The Dowry Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #31
The Cartwright family springs into action when bandits reportedly abscond with the $100,000 dowry earmarked for Michele Dubois’ wedding. Michele, the daughter of self-proclaimed land baron Alexander Dubois, is distressed. As the Cartwright sons stand sentinel over the injured Dubois at the Ponderosa, Ben Cartwright begins questioning the repeated targeting of Dubois and his wealth by the same outlaws. Meanwhile, Michele deftly enthralls Joe, Hoss, and Adam with her charms. Lee Bergere joins the cast as Ricardo Fernandez. Broadcasted initially on April 29, 1962, The Dowry was crafted by Robert Vincent Wright.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Dowry:
Main Cast
The cast members featured in “The Dowry,” the ninety-seventh episode of Bonanza, include:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Luciana Paluzzi as Michele Dubois
- Lee Bergere as Don Ricardo Fernandez
- Steven Geray as Alexander Dubois
- Ken Mayer as Crusty
- Bill Clark as 3rd Robber (uncredited)
- Roy Engel as Doc Martin (uncredited)
- Bob Miles as 2nd Robber (uncredited)
- Cosmo Sardo as Bartender (uncredited)
- Henry Wills as 1st Robber (uncredited)
Full Story Line for The Dowry
A stagecoach carrying Alexander Dubois, his daughter Michele, and her fiancé, Don Ricardo Fernandez, is ambushed by bandits. Michele’s dowry is stolen, and Dubois is injured while attempting to recover it. The Cartwrights become suspicious of Don Fernandez’s calm demeanor in the face of the robbery.
Meanwhile, while searching for a stray cow, Little Joe encounters the stagecoach and offers to accompany its passengers to Virginia City: Ricardo Fernandez, Michele Dubois, and her father, Alexander.
As bandits strike, stealing the dowry and injuring Michele’s father, Joe escorts them to the Ponderosa for Dubois’s recovery. Joe develops feelings for Michele while Adam and Hoss pursue the bandits and retrieve the stolen goods. However, upon inspection, Ben realizes the jewels are counterfeit and decides to investigate discreetly.
Tensions rise as Ricardo and Joe engage in a physical altercation over Michele, with Adam observing the scene with amusement. Meanwhile, the bandits strike again, stealing the dowry from Dubois’s room. Ben confronts the chaos, revealing that Ricardo orchestrated the theft, as he was not genuinely wealthy. Furthermore, Dubois had substituted real jewels with fakes over time to maintain an illusion of wealth. In the end, everyone realizes the deceit and pretense of their wealth, revealing the true nature of their circumstances.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Dowry
(fanfare plays) ♪♪ Whoa! What on earth are you doing way out here, Little Joe? You're likely to get your brains addled, walking in this sun. Oh, Crusty, you know I couldn't go through the day without my constitutional. No, my horse spooked up in the mountains while I was checking a fence. It's probably halfway back to the Ponderosa by now (chuckles) Well, I should have known you wouldn't be walking if you could avoid it. Well, come on aboard. Oh, of course, uh, when we get to Virginia city, I'm gonna have to charge you for the 15 miles. Well, anything's better than walking. MAN: What's the delay? Get along, driver. Stop the chatter. Driver, proceed immediately. All right, it's all right, folks. Just giving a friend a lift. Well, come on up here. I've been looking for someone to jaw with, anyway. All righty. Besides, once we get moving, it's gonna be a might cooler up here than in there. I don't know, there's a pretty good draft when that guy opened his mouth back there. (driver shouting) All right, everybody out of the coach. Don't try nothing. You're a paying passenger. I got no intention of trying anything. Say, uh, look, gents, you may as well forget it and leave. We don't even have our money box aboard this trip. Silencio. It means shut up. Put down your gun! All right, everybody out of the coach. What's the meaning of this, sir? Uh, who are these men? Take it easy, Mr. Dubois. This is what's known out here in the West as a stage holdup. This is outrageous. Driver, I demand you do something. With those guns pointing at me, Mr. Dubois, I've done just about everything I aim to. No, Señor Dubois, do not be foolish. He's taking the dowry. Without it, I am penniless. Better penniless than dead. WOMAN: Papa, don't be rash. Ricardo is right. (gunshots) Papa! He's hit pretty bad; we'll get him to my place. It's a lot closer than Virginia City. (theme song playing) Doctor, is he... Fortunately, appearances were deceiving. Your father is not nearly as badly hurt as we'd first thought. Oh, that is good news. Little Joe, it was a wise move on your part to bring him here instead of the longer ride to Virginia City. He's regained consciousness, then? Oh, yes, he certainly has. As a matter of fact, I had to give him a powder to keep him quiet. Little lady, your father certainly has gumption. You know, he's just aching to get up and take after those road agents. He, um, he wants to bring back some sort of a chest. I told him it was silly. It's not silly. It's my dowry. Ricardo, what are you waiting for? Why do you not go after those bandits? But my dearest one, I was so concerned about your father. Now, I will go after those banditos. Oh, Don Ricardo, that-that isn't necessary. My sons are out scouting the countryside right now. I'm sure they'll catch up with them very soon. In the meanwhile, Ben, Mr. Dubois must remain quiet. He's got to stay in bed at least three of four days. And I've got to get back to town. I'll look in on your father tomorrow. - Thank you, Doctor. - Not at all. Bye. Excuse me, I must go to my father. Oh, uh, mademoiselle, your father is resting now. Don't you think it might be better not to disturb him? Why don't you sit down here? We'll all have some refreshments. I want to thank you, monsieur. You have been very kind to extend us your hospitality. Well, I'm only sorry that you had such a bad experience. But our home is open to you, and I hope you'll feel as comfortable as possible. You are most gracious, señor. Oh, we-we're all very much in your debt. Not at all. Ricardo, what will happen if my dowry will not be found? Mademoiselle, you-you might have lost your lives. No, no, no, you do not seem to understand, señor. You see, the dowry was worth almost $100,000. Well, uh... Well, didn't you think it was kind of risky, carrying such a fortune all the way from New Orleans? We planned for the marriage to take place at a mission on my ranchero in California. It's an old family custom. As for the wedding, well, señor, the dowry must be there for everyone to see. Oh, I, uh, I didn't realize that the dowry had to be at the wedding ceremony. It's an ancient custom for both our families. LITTLE JOE: Pardon me for saying so, señor, but under those circumstances, I thought you'd be much more perturbed over the theft of the chest. I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve, Señor Cartwright. I am perturbed, deeply perturbed. Oh, not over the loss of the dowry itself. I'm a wealthy man in my own right. But unless the dowry is recovered or replaced... the custom of my family will forbid me to marry my lovely Michele. Just loving the girl isn't enough. Love? Love is the least important thing in a marriage between two families such as ours. Oh, I see, you don't love her. Joseph... I did not say that, my friend. Please, Ricardo, must we drag such intimate matters into the open? Uh, Miss Dubois is absolutely correct. Joseph, this is none of our concern. Mademoiselle, perhaps you would like to rest? Your room is upstairs right next to your father's. I'd be happy to show Miss Dubois to her room. Merci, monsieur. Uh, Don Ricardo, your room is right over here. Oh, gracias, no. I'm not tired. Uh, but I would like to use this time to explore your ranchero. I'm sure that, uh, Joseph would be very happy to show you around, just as soon as you're ready. Yes, that would be a wise idea. (chuckles) Your son seems most eager to help. Um, would you, uh... Let's have some brandy. Well, señor, I'm ready. You and your father have been most gracious hosts. I am hoping to learn from your advanced techniques. Yeah, we better get started. Oh, it's not necessary for you to waste your time, señor. I am perfectly capable of finding my own way. Well, are you sure you can make it all right by yourself? Positive, amigo. Just point me in the direction to your branding corral. Anything you say, señor. Adios. ♪♪ More? One more, two more. One for me and one for you, please, Papa? Papa? Well, actually, he's doing very well for a man who had a bullet in him only yesterday. Why shouldn't I do well with such friends you have turned out to be and your valiant sons risking their lives to recover an old man's treasure? I would be very... ungrateful to do otherwise. One more. One more, Papa. Merci. It's all finished. Now, I take down to the kitchen. Good. - Thank you. - Mm-hmm. You have a very devoted daughter. Oh, yes. Ah. Well, it's good to see you looking so much better. Thank you. First time we've had to talk. I don't know how to thank you. Well, the mere presence of a gentleman such as yourself and such a lovely daughter is, uh, quite sufficient, thanks. - Oh, Michele is lovely. - Yes. She's like her mother was. Uh, she died when Michele was a baby. Perhaps it is just as well, for she didn't see my once ample fortune wiped out completely. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Ah, foolish investments dissipated it completely. Everything. Except the dowry. I was determined not to touch that, and I was equally determined that Michele should have a proper marriage. My family is one of the finest ones in New Orleans, directly descended from the French royalty. And, uh, Señor Fernandez? He is directly descended from the Spanish royalty. And then Fernandez told me about his vast ranchero here in the West. It was obvious that he can provide for my daughter properly. And, uh, her dowry pleased him very much, too. Why is a dowry so important to a man of wealth such as Señor Fernandez? How can you describe the sky to a blind man? (chuckles) Our customs are ingrained in us. All I can say that dowry... is a... a very important element in a marriage between families such as Dubois and Fernandez. BEN: Mm-hmm. (Dubois sighs) Oh, I've... I've been making you talk much too much, and I'm terribly sorry. - You should be resting now. - Oh, no, no. And I hope you rest very comfortably. - Thank you. You are very kind. - Not at all. ADAM: Well, they didn't get very far. HOSS: Just like we thought. That one with a bad wing held them up. Hardly seems fair. There's only three of them. That's right, brother. I'll tell you what, you take the one with the bad wing, and I'll take the other two. Well, I was thinking it ought to be the other way around. ADAM: You're surrounded! Drop your guns! ♪♪ ♪♪ Don't he look nice working there, Adam? ADAM: Eh, take a good look, 'cause it's a rare sight indeed. LITTLE JOE: Very, very funny. Hey, you got the chest. What happened to the bandits? Adam, Hoss, what happened? We got the jewels back, Pa, but we missed the thieves. Well, I wouldn't worry about them, as long as we got... got the girl's dowry back. Yeah, but suppose the dowry turned out to be... worthless? What does that mean? Well, take a look at that... It's chipped. Well, beautiful workmanship. It's... These jewels look like glass. LITTLE JOE: What?! They're imitations. All imitations. Joe... is this the very same chest they took off the stagecoach? I can't be sure... It looks like the same one. Well, there's one sure way to find out... let's ask 'em. No, let's, uh... let's keep what we know to ourselves for the time being. Adam, why don't we fix the hinge on this chest so Mr. Dubois won't know that anybody's tampered with it, huh? Now, let's get it in the barn. Sort of peculiar, ain't it? Yeah. You know, I was just thinking, though, about, uh... about what Fernandez said about no dowry, no wedding. - Yeah? - I just wonder if, uh, if he finds out the dowry's a fake, maybe there'd still be no wedding. Listen, Joe, if you got any notions about that gal, you forget 'em. Them Spaniards has got a temper plumb up to there! He'll tear you apart if you even wink at that gal. (Little Joe growls, chuckles) - Buenos dias, señor. - Hi. Well... I have been inspecting your irrigation system. Ingenioso. I shall have my peons install one like it on my own ranchero. Thank you. This is my brother, Hoss. - Hi. - Ah... the brothers - who pursued the bandidos, eh? - That's right. You were unsuccessful, huh? Well, not exactly. We got the chest back. And the bandidos? Well, seemed like they was a little more interested in saving their hides than they was the chest. Well, I shall never be able to thank you enough for your heroic efforts. If it hadn't been for you and your brothers, the dowry would have been lost forever. Well, if you'll excuse me now, I must go and tell Michele the good news. I wonder how he's gonna feel when he finds out those jewels are phonies. I don't know. I know how he's gonna feel if he catches you fooling around with that gal. You leave her alone, you hear? (quietly): Yes, sir. My dear Michele, have you heard the news? The dowry has been recovered. Oh, Ricardo, marvelous! Now we can get married. - Does it not please you? - Hm? Oh, of course, of course. Now our plans can proceed without delay. Ricardo... every since we have left New Orleans, you scarcely seem to see me. You go for rides by yourself, you take walks alone. Does it not occur to you that, uh... that I might like to accompany you. I have much on my mind. Still, my dear... there will be lots of times for rides and walks on my own ranchero after we are married. Sometimes I think it would have been much nicer if we had been married in New Orleans. Well, it is as I told you before... The padre who lives at the mission near my ranchero is an old friend of the family. Well, he would be heartbroken if anybody but he officiated at my wedding. Now, you really must excuse me, my dear. I must not keep your father waiting. Does it not matter if... I am kept waiting? Petulance does not become you, my flower. Soon you are going to be the dona of my ranchero, and you must learn to be gracious at all times. Now... I must go to tell your father about the recovery of the dowry. (hammering in distance) ♪♪ Do you mind if I watch? No, I don't mind at all. I don't want to be a bother to you. Oh, how could you bother me? (laughs) Are you sure I don't bother you? Well, you know, I'm not exactly sure. You want to hand me another spike? What's a spike? Beats the heck of me, I don't know. (door opens) Ricardo! Fortune has smiled on an old man. The dowry has been recovered. Mr. Cartwright just brought it back to me. Yes. I came back this afternoon to tell you, but you were asleep. Well, indeed, we are all fortunate. We're all fortunate. And especially, to see you recovering so rapidly, Señor Dubois. Well, the Dubois family is not only distinguished but hardy. Your marriage to Michele will produce children who will grow strong and tall. And I am going to name my first son Alexander. Please do not speak of such things. Why not, my child? Because... Ricardo seems to regret his pledge of betrothal to me. No, that is not true. You are a prize to be cherished above all others. A man could have a wife no more charming or beautiful. If you find me so attractive, why do you not suggest a stroll in the moonlight? It's a lovely night, and it's proper... - We are engaged. - Well... because to walk in the moonlight with one such as you, is too much temptation for a mortal man like myself. Bravo, Ricardo. You are a true gentleman. The "gentle" part is correct, Papa. Besides, I need my rest. Tomorrow morning I plan to leave early for my ranchero. Leave? W-Without us? Well, uh, you will be unable to travel for a week. Besides, I grow greatly worried about this absence from my ranchero. I fear that the peons are growing lazy, neglectful. You and Michele can follow later, and I will have things ready for your arrival. Oh, you are talking logically, of course. We will talk about this further the morning before you leave. Right now I am in need of rest. Of course, Señor Dubois. Until tomorrow. My dreams will be only of you. He is indeed an aristocrat. Michele. I am afraid you offended him. I meant to. He's so cold, so aloof. (Dubois laughs softly) Perhaps your young and romantic heart expects too much. Perhaps you are right, Papa. And what's more important, he can offer you what I... was unable to give you in recent years... Wealth... security... servants to do your bidding. And security for you, too, Papa. This is one thing I really like Ricardo for... He insisted that you come and live with us. Oh, means nothing. - You do to me, Papa. - Ah... ♪♪ ♪♪ Stop, thief! Where'd that shot come from? LITTLE JOE: I don't know. Papa... from his room. All right, we'll check outside. You certainly couldn't have missed him by more than an inch or two. But I did miss. I... Papa, please don't get excited. The bandits are trying to steal my money, my fortune... The only fortune I have... And I'm not to be excited?! Now, Mr. Dubois, Michele is right... You must not get excited. The important thing is that your chest is safe. Dad-gummit, I reckon they got away. Well, we didn't have much chance of catching them in the dark, anyway. Well, that's twice you let them get away. (yawns): Yep. You're absolutely right. Tell you what, while Hoss and I get some sleep, you can have your opportunity. Now, they've tried twice to get the dowry, and chances are they'll try a third time, so why don't you just stay here and keep a, uh, vigilant watch. All right? Let's go. You asked for that, little brother. Leave him out there till he gets moon-blind. Well, I take it you found absolutely nothing, right? Ah, they got away slick as a whistle, Pa. Pretty odd. Well, they're a brave bunch, sneaking in the house the way they did. Yeah, bet they'd be fist-fighting mad if they discovered there wasn't nothing in that chest but a bunch of phony imitations. No, you don't get my point. They could have been given information about the chest being on the stagecoach. Yeah, but how did they know the chest was under Dubois' bed? Yeah. You know... someone had to tell them where the dowry chest was kept. Well, Pa, don't look at me. What about Dubois himself? Oh, I don't think so, no. Now, whether Dubois knows that the chest is worthless or not, what would he gain by arranging to have it stolen? Well, that leaves Ricardo. Yeah, but why would he want to steal it? He's gonna get the dowry anyhow, as soon as he marries Michele. Hmm. Well, right now, there are only two things for sure. We know the chest is worthless. The bandits think it contains a fortune. Well, what do you think we ought to do? Nothing. Not right now. You two boys go to bed. Ain't you gonna go to bed? It's kind of late, Pa. No, not yet. (sighs) Well, with, uh, Pa thinking and, uh, Joe guarding, what's there left for me and you to do? Not a dad-burned thing. Let's go to bed, Adam. Right. Well, they do not give up easily, these men, but I imagine, after two failures, they will not try again. Do you really think so, Ricardo? Well, at least we are sure to sleep without further disturbance. I understand our host has posted guards around the house to keep us protected. For the second time, I shall say good night and also add my heartfelt respect for your vigilance and bravery. Good night. Excuse me, Papa. Wait, Ricardo. I hope that what has happened has changed your mind about going on ahead without us. Papa, in his weakened condition, shouldn't be left alone with the responsibility of the dowry. You are right, of course. No wonder I am so taken with you, my darling. I will wait, and we'll travel to California together. Papa, what's wrong with Ricardo? Why? Do you think he no longer loves me? Of course he loves you, my petit. But just now, he refused to kiss me. Is something the matter with me? There is nothing the matter with you, my petit. Papa, you should go to sleep now. It's bad for you to stay up late. (knock on door) DUBOIS: Come in. (chuckles): Oh, Mr. Cartwright. Come in. Well, how are we feeling? Mr. Cartwright, will you please see that he goes to sleep? Miss Dubois, I shall be most pleased to see that he goes to sleep. Thank you. - Good night, Papa. - Good night, cherie. - Good night. - Good night. I just dropped by to make sure that everything is all right. Of course I am all right. You like it? Beautiful. Beautiful craftsmanship. Thank you. I made it myself. You made this yourself? Oui, monsieur. The creation of fine hand pieces is my hobby. It was for many years. I gave quite a few to my friends. Really? (twig snaps) (gasps): Don't shoot. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. With all the excitement, I couldn't sleep. How's your father? Oh, he's fine. He's sleeping now. - Thank you. - That's good. I don't think they'll be back tonight. I hope not. Such a pretty night. Yes, it is. You mind if I ask you a personal question? No. How can a beautiful girl like you want to marry a man who's more interested in your dowry than he is in you? Sometimes I do wonder if Ricardo is more interested in the dowry than me. Well, I know what I'd do if I was in his place. What? Why did you do it? Why did I do it? You wanted to see what I'd do if I was in his place. You know, Ricardo has never kissed me. Well, that's Ricardo's problem. Mm-mm. Hmm? Ricardo is there. Ricardo is where? Right behind you. Right behind me? Oh. Hmm. Yes, he is. Buenas noches, Michele, Señor Cartwright. Ricardo, please forgive me. I... Forgive you? Forgive you? Forgive you for what? There's moonlight, and you are very beautiful. And Señor Cartwright is a mortal man. That's a Spanish temper? I have never been so insulted. I still don't know why she wants to marry him. Cosmo, draw me one, eh? Well, howdy, Ben. - Crusty, how are you? - (chuckles) - Good to see you. - Well, fine. I always stop by here when I'm swinging back on my return trip just to drink one of these and get the dust out of my gullet. Say, I want to thank you for taking care of Little Joe the way you did. Aw, anytime, anytime. Oh, uh, Ben, I was wondering about that old feller... You know, the one that got shot in the stagecoach holdup, that mister, uh... Oh, you mean Monsieur Dubois? Yeah, yeah. How is he? Oh, just fine, just fine. Coming along real good. Uh, peculiar thing about that holdup. Oh? You know the other fella, the Spanish dude, the one that's gonna marry this Mr. Dubois' daughter? Oh, you mean Don Ricardo Fernandez? (laughs) Oh, he's really something. Well, what does that mean? Well, he was always talking about this big spread he has at Travers Wells in California. Yeah? (chuckles) Well, I was kind of curious about it, so I detoured the stage a couple of miles just to take look at it. Yeah? Found out a funny thing. Well, what did you find out? Well, you know that spread he says he owns? You mean he doesn't own it? Oh, no, he-he owns it, all right. But the funny thing is, though, that... Well... well, what's so funny about it? Now, look, would you mind piping down and let me finish my story? Well, I wish you would finish it. Well, I will, as soon as I wipe some more of this alkali out of my throat. - Hi. - Hi. I want to apologize about last night. Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to slap you. I was angry with Don Ricardo. I... I'm not going to marry him. I wouldn't marry a man who takes so lightly finding his intended bride in the arms of another man. Well, I have to admit, I, uh... I wouldn't have taken the whole thing so lightly myself. I'm sure you wouldn't have. As I said, Don Ricardo has no feelings for me. Does he know yet that you changed your mind about marrying him? No, not yet. I'll tell him when I see him. Do you know where he is? Well, I imagine he's riding around the ranch, as usual. Alone, as usual. Well, I'll go and tell Papa about this. Well, I shall never tire of riding around your magnificent Ponderosa. I have learned much. For some reason, unknown to myself, I have offended you. I offer my apologies, whatever the reasons. Your words merely add further insult, Don Ricardo, but it doesn't matter now. I have something to tell you. And I shall give you my undivided attention, my dove, but before you speak, there is something that I am forced to do. No, don't! Ricardo, why did you do it? I have decided, after all, Señor Joseph Cartwright, that your indiscretion of last night was indeed a serious insult to my name. All right, what do you want to do about it? I demand satisfaction. Oh, that's fine. Why don't you step out of the way? Okay, how do you want to get it? Like this. Oh, like that, huh? Adam, Adam. Where are you? Come on. Stop them. They are going to kill each other. (grunting) (Adam laughs) What are you laughing about? He is going to get hurt. (horse neighs) Well, I wouldn't worry. Joe can take care of himself. I'm not talking about Joe, I'm talking about Don Ricardo. You got that nice suit all dirty. Well, that is life. (grunting) (panting) (grunting) Come on, give it to him. What are they fighting about? Oh, it's a question of honor. Your brother kissed me last night. That figures. (grunting) (panting) (Michele groans) ♪♪ (grunting) (grunting) (panting) - Ric... - No, no, no, no. - What, what? - It's, it's not over yet. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. ♪♪ ♪♪ Ricardo. Ricardo, my cherie, you did fight for me and you won. You are a worthy opponent, Señor Joseph, you, you took your beating gracefully. Oh, yeah, I thought I did. Without the gloves you'd have never taken him. (Little Joe snickers) Well, what's going on here? Well... there was a pretty good fight, Pa. Uh, Ricardo here was, uh, defending his honor, and, uh, little brother was defending himself, uh... Sorry you and Hoss missed it. Where is Hoss? Oh, well, things were getting kind of dull around here, so he took himself a little nap. Oh, he did, huh? MICHELE: Monsieur Cartwright, it was a terrible fight, oh, but my Ricardo... Oh, he was magnificent. I wasn't so bad myself. Your son is a worthy opponent, señor. We fought to an honorable draw. Well, isn't that interesting? While you two were fighting and you were watching and Hoss was sleeping, I saw three men riding off with the dowry. - My dowry? - Yeah. DUBOIS: Michele. Papa. Your dowry was stolen. My congratulations, Señor Fernandez. Your robbery was finally a success. My robbery? Your loose words are insulting, señor. Oh, Señor Ricardo, let's not have another fight. You finally succeeded in having Michele's dowry stolen... A very clever scheme. What do you mean? Señor Fernandez. Ricardo, did you steal my dowry? The man is a charlatan, a liar, a thief, a man without honor. Papa, please. Ricardo, why? It is simple and shameful. I do not own a rich and vast ranchero. There are just a poor few acres. There is no big hacienda, just an old sod hut. I don't understand. You lied to me, you said that you loved me. That is the one truth in the whole miserable business. When I met you in New Orleans and conceived the idea of the dowry, I had no feeling, but on the trip across the country, watching you, speaking to you, I fell in love. It's a fine way to make love... Lying and stealing. Well, I tried to call off the robbery, but my men wouldn't hear of it when I met them on my rides around the Ponderosa. They were eager for the famous Dubois jewels. I tried to avoid you, to be cold to you so that you would not be hurt when the marriage was canceled, but my pride could not permit me to do that. I understand, Ricardo. The most important thing to me now is that you love me and that you are sorry about what happened. I love you. Michele, love? How can you love such a man? Yes, how can you do that after all you know about me? I do what my heart tells me. Well, you must lose this love. With all this foolishness I am going to go to prison. Well, that, uh, kind of depends upon whether Señor Dubois is going to press charges. Papa, please forgive him, please. Never. Monsieur Cartwright, I demand you notify the sheriff at once. Michele... may I speak with your father alone, please? That will do no good. When he is like this he's impossible. Please. Well, that's the way she goes. Monsieur Dubois, you just heard your daughter say that she loved Don Ricardo. Ah, love, love, love, that's all I hear. He was after her dowry. Well, he confessed as much. You know, I have a bit of a confession to make myself. I, uh, I looked into your dowry chest. I saw all those magnificent jewels, just beautiful. One thing that bothered me, though... I-I thought that the, the settings were not quite as, as, as, as fine as they might have been. You, you mean the settings? Monsieur Cartwright, I think they are as good as any I have ever seen. No, I, I felt that they were inferior compared to the jewels themselves. What do you mean? Oh, they are magnificent. Monsieur Cartwright, I am an artist. Yes, you are. Very well. I utilized my skill making fine guns to devise a fake dowry for Michele. She needed one to be married properly. Oh, I wanted to tell them later on sometime that... (Dubois sighs) I am a foolish old man who couldn't even be successfully dishonest. Well, if I have to start to work like a peon in the fields, let us get on with it. Oh, remember, you're all invited to the wedding celebration at my ranchero in two weeks. - Thank you. - Can I kiss the bride? -Joseph. I can't kiss the bride. (Ben chuckles) If you're going to meet that stage in Virginia City, you'd better get going. - Have a good trip. - Right. Thank you, good-bye. ♪♪
Behind the Scenes of The Dowry
During outdoor filming at Iverson Ranch, two horses collided in mud. While the horses were unharmed, Pernell Roberts sustained a sprain, and Dan Blocker broke his collarbone. Subsequent scenes were revised to depict Hoss resting, and he wore a sling for the remainder of the season. NBC issued strict directives prohibiting the cast from engaging in any potentially hazardous activities on the show.
In the opening scene, shot from behind the stagecoach driver, the camera’s shadow is prominently visible on the driver’s back.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza is a remarkable, family-friendly series ideal for individual enjoyment and shared viewing with family members. The Dowry is the 97th episode among the 430 episodes in the series. Airing on NBC, Bonanza graced screens from September 1959 to January 1973, boasting a remarkable 14-season run.
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