Ponderosa Matador Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #05, Episode #15
Penned by Alex Sharp, the comedic installment titled Ponderosa Matador depicts the Cartwright boys competing for the affection of the charming Dolores (portrayed by Marianna Hill), who is the daughter of Ben’s guest, Señor Tenino (played by Nestor Paiva). Upon learning of Dolores’s passion for bullfighting, the boys concoct a plan to impress her with a staged bullfight. However, their endeavor leads to chaos when a raging bull nearly demolishes Virginia City. Initially slated for broadcast on November 24, 1963, “Ponderosa Matador” was preempted due to the extensive TV coverage of the Kennedy assassination. Eventually, the episode aired on January 12, 1964.
Explore the intricate plot, accompanied by intriguing trivia, or indulge in the entire episode available below.
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Watch the Full Episode of Ponderosa Matador
Watch the Full Episode of Ponderosa Matador:
Main Cast
Besides the main cast, “Ponderosa Matador,” the fifteenth episode of Bonanza Season 5 highlights various recurring and guest-supporting actors. The following are featured in the episode:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Marianna Hill as Dolores Tenino
- Nestor Paiva as Senor Francisco Tenino
- Tol Avery as Troutman
- Frank Ferguson as Gigger Thurman
- Mike Ragan as Saloon Owner
- John Barton as Townsman (uncredited)
- John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bill Catching as Townsman Running Out of Saloon (uncredited)
- Russell Custer as Townsman (uncredited)
- Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
- Herman Hack as Townsman (uncredited)
- Fred Rapport as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jack Tornek as Townsman (uncredited)
Full Story Line for Ponderosa Matador
Adam, Hoss, and Joe compete for the affection of the charming Dolores, who happens to be the daughter of Ben’s visitor, Señor Tenino.
Discovering Dolores’s admiration for matadors in the bull ring, they believe they can win her over with a bullfight.
However, their plan backfires spectacularly, leaving much of Virginia City in disarray due to the chaos caused by the rampaging bull.
Full Script and Dialogue of Ponderosa Matador
They should be here any minute. Like lambs to the slaughter. What's he supposed to mean by that? Beats me. You know, Joe, it's a pretty terrible thing when a fella figures his own kin is plotting behind his back. You ought to know. Oh, heh, Joe, I was just funning. You don't think that I wasn't gonna tell you and Adam about Senor Tenino's daughter, did you? Oh, heh, no, sure you were. Sure you were. But, see, uh, our brother Adam's a little different. He's sneaky. - He's got something up his sleeve. - Yeah. - A hairy arm. - More than that. No, sir, look at him just sitting there like a big sly cat. Now, boys, I'd like you to, uh, meet Senorita Dolores Tenino and her father Senor Francisco Tenino. - Senorita, heh. - Welcome to the ranch, senorita. Thank you, senor, for your warm welcome. And in such good Spanish. But don't worry about me, I think I can take care of myself. That sounded like more than just a welcome to me. - What was he saying, anyhow? - I don't know. He sure wasn't discussing the price of tacos. Your father told us so much about you gentlemen on the way from town, that I feel as if I know you already. You must be Mr. Hoss Cartwright. Yeah. Just plain Hoss, ma'am. I mean, Senorita Dolores. Dolores, Hoss. And, of course, you're Little Joe? Just plain Joe, ma'am. And you are Adam. And I would, uh, be happy to show you the Ponderosa anytime. I'd be very happy if you boys came over here to say hello to the senorita's father. Oh. Senor. - Is a great pleasure to meet you. - Senor Tenino. Pleasure's all mine, sir. Your boys have that Cartwright charm, Ben. Yeah. - Shall we, senorita? - Thank you. Coming? Oh, boys, there's some luggage here. There's some luggage here to... Your, uh, your daughter's very charming. Francisco, why don't you go ahead inside and I'll get some help with the luggage? Get some help with the luggage. Me. Ben, the dinner was delicious. And I would like to thank, uh, what is his name, Hoop Sling? - Hop Sing. Hop Sing. - Oh. He'll be very pleased. As a matter of fact, he was quite concerned the cooking might not please you. - Oh, if he ever decides to leave you... - Oh, heh, Father. You'd better keep a sharp eye on Hop Sing or Father will be trying to steal him away. Well, I'm glad you warned me. Your stories about those fighting bulls you raised down in Mexico was mighty interesting, Senor Tenino. - I'm glad I didn't bore you. - Oh, no. But if you are really interested, Dolores is an expert on the technique of fighting the bulls. Really? Well, if these, uh, young folks will excuse us, - I'll show you that gun collection. - Good, good. I've been looking forward to it. Excuse me. You know, I've always made it a practice of collecting only those firearms that can be put into good shooting condition. Speaking of bullfighting, senorita, my brothers have gotten a little carried away on that subject lately. They have? In what way? Well, my brother Hoss has a book on it, and between him and Little Joe, we're lucky to have any furniture left. Don't you believe a word he's telling you, ma'am. I'd like to see your book, Hoss. Yeah, it's really quite a book, ma'am. It really is. It's got a bunch of these interesting pictures in there of a bunch of fellas waving little red blankets at the bulls. Waving little red blankets? I, uh, don't believe it's called waving, heh, little brother. Not at a real bull, you don't wave little red blankets. No, no. You see, it's called a cape. Well, certainly, it's called a cape. What are you gonna call it but a cape? And it's not waving actually, is what it is, it's, uh... It's a much fancier thing. It's called... It's like... It's a picador, is what it's called, isn't it? No, Joe, that ain't a picador. You see, heh a picador is, uh, is one of them things that they... One of them darts that they throw into the bull. No, no. A dart? A dart? You've gotta be spoofing me. A dart? You don't throw a dart at a full-sized bull. I think you've been reading out of the wrong book. Well, I think you've been reading the book upside-down. What do you think of that? - Now, see, you take a veronica... - Yeah, who's she? - Veronica? - Yeah, who's that? Joe, veronica ain't no she, it's an it. A veronica is a thing you... It's a thing, that's what it is. It's a thing you do with the cape. It's a thing? You know everything that's in this book. - Is that it? - That's right. You must be a pretty big authority on everything - in that book, right? - That's right! Then you tell me something. You tell me what is the difference between a matador and a Macarena? - Huh? - What is the difference? Very simple. The difference between a matador and a Macarena. - Matador, Macarena. - Yeah, yeah. Well, you see, a matador and a Macarena... There ain't no whole lot of difference in them. The fact is that a... Well, the, uh, the difference between a Macarena and a matador - Mm-hm. - Is that... Well, really the difference is that a Macarena is the fella that comes out about three feet behind the matador when they come out into the arena to fight. Now, that's really what the difference is between a Macarena and a matador. Ha. Don't "ha" me. I'm the one that bought and paid for the book, ain't I? Oh, just because you bought and paid for the book, that makes you an authority on everything that's written in that book. - Is that right, huh? - You're getting me just about half riled up. - All I'm trying to say... - Well, I'm telling you that... Hey, where's that coming from? Hey, where's the... Where's Dolores? And where's Adam? Joe, we've been had. Oh, Hoss. Little Joe. Adam plays so beautifully. I just love guitar music. You and your book. - Good morning, good friend. - Good morning. I suppose you know you made a couple of jackasses out of us last night in front of Dolores. - Yeah. - Well, you didn't need much help. You know what's the matter with you? You know? You got no ethics. - That's what's the matter with him. - That's right, no ethics. Hmm. Well, men, I don't think it's a matter of ethics. I think you just got yourselves in over your head and drowned in your own foolishness. You didn't even give us a chance to get started. No chance at all. Nothing. I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take Senorita Dolores out for her morning ride. Wait a minute. I'm supposed to do that. - I'm supposed to do that. - And when we find a nice quiet glade, I have a book of poems that I'm going to read to her. You gotta be fast, boy. Smart. Tsk, tsk. Joe, I got a sneaking hunch that he's gonna be mighty hard to catch. Yeah, maybe so. But I think he can be had. It ain't gonna be easy. Not with the way he plays that guitar and all them soft-soaping poems of his. Yeah, I'm getting fed up with them poems too. Maybe I can't play a guitar, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. - She'll get fed up with all that bull. - Yeah. Yeah. Come on, come on. Little Joe, I promised Adam I would go for a walk with him after dinner. Look, will you forget about him? Just forget about him. He's in there talking to your father. You know how those older people like to yak it up all the time. But he said he wrote a new song for me. Well, so what? You think he's the only one in this family with talent? You can play the guitar too? No, not the guitar. That's nothing. Anybody can play those things. Look. What is that? That's a harmonica. It takes real talent to play this. - Do a little tune for you. - Well... Hmm. Don't you like that tune? I got a million of them. Well... It is so soon after dinner. Can't we just sit here and talk? - Do you like poetry? - Oh, Little Joe... I just happen to have a book right here. Must you? It is such a beautiful evening. And... Can't we sit here and just enjoy it? Yeah, well, that sounds good too. I just didn't know if you wanted to... You know, girls say they like poetry and music. But the men that really impress them are those of strength, of courage, of physical action. - You know, that's me. - Of courage. Like the matador of my native Mexico. When a man can fight a bull, senor, then he is a real man. You know, men can do a lot of other things besides fight bulls, though. Can they, senor? What's been going on out here? I heard a noise. Something like a cat with its tail caught in a wringer. Sorry to keep you waiting. I've got that new song for you whenever you're ready. You go right ahead and sing, Adam. He thinks that's what women like. What've you two been talking about? How girls are impressed with soft words and beautiful music. - Well, aren't they? - Of course. Adam, please play for me. Hey, Joe. How you doing, Hoss? - What are you doing? - Unh, just practicing. For what? Women like men of action. Strength. Physical courage. - Who told you that? - Dolores told me. Joe, practicing with that six-shooter ain't what she meant by courage. Well, what's that supposed to mean? Remember the other day when you said something to me about there being more ways than one to skin a cat? Mm-hm. Well, it sort of put me to thinking. What does Dolores talk about more than anything else in the whole world? Oh, matadors down in Mexico. - It's all she's got on her brain. - Right. Now, remember the other day when Walt Troutman came out here looking for some bucking stock for that annual rodeo in Virginia City? - Mm-hm, yeah, so what? - Well, I went into town and I got me a hundred dollar advance for a little idea I had for his rodeo that's gonna keep folks talking around here for months and months. Well, come on. What's the big idea? A bullfight. Heh, oh, come on. A bullfight? Well, you'll do anything to impress a woman, won't you? - Anything, ha, ha. - Joe, I ain't gonna fight a bull. - You are. - Me? - Sure. - Oh. Joe, see, now, the way I got it figured, Adam's getting just a little bit too confident. So I figured that me and you would team up against him. But fighting a bull? I'm not so sure - you're doing me such a big favor. - Oh, now, come on, Joe. You wanna impress Dolores, don't you? You don't want her to think you're a coward, do you? - Coward? Well, no, but I... - Well, there ain't no buts about it, now. You're my little brother, and I'm gonna make the big sacrifice. I'm gonna let you be the matador. - Thanks, Hoss. - Nothing. Nothing. Now, what we gotta do first is get some bulls out here for you to practice on. Oh, hey, but maybe first we ought to talk about that hundred dollar advance. Shh, shh. Here comes Adam and Dolores now, ahem. Hi, Adam. HOSS: Howdy. - Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself. - Very much. - Your brother is very gallant. - Yeah. He promised to take me riding again tomorrow. The Ponderosa is so beautiful. Well, what have you two been up to, outside of plotting against me? Now, Adam, you know we wouldn't do a thing like that. No. Little Joe just, uh, made a deal with Walt Troutman to put on a bullfight at his rodeo. A bullfight? Little Joe, you really mean this about a bullfight? Yeah, it's what you like to see a man do, isn't it? Oh, heh, but that is wonderful. I'm so excited, heh. Yes, so am I, ahem. Oh, Little Joe. This will make my stay at the Ponderosa complete. It will be a touch of home here. Arena, bulls and my American matador. Oh, heh, it will be wonderful. Little Joe, please don't disappoint me. - Well, if I can find a bull that's worthy. - I'm sure you will. Come, let's tell father now. My, he's a crafty little fellow, isn't he? Yeah, he sure is. And he's right good pay too, heh. Now, Joe, we discussed this all last night very carefully. Now, I don't want you taking no unnecessary chances or don't try to do nothing fancy at first. Just give that old bull plenty of elbow room. - Plenty of elbow room. - Yeah. Okay. Here. Here. How's this? Hmm? Let me see the picture. - Yeah. That good? - Yeah. That's about right. Yeah, it looks good. That's right. Go on in there and try it. Go on. I wish my arms was as long as wagon tongues. Now, keep up your courage, Joe. Come on. Come on. You'll be as good as any matador in a few weeks. - Come on. Get over there and try it. - Hold this. Yeah, I'm not gonna worry about it. I'll just get the hang of it. - Whoa, bully. - Don't make any sudden moves - till I get... - Whoa, bully. - Here, give me that. - Yeah. Now go in there and get him. - Go on. - Hey, why don't...? - Let's have some lunch and then I'll... - Get in there and get that bull. Get him. Keep an eye on him. I'm watching. Go ahead. That's right, Joe. - Get him mad at me? - Go on up there after him. Get up there close to him. Hey. Hey. Hey, that bull don't have much spirit, Hoss. Look, Joe, you're supposed to talk to him. Just like... Just like it says here in the book. On page 80, it says right here you're supposed to say: "A-ha, toro." A-ha, toro. That's what the book says. Say "a-ha, toro" to him. Oh, Hoss, I'd feel silly saying anything to him. It can't hurt nothing. The book says to do it. Go ahead. A-ha, toro. Ha, a-ha, ho, ho. Hey, that's, uh, the thing he wanted to hear. Yeah, it worked. Loud. Okay, here we go, then. A-ha! Hey. Oh. Hey, Hoss, this bull's no good. - Yeah. He doesn't wanna do anything. Ugh, let's get another one and see if it will cooperate with us. Hey. Hey, bully? Hey... Will you pay a little attention to me, please? Look at the cape. That's supposed to get you... Oh, well, what's the use? I don't know what's the matter. Maybe I'm using the wrong accent. That's the fourth critter we've tried. We'll have to go through the whole herd before we find one that'll charge a cape. Yeah. Maybe if I got in behind him and pushed him at you a little bit, huh? Well, anything. I don't want a big charge, just a little charge. Get around in front of him and I'll push him. See what happens. Whoa, bully. - You ready? - Just charge him right into me, Hoss. I think we'd have a little more luck if we could find an enraged chicken. Oh, come on. Look, get... A-ha, toro. I'm scaring him to death, Hoss. Found that liniment, Joe. Yeah, boy, this'll fix you up. I must have chased those bulls a hundred miles today. Yeah, well, wasn't your fault that they wouldn't fight. Tell you that for sure. I feel like a twisted piece of barbed wire. - Oh, that's cold. - Yeah, at first. - Oh, yeah. - You'll be as good as new tomorrow, - I guarantee you that, chum. - Oh, that feels good. - Hot dog. - Hey, you know, we have to find a braver bull somewhere. - We got to. - We got a couple more in the hold yet. Hey, that stuff's getting a little warm, heh. You know, I could give back that advance money to old Walt. Oh, yeah, I wanna talk to you about that advance money. - Hey, this stuff is really getting hot. - That's what it's supposed to do. - That's the way this stuff works, see? - Well, it must be doing the trick. Yeah. It's really getting pretty hot. Joe, you're just young and tender. Hey, Hoss, it is getting hot, you know that? Hey, don't put any more of that on. It's hot, Hoss. - Hey, you know... - It's getting hot on there. Your back is getting awful red. - It's getting red? - Yeah. Hey, oh, come on, Hoss, get it off. Wipe it off. Wipe it off. It's getting hotter. It's getting, aah! Hey, Hoss! - Joe. - Wipe it off! - Wipe it off! Wipe it... Oh, it's hot! - I'm wiping. I'm wiping. I'm wiping. Hey, what was it? Oh! Oh, oh... Feel better? What was that stuff you rubbed on me? It's plain liniment. What do you mean, plain liniment? Let me see that. Yeah, it's liniment. Can't you read here? "Use as directed. Not recommended for humans." That's me, human. It says, "Just recommended for ranch and farm animals." Yeah, I reckon I didn't read that. Hey, take a look at it. Is it blistered? No, I don't see none, I... - Joe, I think it just stung you a little. - Oh! Besides, it's too far away from your heart to kill you, heh. - Hey, what...? - Good afternoon, Hoss. - Howdy, ma'am. - Where's Little Joe? Oh, ma'am, I don't rightly know. I don't think I've seen him all day. Well, why don't you just turn around? Huh? Why, Joe, you silly thing, you. What're you doing in that trough? It's a part of my training for the bullfight. Really? Sitting in the water? Oh, yes, it's all part of the training technique, like chasing fat steers around the corral. Now, shall we go, Dolores? Like taking candy from a baby. That did it. That did it. Now I'm gonna make an all-out effort to get you a fighting bull. - Hey, Hoss. - Yeah? You're probably the bravest bullfight promoter - in the whole world, you know that? - Yeah, thanks. That Adam has gotta be beat. I'm gonna round up the most cantankerous, most vicious, bloodthirsty, fire-breathing, meanest, dad-burned fighting bull that the devil ever created. There he is, Hoss. Well, he's big all right, Gigger, but he don't look very mean to me. Heh, matter of fact, he looks more like a lover... Hey. Well. Yeah. I see what you mean. Hey, do I know the foolish jackass who's gonna wave a blanket in front of him? Yes, sir, you sure do. He wouldn't be about this tall with kind of sad calf-like eyes and the Cartwright brand on him, would he? That's right. Little Joe. He's gonna be the matador. Don't you worry about him, he's been practicing. And he's ready. Well, it's no skin off my hide, but are you sure Little Joe wants to get in there with him? Oh, he's chomping at the bits. Anybody squirrely enough to want to waltz around with that bull, they deserve each other. Go ahead. Thank you, Gigger. I'll pick him up day after tomorrow. You Cartwrights come up with some of the wildest, doggonedest, silly... Gigger Thurman's bull? Well, Joe, dag-burn it, we gotta have one, ain't we? Yeah, but don't you think that bull's kind of a big bull? Joe, he's... You know, he's... - He's big. - Oh... He's mighty impressive. Yeah, well, maybe he won't even fight. Joe, you ain't ratting out, are you? How can you say a thing like that? It's just that it... Just because it's a big bull and it's Gigger Thurman's bull doesn't mean that it's gonna charge. You know, you don't want me to look foolish. He'll charge, don't you worry about that. I guarantee you he'll charge. As a matter of fact, if he don't come on you like a wild locomotive, Hmm. I'll give you that hundred dollars I already made on the deal, hm? Hoss... Well, uh, you found a fierce one yet? Just the fiercest. Gigger Thurman's bull. Oh, you're getting in a little deep, aren't you? I don't know. Of course, the bull hasn't been tried and tested yet. Joe here's afraid that bull might not even be ferocious enough for him. You know any more jokes? You ain't gonna be laughing when you see what Joe does to that bull. You ought to get out in the sun, boy, you're looking a little pale. Hoss, you just make sure you got that bull there on time. Yeah, I think you got a winner. It's getting to be about 2. If Hoss doesn't get here with that bull, the show's gonna start without him. It would be a shame to miss the debut of America's first matador. - Or last. - Thanks a lot. Aren't you excited, Little Joe? Just think, America's first matador. Yeah, but, see, I'm just a beginner. You know, you can't expect too much from me the first time out. Well, where'd all this modesty come from? Since Hoss got the idea of using Gigger Thurman's bull. Oh. If he isn't any braver than the ones you've been trying out at the ranch... I hope the animal will have the fierceness and courage of my father's animals. Maybe you will be lucky and the bull Hoss is bringing will have these qualities. Ma'am, the way my luck is running, I think you can be absolutely sure of that. Where'd you get that steer, boy? Folks, what do you think of him? He's a lot bigger than I realized. Well, this cart is so little, Joe, it probably makes him look bigger than he really is, see? What have you got him riding backwards for? Listen, I was lucky to get him in there anyhow. I'm gonna take him on down to the corral. See you down there later, Joe, huh? Giddyup. Where'd you get him from? Little Joe, Hoss sure cut you off a big enough slice to chew on. Oh, I'm so glad I took up the guitar. He's very big. Look, Joe, uh, I'm sure that, uh, people would understand if you wanted to call it off. What do you mean, call it off? Call it off just, because the bull is big and ferocious? Prob... Probably vicious. You think? Whoa! Is that the critter Little Joe's gonna fight? That's the one. He's a fence buster. Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I feel about half guilty about putting my little brother in the pen with him, I sure do. Now, wait a minute. There ain't gonna be no backing out now. You sold me a bill of goods and got my advance money. - I expect my money's worth. - There ain't gonna be no backing out. We're gonna put on a show this town ain't gonna forget soon. I wouldn't get up there too close to his head, he's liable to charge you. He's safe behind them bars. That ain't nothing but wood. Well, he don't look so fierce to me. As a matter of fact, I think he looks a little bit like a lover. No, no! Not that handkerchief! Oh, Lordy. Hey, here he comes back. Get out of here! Get back in that saloon with that red handkerchief! - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. Run! Olé! Let's go! Senor, don't be foolhardy. Your sons can take care of everything. My sons can take care of everything. This, I gotta see. A-ha. Toro. My boys can take care of everything. Hey, Joe, Adam, somebody help me off this thing! I can't turn him loose! Help! Help, Joe! Don't worry, Hoss. I'll save you. Help, Joe! We've got him on the run, Hoss, let's get him. Whoa! Get him! Hey, bully! Bully! Hey, bully! HOSS: Hey, bully! Bully! - Yeah, they sure take care of things. - Olé! Olé... Hoss! Hoss! You tell that brother of yours to bring that bull back here, then give me back my hundred dollar advance! Who's gonna pay for my saloon? I don't know, I just play guitar. Whoa, bully. I got a notion what he done in town today is gonna break up a beautiful home. I just can't understand it. Somewhere along the line, I feel I've been led astray. - And I followed you. - Thanks a lot. It was your help that sent him through that last barn. You know, that thing sure felt bigger when I was wearing it. Oh, boy. I'd sure hate to see old Charlie's saloon. I hate to hear what Pa's gonna say. Well, I ain't saying a word. Uh-oh. You think that bull did something to us, wait till you see this. - Pa, let me help you with your horse. - Don't touch this animal. I don't want him stampeded all over the territory. Pa, that old bull gave us a terrible time, heh. We tried to get him back in town, but we were lucky to get him in the corral. That bull, uh, tore down old man Garvey's new fence. Yeah, well, that happened, see, when we... He also smashed Mrs. Snaverly's chicken pens to smithereens. Her hens won't lay eggs for a month, if she can find the hens. Pa, well, that old bull is full of tricks. That old bull harvested a whole wheat field all by himself. He smashed through two barns. He stampeded a full herd of milk cows. What you have done to the territory of Nevada in one short afternoon will reduce 25 years of Apache raids to a footnote in history. Pa, it was Hoss and all his man-of-action ideas. It was his idea. All right. All right. I'll kick in that hundred dollars that I got from Troutman. Oh, will you? Well, Mr. Troutman wants that hundred dollars back. You didn't deliver the bullfight. No, I didn't, did I? Well, it's share and share alike, right, brothers? Right? Right? I don't care how you three take care of it, but take care of it you will. You might begin by apologizing to our guests. We had a very pleasant drive, Senor Cartwright. Well, I'm sorry I had to leave you. The boys tried to get the bull back but they couldn't herd him. Except over here. Good thing they didn't get him back to Virginia City. They'd probably wreck the whole town. You were magnificent. Hoss Cartwright, I'd like you to know you are the strongest, bravest man I've ever met. - Me? - Yes. The way you grabbed the bull's horn and pulled him from the saloon. Oh, ma'am, I didn't... You don't under... You were magnificent. As courageous as any matador. Ma... Ma... Matador? He was hanging on for dear life. No, even braver than a matador. I've never seen a man do what you did today. Ma'am, I... Be modest if you like, but any girl would be proud to call you a hero. Well, I... I didn't, uh, really do anything that any other man wouldn't have done. You were magnificent. I just went in that saloon and grabbed that old bull by the horns and yanked him out of there before he really hurt somebody. Oh, did somebody get hurt? Well, uh... I, uh, kind of got a banged-up shoulder. - Oh, Hoss. - It's nothing really. It's... I got some liniment that'll take care of that for you. - Take the pain right out of it. - It'll be all right. It'll be all right, Joe. Ugh, if, uh, I can get Miss Dolores to help me up to that chair on the porch. Certainly, Hoss. Be careful. Adam, you don't think Hoss would... No. No, he wouldn't do a thing like that. Like what? You think he planned all this? Now, before you boys get into that area of discussion, I think, you should take that bull back to Gigger Thurman's ranch. How? Well, um, why don't you try serenading him with your guitar?
Behind the Scenes of Ponderosa Matador
Initially planned for broadcast on November 24, 1963, this episode was postponed due to the extensive coverage of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination two days prior.
In a scene where Joe is shooting bottles, he replaces one and greets Hoss before turning back, only to find the first bottle mysteriously gone, prompting him to put another bottle on the fence.
Despite the common misconception, most animals, including cattle, cannot perceive red. Thus, the color of the waved handkerchiefs didn’t affect their behavior; the motion mattered.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza offers delightful, family-friendly entertainment for solo viewing or gatherings with loved ones. “Ponderosa Matador” marks the 149th episode out of 430 in the series. Bonanza, which NBC produced, graced their network’s lineup from September 1959 to January 1973, enjoying a remarkable run of 14 seasons.
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