love me not
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Love Me Not Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #05, Episode #22

In another skillful blend of humor and heartfelt moments, Frank Cleaver’s script for Love Me Not in Bonanza resembles Shaw’s Candida. Antoinette Bower shines as Joan, a white girl taken in by the Paiutes during her childhood. When the tribal chief, portrayed by Jack Bighead, offers Joan to Ben Cartwright, she hesitates to leave her adopted family. However, her feelings change when she falls for Ben, despite their significant age difference and his paternal view of her. “Love Me Not,” crafted by frequent Bonanza writer Frank Cleaver, premiered on March 1, 1964.

Explore the captivating plot and intriguing trivia, or immerse yourself in the full episode below.

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Watch the Full Episode of Love Me Not

Watch the Full Episode of Love Me Not:

Main Cast

Love Me Not, the twenty-second episode of Bonanza’s fifth season, featured some of the program’s recurring and supporting cast members. The cast of the episode includes the following:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Anjanette Comer as Joan Wingate
  • Victor Sen Yung as Hop Sing
  • Jack Big Head as Indian Chief (as Jack Bighead)
  • Wynn Pearce as John Turner
  • Ray Hemphill as Party Guest #1
  • Gene Tyburn as Tom Bellows
  • Bill Yeo as Party Guest #2
  • Russell Custer as Party Guest (uncredited)
  • Herschel Graham as Party Guest (uncredited)
  • Hans Moebus as Party Guest (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Love Me Not

The leader of the Paiutes tribe offers Ben an unexpected gift: Joan, a white woman who has spent her life among the Indians after being taken captive as a child. Initially resistant to leaving her adopted community, Joan gradually finds herself drawn to Ben. As Ben attempts to acquaint her with the customs of white society, his efforts yield varying degrees of success.

Full Script and Dialogue of Love Me Not

Well, older brother, are you
about ready to accompany our pa

on his annual cultural
trip up to the Paiute nation?

Well, I guess so.
Seems I have no choice.

Since I'm elected, I'm ready.

See if you can keep him from
bringing home all that junk this time.

Now, just a minute.
That isn't junk.

That's genuine and
very fine Indian artwork.

About time you
boys learn something

about Indian art and
customs and language.

Some of the finest hides
I ever seen in my life.

Hey, you wanna know something?
This is a fact too. This is true.

Those Paiute women hand-chew
those hides. That's why they're so soft.

I bet they got the strongest
teeth in the territory.

Sometimes, I sense a certain
lack of sensitivity in my sons.

All right, let's get those steers
out. We're a little late now.



Hyah, hyah.

Greetings, old friend.

Well, your English
is improving. Better.

We brought you the best
beef we could pick out.

Good. You good man.

We've had good trading.

And now I have a gift
which I would offer you

in honor of our long friendship.

It's a watch.

For telling time.

I am honored with friend's gift.

Will treasure long time.

I have gift for friend.

Young maiden. She yours.

I cannot accept a gift
of an Indian maiden.

Not Indian. White girl.

Taken many, many years ago.

Good girl, work hard.

Teach me English.

My son cast eyes
on her. Not good.

My son marry Paiute.

This one must go.

White name, Joan.

Did he say he'd kill her?

If she ever came back
to the tribe he would.

Doesn't leave you
much choice, does it?

Well, I guess we
better... Hey! Hey!

I wish he'd come on
down here. I'm starving.

Not eat on time three day now.

Hop Sing ready go back China.

Has it only been three days?
It seems a lot longer to me.

Why? You just saw her just that
once when we brought her home.

- She's been up in her room since.
- I'm not talking about her.

I'm talking about what
it's been like to live with Pa.

I've never seen him so upset.

Pa's got quite a problem.

He's got a problem? He's got a
tiger by the tail is what he's got.

There's a great
sense of responsibility.

I mean, the chief
doesn't give gifts lightly.

Gift? That's some gift.

I'll bet you this ends Pa's annual
cultural trek to the Paiute nation.

Oh, I don't know. I think Pa will
probably return the favor next year,

bring the chief something nice
like a lighted stick of dynamite.

Heh. Yeah, or a loco steer.

Or maybe he'll make
a gift of you, Hoss.

Very funny.

I'm glad somebody's
happy about something.

No luck, huh?

No. She won't eat.

She give you any reason?

She won't talk either.

Look, Pa, maybe you
ought to just give up and...

And what?

I'd be very happy to give up

if somebody else would
take the responsibility.

The doctor won't
even come out here.

He says, "Eventually her hunger
will overcome her stubbornness."

The sheriff was no help either.

I thought Roy was kind of droll.


He was downright
sarcastic is what he was.

Adam, what did Roy say?

Well, he suggested that, uh,
Pa get himself another watch,

like a grandfather's clock, and
maybe renegotiate with the chief.

Very funny.

Well, he's got a point there.

You might just try to explain to him
that things aren't working out very well.

Adam, you know perfectly well you
can't return a gift to a Paiute chief.

Besides, he meant what
he said. They'd kill her.

No eat now, food not fit to eat.

All right, Hop
Sing. We'll eat now.

Indian girl no like
Hop Sing food?

- I said, we'll eat now.
- She loco.

Hop Sing, we're gonna eat right
now. Will you stop yelling in my ear?

Hey, Pa, I got an idea.

Listen, all this good food,

if she gets a smell of this,
she'll eat, I guarantee you.

I'll just make a plate of it,

I'll take it up there to her
and I'll hold it out in the hall

and just let her get a
waft of it through the door.

I guarantee you she'll eat.

Hoss, that's not a
very good idea, Hoss.

- It'll work, Pa.
- I tell you, it's not a very...

Well, so she eats. Then what?

Well, she should
be given a chance

to learn to live with
her own kind of people.

She's been living as an
Indian since she was a child.

It won't be easy for her.

What do you want
us to do to help?

I suppose we should be
understanding and patient.

Help her make an adjustment.

She ain't hungry.

You was right, Pa.

That does it.

What are you gonna do, Pa?

I'm gonna give that lady a
very necessary talking to.

What's he mean by that, Adam?

Well, you must remember that
expression from when you were a kid.

You don't mean he's gonna...?

I'm afraid so.

Now, we've tried every
reasonable way we know,

but you still persist
in this stubborn refusal

to do anything we ask you to do.

Well, I'm giving you three
seconds to get downstairs to din...

- I spit on your mother's shadow!
- I...

I know that the Paiutes taught
you many unpleasant expressions,

so I'm not gonna hold that
against you, young lady.

- I spit on your grandmother's shadow!
- Come here.

See what spitting
you do on that!

Boy, she's a feisty one.

She throws a pretty
mean plate too.

You know, frankly, I sort of wish
Pa hadn't have gone back up there.

It's a long ride this time of
night to go fetch a doctor.

Oh, I think I'd put my
money on Pa this time.

Oh, yeah? How much?

Well, Pa?

She'll be down in a minute.

Hop Sing, bring out
a fresh plate here.

I didn't bet.


Joan. Sit down, please.

And speak English.

- All right. I spit on your...
- Now, just sit down here.

Just eat. Move up there.

Unless you wanna have
another conversation

the same we had upstairs.

Put a little gravy on there.

Now, I'd like you
to eat that, please.

If you will.

Joseph. Joseph.

Joanie, how do you
make it so shiny?

- I spit on your mother...
- Joan.

Bear fat.

Yeah, I thought I
recognized that odor.

Uh, Pa, if you don't mind,
there's a sick horse out in the barn.

I think I'll go out
and take care of him.

I think I better
go help him, Pa.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.

Good. Missy eat now.

Is good, yes?

Is good? No?

Hop Sing, I'll call
you if I need you.

Yeah, feels a
little more like it.

Hang on.

I spit on your mother's shadow!

Uh, see, I got two of
everything so that you could, uh,

alternate them and
keep them clean that way.

It's pretty, isn't it?

What is this?

Oh, uh, that's...
Well, that's...

That's, uh...

It's a camisole.
It's an underthing.

That's an underthing
and that's...

Well, these are... These
are all underthings.

What is underthing?

Well, an underthing
is a... You...

Well, you wear it
under your dress.

All this under dress is
too much. I not can move.

Under this, I not
wear... Joanie.

Now, look, Joan, if you're
gonna live like a white woman,

you gotta dress
like a white woman.

Now, be a good girl

and you go on upstairs
and put these things on.

And put these on too.

They're, uh, shoes. Boots.

Indian man much kinder
to woman than white man.

Adam, where you been?

Oh, I was over at Clem White's.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Yeah, about that trade of
some grain for some hogs.

No, no, no. We took care
of that three weeks ago.

I was over to see about
selling him some stock.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I've been
leaving everything up to you boys lately.

I'm sorry to put the
extra work on you, but...

We don't mind the
extra work. It's just...

I've been really making some
good progress with the girl.

She's up in her room putting on
some decent clothes that I bought her.

And then what?

Just what is it that
you wanna do with her?

We've gotta prepare her for
the world. Gotta help her adjust.

Expect me to get
stinking thing on feet?

I guess I got them a couple
of sizes too small. Heh.

Well, I wouldn't worry
about it. She'll adjust.

Have you boys noticed,
uh, Joan's new clothes?

- Sure have, Pa. They're real nice.
- Some clothes, all right, Pa.

A real fashion plate, yes, sir.

Dress stink!

Boots stink!

Things under stink! You stink!

- All you...
- Joan. Joan!

Come with me.

Shut the door, please.


Look at me, Joan.

Look at me.

I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

I've been forcing things on you,

trying to make you want
things which you didn't want

or even care about.

So, uh...

You're free to go now.

- Free?
- Yeah.

You mean I do what I want?

Yes, of course.
I'm not your jailer.

Good. I go now.

- Where will you go?
- Back to my people.

You hate the white world so much

that you'd go back to the Paiutes
knowing that they'd kill you?

There is other tribes.

These other tribes, they'd accept
a Paiute castoff, a white girl?

Knowing English my mother
teach me not make me white.

She die when I 10.

Only world I know
is Indian world.

Well, we must find
our own world to live in.

I just hoped that our
world might please you.

So now you can pick your own.

Hey, Pa, what's the matter?

Joan came busting
through the living room

- like she was on her way to a fire.
- Yeah, I know. She's going away.

Adam, would you
saddle her horse for her?

Hey, well, it's dark, Pa. Shouldn't
she at least wait until morning?

When you're young
and you're running away

from something that you're
afraid of or you don't understand,

I guess it doesn't make any
difference whether it's day or night.

I try your way.

Are you sure?

- Are you sure you want to?
- Yes.

I think about what you say.

I try your world

and see.

Come in.

Welcome home.

How can I walk in this shoe?

Like balancing on
stones crossing creek.

Well, it takes a little patience. Besides,
you haven't buttoned them properly.

Now, look, I'm gonna show
you just this once more.

I never learn to walk in this.

Or dress right or eat with fork.

Joanie, you can do anything you
set your mind to do in this world

if you just take a little
time and patience.

But I start so late to learn
what others learn as child.

You're not much more
than a child yourself.

I not child.

Wyote, son of chief,
would marry me.

It doesn't make you a woman.

Joan, in our world,

and your world now,

people marry for different reasons
than they do in the Paiute world.

Here we usually marry for love.

I tell you before that is
word I learned in English,

but it is only word.

Yeah, well, when it happens to
you, it'll be more than "only word."

You'll meet someone someday,

and he'll be different
than other men.

And when he talks,

his voice will have a special
meaning just for you alone.

And when he touches you...

it'll be as if you've been
waiting for that touch all your life.

When it happens, you'll know.

It's like...

Like something magic.

Now, up you get.


Boy, I need magic to
walk in this stinking...

In this shoe.

All right. Practice.

Let go.

Now, you reckon what could
be so all-fired funny in there?

Well, whatever it is,

it's all right with me as long
as it keeps him laughing.



Sewed hooks all crooked.

Another mistake.

I wish I was like you.

You never make mistakes.

Oh, don't I?

I got that dress about ten
sizes too big for you, didn't I?

However, according
to Lady Stanhope:

"Men are forgiven
mistakes in the social world.

Ladies must know."

Why don't you leave that alone?

There's an article here about
Senator Douglas I'd like you to read.

He's a man I admire very much.

"According to Senator Douglas,

if war comes between the
states, the silver of our..."


"territory, will be
of vital importance."

What are you laughing about?
Nobody said anything funny.

I was remembering
that book of etiquette

I've been reading
these last few weeks.

What did you find
amusing about it?

Well, it was just that drawing
of all those knives and forks,

you know, that they use,

and here I struggle with one.

I wouldn't worry about that.

Pa's been lecturing
me for years,

and I still get confused
past one of each.

Men are forgiven
mistakes in the social world,

but ladies must know.

Now, I wonder who
made that proclamation?

I think it was Lady
Stanhope of England

who wrote the book of etiquette.

I see.

Well, I don't think we have to worry
about entertaining Lady Stanhope

at the Ponderosa.

Uh, Adam, excuse me.

Joan, did you find anything
interesting in the newspaper lately?

Yes, I did.

I was reading a
most interesting article

about the silver
lobby in Washington.

According to Senator Douglas,
if war comes between the states,

the silver of our territory could
well be of vital importance politically.

According to Senator Douglas,

the economic situation,

both for the North
and the South,

would be unlimited.

And so from the
time of the Egyptians,

silver has influenced the
destinies of men and nations,

according to Senator Douglas.

That's very interesting.
According to Senator Douglas.

Joan, I found the conversation
most informative. Thank you.

Well, I will leave you, gentlemen,
to your coffee and brandy.

I have some sewing
waiting for me in my room.

Well, what do you think?

That was quite a
performance, wasn't it?

I must admit, she's a lot different
than she was two months ago

when we first saw her.

Yeah, she's, ahem, become
an interesting composite.

What do you mean?

A composite.

Of Lady Stanhope, Senator
Douglas and Ben Cartwright.

All right, you accomplished
what you set out to do.

But now what are you gonna
do with it? You got a plan?

Well, yes, as a matter
of fact, I do have a plan.

She'll have a... She'll have
what every woman deserves.

A chance for her rightful
place in society. As a wife.

You, uh... Ahem. You already
got somebody picked for her?

Well, of course not.

She's gonna make her own choice.

There are plenty of
red-blooded men in the territory.

Just wait till they
get a look at her.

What do you figure on
doing, advertising her?

Well, as a matter
of fact, yes, I am.

In a way.

We're gonna give a
party this Saturday night

and invite every eligible
bachelor in the territory.

She'll be fighting them
off by the dozen, you'll see.

According to Senator Douglas,

if war comes between the states,

the silver of our territory could
well be of vital importance politically.

According to Senator Douglas,
the economic possibilities,

both for the North and
the South, are enormous.

Let us take for example ten
basic economic advantages

for the North.
First... Mr. Cartwright.

Oh, well, don't let me
interrupt. Please go on.

Oh, no, sir. Uh, you're
not interrupting at all, sir.

No, sir. I believe we could,
uh, use some of that punch.

Well, uh, what were
you talking about?

Senator Douglas'
monetary theories.


Well, Joan, uh, you know,

a subject like that doesn't have
too much appeal for young fellas.

Why don't you talk
about other things?

What other things?

Well, things like,
uh... Oh, Tom.

Tom Bellow, come on over here.
First time I've seen you tonight.

- Now, you know Joan, of course.
- Oh, uh, yes, sir.

We had a long talk
about Senator Douglas.

Well, that's not a very
exciting subject for a young girl.

Now, Tom, I know you
can do better than that.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you and Joan go
outside, get a breath of fresh air?

Show her the moon.

Now, there's a subject that
young girls never get tired of, see?

Go ahead, now, along
with you. Both of you.

Little music.

Tom Bellow has just took Joan
out for a walk in the moonlight.

Think Lady Stanhope
would approve?

Well, never mind Lady Stanhope.

I think I understand young
people better than she does.

Which reminds me.

I haven't seen you fellas, uh,
dancing with any of the girls tonight.

What girls?

You were so busy
inviting eligible bachelors,

you forgot to invite
any eligible girls.

Oh. I guess I did.

And I spit on your
grandmother's shadow!

Joan, what happened?

The Paiutes, they told me
about this moon madness.

I did not like it.

Well, I'll tell that young
fella a thing or two.

No. No, it's not important.

Of course it's important.

I'm not gonna let
him spoil your party.

Yes, and he told me
the reason for this party.

If I'd known, I could have
saved you the trouble.

I have no need for
these young men.

There's no magic with them.

No magic.

I'm going to bed.

Well, that's the last of them.

Sorry the party wasn't
the success you expected.

Well, I'm very surprised
at Tom's behavior.

Really very surprised.

Maybe Tom didn't
understand the circumstances.

What circumstances?

Well, maybe like she said, Pa.

She just ain't interested
in young fellas.

Heh. She's a young girl.

Maybe she likes more
mature men, like you.

What's all this nonsense about?

Maybe it ain't so
much nonsense, Pa.

- Maybe...
- Maybe what?

Maybe she loves you.

That girl doesn't even know
the meaning of the word.

Oh, indeed, I do.

Pa, there's some stock that's
gotta be taken care of out in the barn.

Yeah, I'm gonna help him, Pa.

I'm more practical.
I'm going to bed.

It took me a long time to
realize what had happened to me,

just as it will take you time.


Take time.

You'll realize how right it is.

You're the finest, most
wonderful man in the world,

and I love you very much.

Good night, Benjamin, darling.

Good morning, Benjamin.

Breakfast will be
ready in a moment.

Oh. Uh, well, I'll wash up.

That will be all for now,
Hop Sing, thank you.


You've taken time
and thought about it?

Oh, yes. Uh, yes, Joan, I have.

Then you understand.

Uh, Joan, I want to
ask you a question.

Where did you get this idea?

Last night at the party. When I
looked at all those young men.

Then I looked at
you. And then I knew

because the magic was there.

- What magic?
- The magic you told me was love.

It happened, just
as you said it would.

Yeah, but... Oh, heh.

Joan, when I told you that,
I wasn't talking about me.

- No, no, this feeling that you have...
- This love I have.

This feeling that you
have, it isn't love, Joan. It's...

It's, well...

It's what students feel for
their teachers sometimes.

It's not what you think.

I know how I feel!

It's how you feel
that's important.

Well, I know how...

- This conversation's ridiculous.
- Not according to Senator Douglas.

Senator... What does Senator
Douglas got to do with it?

Senator Douglas said all things can be
settled logically if intelligently applied.

- It has nothing to do with logic.
- It has too.

- Joan...
- Look at me, I'm the proof.

- Joan, please...
- Look at me. Would you look at me?

I'm looking at you.

All right. Now, what
has this got to do

with Senator Douglas'
immortal clichés about logic?

Am I not what you made me?

Did you not say
the night of the party

that I would make a
perfect mate for any man?

Well, ye... No!

I wa... Yes, as an artist
would speak of a creation.

- There, you admitted it.
- Admitted what?

You said that you created me.

Now, would you create
something that you hated,

- something that you didn't care about?
- Joan, Joan.

Would you? No, you wouldn't.

You'd create something
that you loved.

- Me.
- Joanie.

Joanie, love has
nothing to do with logic.

- It has everything to do...
- Joan.

Let me give you a very
pertinent, logical fact.

- I'm old enough to be your father.
- Oh, poo.

If a Paiute's wife dies,

he looks for the youngest
next wife he can find,

one who can work hard
and give him many sons.

- Joan, I have enough sons.
- Well, I'll give you more.

Bigger than Hoss, smarter than
Adam and handsomer than Little Joe.

Joan, now, listen to me.
I am not the man for you.

I'll show you that you are.

You hold me. There's
an old Paiute custom...

Joan, we are not Paiutes.

We can borrow the
custom for just a little while.

Joan, please! Joan,
will you stop this?

Oh, sorry, Pa.

Come in, boys.

Benjamin has some
news to tell you.

I got some chores to do.


- Oh, hi, Pa.
- Adam.

You been, uh, out
doing some errands?

Yeah, uh, Joan asked me to take
her into town to get some things.

We, uh, looked for
you, but you were gone.

Yeah, well, I, uh, had some
things to do around the barn.


- You got something on your mind?
- Mm-hm. Same thing's on your mind.


She thinks she's
gonna marry you.

Well, that's
nonsense. I told her so.

Well, she thinks
she's gonna marry you.

It sure isn't nonsense to her.

Well, of course it's nonsense.

She's not gonna marry me. Heh.

She's not in love with me.

It may take her time,
but she'll realize that.

Well, I don't know if
you got that much time.

You know one of the things
she wanted to look at in town?

- Wedding dresses.
- Wedding dresses?

Now, you always taught us

that the, uh, hurt you
feel when you tell the truth

is a little shorter
and less painful

than the hurt you feel when
you, uh, don't face the truth.

The hurt will go
away, I promise you.

In time, you'll have to look
close to even see even the scar.

I have a close and very
dear friend in San Francisco.

Her only daughter died
about five years ago

and I know that she would
welcome you as a companion,

even as a daughter.

You don't believe I love you.

I believe that you're
misinterpreting the word.


You told me.

You said one man
will seem different,

his voice special,
his touch magic.

That is how I feel.

But, Joan, the way you feel now,

you'll feel so differently
five or ten years from now,

when you're a mature woman.

I don't care about five
or ten years from now.

I care about now. I care
about how I feel now.

But you don't love me, do you?

I love you.

But not as you think I...
How you want me to love you.

I love you as I love
Adam, Hoss and Little Joe.

That isn't what I mean.

You just don't understand.

Maybe I do.

The tears for lost
youth are just as bitter.

And the cry, "Where were
you when I was young?"

Just as painful.

You don't love me.

You don't love me.


I'm consumed...

with jealousy and envy

for the young man who
will one day marry you.

I, uh, wired my friend
in San Francisco.

And I talked to
Chief Keooe again.

His son has married

and he says that you are welcome
to go back to the tribe if you wish.

So you see, you have two
worlds from which to choose.

Two worlds?

I have no world.

You destroyed the
world of the Indian for me

and now you've destroyed
your world for me too.

I'll, uh, get the ticket
for San Francisco.

I'm sorry you're unhappy.

I'm sorry my father's unhappy.

He didn't mean to hurt you.

He doesn't care
anything about me.

I think he cares a great deal.

No, he cares nothing.

And my life is empty.

Your life is just beginning.

And I think your heart is
a little too young to break.

The bruise will heal.

But my father,

when he thinks of you in the
future, will feel sad and guilty

because he'll remember
you now in your unhappiness

and blame himself.

Well, he should.

Why, just because
he tried to help you?

He's given you a future,

no matter what
you may think now.

And if you love him,

give him something too.

Take the guilt away from him.

Let him remember you
now without unhappiness.

You teach as
well as your father.

Thank you, Adam.

Guess we better
be getting aboard.

Excuse me.

Pardon me, are you
going to San Francisco?

Yes, yes, I am.

Oh, well, then we'll
be fellow passengers.

My name is Joan Wingate.

I'm John Turner.

Well, I have the,
uh, fare all arranged.

Well, good.

- I guess we can get onboard.
- Here, let me help you.

Oh, uh, this is John Turner.

He's going to San Francisco too.

- How do you do?
- Mr. Turner.

Well, goodbye. And
thank you, Benjamin.

Come on.

She's gonna be all right, Adam.

Yes, sir, she's
gonna be all right.

Yeah, she'll be all
right, Pa. Why not?

She's got everything
you taught her,

and a few of her own.

Like courage.

Like magic.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza offers excellent, family-friendly entertainment suitable for solo viewing or gatherings. Love Me Not marks the 156th episode out of 430 in the series. Produced by NBC, Bonanza aired on their network from September 1959 to January 1973, completing a remarkable 14-season run.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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