King of the Mountain Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #05, Episode #21
Slim Pickens reprises his role as the cunning and unkempt mountaineer Jim Leyton in a surprising turn of events. Despite his ongoing feud with Julie’s father, the aptly named Grizzly, Jim finds himself engaged to the lovely Julie, portrayed by Laurie Mitchell. Hoss Cartwright finds himself entangled in this volatile situation when Jim asks him to serve as the best man at their impending wedding, should it ever come to fruition. Byron Foulger adds to the colorful cast, portraying the Parson with his distinctive triple chin. Originally airing on February 23, 1964, King of the Mountain was penned by Frank Cleaver.
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Watch the Full Episode of King of the Mountain
Watch the Full Episode of King of the Mountain:
Main Cast
Apart from the main cast, “King of the Mountain,” the twenty-first episode of Bonanza Season 5 presents a diverse array of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The cast includes:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Robert Middleton as Grizzly Martingale
- Slim Pickens as Big Jim Leyton
- Laurie Mitchell as Julie Martingale
- Byron Foulger as Parson
- Billy M. Greene as Storekeeper
- Mike Ragan as Townsman
- Ray Hemphill as Townsman
- Bruce MacFarlane as Harry
- Bill Clark as Wesley
- Nick Borgani as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bill Borzage as Townsman (uncredited)
- Rudy Doucette as Townsman (uncredited)
- Betty Endicott as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jack Gordon as Townsman (uncredited)
- Martha Manor as Townswoman (uncredited)
- Ernesto Molinari as Townsman (uncredited)
- Danny Sands as Townsman (uncredited)
Full Story Line for King of the Mountain
The rugged mountain man, Jim Leyton, makes a gritty comeback at the Ponderosa with unexpected news: he’s getting hitched. Surprisingly, his betrothed is none other than the charming Julie Martingale. Their impending union is even more astonishing considering Jim’s longstanding feud with her equally rough-hewn father, Grizzly. Caught in the middle of this tumult is Hoss, reluctantly roped in by Jim to serve as his best man.
Full Script and Dialogue of King of the Mountain
Get a letter from the president? I know. Somebody left you a million dollars. - Oh, hi, Pa. Pa, hey. - Yeah. You remember Jim Leyton? Jim Leyton? That big mountain man? The one you had the big fight with? I'd as soon remember an earthquake. - Well, Pa, he's getting married. - Jim Leyton's getting married? Yep. He wants me to be his best man. On account I'm the only fellow to have ever whupped him fair and square. Jim Leyton. There's a man that walks around with trouble in a bundle and loves every minute of it. Well, Pa, according to this letter, he's changed. Him, changed? Hoss, do yourself a favor. Keep away from him. He's trouble. Big trouble. Nothing but trouble. Well, but even so, it's sort of an honor to be invited to be Jim Leyton's best man. I mean, up there in the mountain country, his country. I reckon I ought to be thinking about a wedding present for him or something. Well, it better be portable if you're going to travel all that way. Hey, Pa, ahem, you know them little matched ponies you got from old Jean Hendricks? Oh, no, you don't. Not them matched ponies. You keep away from them now. Why don't you get him something simple? Like a pair of matched bears. Or dueling pistols, or lace for the bride. Oh, Pa, lace? Jim Leyton ain't gonna marry no gal like that. Now, look, Pa, I'll offer you a fair price for them. And I know you didn't pay much for them. Pa, look, I owe it to him. That was the best danged fight I ever had in my life. Yeah, you almost got yourself killed in that best danged fight you ever had. Now you want to be with him again. Oh, I just smell another fight. But you're set on going, aren't you? Hmm. Well, I tell you what. The matched ponies are yours. Thanks, Pa. It's your bones too. You Paiutes? Comanche? I come in peace, whoever you are. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Dag burn your ornery, cantankerous hide. You ain't changed a bit, Jim. Oh, yes, I have, you big hay-shaking farmer. In the old days, I'd have used a real Indian. Doggone, Hoss, it's good to see you, even if you are a plumb sorry-looking sight. Wait till I start prodding you down that aisle. Then we'll see who's gonna be the sorry-looking sight. Now, hold on. Just because you whupped me fair and square in your own backyard don't give you no license to forget who's king of this here mountain. And I'll tell you something else. If you don't get a pot of coffee on in about nothing flat, I'm gonna give you a chance to try your luck again. You better save yourself for that wedding. You know something, Jim? You got a good life up here. Yeah, but it gets awful lonesome. Well, I never did mind being lonesome if I was by myself. It's being lonesome with somebody that scares me. Scares me too. You know, Hoss, I reckon that's the reason that I run all over the country, getting into trouble like I did. Then I come back home here and seen how Julie'd growed up. You sure do get moony-eyed when you talk about her. I reckon you mean it, don't you? Hoss, she's cut right out of these here mountains. But soft, though. And I sure do mean it. Well, sir, I'll tell you, Jim, you're gonna have all the good luck that I can possibly wish down on you. Hoss, that's the reason I asked you to be my best man. You know, with all that tallow, why, you ought to pack a little bit of weight upstairs. Very funny. She probably don't deserve you, even if she has got poor judgment. Shh. What's the matter? Somebody's coming. It's Julie, I think. Well, you figuring on shooting her? You ain't even married yet. Just stop your yapping. I think she's got her pa along. Jim? Yeah, Julie? You got your pa with you? Yeah, but he ain't armed. He promised he wouldn't start anything. Will you talk to him? Where's he at, Julie? Behind the rock. You sure he ain't armed? I searched him myself. All right, sweetheart, bring him on in. Come on, Pa. Come on. - You're gonna get my head shot off. - Oh, Pa. You're leading me to the slaughter like a lamb. Now, you gonna keep your word? Now, look, if I made you a promise, I'm gonna keep it. It ain't gonna make no difference. That skunk you think you're marrying, he don't know the difference between right and wrong. Now, Pa, I don't think. I know. There's gonna be a wedding. If he lives that long. - What's that? - Well, this is Hoss Cartwright. He's gonna be best man at our wedding. Hoss, this is Julie. Grizzly, Hoss. Hello, Hoss. I sure heard a lot about you. Well, thank you, Miss Julie. I've heard a lot about you too. Mr. Martingale. Any friend of Leyton's is a mortal enemy of mine. Am I your enemy, Pa? That's different, Julie, honey. You're my daughter. And besides, you don't know what you're doing. Jim, look, have I been invited here to be a best man at wedding or second for a fight? Stick around. Just might be a pallbearer. That's right, just keep a-talking. - You keep that big mouth shut! - Stop it! Stop it, the both of you! Now, Pa, you ain't never broke a promise to me before. Are you gonna make this the first? And you. You promised to negotiate with Pa. Did you mean it? All right. Let's get it over with. Not just talk this time? You'll both really try? - I'll try. - Well, I promised, didn't I? All right, then. Hoss, will you take me for a walk? These two got some palavering to do. Go ahead, Hoss. Yes, ma'am. I'd be happy to, ma'am. If he tries anything, just holler, Julie. Well, I just may not. Well, it's kind of simple, really. Those two are the only real loves of my life and I can't get them to be friends. What's it all about anyhow, Miss Julie? Oh... They're in there arguing over apiece of land they both lay claim to. A big piece of land? A very, very little piece. But a lot of stubborn pride. Sometimes, pride's worth more than land out here. Look, how did they come about laying claim to the same piece of land? It was the stake in a card game. They both had the same hand. Pair of treys, ace, jack, four. And they've been arguing over it ever since. That was 14 years ago. Yeah, well, there's one thing for sure, this sure ain't no atmosphere for a wedding, is it? Oh, sure is quiet in there. That's a bad sign. Means they're up to something. Look, I'll go over and stick my head in, take a peek. Oh, you be careful. They'll both be real touchy. I know them. Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I got some stuff in my saddlebags over here I needed to tend to. I was a fool to let her come over here and palaver with a swindling cheat. You ain't gonna bamboozle me out of what's mine. Never again. I don't want what's yours, you bellyaching old billy goat. All I want is what's mine. What you're claiming is yours, ain't. I won that fair and square in that poker game. You did not. You lost. Boy, will you get out of here? You're getting on my nerves! Now, he's my guest. Don't you go telling him what to do. That's right. Keep your bodyguard close at hand. You're gonna need him, you fork-tongued old lizard! Now, watch out what you're saying, old man. Julie's pa or not, there's a limit to what I'm gonna take off of you. Well, hurry up and get to it, because I'm sick of your empty blather! You talk like you're sick of breathing too, you... Now, listen to me. Why, you two sound like a bunch of overgrown children. And I sure ain't gonna spend the rest of my life listening to you growling at each other. Or maybe one of you losing hold and killing the other. And I sure ain't gonna choose between you, neither. So don't make it come to that. Now, you better settle this thing somehow. Oh, Julie, you know I'm a-trying to settle it. Yeah, me too, honey. It's just this lying cheat you're marrying. See? See what he said? You both make me sick! You two are blaming everybody but yourself. And that poor little girl, she's soaking up the misery from both of you. Oh, simmer down. It ain't as clear-cut as all that. Well, it is to me. You wouldn't recognize a solution if it came up and punched you in the gut. I would too. You would, huh? How about you? I ain't heard nothing out of you but a lot of meddling talk. And no solution to nothing. - Why, you... - Jim, Jim, Jim! Wait. Wait a minute, Jim. Jim, look, why don't you give the land to the old man? He's got his self-respect buried there in it, Jim. And I'll guarantee if you do, he'll hand Julie over to you wrapped up in a white ribbon. Now, what about my self-respect? Shoot, I wouldn't be no good to Julie or myself, either one, without it. I told you one time before, Hoss, what my life has been like. Well, it's just my pride that's all that's kept me alive. Julie knows that as well as anybody else does. Since when's it gonna hurt your pride, Jim, to give a little? Well, if I go giving into old Grizzly now, why, I'll lose everything. Hoss, I've carved a life for myself out of these mountains. I've been called a dirty, no-good, renegade half-breed. I've been locked up, shot up, spit on, but I won. Shoot, I'm king of these here mountains and I ain't gonna give that up to nobody. Hoss, you tried to understand me one time before and you saved my life. I'm asking you, just string along with me again, will you? Jim, how far is it from here to that little piece of property? I'd like to take a look at it. What's the matter? You wanna buy it? Oh, I might, if you two ever decide who rightfully owns it. - Come on. Let's go take a look at it. - All right. Jim, you mean to tell me that that rock pile out there is what you have been fighting over all this time? Well, I'll admit it's a little bit dry, but they tell me it used to be a real pretty spot before the creek changed course. Yeah. Yeah, I don't... I don't reckon it's so bad at that. What are you driving at? Nothing. I just might have me a little idea. Giddyup. I've been thinking. There's an easy solution to the problem of who owns that property. Ain't no problem. I own it. You arbitrate. - I a-what? What'd you call me? - No, no, Grizzly. I ain't calling you nothing. That ain't what arbitrate means. Arbitrate means that the two of you will go out and get a third party. Somebody that ain't got no stake in neither one of you and somebody that both of you agree on. Now, this third party then does some thinking on the matter and he decides who rightfully owns the property. And then both of you agree to abide by his decision. - Oh, now, hold on just a minute. - No, no, no, Pa, he's right. You know he's right. Why, it's the only way. Sounds fair and square to me. Somewhere in this, there's a trick. I can feel it. I can feel it too, Pa. I can feel my last chance coming up. Well, supposing I lose this here... Whatever that danged word is. Does that mean I wasn't cheated? Does that mean that I gotta bless the marriage of my only daughter to the man what cheated me? Do it for my sake. Let me marry in peace. Look, the way I see it, it's the only way you two are gonna get by each other without busting heads. What's wrong with knocking heads? It ain't a proper way to bless a marriage, Pa. I want my marriage blessed proper. But, honey, I just don't like this fancy way of settling things. But you'll do it? For me? Please? Well, who do you wanna try first? Well, how about the mayor? No, not the mayor. I didn't vote for him. I told him so too. What about a judge? Is there a judge in town? Comes by twice a year, but he wouldn't do nohow. Dad blame idiot went and fined me $2 for busting up the saloon one time. But, Jim, he suspended the sentence. It don't matter. It's the principle of the thing. What I done to that saloon was worth $10 any day. Well, let's try the store clerk. Either of you owe him any money? Yep. Yeah. Hmm. Well, at least you're on an equal footing. He's kind of old, ain't he? Yeah, snores real loud. Sign of character. I never seen an honest shopkeeper in my life. Me neither. Hey, wake up. Wake up. Grizzly. Jim. Something wrong? Why, Pa and Jim are finally gonna settle their land dispute. They need an arbitrator. Please, folks. I got a wife, I got three kids and I'm allergic to cross fire. Anybody knows I'm not too bright. And I don't know a darn thing about land. You fellas don't have to worry about the money you owe me, okay? Please don't make me do this. Hey, what if...? No, forget it. It wouldn't work. What about the undertaker? Nope. Never paid him for planting Uncle Jake. Uncle Jake weren't worth planting. What about a doctor? There ought to be a doctor in town. They're supposed to be brave and honest. No, I never paid him for birthing Julie. Oh, we've been through this whole blamed town. They're either too scared or one of you rejected them. Somewhere in this town, there's an arbitrator, and I'm gonna find him if I have to turn over every stinking rock. I'm going home. Well, I'm going for the saloon. All this thinking has parched me. Yeah, why don't you? I reckon she's fed clean up by now. I don't blame her none, neither. You dag burned lunkhead, why don't you go on after her? That's what she wants. And say something nice to her too. Dang it, Jim, you don't know nothing about women, do you? All right, Romeo. All right. I'm sorry, Julie. I'm sorry that it couldn't have been simple and easy. Sorry? Why should Jim Leyton be sorry about anything? Why, he's king of the mountain. Kings don't have to be sorry about nothing. Right now I don't hardly feel like king of a molehill. But, Julie, I can't help it, what I am. When I asked you to marry me, it was me you said yes to, not something or somebody else. Life sure would have been easier had I turned you down. I reckon it ain't too late to change your mind. Jim. It was too late the day I met you. Give me a beer, please, sir. You dogging my footsteps, farmer boy? Nope. Just trying to be sociable. And that ain't too easy with you. I don't mean it to be. Grizzly, why don't you swallow a little bit of that pride of yours and give Julie a chance? Now, you gotta start someplace. So why don't you decide on an arbitrator by tomorrow? Now, look, farmer boy, don't push me. Just back off. I got ornery blood. Ain't nobody pushing. Oh, yes, there is. You are. All of you are. You just won't let a man grow old in peace. You got to take away everything he's got. Well, you ain't doing that to me, boy. I can still look out for myself. Now, just leave me alone. I'm sick of you. I'm sick of all of you. Now, just leave me alone. Dag burn. If you ain't got a knack for putting together more words and saying less with them than any man I ever met in my life. Hey, Parson. Hey, Parson. Parson. Thank you for stopping. I ain't gonna hurt you. - You ain't? Aren't? - No. Why would I wanna do that? Well, I haven't been doing very well in these parts. You see, I'm needed so badly that I'm not at all wanted. I seem to get run out of town before I even get in. Yeah, it is sort of tough country, ain't it? Yeah, I'm just not cut out for it. Yes, it was all a mistake, anyway. I applied for duty at the Borneo Mission, but they sent me here instead. Yes, sir. I got a mighty big favor to ask of you. A favor? A big one. You a Republican? We're not allowed to discuss our political affiliation while under the cloak. I'm sorry. Did you ever catch a trout on a feather? I prefer silver spoons, myself. What's the difference between a steelhead and a rainbow? If I remember correctly, the steelhead is the marine form of the rainbow trout, more correctly known as Salmo Gairdneri. Oh, the steelhead would be Salmo Gairdneri Gairdneri. What's worth more, a skunk or a white weasel pelt? Hmm. The weasel. Now, don't you go give me that look like your ma used to do. Yes, thank you, Mr. Cartwright. Yes, I've reached my decision. Well, out with it. Eh... Oh, yes. The decision. By the moral power vested in me by The Mission Society, and approved by the Greater Seminary Council and weighted by the Good Book, I have examined the facts and looked into my heart and soul for a decision. Well, out with it! Uh... Please. I know very little about poker, but even to the innocent, it's obvious that the hands of the disputants were identical. Now, the logical way to settle that dilemma would have been for one to sell or trade one half of the land to the other. Therefore, my decision as arbitrator is that the land be sold to a third party and the money divided between the disputants. Now, if you will excuse me. Thank you very much, Parson. Thank you. Well, gentlemen, that decision seems most fair to me. Now, me being a third party, I'm offering you $200 for that property. That's a hundred dollars apiece. Anybody wanna top it? Alrighty. Looks like it's a deal. And, Grizzly, there's your hundred, and, Jim, there's your hundred. Now, since I'm the sole owner of that property out there, it looks like we can stop all this feuding, don't it? Suits me. You wanna shake, Grizzly? Sure it suits you. You won this round with double-talk and fancy doings. You had it figured all the time. Make a fool out of me in front of the whole danged town. Now, Pa, you promised to abide by the decision. You gonna break your word? Well, honey, there's some promises come first before others. You. You come in here with your pocket full of wise sayings, all ready to solve everybody's problems, huh? Sitting up there on your fine horse, all big and fat, huh? Getting yourself some old runt of a parson who don't know the difference between a poker hand and a scalping knife to stand in front of the whole town saying I don't own what I own. And my own daughter, listening to him, siding with him. Your ma would've had a few things to say to you about that. Out of my way! Don't you talk to me about Ma. She'd have loved seeing you break your word this way. My honor's put out there on that land. It's being stomped on. Pa, I don't know what you're talking about anymore. Well, then I guess maybe there's just ain't no more use talking. He'll cool off, Julie. Look, honey, we've got our own lives to live. Ain't nothing we can do about it if a stubborn old man wants to walk on everybody that crosses his path. It just ain't fair... being caught between the two men I love this way. Jim. - Let her go. - I'll kill him. So help me, I'll... That's all Julie needs, for you to kill him. Hoss, he's looking for a fight. You know that as well as I do. All right. Is that what you want, a fight? Or a marriage? Look, Jim, that old man has put his pride in front of his own daughter's happiness. Now, is that what you want? Boys, let's get back to work here while the action's red hot. Red hot. It's 6-to-5 and 3-to-1, 3-to-1 and 6-to-5. Six-to-five, no wedding. Three-to-one, Leyton wins the fight. Come on and get in here. What's the matter, don't you feel lucky? All right, get back down here, get some action here! It's red hot. How much do you want? Give me... What do you want? Give me... It fits, Pa. I'm just the same size as Ma. That's right, honey, same size. On the outside. On the inside too, Pa. And I love you just as much as she did. Yeah, but she never went contrary to my thinking, my feelings, like you. Well, she was your wife, Pa. And I wanna be a wife too and be beholden to my husband's thinking and feelings. Not when it's to that Jim Leyton. But, Pa, I love him. And if you love me, you'll bless my wedding. Not when it's to that sneaking thief. Pa! Ow. Dag burn it, hold still. This is gonna be hard enough like it is. What is this, a dressing or a lynching? Well, it's a... It's a little bit of both. But better you than me. Some friend you turned out to be. Dang it. Now, hold still. I am. Quit shaking, then. I ain't a-shaking. You ain't? Hold out your hands. Hoss, I ain't been so scared since that bear run me up a tree when I was 5 years old. Oh, what are you scared of? Did you ever get a good look at me? What do you suppose a pretty little thing like that Julie's doing, marrying an ugly galoot like me? Danged if I know, Jim. But if I was you, I'd hurry up and get to that church before she changes her mind and backs out. Hey! Hey, congratulations, Jim. Bygones is bygones. Thanks a lot, Harry. They sure is. You're hooked, Jim. No use tormenting you no more. - Might as well shake. - It's been a long time, Wesley. Say, I want you to meet my good friend and best man, Hoss Cartwright. - Howdy. Hi, how are you, Wesley? - Hi, Hoss. Howdy. How are you, sir? Look at her, Hoss. - Yeah. - Boy, ain't she something? Julie, how beautiful. - Oh, thank you. - Congratulations. Mr. Leyton? Give me the ring. What'd I do with it? Dag burn it. Hey, here. - Now, hang on to it. - Right. We are gathered here to wed in holy matrimony Jim Leyton and Julie Martingale. Here in this conclave of God, we must face our nature and our destiny. By the power vested in me, I hereby declare this ceremony commenced, with this stipulation, that if there be any man present who has a reason that this marriage should not take place, let him speak now or forever hold his peace. I'll be speaking now. Don't do it, Grizzly. Jim Leyton, you and me is gonna fight. Grizzly, you're forcing me to kill you. You ought to be ashamed. This is a church. Jim, you can't fight him. If you do, you'll lose everything. All right, Parson, this is a saloon again now. - Just stay out of my way, Hoss. - Jim, I can't let you do this. Dag burn it, it just ain't right. Let him go, Hoss. Let them kill each other. Maybe they're right. Maybe it's the way it has to be. Pa, you feeling so old and sorry for yourself has turned you into a foolish old man who's given his daughter a wedding day she'll never forget. I just wanna ask you one thing... and it's the last thing I'll ever ask. Why? Tell me why! Julie, honey, that piece of land used to be real pretty, with a stream running through it and poppies growing there. Your ma, she was just 16. She used to go there and pick flowers. I met her there. I promised her that I'd always keep that place. And you bet it on a poker game. And it's the shame of that day that's done this to us. No, he cheated me! Pa. Pa, nobody cheated you. You could have stopped that a long time ago. It's too late now. You could have said something about that land. You keep your hatchet face out of my affair, do you hear? It ain't no concern of yours. Now, come on. Let's get on with the fighting. Whoop. Wait a minute, boys. Fight about what? You fellas seem to be forgetting that I own that property now. You ain't got nothing to fight about, have you? All right, here's your money back. Now it belongs to me again. Oh, no, wait a minute. Wait a minute. That money's just for half of it, even if I did decide to keep it. You see, I still own the other half. Jim, are you still king of this here mountain, or has your friend here taken it away from you? Well, I'm sorry, Hoss. Now we own it together again, huh? All right, now let's fight and settle this thing once and for all. Wait a minute. Hold it. You're overlooking another very important fact. And that is that, well, that land just ain't for sale. I bought that property fair and square, and most of the people in this room were witness to it. If you two want that property, you're gonna have to fight me for it. Either one of you or both of you. Don't make no difference. Well, all right. One side, Jim. I'll take him. No, I'll whup him. He's my friend. - Now, just a doggone minute... - Now, hold on, Grizzly. If you and me go fighting one another, well, we ain't gonna have enough whupping power left to handle him. Tell you what we'll do, we'll flip for him. All right. I'll take heads. Thanks, Hoss. - Tails. - Oh, shucks. - It's gonna be different this time. - Oh, yeah? Oh, man. Hey! Hey, that was a little dandy, Jimmy. Come on, I got 3-to-1 on you! Get up! Jim, this altitude's winding me. Well, if there's one thing in this world you've got plenty of, it's wind. - Come on. - Do you love Julie? More than you'll ever know! You're gonna have to give up that land or you'll never get her. My ancestors would turn over in their grave! Here's looking at you. Come on, Jim! Come on, Jim! Well, Grizzly, any doubt in your mind who's king of the mountain now? Give up? Never. No, no! It's me, Jimmy boy. We sure whupped him, didn't we? What do you mean "we"? Well, on account of you did most the fighting, you can still be king of the mountain if you want. But we don't let no outsider come in here telling us what to do, huh? What about the land? Well, remembering's the important part. Let him keep it. He bought it fair and square, didn't he? I think we better get that big guzzler outside - where he can get some air, huh? - Yeah. Pick your bets up. I'm gonna pay off now. The king of the mountain. - The king of the mountain. - The king of the mountain. King of the mountain. I better go get Julie, huh? Oh, no, Jim. Let me. It's more fitting. Somebody better go get a bucket of water. Julie! Here you are, sir. What happened? Pa kept saying that you and he won the fight. Honey, let's get inside and get on with the wedding. Come on in, sweetheart, before your pa changes his mind again. - You all right? - Yeah. You go on inside, I'll join you in a minute. Jim. I'm still your best man, ain't I? You sure are, partner. You know something? I think I won after all.
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Bonanza presents wholesome entertainment ideal for individual enjoyment or family get-togethers. King of the Mountain is the 155th episode among the series’ 430 installments. Produced by NBC, Bonanza graced their network screens from September 1959 to January 1973, encompassing 14 seasons.
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