The Lila Conrad Story Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #05, Episode #14
Patricia Blair makes a guest appearance as Lila Conrad, a dance hall girl forced into hiding in the Cartwrights’ supply wagon after fatally defending herself against a man. Ben Cartwright and his sons endeavor to shield Lila from the vengeful associates of her victim. Yet, their efforts face resistance from the stern and unyielding Judge Knowlton, portrayed by Andrew Duggan. The episode delves into the unlikely bond between Lila and the Judge while Mrs. Knowlton, played by Cathy O’Donnell, observes from the sidelines. Co-written by Preston Wood and George Waggner, who often credited himself as “WaGGner,” The Lila Conrad Story premiered on January 5, 1964.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Lila Conrad Story
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Main Cast
Apart from the main cast, “The Lila Conrad Story,” the fourteenth episode of Bonanza Season 5 presents a diverse array of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The cast includes:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright (credit only)
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright (credit only)
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Andrew Duggan as Judge David Knowlton
- Patricia Blair as Lila Conrad
- Cathy O’Donnell as Sarah Knowlton
- Don Haggerty as Dolph Rimbeau
- Stuart Randall as Sheriff Cogan
- Scott Peters as Gabe Rimbeau
- Don Kelly as Arnie Rimbeau (as Don O’Kelly)
- Don Wilbanks as Deputy Bob Hagen
- C. Lindsay Workman as Mr. Jarvis (as Lindsay Workman)
Full Story Line for The Lila Conrad Story
Joe and Adam are en route to Virginia City from the rowdy town of Silver Hills, guiding supply wagons alongside Judge Knowlton and his wife. Along the journey, Joe stumbles upon Lila Conrad, a saloon girl seeking refuge in the back of his wagon. She reveals to Joe that she acted in self-defense but now faces the wrath of a lynch mob led by the deceased man’s comrades.
Initially disapproving of Lila’s presence, Judge Knowlton, a stern and unbending figure, gradually forms an unexpected connection with her. Convinced that he alone can save her from her troubled past, the judge begins to counsel Lila, neglecting his wife. As the night falls, deputies arrive to apprehend Lila, but Adam persuades them to delay until morning. However, Judge Knowlton absconds overnight with Lila, prompting a frantic search led by his wife, Sarah.
When the deputies catch up with the judge and Lila, it is revealed that they are brothers of the deceased, intent on seeking revenge. Lila realizes the judge’s ulterior motives and mocks his hypocrisy. Amidst the chaos, the judge is shot by one of the brothers, prompting Joe to intervene and eliminate the threat. With the ordeal resolved, Joe, Lila, the judge, and the surviving brother return to camp, where Adam and Sarah anxiously await their arrival. The judge reconciles with his devoted wife, and Lila is assured of a fair trial in Virginia City.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Lila Conrad Story
Another sack of grain. Six hundred feet of winch rope. How about giving me a hand with this rope? Why, sure. Thank you. Come on, Lila. Baby, you can't be serious about calling it a night. It's early. It's not early, Dolph. It's late, and I'm tired. Now, go on. Just get out of here and let me alone. Sure, I'll leave you alone. When I'm good and ready. Dolph, honey, you're a big man in this town. You can have anybody you want. Why pick on me? Because you're what I want, Lila. In this whole lousy town, you're the only thing I want. Now, come on, honey. I got all this money burning in my pockets, just aching to spend it on you. Dolph, I told you before but I'll say it again. I don't want anything to do with you, big shot or no big shot. I just don't want anything to do with you! Is that clear enough? What's eating you? Cheap saloon shill like you putting on airs with me. And what's so wrong with me, anyway? I'll tell you what's so wrong with you. You're a pig! This is a pretty wild town you got here, Mr. Jarvis. Yeah, all sorts of carryings-on. Now that Judge Knowlton's got himself booted out of here, it's gonna get worse. Yeah, well, your loss is our gain, I think. The judge was real lucky that you and Adam allowed him to accompany you. Out there on the trail by himself, he'd get lost inside an hour. You better watch out and not let him catch you dipping into the prune box or snitching any loaf sugar. You're liable to get yourself tossed into jail. Or even worse, you're liable to get a talking-to. My brother Hoss is kind of the dipping, snitching kind. He's not with us this trip. Hey, listen, why don't you go inside there and add that stuff up - so I can get an early start out of here. - Right, you bet. Well, that ought about do it. I wanna thank you again, Mr. Jarvis, for staying open so late. It'll give us a chance for an early start. Weren't nothing, Little Joe. Give my best to your pa when you get to Ponderosa. I'll do that. Good night, sir. And watch your step in front of the judge. He's got a powerful sense of righteousness. - Don't worry, I'll stay clear of him. - Heh. Come on. What was that, Sarah? - Nothing, I was just humming. - Humming what? I don't know. It's just a tune. It just popped into my head. I'm sorry, David. Your wagon's in good shape, judge. You shouldn't have trouble. Well, I'm not expecting any. Although, I appreciate the opportunity of accompanying you, Adam. Well, we're honored. Pa has often talked of you. So many things I had to leave behind. My ormolu clock, the sideboard. My. Well, I hear the Fourth Judicial District is a very pleasant place. You should be happy there. I doubt that they want justice there any more than they did here. David was brutally beaten last year. Did you know that? Man of your reputation, I find that hard to believe. No, it's true enough. Before that, they tried to bribe me. And then they threatened me. But David never wavered, Adam. Not once. Good evening, Mrs. Knowlton. Judge. Hey, Adam, that's quite a town they got there. Wish we had some more time. - They got some good-looking women... - Young man. Saloons and the people that infest them breed crime and violence in the same way that a swamp breeds malaria. Stay away from the girls and the whiskey traders and the easy companions, boy, before they drag you down. Excuse me a minute, judge, uh. Joe, would you check the stock, please? Yeah, sure thing, Adam. With all due respect, sir, I think you're overstepping a bit. I just can't stand by and watch young men take the wrong path. Yeah, but I don't think you have to worry about my brother. There are demons in every man that have to be controlled. And those people feed on that. You must listen to my husband, Adam. He knows about those things. Well, excuse me, but, uh, we're all gonna be living kind of close together for the next few days, so I think we might get along better if, uh, you can sort of take the Cartwrights as you find them. If you insist. I'm afraid I do. Good evening. Oh, please, mister, let me explain. It's not that we wouldn't like your company, ma'am, but I think you'd be more comfortable on a regular stage line, heh. You've gotta help me. You've gotta help me get away. What's it all about? What do you mean? There's a man out to kill me. He said I stole money from him, but I didn't. I'll swear I didn't. Why don't you just go to the sheriff, then? Our sheriff? Why, the men in town won't even let him out with a loaded gun. Oh, please, if you'd just let me explain. All right. All right, suppose we start with your name. Lila. Lila Conrad. Joe Cartwright. This is, uh, my wagon you're sitting in. Please, mister, they'll come after me for sure. Don't let him take me back. That man will use any excuse to kill me. Okay, we'll do all we can. - Why don't you come on out of there? - No! No, I gotta stay right here till you're out of the area. - You all set, judge? - Yeah, whenever you're ready. Uh, we'll probably stop around midday. All right, Joe, let's go. Okay, you stay put. All right, let's move out. Hyah! Hold those wagons! Hold it! I'm Sheriff Cogan. We're looking for a girl. Lila Conrad. Well, I'm sure she's not here. Maybe not. We've still gotta look. - All right, what's the idea? - Now, get on out of there. What for? Oh, you wanna know what for. Well, show him what for, Pete. - All right, break it up. - Take it easy, Hagen. You take it easy, sheriff. - Bust open them wagons! - You back off. I work for Dolph Rimbeau. He's a good friend of mine too. And we're gonna get that girl that killed him. All right, turn them wagons over if you have to. Stop that, you men. - Howdy, judge. - What's the meaning of all this? - Have you got a warrant, sheriff? - No, judge, but... Then you got no right to touch these wagons. Never mind all that. She's here, Cogan. She's got to be. We can't go against a federal judge, Bob. - This ain't his district no more. - He's still a judge. What is all this? We found Dolph Rimbeau this morning, Your Honor. He'd been stabbed to death. Not 20 feet from where this Lila Conrad lives. Some of the boys saw him follow her home. She done it. She's gonna pay for it. We're gonna fix her good. You won't find the girl here, sheriff. A lot of room in these wagons. The judge wouldn't have nothing to do with helping her. And there's a penalty for unwarranted search. Well, I suppose she still could be in town somewheres. Our mistake, Your Honor. All right, mount up! Sorry, mister. Let's get out of here. I've seen enough of Silver Hills and its citizens. Adam, listen, that, uh... That girl, Lila Conrad, I got her hiding in the back of my wagon. She is what? What can I do? I just found her back there a little while ago. She didn't say anything about a killing. I couldn't turn her over to men like that. She wouldn't have a chance. All right, we'll talk about it later. All right, let's move out! Ha! Hyah! Well, I guess we're far enough from Silver Hills now. Okay, I'll get her out of the back of the wagon. Judge, could I see you a minute? - Certainly. I think I'm going to need some legal advice from you. Out here? Come here, will you? My brother Adam, Judge Knowlton, Ms. Lila Conrad. Hello. I suppose there's no point to my asking how this woman got here. Yeah, I brought her. I think you've overstepped the law, and that's bad enough. But you've also involved me, and I cannot tolerate that. Not for a creature like this. I know what you're thinking. I heard what those men accused me of. But I didn't do it. I'll swear to you, I didn't kill Dolph Rimbeau. I'll introduce you to Mrs. Knowlton. She can fix you something to eat maybe. You're not taking her near my wife. All right, I'll fix you something to eat myself. Take her back to Silver Hills, Adam. Be there by nightfall. Judge, you told me yourself how corrupted that town is, including the sheriff. How they beat you, tried to bribe you. You also saw those men this morning. Now what chance would that girl have with them? Very well. We'll be in Harleyville in a few days. I want her turned over to the authorities there. To be returned to Silver Hills by them. It's all the same thing. Wouldn't it be better if we could get her to Virginia City and find an attorney that would help her? Why are you so concerned? Stop and think if she's worth it. A fugitive, an accused murderess, a common dancehall girl, and Lord knows what else. You left out something. She's also a human being. I'd heard Dolph Rimbeau had a couple of brothers in Texas or somewhere. I wondered when you'd be showing up. Well, you've seen them now. I'm Gabe, that's Arnie. I told them how Dolph got killed with them scissors by that Lila Conrad woman. How she got off scot-free. We hear she got away. Hid out in a couple of wagons. We don't know that for sure. Well, she ain't here in town. We been watching all the roads. So she had to be in one of them wagons. Well, that's proof enough for us, sheriff. I'm sure you don't mind if we kind of deputize ourselves without no formalities. There's a federal judge along with them wagons. It'll have to be your own responsibility. That's all right, sheriff. We wouldn't have it any other way. Be right with you, fellas. Stay out of this, junior. Come on, let's go. David, you've hardly touched your food. I don't want any more, Sarah. Don't let that girl upset you. Can't you see what she's doing to those boys? Sarah. The Cartwrights seem like fine people. The country is fair and pleasant. I looked forward to this as a change, a respite. But I find it even here. Evil and the filth and the blindness. David, you'll work yourself up into a state. Will it never end? Where can I lay my burden down? Must I be the only one to fight evil? You take too much on yourself. Can't you see what's happening? Can't you see anything? I try my best. Yes. I suppose you do. And I take comfort in that. You try. But my shoulders must be strong enough to bear it alone. As always. - He's just busting to get me, isn't he? - Well, Adam's gonna talk to him, try to bring him around a little bit. I better get things ready to move out. I was, uh, hoping for a chance to talk to you, judge. I have nothing to say to you. I know what you did for me this morning... A mistake. And I wouldn't have done a thing like that for you. Turned out that way, though, didn't it? I know a big important man like you hardly knows I'm alive. Again, you're mistaken. I'm very aware of you. Well, then. I thought there might be some way I could thank you. There isn't. You likely saved my life. I just can't let it go that easily. You're wasting your time, Ms. Conrad. I'm not an impressionable young man like Little Joe. You must be very frightened to humiliate yourself like this. I've got nothing to be frightened about. The law will be satisfied, Ms. Conrad. You're going to be punished, one way or the other. Why, you're trembling. Sarah, that woman came to me. I can't even repeat what she did. You don't have to. I can imagine. She's very pretty. - A lesser man... - And they are lesser men. She'll get to one of them. Maybe she has already. Oh, Sarah, after the mistake I made today, I can't let that woman escape her just punishment. No. Sarah, it's up to me. I'll keep my eye on her every minute from now on. All right, let's go! Hyah! My brother and I talked it over this afternoon, judge. We're going all the way through to Virginia City. We won't be stopping in Harleyville. Very well. My wife and I will go to Harleyville and do what has to be done. I wish you wouldn't do that. I feel there's a better chance for justice in Virginia City. You leave justice to me. That's my business. I just don't see what harm it would do to take Ms. Lila on to Virginia City. All we wanna do is see that she gets a fair chance. She's gotten to you, hasn't she? Just as I said she would. Just as she tried with me. Oh, it's no use. Don't even waste your breath on him. Go on. Comfort her. Take her in your arms if that's what you wanna do. But I'll have the final word. She's going to be arrested in Harleyville. Well, we're not there yet. If she's left you a scrap of common sense, don't try to stop me. Well, what do we do now? We take her on into Virginia City like we decided. Good. I just can't believe she killed anybody. Well, it's not up to us to judge her. He has, hasn't he? I just can't figure out why he's so determined to punish her. Ah, he thinks he speaks for the law. Doesn't even represent this district anymore. Why doesn't he just leave her alone? Maybe he can't. Leave me alone. What do you want? You're frightened of something. Yes. I'm scared stiff. Does that make you happy? What are you afraid of? Perhaps it's your own conscience you're afraid of. You let me worry about my conscience. I'd a lot rather live with that than get hung. You won't have to get hung, Ms. Conrad. What do you think they're gonna do if you send me back to Silver Hills? I can help you. Now, that's more like it. What do you want? What's your price, judge? People can tell you I have no price, Ms. Conrad. Oh, everybody wants something. A smile, a kiss, someone to tell them how handsome they are. Something. Do you think Little Joe wants something? Or his brother? Oh, they'll get around to it. Nothing for nothing. I learned that pretty early, judge. Perhaps they do, but I don't. All I want is to see your feet on the right path again. Oh? And how do we accomplish that? Confess everything you've ever done. I'll intercede for you and get you off with a moderate prison term. What kind of help is that? It's the only real help anybody can offer. Thanks, I'll take my chances. When you were a little girl, your father punished you. - Yeah, all the time. - That was the right thing to do. It hurt, you didn't like it. You're darn right. Yes, but he was doing his duty to teach you right from wrong. And when it was over, you felt better because your slate had been wiped clean and you felt you could start fresh. Well, that's what I'm offering you, Lila. - A clean slate. - I'm not going to prison. Aren't you in prison right now? Of your own making? Aren't you in prison every time you sit down with a man you despise simply because he has the price of a couple of drinks? What's so wrong with that? Lila, have you lured men into gambling? - Sure. - Well, how many wives and children have gone hungry because of you? - I don't know and I don't care. - But this was wrong. So it's wrong. I told you I don't care! - Have men robbed for you? - Leave me alone! Have men fought over you? Shed blood for you? - I don't wanna listen to this! - Lila, have you killed? Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop. I'll help you, Lila. I'm the only one that can. Now go not like the quarry slave scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed. And in a few years, Lila, when your prettiness has faded, what will you do then? I don't know. I never had time to think about it. Now's the time to think about it, Lila. You must build a beauty from within. A true beauty to shine forever. You're a lovely woman, Lila, but you use your loveliness for bad reasons. You must use it to inspire men, not to degrade them. But it won't be easy, will it? Brutally hard. It is always hard to do something you know is right. You must try, Lila. We all must try. He hasn't let her alone for a minute all afternoon. Wonder what a man can have to talk that much about? I'd say that depended on the subject. Come, girl. There's been a change in plans, Adam. Lila's turning herself in at Harleyville. Is that what you want, Lila? - It's best this way, Adam. - I hope you appreciate that I'm saving you from a serious mistake. Lila, why are you doing this? Because I did kill Dolph Rimbeau. Go ahead, Lila, tell them all about it. Dolph followed me to my room that night. I hated his insides. I told him a million times I didn't want anything to do with him. He got nasty, real nasty, and started slapping me around. I picked up the pair of scissors and hit him. I don't know, maybe I hit him more than once. Sounds like a pretty good case of self-defense. I don't think they'd send you to prison for that. No. No, Adam, it was wrong. I must be punished. You see, I thought Dolph had passed out, and I tried to lift his wallet. That's when he started beating me. I didn't mean to lie to you, Little Joe. I didn't know Dolph was dead until the posse stopped us. Don't you see, Adam? It's better this way. Look, whether it's self-defense or not, you're not gonna get a fair trial back there in Silver Hills. Lila, you'd better turn in. We got a busy day tomorrow. Do you know what you're doing to this girl? No. No, the judge is right. There's so many things I've done. Evil things. They'll keep haunting me until I pay for them. Oh, Little Joe. I'm more content than I've been in a long time. Truly. Sarah. Would you make Lila comfortable? Lila and I will be leaving early in the morning. I trust you will look after Sarah in my absence. Yes, we'll look after her, judge. Very well, gentlemen. I bid you good evening. Adam, I just can't understand her. How could she let the judge talk her into going back there for trial? I don't know. It wasn't all the judge's doing. All that guilt building up inside of her all that time. He just happened to say the right words to bring it out. What does she do when he's not around anymore? It's hard to say. But he's a crutch that she needs desperately. Take it away and maybe she walks by herself, or maybe she goes back to being what she was. Anyway, we won't be around to find out. I'll take the first watch. You better get some sleep. Yeah. Right. It's all right. Take it easy. Come up into the light. That's what we're fixing to do. I'm Gabe. This here is Arnie. Were deputies from over the Silver Hills. I'm Adam Cartwright. This is my, uh, brother Joe. What's going on here? We understand you've got a woman with you by the name of Lila Conrad. We have. I'm Judge Knowlton. Where is she? We're taking her back. You have nothing to worry about, gentlemen. Ms. Conrad made a complete confession to me. As a matter of fact, I was planning on taking her into Harleyville in the morning myself. Well, then we'll save you a trip, judge. I don't think you understand. You see, there are certain extenuating circumstances. I am responsible for her. You ain't got any more responsibility, judge. We're the law. We're taking her back now. Uh... Is that her? Yes. Perhaps I should accompany you gentlemen back, - in the event that you need... - That's all we need. Just get her ready. There's no need to take her away now. She can't get away. You might give her the night to rest. Hey, Arnie, looks like she made a lot of real good friends here. Hmm. We're sorry to spoil your fun, mister, but, uh, why don't you play it smart and just don't give us any trouble? Well, I'm all for avoiding trouble. And I think the easiest way is for you to wait here till morning. Yeah, well, uh, ahem, it'll be daylight in a couple of hours, Gabe. No harm. - We can wait. - I thought you could. - You get a good look at her? - Yeah, heh. Dolph could sure pick them, huh? You know, Arnie, this may not be such a bad trip after all. You'd best turn in now, child. You'll need all your strength. Let her rest. I mean, you've done so much for her already. Sarah, are you questioning my judgment? I've never done that, David. Then don't presume to now. No, of course not. It's just that... That what? There's so much ahead of you in your new district. So much for us to think about and plan for. I assure you, Sarah, I'm well aware of that. Sometimes a man, a good man, can work so hard for something he believes in, he loses sight of himself. Please, Sarah, go to bed. It's very late. Are you coming? I'm not very tired. I think I'll stay up for a while. You've done all you can. You've got to accept that. Tomorrow, she'll be gone. David. I love you. Please, Sarah, just go to bed. Can't sleep? No, me neither. I'm gonna go back with you tomorrow. I'll be all right, Little Joe. You saw those two deputies that came for you. Lila, just exactly how much punishment does the judge's program call for? If it wasn't right, he'd tell me. He wouldn't let me go. How can I get through to you? He doesn't know what's right for everyone. I don't know about everyone, but it's right for me. He saved me, Little Joe. Don't you understand? Oh, Lila, he helped you because you wanted to be helped. He's shown me the way. I know I must be punished for my sins. Whether you should be punished or not is up to a jury. Everybody in this life, regardless of what they've done, deserves a fair trial. I'm not arguing with the judge whether you should face this thing or not. Certainly, you should. But face it where you've got a chance. He doesn't know everything. Some things you have got to figure out for yourself. Can't you understand that? What's the use? Try to get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning. - Mr. Cartwright. - Oh. Morning, Mrs. Knowlton. - Have you seen the judge? - No, ma'am, I haven't. What's wrong? - Uh... - He must be around somewhere. Two of the horses are missing. - Adam! - But the horses could've wandered off during the night, couldn't they? - It's not likely, ma'am. - Hey, come on. Get up. - What is it, Joe? - The judge and Lila are gone. My husband has left with that girl. Well, we don't know it happened that way, ma'am. Oh, yes, we know that's how it happened. We all know that. I can understand how it happened with that woman. Surely... Let us sleep out the night, huh? You did a good job, mister. I wouldn't be surprised if you were in cahoots with that judge. Well, maybe he's just taking her as far as Harleyville. Come on, Arnie, we can still catch him. I'm going with them. - Well, watch yourself. - Right. - It's no use. - Well, we can't stay here. We've gotta keep moving. - We ride double. It's the only way. - No, judge. Judge, we shouldn't have come this far. I'm not going to let those men take you. I have to go back and face it sometime, don't I? And when that time comes, I'm going to be there. Oh, here they come. - Come on, there's no time to lose. - We can't make it. - We can make it. Now, hurry. - It's no use. I'll go back to Silver Hills with them. You're not ready. Not ready? Lila, you believe that I've always told you what's right, don't you? I know I have to be punished. There's time enough for that. Things are different now. - Come on. Take cover over here. - What? Get down. Lila, you have to believe that I can decide what's right for you. You see, all of my life has been given to law and justice. You believed, you listened. I saved you, didn't I, Lila? But my punishment... Punishment means nothing. As long as you confess and repent, that's all that really matters. And I'm going to take care of you from now on. Now, if I could just fire over their heads so they'd realize what sort of man they're dealing with and leave us in peace. You mean the two of us? By ourselves, away from everybody else? That's right, Lila. The two of us alone. They won't get you. You belong to me now. I'll cover you. You work your way down the draw and come up from the other side and pick him off. Wait. Let me have a chance to talk to him first. Uh-uh. We should've never let you come with us in the first place. Go on. You're gonna have a lot of explaining to do when we get back to Silver Hills. I'll tell you what. Why don't you go back and explain for us? And be sure to tell the sheriff the Rimbeau brothers thank him very kindly for these badges. - Rimbeau? - Like in Dolph Rimbeau. The man she killed. What's the matter, Lila? I have to be punished. I have to be cleansed. No, pure. To be pure all for you. All of this for you, isn't that right, judge? Stop it. Everything I thought you were... - Stop it. - And you're nothing. A big, talking, empty nothing - that wants me. - Wants you? Just like every other man wanted me. - Wants you? - And I thought you were different! - I believed you. - Lila, I tried to help you. You help me. - Oh, how you help me, you pig! - Stop it. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! - Oh, judge. - I'll be all right. Arnie! Take the horse. You can get away. You'd let me go? I'll bet that's the longest 50 feet he ever walked. Sarah. Help me. David. David. David. We'll get you a lawyer as soon as we get to Virginia City. Thanks. I'll always be grateful to you both. Well, you'll get a fair trial. Now you don't have anything to be afraid of. I don't think I'll ever be afraid again. What are you gonna do about the judge? About telling Pa he was a friend of his? Well, we'll just tell him the truth. That, uh, two people got lost and took a little time to find themselves.
Behind the Scenes of The Lila Conrad Story
It is actress Cathy O’Donnell’s final appearance on television or in movies.
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Bonanza continues to be an outstanding, family-friendly series ideal for individual or group viewing. The Lila Conrad Story is the 148th episode out of a total of 430 in the series. Produced by NBC, Bonanza graced the network’s airwaves from September 1959 to January 1973, encompassing 14 seasons.
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