The Gamble Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #27
During a cattle drive, the Cartwright men make a pit stop in Alkali, only to find themselves thrown into the local jail the following day. They’re accused of robbing the town’s bank and causing the deaths of several innocent bystanders. Joe Cartwright manages to escape from his cell and seeks help before his father, Ben, along with his brothers Adam and Hoss, face the threat of being hanged. Notable actors Charles McGraw and Ben Johnson portray Sheriff Gains and Stan, respectively. The Gamble, which aired on April 1, 1962, is significant as it marked the scriptwriting debut of Bonanza star Michael Landon, who collaborated with Frank Chase on this episode.
You can read the summary or watch the full episode below for the plot and intriguing trivia.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Gamble:
Main Cast
In addition to the primary cast, “The Gamble,” the twenty-seventh episode of Bonanza Season 3 showcases a diverse array of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The following individuals are prominently featured in the episode:
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Charles McGraw as Sheriff Gains
- Ben Johnson as Deputy Sheriff Stan Mace
- Robert Sampson as Artie Clay
- Jan Harrison as Joyce
- Joseph Walsh as Billy Tyler (as Joey Walsh)
- Raymond Greenleaf as Judge Jackson
- I. Stanford Jolley as Harry Payne
- Robert Foulk as Deputy Sheriff Clem
- Morris Ankrum as Mr. Mason
- Fred Aldrich as Townsman (uncredited)
- Emile Avery as Townsman (uncredited)
- John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chet Brandenburg as Townsman (uncredited)
- John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bill Clark as Deputy Sheriff / Ponderosa Ranch Hand (uncredited)
- Frank Cordell as Ponderosa Ranch Hand (uncredited)
- Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
- Joe Garcio as Bartender (uncredited)
- Raven Grey as Townsman (uncredited)
- Chester Hayes as Townsman (uncredited)
- Michael Jeffers as Townsman (uncredited)
- Pete Kellett as Townsman (uncredited)
- Wilbur Mack as Townsman (uncredited)
- Martha Manor as Townswoman (uncredited)
- Bob Miles as Ponderosa Ranch Hand (uncredited)
- Rex Moore as Townsman (uncredited)
- John Quijada as Ponderosa Ranch Hand (uncredited)
- Victor Romito as Townsman (uncredited)
- Danny Sands as Townsman (uncredited)
- Ray Spiker as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bert Stevens as Murdered Bank Clerk (uncredited)
Full Story Line for The Gamble
During a cattle drive, the Cartwrights make a stop for the night in Alkali, only to find themselves imprisoned on accusations of robbing the town’s bank and committing multiple murders. Joe manages to break free and desperately seeks assistance before Ben, Adam, and Hoss face execution by hanging.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Gamble
(fanfare plays) Hey. It's awful late, Pa. Don't look like nobody's up. (yawning): Oh, somebody better be. I feel like I've been glued to that saddle. Evening. What do you want? We'd like to bed down our horses. You fellows know what time it is? Friend, we sure do. We've been riding since... since sunup. I'm sorry, I'm not taking care of no stinking horses this time of night. Wait a minute now. We'll take care of the horses. You just provide the four stalls. (sighs) All right. I can light some lamps for you. (barking) Oh, I hope we don't have that much trouble getting rooms for ourselves. - BEN: Joe? - LITTLE JOE: Yeah. You help Hoss with the horses, and Adam and I'll go and see if we can get some rooms at the hotel. Right, Pa. Hey, Pa, it was a terrible long ride today. How's about a little drink before we turn in? Yeah, especially after three weeks cattle drive. You buying, Pa? No, I guess I am since I'm carrying all the money. Hey, what would $30,000 worth of beer look like, anyhow? Well, that all depends. You mean in one big glass, or lots of little ones? One great big 'un. - (laughter) - Look, the only thing you boys are gonna be drinking is water out of a pump. Hey, come on, let's go to the hotel. Oh, which way is the hotel? Uh, halfway down the street if you can rouse anybody. Thank you very much. Take care of the horses, Joe. LITTLE JOE: Right. (theme song playing) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) Now, you take it easy, Billy. We sent for the doctor and sheriff. There-there were three of them. They all wore masks. They fired a shot at Henry there. Yes, uh... He's dead. All right, Billy, we've organized a posse, so, tell me what you can remember about them. Like I said, they all wore masks and dusters. One was a big fellow, the other sort of medium, and... and-and the third one looked like a kid. That's all? That's all you remember? No, it ain't. They stuck some money in the saddlebags. Saddlebags... what kind? They had a mark on them. Looked like a pine tree. Sheriff? Sheriff, I know who those men are. What do you mean, Artie? Late last night, four men come into my livery stable, and I noticed that one of them had some saddlebags with a pine tree on it. Well, where'd they go and how long ago? They didn't go no place. Leastways, their horses were still there when I come running over here. Tell you what. Let's, uh... let's have some breakfast first, then we'll come back and finish up. Ain't nothing like breakfast to show a change in a man, is there, Joe? Yeah, about ten pounds, I think. (Adam laughs) They're the ones, Sheriff. Good morning, gentlemen. You going somewhere? Morning. No, we're just... just going out to breakfast. You men are new in town. What's your names? Well, the name is Cartwright. These are my sons. Those your saddlebags? They certainly are. Why? MAN: Well, they might be important. Well they're very important to us. Why should they interest you? They interest me just enough to arrest you four for robbery and murder. Now, that's not a very good joke. There's nothing funny about shooting an old man down in cold blood. Now wait a minute. Now, we-we... we just got into town late last night. We've been at the hotel sleeping. We just came out. Good. You can tell the whole story at your trial. - Now, wait a minute, Sheriff... - SHERIFF: Shut up, son. Take off that belt. The rest of you do the same. Now, look, you-you must be mistaken, Sheriff. We'll find that out soon enough. Stan, get their guns. Take those saddlebags and bring 'em along to the office. Now, there's a lot of money in those saddlebags. Yeah. We know. All right, let's go. (crowd murmuring) (loud crowd chatter) What are you going to do, Sheriff, let 'em get away with it? (loud, overlapping crowd chatter) Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Yeah. These men are murderers. (loud, overlapping chatter) They just murdered an old friend of yours. Henry Paine has lived in this town for 20 years! (loud, overlapping chatter) MAN: He was a wonderful man. All right now, you all know what a nice old man Henry Paine was. - One of the best. - Well, what are you gonna do about it? (loud, overlapping chatter) I say jail is too good a place for these murderers. (loud, overlapping chatter) Now you listen to me. There'll be no lynching, not in this town, as long as I represent law and order. These men are gonna get a fair trial. If they're proven guilty, they'll be punished. I say forget the trial. Let's hang 'em now! (loud, overlapping chatter) You. How about you? And how about you, Artie? How would you like the responsibility if later, these men are proven innocent? (sighs) All right. There'll be a trial over at the saloon tomorrow. I'll talk to the judge and have him get a jury. If any of you try to break into my jail, I'll arrest you and throw you right into a cell along with these men. Get on about your business. (crowd chatter) Come on inside. You'll be safer in there. Now, look, Sheriff, I think we're entitled to some kind of an explanation... Inside, inside, and I'll explain all you want. - Hey, Sheriff? - SHERIFF: Yeah? Will you come here a minute? I'll be right back. Now, what...? I want you to look at something. Look at all this beautiful money. (Artie laughs) Now what did I tell you? Just like I heard 'em say... $30,000. He sure was right, wasn't he, Sheriff? Yeah. Well, take care of it. I'm going to finish questioning the prisoners. We'll do that, Sheriff. We sure will do that. $30,000, Sheriff. That's an awful lot of money, ain't it? Yeah. It sure is. Cartwright, where'd you get all that money we found in your saddlebags? Well, I... I've been telling you, Sheriff. We-we drove our cattle to market, and we were on our way back to Virginia City to deposit the money there. You got a bill of sale for the cattle? Well certainly, I've got a bill of sale. Here. Well, it looks legal enough to me. Now, Sheriff... would it make any sense that anybody with that kind of money would have to rob a bank? No. No, I got to admit it doesn't seem likely. But I'm going to have to check the serial numbers of these bills against those stolen from the bank. Good. That'll prove exactly what I've been telling you. Frankly, Sheriff, I was beginning to worry a little about... If you're innocent, you got nothing to worry about. Tomorrow we're going to give you a fair fast trial. If you're proven innocent, you'll all be on your way. Well, if you're gonna check the serial numbers, why have the trial? For your own protection. The town's pretty riled up about the death of old Henry Paine. Without a trial to prove your innocence, you still might not get out of this town alive. You got a real nice town here, Sheriff. Same as any other town, son. Well, the sheriff's right, Joe. Anyway, we don't seem to have any choice about matters. Don't worry. By this time tomorrow, you'll all be on your way, probably. (door closes) You know, without that bill of sale, we would have been pretty hard pressed to prove we didn't take that money. Yeah, that's going to be the key to open up the door for us. Well, I think we're gonna be all right. That sheriff's no weakling. Did you see the way they handled that mob out on the street? Mm-hmm. Come on, let's get ourselves as comfortable as we can be in here. Yeah. Wake me when breakfast... Oh! - (Little Joe laughs) - Dad-gummit! (crowd chatter) All right, clear the way, clear the way. Find yourself a seat somewhere. On your feet. Take off your hats. Court of Alkali is now in session. Judge Jackson presiding. Sit down. Jury is ready, Sheriff. Produce your first witness. Billy Tyler to the stand. No, sit down, sit down, son. Over here. You swear to tell the truth, so help you God? I do. Tell the court what happened in the bank. There's not much to tell, Judge. These three men came in with masks on and guns out and forced us to open the safe. Then they tied and gagged us. Then they went over to the safe and started taking the money out and putting it in a saddlebag. Can you describe the bag, Billy? Yeah, it was just kind of an ordinary leather saddlebag. Except that it kind of had a pine tree brand burned into the side of it. JUDGE: Pine tree brand? What do you mean by that? Well, it was just kind of a pine tree brand. Bag like that, Billy? Yeah, that's it. And that's the pine tree. (murmuring) (gavel banging) JUDGE: Order! Order, please! I see. Well, go ahead, Billy; what happened then? Well, then they moved toward the door. Then one of the men turned around and he shot Henry Paine dead. (clamoring) All right, hold it! Hold it! Order, order! Billy... can you describe these robbers? Only that they were different in heights. One was a... great big fella. You see the prisoners here. Do they fit your description of the bank robbers? Yeah. Only, uh, only three of them in the bank though. Though maybe the gray-haired fella might have been keeping lookout on the outside. (murmuring) (gavel banging) Well, we didn't ask you that, Billy. You just stick to the things you saw. That-that's all I saw after they killed Henry. Then they just ran out, and the next thing I knew, some people were busting in and untying me. All right, thank you, Billy. You may step down. (murmuring) All right, quiet, quiet, order! Quiet, or I'll throw you all out. You have merely established that the height of the robbers might match the height of the prisoners, and that the prisoners had a saddlebag marked with a particular brand, the same that the robbers used. But that is not positive nor sufficient proof. Sheriff, have you got another witness? Yes. I'd like to call one of the prisoners as a witness. Mr. Cartwright, will you step forward? (murmuring) Do you swear to tell the truth, so help you God? I do. I first met Mr. Cartwright in the livery stable shortly after the robbery. How long had you been in town, Mr. Cartwright? Well, uh, we-we got into town late the night before last. We stayed in the hotel all that night, and we met the sheriff at the stable yesterday morning. And you told me you hadn't even heard of the robbery? That is correct. When I arrested you, did you have that bag with you? Yes, of course. My son Adam was, uh, was carrying it. Contained a fairly large amount of money which we'd received from the sale of our cattle. How much money would you say was in that bag, Mr. Cartwright? Sheriff, I can tell you exactly how much money was in that bag... $30,000. How much was that sum that was stolen from the bank, Sheriff? Exactly $30,000. (murmuring) Order! Order! (gavel banging) Order! Order, please! Of course, this could be a coincidence, Judge. If Mr. Cartwright had $30,000 of his own, it would seem silly that he would try to steal an equal amount, risk his own life and those of his sons. However, I have a witness that I think will clear things up for us. Thank you, Mr. Cartwright. That's all, Mr. Cartwright. Well, Sheriff, I... That's all, Mr. Cartwright. (murmuring) Mr. Mason of the Alkali Bank, would you please step forward? Do you swear to tell the truth, so help you God? I do. Mr. Mason, you're the president of the Alkali Bank? I am. Did my deputy bring you a saddlebag full of money yesterday? He did. Did I ask you to check the serial numbers of that money against those stolen from the bank? You did. What were your findings? The numbers compared exactly with the bills stolen from the bank. (murmuring) JUDGE: Order, please! (gavel banging) Your Honor. Now, Mr. Mason, that can't possibly be. You see, that-that money was ours. We got it from the sale of our cattle... I'm sorry, Mr. Cartwright. I also checked those serial numbers. There's no doubt that it was the stolen money. Now, look, Sheriff... Your Honor, I gave this man a bill of sale! A copy of a bill of sale that proves that-that it was our money! No tricks! No tricks, Mr. Cartwright! What tricks?! I never saw a bill of sale. - He gave you a bill of sale! - (clamoring) (gavel banging) JUDGE: Order! Order! Order! Order! Order, please! The verdict is already very clear to me, but we must leave it to the jury to decide. We already come to a decision! They're guilty of robbery and murder! (murmuring) (gavel banging) Order! Order! The defendants have been found guilty, and I hereby sentence them to be hanged tomorrow morning at sunup. Why wait till tomorrow? Let's do it now! (clamoring) (gunshot) I'll get him, Sheriff. Come on, go with me. Don't worry, Cartwright. Stan will get your kid. You've had your fast, fair trial. Put them back in the cell. ♪♪ ♪♪ He can't get far on foot. Spread out! You're the one that was supposed to catch him. What do you mean, he disappeared? Well, I'm telling you that's what happened. When his horse run away, I knowed he had to be in that clump of trees, but he wasn't. Me and the posse combed that clean. Did you look up into the trees? You know, he just might have climbed up into them. Well, of course I looked into the trees. What do you think I am? I think you're stupid; that's what I think. All right, all right, that's enough. Besides... there's nothing he can do. His family got a fair and square trial by a judge and a jury. If he comes back to town and tries to make any trouble, he'll get a rope just like the others. Yeah, that's right. There's nothing he can do, is there, Sheriff? What did I tell you? Didn't I rightly tell you? And it worked. Slicker than greased ice. Even though you was afraid to take the gamble. Shut up, Artie. Things aren't over yet. Oh, they will be in the morning, Sheriff. Just a few more hours. You're a great one for big ideas, aren't you, Artie boy? The only trouble is that you forget the little details that foul up those big ideas. Stan... this saddlebag that we copied... You forgot all about it. I told you to get rid of it. Now, go out and bury it somewhere. All right, Sheriff, I'll take care of it. You heard what the sheriff said? Boy, he sure is a dummy. He's too dumb to handle all that money, Sheriff. Maybe he should fall down and die. Enough of that. We've done enough harm to this town already. Hey, I was just talking out loud. Tell you what. How about me mixing us a drink? Celebrate? Artie, I've told you to stop counting your chickens. I can't help that, Sheriff. I can't help that. This money is gonna get me so far away from that livery stable and the stink and the smell of them horses. Here... to us, Sheriff. To me and my big ideas, and to you and your, uh, careful details. Of course, you realize that after their testimony this morning, the Cartwrights are onto the whole plan. What difference does that make? They're gonna hang tomorrow morning! Now, there's nothing they can say to anybody that's gonna change that. Yeah, I know, but I still wish Stan had caught the youngest one. Forget about it. - Come on, have another drink. - Nah. It's bad luck to celebrate. Besides, I got to feed the prisoners. Let me do that. I'd sure like to do that, Sheriff. Why would you like to do that? I just kind of... like looking at men that... know they're gonna die in a few hours, that's all. You're a strange one, Artie. Okay, go ahead. Mealtime. Uh, if you'll just step back against that wall there, I'll give you some grub. Aren't you the, uh... aren't you the man who runs the livery stable where we put up the horses? Yes, sir. That's me. Uh, wait a minute. What are you, uh, doing around here? Well, I earn a few extra dollars working for the sheriff every now and then. Oh, yeah? Say, uh... how'd you like to earn a lot of extra dollars? What do you mean, sir? I don't want the sheriff out there to know, but, uh... I got to send a telegram. Oh... well, I-I don't, uh, I don't know, Mr. Cartwright. Now, that'd be aiding a prisoner; that ain't right. Well, it wouldn't be right if we were guilty, but we're innocent. Now, it's not gonna harm anybody just to send a telegram, is it? Well, how are you gonna pay me any money when the sheriff took it all away from you? Well, here. You can take it all. I... I got some... I got about, uh... $50 here. How does that sound? Well, um... why don't you go ahead and write out the telegram, and, uh, I'll stand here and think about it. All right. Ooh. Whoo! This is a... territorial governor. Yeah. Well, this is a mighty important message, ain't it? Yeah, it is. Well, I think I'd better send this a special way. Oh, thank you. Uh-huh. Oh, um... I'll, uh... I'll send this a little bit at a time. - (paper rips) -That way, I think they ought to be getting the whole thing in about six months or so. Enjoy your meal, gentlemen. (clicks tongue) (door closes) ♪♪ Ha! Little Joe! Clem, where's Sheriff Coffee? I need help fast. Well, he took some prisoners down to Carson this morning. - What's wrong? - I just rode in from Alkali. My pa and brothers have been framed for murder. They're gonna hang there tomorrow morning. What are you talking about?! There's no time to explain. They rigged a phony trial; we were found guilty. I managed to get away. Look, Clem, maybe your badge can help. Well, I'd sure like to help, Joe, but, shucks, this is just a deputy's badge. It hardly gives me authority here in Virginia City. It's my family, Clem; somebody's got to help. - (snaps fingers) - The territorial governor! Maybe he could help. I'll send him a wire. Uh, Joe! You can't reach him that way. What do you mean I can't reach him? Well, the lines are down; they're checking them now. (sighs) How long you think it'll take? Can't tell... It could be an hour, and it could take all day. Clem, do me a favor, send that message to the governor as soon as you can. Tell him my family needs help. Well, I'll do that, Joe. Where are you going? Out to the ranch to get some men and some guns. It's our only chance if that message doesn't get through. ♪♪ (horse neighs) Bob! Jim! I need your help. Pa and my brothers got framed for murder in Alkali. You're kidding! If we don't get there by sunup with some men and guns they're gonna hang. Don't say anymore; we're with you! All right. I'll need a gun and a fresh horse. Take mine... He's saddled and ready to go. Right, thanks. Bob, you ride north. Get as many men as you can. I'll ride east. I'll meet you at Carson's Crossings in two hours. Right! Come on! Pa's in trouble! ♪♪ Come on, Mike! We need help! ♪♪ Joe, I've got more men on the way. - They'll be here anytime. - Good. Now, all you men know what I want you to do. But I want you to remember that the men that are holding my pa and brothers prisoners are lawmen. We may have to use guns. If there's anybody here that wants to turn back, I'll understand. I know my family will, too. All these men feel exactly the way I do. Just let us know what you want us to do. Thanks. All right, I'm gonna ride ahead in Alkali and see what's happening. The rest of you wait here until Bob's men arrive, then follow me in. I'll meet you on the outskirts of town. You wait there until I contact you. Thanks. MAN: Good luck. (sighs) If I only knew Joe was all right. (wry chuckle) It's funny. We're in here worrying about him, and he's out there someplace worrying about us. Well, I'm sure if anything can be done, Joe'll do it. (whispers): Sure. He's a pretty smart kid. I sure ribbed him a lot. I hope he knows I didn't mean it. - (door opens) - I'm sure he does, son. Good evening, gentlemen. How's everything? What about my son, Joseph? We didn't catch him, but that doesn't make any difference. There's nothing he can do. Oh, yes, there is. Even if we die, he'll be back. May take him a week, a month, but he'll be back. He'll get the whole pack of you. He's not gonna get nobody. By tomorrow, there'll be wanted posters with his name on 'em plastered all over this country. You know, he's right. Your boy's lucky if he lives out the week. Does it make you feel better being a rich murderer? I'm just doing my duty as sheriff. Tomorrow I hang some bank robbers. Then the town'll know I'm still doing my duty. How you gonna explain your sudden wealth? I don't have to explain anything. The bank got its money back, and the town didn't lose a thing. Now, just stop worrying about me. You've only got a few hours left. Don't waste 'em. Strange, the things a man thinks of when he knows he's going to die. HOSS: Like what, Adam? (sighs) I was thinking about the time that... Joe took all those guys hand wrestling at the Bucket of Blood and... you and me had bought 'em all rounds of drinks to let him do it. - Never did tell him, did we? - No. You do think of silly things. Mm? What? Oh... Like how green the grass gets in the springtime. The snow in the winter. All the things you take for granted every day. Just... silly things. (sighs) I don't think they're so silly, Hoss. Things that God gave us. Not so silly. ♪♪ I wonder where everybody is. Come on, Stan, relax. They probably went to bed early so they could be up in time for the hanging. STAN: Yeah, I know, but I still don't like it. You heard what Cartwright said - about that kid of his, didn't you? - Yeah. How do we know he's not out there someplace a-pointin' a gun at us right now? He's one kid against a whole town. Once those posters are out, he won't stand a chance, so stop your worrying, will you, Stan? Go out and make your rounds, the same as always. I don't want tonight to be different than any other night. (chuckles) After all, we do have a community to protect. (chuckles) Yeah. I'll go ahead and make my rounds as usual, and then I think I'll turn in. Good. See you bright and early in the morning. - STAN: Right. - (dog barking in distance) (door closes) ♪♪ Evening, Joyce. Mind if I sit down? You might as well... The room's full of empty chairs. Ah, it's not gonna be much longer now, Joyce. In just a little while I'm gonna take you out of here. You know, Stan, I get tired of hearing that. What's it been now? Three years. And I'm still standing in this place eight hours a night trying to get people like you to buy drinks. Oh, I know you shouldn't have to do that, Joyce, and you're not gonna do it much longer. - I'm gonna see to that. - Oh, stop it, Stan. You're full of talk, talk, talk. Find someone else and leave me alone. Well, if you saw the money, then would you believe me? You show me the money, and I'll believe you. All right. I'll show you the money tomorrow. ♪♪ ♪♪ (dog barking) Well, there's no sign of him. Whatever Joe does now, he's gonna have to do it in front of the whole town. Yeah. Unless they already caught him. Looks like everybody's turned out for the show. People got to be sick to enjoy a hanging. You men have about ten minutes. There anything I can do for you? Yeah. Open that door and come in here alone for just about a minute. I'm glad to see that you still have a sense of humor. You know, it's gonna be hard to hang brave men. I can't figure him out. Seems proud enough of being a sheriff, yet he's gonna do something like this for a few measly thousand dollars he'll get after they split it up. Did you find him? Nope, no sign of him anywhere. Did you look over in the saloon? He's always there, mooning over that girl, Joyce. Yeah, I looked there. Talked to the girl, she ain't seen him. What's more, she don't give a hoot if she ever does. No, Sheriff, I looked all over town. He's nowheres. Ah, he's nervous about this whole thing. When the Cartwrights told him the kid would come back and kill all of us, he... Well, he sort of believed it. Well, he's as scared as he is stupid. Never should've dealt him in on this. I've been telling you that. I know what you've been telling me. (shatters) You're sure you ain't been doing something more than just talking? (chuckles) You mean did I kill him? No, Sheriff. I must admit the thought did cross my mind, but, uh, no. I was just wondering. - Oh, Stan will be back here. - Yeah. After this thing is all over, he'll be back with his hands reaching out for his share. And the first thing he's gonna do is take and blow the whole thing on that girl, Joyce. What he does with it is his own business. He took a gamble, the same as you and me. I don't care what either one of you do with the money. That's 'cause you ain't been running a livery stable for the past ten years. You don't hate horses like I do. Boy, I'm gonna get me so far away from this stable... I've heard all of that before, so shut up, will you, Artie? Well, the sun's well up. Better get the prisoners. Let me help you. Why, Artie? Why do you want to do that? I was standing around; someone's got to give you a hand. You kind of like all of this, don't you, Artie? Sure I do; why not? Besides all that money, it's gonna be fun watching them hang. We're gonna need some help. I'll have to go out and deputize a few more men. Just stay out of there, Artie. You stay out of there till I get back. (door closes) ♪♪ All right, let's get on with it. Put their ropes on. (gunshot) (horse whinnies) All right, hold it. You're not gonna hang anybody, Sheriff, unless you want to see your deputy hang, too. That won't do you any good, Cartwright. You've already killed one man. You want another man's life on your conscience? Well, speaking of conscience, I think your deputy has a few things to tell the people of Alkali. The three of you got a fair trial. There's nothing you can do. You're one man against a whole town. Just one man? I think you better count again, Sheriff. (heavy footsteps) For an ugly bunch, ain't they pretty? Yeah. Now, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt. We're gonna have another fast, fair trial this morning, just like the one you gave my family. I'd like to call my first witness, your deputy, Stan Mace. All right, Stan, tell them who shot the teller. Tell them who killed the teller. Tell them, or so help me, I'll hang you right here. It was Artie. Say it louder. It was Artie. (crowd murmuring) Don't pay any attention to him. You can't listen to the word of a man whose life is being threatened. Shut up, Sheriff. I'm not through with the trial yet. I want to show you my first bit of evidence. Saddle bags with a pine tree brand. Like the one you have in your office, Sheriff. Only Stan and I dug this one up behind the blacksmith's shop. You recognize it, Artie? You ought to; they belong to you. No. No! (gunshot) (woman screams) (gunshot) All right, drop the gun, Sheriff, and stand right where you are. (groans) Stinking horse. (horse snorts) (laughs, chokes) Looks like my deputy and Artie had a pretty good plan worked out. I'm certainly glad we found out the truth in time. All right, you men are free to go. And we're sorry about the mistake that we all made. Not yet, Sheriff. The trial's not over just yet. Or don't you remember what you said about that trial? About the serial numbers on those bills found in our saddle bags matching the ones stolen from the bank? That's right, that's right, I did. But it's quite obvious that my deputy and Artie here were the ones that switched the stolen money. I never dreamed that they were the ones that robbed the bank. Well look, you... You know, I've been your sheriff for a long time. You all know me well enough to... to know that I couldn't have anything to do with a thing like this. Well, it's true, isn't it? I've worked hard for this town. Let's take a look in your safe, Sheriff. What are you talking about? You heard what he said. Let's open it and take a look. Now, what possible reason could there be for doing that? Simple. If our money's in that safe, it means you put it there, and you knew it was there all along. I have nothing to hide; I have nothing to hide. Sheriff, if you have nothing to hide, you won't mind opening your safe. All right, we'll open the safe. If that'll make you happy. (crowd murmuring) The money's in the safe, just as they said it was. Stan and Artie and I, we stole it. Then we put the blame on the Cartwrights. But... But why? We don't understand. You've been a good sheriff for us for a long time. Why, if you needed money, you could have come to any number of us. That's just it, Harry, I didn't need it. Stan and Artie, they had their reasons for wanting the money. Me... (grunts) I wouldn't have known what to... what to do with it. (sighs) Well, little brother, I don't know when I was gladder to see you. Yeah, what took you so long? Ugly-looking things, ain't they? Depends on where you're standing. Well, they don't look so bad from down here. Oh, I don't know about you fellas, but I don't want to hang around here.
Behind the Scenes of The Gamble
This episode featured a segment in the 1994 NBC special Back to Bonanza.
“The Gamble” marked Michael Landon’s inaugural scriptwriting endeavor, which he co-authored with Frank Cleaver.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza is a beautiful, family-friendly show for solo viewing or enjoying with loved ones. The Gamble serves as the 93rd episode out of a total of 430. Produced by NBC, Bonanza aired on their network from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning 14 seasons.
You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>