ignore
the arrival of the children.

Let the Clarkes and
the Mahans fight it out.



No, I guess I... I
couldn't do that.

To make a decision is
certainly gonna take a...

wisdom far greater than mine.

I'm ready.

Now Judge, you're sure the twins

are coming in on this stage?

You saw the wire yourself, Ben.

Reverend, both families
understand clearly?

You explained
everything very carefully?

They were both very
upset by the news,

but I'm sure they understand.

Well, I don't want to be
influenced one way or the other

by the Clarkes or the Mahans.

Afraid you have no choice.


You both gave me your word
there wouldn't be any trouble.

There isn't gonna
be any trouble.

My wife here just
wanted to see the kids,

see that they're all right.

They've been through a bad time.

Now, Tom, I know exactly
how you and Winifred feel,

but I want you to promise me

that you won't upset the
children once they arrive.

(approaching hoofbeats)

How about them?


I just got through talking
to Tom and Winifred,

the fact that I don't want
the children disturbed

once they arrive.

We just came in to see the kids.

- Wanted to make sure that...
- That they're all right.

Just make sure
that's all you do.

Here comes the stage.

Don't forget what I said now.



Here, let me help you.

Well, hello.

Hello, young fellow.

Well, you are Sue, and
you are Kenneth, aren't you?

Well, you know who I am?

I'm Ben Cartwright, and you
know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna get on
that wagon over there,

we're gonna ride
out to my ranch...

It's called the Ponderosa...

And after a good hot meal,

and a little bit of sleep,
I'm gonna show you

some new animals
which are just born.

You can play with them.

Would you like that?

Mr. Cartwright,

why don't I tie a horse behind
your wagon and come along?

You might need help.

Well, thank you, Reverend.
That's very kind of you.

I think I might need some help.

Come on, let's go.


Ah, here we are.

Was that a nice ride?


Here we go.

One down, and two...

Peggy, what are you doing here?

I thought you might need
some help with the twins.

Peggy, the boys
and I are perfectly...

I told the boys to go
on about their jobs.

- You what?
- I think they were glad to escape.

Now, Peggy, you know I
must remain impartial in this.

I can't make it appear
as if I'm playing favorites.

I won't try to influence them,
Mr. Cartwright, I promise.

I... I just want to love them.

(Peggy speaks quietly)

I'll take them into the house.

That young lady is
wise beyond her years.

The children need a
woman's love right now.

(door opens)

(door closes)

I only hope I can
make the right decision.

With God's help... you will.



Well, come in, gentlemen.

- Hello, Adam.
- Adam.


Hello, Adam.

Well, uh, suppose
you want to see Pa.

A delegation like this...
Must be trouble, huh?

That's just what it is.

We've got to see your Pa, Adam.

Well, come in and make
yourself comfortable.

(throat clearing)

Well, uh, have you got
a new hobby, Adam?

No, uh... (laughs)

But I'm getting to be a pretty
good expert at dressing dolls.

It's the second time Sue
dropped it down the well.

How are the children
doing, Adam?

(sighs) Oh, pretty good,
uh, after that first day.

And after Peggy got 'em
calmed down, and, uh,

after we, uh, got Sue this doll,

and, uh, Kenny an
animal to play with.

Get... I'll get Pa.

(clears throat)

Oh, hi, men. What's up?

Well, we came to
see your Pa, Hoss.

Adam's gone to get him.

Me and Joe are back
there in the kitchen

trying to whip up
something to eat for the kids.

You fellows join us?

- No, thanks.
- No, Hoss.

- (thudding)
- KENNY: I got my pig!

LITTLE JOE: Hey, hey, hey. Hey,

you can't go in
there with that pig.

(pig squealing)


Now, look, how many
times have I told you

not to bring the piglets
into the living room?

KENNY: Yeah.

(pig squeals, Kenny laughs)

Joe, can't you take care
of those kids without me?

Now, look, I can't
cook, watch the kids,

and keep the pigs
out of the living room

all at the same time!

(pig squealing)

KENNY (laughing): I want
my pig. I want my pig...

Oh, go on now. Go on
outside. Don't bring that pig

- in here anymore.
- (door closes)

We, uh... we didn't have
any puppies to give the kids,

so, we gave 'em piglets.


Gentlemen, sorry
to keep you waiting.

I've been doing my
paperwork upstairs.


There are less
distractions up there.

- Sit down. Sit down.
- Thank you, Ben.

Well, Adam tells me
there's some sort of trouble.

There sure is, Ben.

I got word Tom Mahan's
gathering his riders.

He says you've had time
enough to make up your mind.

He won't wait any longer.

Well, what's Tom
Mahan going to do,

use guns to get the children?

I don't know, but I think
we ought to be prepared.

Well, if Tom Mahan thinks

he's gonna shoot his
way into the Ponderosa...

Gentlemen, there's not
going to be any shooting.

That's no solution.

Well, of course
you're right, Reverend,

that's no solution to...

It's up to you, Mr. Cartwright.

You've got to make up
your mind about the children.

Well, I need more
time, though. I-I...

REVEREND: I'm afraid

time has run out on you.

In just a few days,
it'll be Easter Sunday.

Let us tell the Mahans
and the Clarkes

you will announce
your decision then.

Well, that's only a
few days away. I...

REVEREND: Mr. Cartwright,

you must make a decision now

for the children's sake.


All right.

Next Sunday then, Easter.

JUDGE: Fine.

We'll tell both families.

At least that way, it'll
delay any gunplay until then.

I wish I could help.

I wish you could
help, too, Reverend.

It's a lonely job.

(door closes)

Boy, am I having trouble.

Yeah, you having trouble.

(pig squealing,
overlapping chatter)

Give me my pig!

(indistinct shouting)

Give me my pig!

Kenny, come back
here with that pig!

SUE: Give me my pig!

LITTLE JOE: Catch him, Hoss!

Hoss, go and catch him!

Oh, don't let that
pig in my bed!

You got it. CI-Close the door.

(door closing)

(liquid bubbling)

- I want my pig.
- Kenny, I'm gonna button this coat,

so you might as well
make up your mind.

KENNY (giggling): I want my pig.

What's the matter,
you having troubles?

I got his tickle box
upset or something.

- Will you tie this?
- Hey, look at that rabbit.

Well, that's really
a nice rabbit.

You like rabbits, Kenny?

- I want my pig.
- You want your pig?

You know, rabbits
are for Easter, not pigs.

Adam, here's her
hat and gloves, and...

Now, you let him button
that jacket, come on.

Come on now.

Come on, he's got
to button this jacket.

Come on, I got... I got
Kenny's shoes here now.

- Come on, let's...
- Oh. More buttons.

I want my pig.
That's what I want.

Put him onto my lap here.
Then, here, Hoss, you take that.

(giggling): I want my pig...

Now, Kenny, will you
please stop wriggling?

Now, look, do you want everybody

to see you looking
real nice this morning?

Well... Hold on.

Pa, are you sure children
are all good and all?

Well, I don't know. Sometimes
I have my doubts about you.

Wait a minute. Wait
a minute. Hold it.

Either exchange the
shoes, or exchange the feet.

Whichever is the easier.

The right one goes
on the right foot.


Pa, that's the way you gave 'em.

- Oh, come on.
- (Kenny giggling)

- Come on, now, Kenny, you take it easy...
- Now, look.

And we'll get 'em on.

You're in charge of Kenny here.

Now, get him into the
buckboard as soon as you can.

Thanks a lot, Pa.

My goodness, you look pretty.

Now, here we go.

Come on, let's hurry now.

We better get 'em out there.
Let me dress 'em on the way.

- We're gonna be late. Come on.
- Come on.

- Let's go.
- We're gonna need a rope.

Now, may I escort
you to the wagon?


(organ plays)

For my text this morning,

I shall use portions from
the Sermon on the Mount.

They are words by
which all of us can live.

The most beautiful of
all, I think, are these.

"Ye have heard
that it hath been said,

"" Thou shalt love thy
neighbor, and hate thine enemy.'

"But I say unto you,
""Love your enemies,

"" bless them that curse you,

""do good to them
that hate you.""

And then,

"Judge not, that
ye be not judged.

For with what judgment
ye judge, ye will be judged."

"And with what measure ye mete,

it shall be measured
to you again."

It's right around
there in the back.

- Can you find it?
- Yup.

- You need any help?
- No.

ALL: Amen.

REVEREND: "Blessed
are the poor in spirit,

"for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.

"Blessed are the meek,

"for they shall
inherit the earth.

"Blessed are they that mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

"Blessed are the merciful,

"for they shall obtain mercy.

"Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they shall be called
the children of God."


ALL: Amen.

Blessed are the children,

for they shall be
called the peacemakers.

Before we sing our final hymn,

I should like to announce

that Ben Cartwright has
selected today, Easter Sunday,

as the day for the
custody hearing

here at the church at 2:00.

The care and custody

of Kenny and Susan Clarke
will be granted to the family

who can best prove
its fitness for the task

of caring for these children.

We shall now sing hymn
number one-three-seven.

(organ plays hymn)

♪ Christ our lord
is risen today ♪

♪ Hallelujah... ♪


Put the children into the buggy

- and wait for me at the livery stable.
- Right.

Pa, you sure you don't want
me to stay and back you up?

No, I'll be all right.

I just want the twins
out of sight for a while.



It's up to you now.


Thank you for your help,
Reverend, and for this.

I... I guess it is up to me,

but I don't feel
quite so alone now.

(crowd murmuring)

I have struggled many
days with this problem,

which concerns all of you.

I hope we can find a fair
solution this afternoon.

Uh, Mr. Clarke and Mary,

I ask you now, what can
you offer these children

should they be awarded to you?

John, stand up.

We have plenty to offer;
you can tell them all about it.

Doesn't seem quite
right to me, Mary.

- Just to stand up here and...
- John.

I don't care if
it's right or not.

I want those children.


I tell you one thing I
can offer these children.

I can offer them a home.

You all know I'm
a well-to-do man.

I'm not rich, but I've
got enough money

to give these children
all the things they want.

Just like my own children.

Each one of them can
have a horse to ride

and good food to eat
and warm clothes to wear.

That's what Mary and I
can offer these children.

Uh, John, I-I don't think
you quite understood

the meaning of my words.

I... I did not mean
what can you offer

in the way of
money or clothes or...

Those are material things.

Now, this morning, you all
heard the Reverend Jordan

read to you from the
Sermon on the Mount.

You all bowed your heads.

I heard you all answer "amen"
to those golden thoughts.

So now I ask you, John Clarke,

and you, Mary Clarke,

will you love your enemies?

If so, John, I ask you now to
step across to Tom Mahan here

and offer your
hand in friendship.

You got no right to
ask that, Ben Cartwright.

How can Mary and I
forgive the Mahans?

How can I offer my hand
to a family that reviles me?

I won't do it.

All right, John.

Very well.

It seems to me then that
you have very little to offer.

(crowd murmuring)

All right, folks.


Let's not have any
disturbance in here.


Tom Mahan.

What do you and
Winifred have to say?

Tom, we have plenty to say.

Just a minute.

Tom, let me get up and say it.


Ben, I think you
know we're not rich,

but we can match John
Clarke dollar for dollar.

We'll do all the things
for these youngsters

we did for our own... for the one
the Clarkes drove away from us.

And they did drive her away.

You know that my daughter
would still be alive if...

Winifred, please,
that is not the issue.

We're here to decide
which of you two families

will have the custody
of these children.

So I ask you, just as
I asked John Clarke,

if you can provide

for Kenneth and Sue the
comfort and protection of a home

where love of God is not just
something that you hear about

in church but practice
every day of your lives.

Now, if you can, will you,
Winifred, and you, Tom,

step across to John and Mary

and offer them the
friendship of your hand?

Ben, you're forgetting
I once had a daughter.

How can I offer my hand

to the people who
drove her away from me?

(crowd murmuring)

First Samuel...
Second Samuel... Here.

"O, my Lord, I and this
woman dwell in one house,

"and I was delivered of a
child with her in the house,

"and it came to
pass the third day.

"And when I rose in the morning,
behold, the child was dead.

"And the king said,
'Bring me a sword.'

"And they brought the
sword before the king.

And the king said, 'Divide
the living child in two. ""

And to make my decision,

I have called upon
the wisdom of a man...

A judge who is far
greater than I am.

I have called upon the
judgment of Solomon.

"Divide the living child in two

and give half to the one
and half to the other."

These twins, Kenneth and
Sue, will be divided in two.

Kenneth will be
given to the care

of John and Mary Clarke,

Sue to the care of
Winifred and Tom Mahan.

Hoss, will you take
Kenny to Mrs. Clarke.

Joe, take Sue to Mrs. Mahan.

I don't want to go with you!

I want to stay with my sister!

SUE: I don't want
to go with you.

I want to stay with my brother.

Please, please!

- I don't want to go with you.
- Boy...

I want to stay with my sister.

Come on, darling.

It's all right.

Oh, it's fine.

I want to stay with Kenny.

It won't work, Ben.

They're not gonna stand for it.

- Reverend...
- I don't want to go with you!

I want to stay with my sister!

- Do you think we were right?
- Please! Please!


Let Kenny and Sue
do our work for us.

Don't take me
away from my sister.

Oh, Kenny, darling, we're going
to give you such a nice home.

And-and I've got just
the horse for you...


With a, with a new
saddle and a new bridle.

I don't want a horse.

I want my sister!

Please don't take
me away from Kenny.

He needs me.

Tom, I can't.

Yes, I love them
and want them, but...

these children have
to stay together.

Come, dear.

She's yours.

They're both yours.

Be good to them.


Oh, darlings.

Oh, darlings. Oh.



Oh, John, I can't.

We have children of our own.

We can't take these babies
away from Tom and Winifred,

who have none.

I guess maybe
you're right, Mary.


Let's go over here.

Winifred, Tom...

you need the children
more than we do.

Oh, my darlings.

John, it's been many years,

so I wouldn't be very honest if I
offered you my hand right now.

But I hope after today,
it won't be too long.

I hope it won't be either, Tom.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Thank you, Ben.

I'm afraid this
peacemaker had the help

of someone with far
greater wisdom than mine.

And if it weren't for
the reverend here...

I'm the Reverend Jordan.

I believe I'm expected here.


I'm sorry I was delayed.

I hope you received my wire.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is an outstanding, family-friendly television series suitable for solo viewing or enjoying with loved ones. Blessed Are They marks the 96th episode out of 430. NBC produced and aired Bonanza from September 1959 to January 1973, covering a span of 14 seasons.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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