the miracle maker
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

The Miracle Maker Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #34

In the 100th episode of Bonanza, the story unfolds with Susan Blanchard (played by Pat Breslin) experiencing a wagon accident, resulting in her psychological inability to leave her bed despite being physically unharmed. Garth (portrayed by Ed Nelson), a faith healer, enters the scene and offers to help Susan walk again under the condition that she marries him. Hoss Cartwright finds himself in a dilemma as he recognizes Garth as a charlatan but hesitates to reveal the truth, fearing it could harm Susan emotionally. This episode, alternatively titled “The Miracle Worker” and The Miracle Maker, originally aired on May 20, 1962, marking the culmination of Bonanza’s third season.

For further details on the plot and intriguing trivia, you can peruse a summary or enjoy the entire episode below.

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Watch the Full Episode of The Miracle Maker

Watch the Full Episode of The Miracle Maker:

Main Cast

Besides the main cast, “The Miracle Maker,” the thirty-fourth episode of Bonanza Season 3 highlights various recurring and guest supporting actors. The following are featured in the episode:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright (credit only)
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Ed Nelson as Garth
  • Patricia Breslin as Susan Blanchard
  • Mort Mills as Thorne
  • Jean Inness as Aunt Celia
  • Tol Avery as Dr. Moore
  • Raymond Bailey as Sam Blanchard
  • Bill Quinn as Doctor Gross
  • Robert Adler as Jeb
  • John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Chet Brandenburg as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Albert Cavens as Townsman (uncredited)
  • George DeNormand as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Joe Garcio as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Bob LaWandt as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Wilbur Mack as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Martha Manor as Townswoman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for The Miracle Maker

Despite sustaining minor injuries in a wagon crash, Susan Blanchard finds herself confined to her bed, unable to muster the will to stand.

A faith healer offers a solution, promising to restore her ability to walk on the condition of marriage. Though Susan’s condition is psychosomatic, Hoss hesitates to reveal the healer as a fraud, fearing it could worsen Susan’s emotional state and prolong her immobility.

Full Script and Dialogue of The Miracle Maker

(fanfare plays)

Well, Ben, it looks
mighty good on paper,

but I think I'd like to
see it close up again.

All right.

Father, you've seen that
lumber a dozen times!

Do you think Mr. Cartwright
chopped it down

since the last time you saw it?

Now, Susan, you
know better than that.

Susan, your pa
has a perfect right


to see that timber
land again if he wants to

before he buys it.

He sure has. Mr. Blanchard,

we have a wagon
down at the livery stable,

I can drive you out
whenever you want to go.

There's a good idea.
What about it, Susan?

Would you like to come along?

- I'd love it.
- Good.

Pa, you've got a bunch to do.

- Why don't you let me drive?
- Ah.

Well, you can't drive
with that bad arm.

Honey, with one arm I
can drive better than 90%

of the people in this town.

Yeah, that isn't the
way you were talking


when we drove
into town. (chuckles)

I guess you'll make out.

Oh, look, look at that, Hoss.

A real Miracle Maker!

Why don't you ask him to
heal that shoulder of yours?

Aw... I don't believe
in them fellers.

Run out of that snake
oil, they're finished.

Besides, my old shoulder's
about well anyhow.


You're very fortunate

to be able to laugh
at your troubles.

That your injury can mend.

There are others
not so fortunate.

Are you, uh... Mr. Garth?

I am what the young lady

laughingly referred to
as "The Miracle Maker."

If your shoulder doesn't
mend, perhaps I can help you.

Oh my goodness.

Do you think I
hurt his feelings?

- No.
- Nah.

Don't pay him
any attention, Sue.

Well, if we're gonna
look at that timber,

we'd better be on our way.


(hammers pounding)

You have a good ride now.

Pa, we'll be back
in about an hour.

Oh, don't hurry now.

I'll take care of the
supplies down at the store.

And take it easy
with these people.

I don't want you dumping
our prospective customers

in a ditch somewhere.


Why don't you let
me drive, Hoss?

It's such a lovely day.
And I wanna give us

a real exciting ride.

I don't know, Susie.
These old horses

been spooked all day.

Oh, come on, Hoss. Please.

Better not argue with her, Hoss.

When she's in this kind
of mood, you can't win.

I don't want my
head caved in, too.


Ya! Go!

(horse whinnies)

Mr. Cartwright.

Mr. Cartwright.

BEN: What is it, Jeb?
What's the matter?

There's been an accident.

(theme song playing)

Mr. Blanchard's dead.

Susan crippled.

And all because of me.


I'm getting just a little
tired of hearing you say that

over, and over, and over again.

Now let me tell you something.

It was an accident.

It could've happened no
matter who was driving.

Now you've just got to
stop eating your heart out.

I appreciate your concern.

I know how you feel...

but you can't take
the whole responsibility

on your own shoulders.

If, if we were to start
feeling responsible

for everything that
happened in life,

why, how could we live?


I reckon you're right, Pa.

But Susan don't understand that.

I'm gonna ride out there.

Dr. Moore's got that
specialist out there today

and I wanna see
what he's got to say.

Fine, fine.

I'll ride out with ya.

But remember, it
was an accident.

(door opens)

What'd you find out, Doc?

I examined Ms.
Blanchard very carefully.

The bruises and lacerations
are healing quite well.

What about her legs, Doctor?

Will my niece walk again?

I can only confirm what
Dr. Moore has already said.

I can find nothing
wrong with her legs.

But Doc...

if there ain't nothing
wrong with her legs,

how come she can't walk?

Dr. Moore, isn't there
somebody else we could call in?

Someone from New York maybe.

BEN: Celia,

Dr. Gross is the finest man
in the country in this field.

Thank you.

Is there another stage today?

I should get back
to San Francisco

as quickly as possible.

Yes, there's a stage
late this afternoon.

Let me make you all
some tea before you leave.

You're very kind.

Is it all right if I go
in there and see her?

Go ahead.

Hi, Susie.

Doctor said I could come
in and see you a minute.

It's kind of dark in here.

Don't you, you want me
to lift one of these shades?

Leave them alone, Hoss.

I like it this way.

All right.

That's the way you like it.

Doctor says you're,
you're doing real good.

Gonna be up in no time.

I know what the
doctor said, Hoss.

Well, his ain't the
last words, Susie.

There's lots of other doctors.

I'm tired of doctors, Hoss.

Tired of all that
probing and poking.

And all for nothing.

No, no, Susie, you
can't talk like that.

You can't just give up.

You know it,
Hoss, and I know it.

I'm never gonna walk again.


If that ain't the dad-burnit

bunch of foolishness
I ever heard in my life.

We get a doctor can
find out what's ailing you,

you gonna be as good
as new and up in no time.

My father's dead, Hoss.

My father's dead.

All because of my foolishness.

Susie, you, you can't

keep on blaming
yourself for that

no more than I can.

My Pa says if
people go through life

blaming themselves for
everything that happened,

why, life just ain't,
ain't worth living.

It isn't.

Now you listen to me.

Hoss, I don't want to
listen to anyone anymore.

Just leave me be.


We gonna find a way, Susie.

I promise you, we
gonna find a way.

(door opens)

She still don't wanna talk.

I think everyone's
doing all they can, Hoss.

You two fellas are doctors.

You ought to know what to do.

But we're only doctors,
not miracle makers.

Only human beings.

We honestly don't know
what's wrong with Susan.

Maybe we never will.

Maybe whatever it is
will gradually disappear.

We just don't know.

You just don't know...
and you're doctors.

What good are ya?


It's all right, Ben.

Your nerves are all riled
up since the accident, Hoss.

You know, I think
you feel guilty.

Sometimes guilt makes
people feel... edgy.

That's exactly what's
wrong with Susan right now.

She blames herself
for her pa's death.

As Dr. Moore said,

guilt affects the
mind strangely.

Doctor... you think perhaps

Susan doesn't want to walk?

GROSS: Perhaps.

But the mind's a
strange world in itself.

Maybe someday it will be
as important to treat the mind

as we try to treat
the body today.

I don't know nothin'
about this kind of talk.

All I know is we gotta figure
out some way to help Susan.

We can be patient...
hope... and pray.

That'll be a great
comfort to her.

I know.

I wish there was something
else we could give her.

Now I really must be going.

Hoss, would you, uh, drive

Dr. Gross and
Dr. Moore into town?

I've got to get
back to the ranch

if Ms. Celia can
give me a horse.

Help yourself, Ben.

Bye, Ms. Celia.

Ms. Celia.

I want to thank you
all for coming here

to the first meeting.

From this small group
the believers will grow.

And I'm sure that
by the time I leave...

this humble meeting
place will not be able

to contain them all.

GARTH: Then friends,

take head and
listen to my message.

For my power will grow.

The knowledge of my
power will grow and magnify.

And then the faithful
shall be healed.

Why not now?

You talk about helping
people... help me.

GARTH: Who are you,
my unfortunate friend?

MAN: Just a poor man
who can't make a living

for himself anymore.

And what has happened to you?

Oh, about five years
ago, a bronc throw'd me.

I been like this every since...

Drifting, living through
the grace of handouts,

unable to get my
leg up over a horse

or to pile hay in the stable.

You with your fancy
words of faith and cures!

You tell me there's hope
for someone like me?

What hope is there for you?

I have seen the troubles
that have been handed down

to the son of men to be
exercised in their lives.

I have seen the
woes, the tribulations,

the despairs which
have been heaped

on the heads of all mankind.

They have all cried
to me for help...

for a miracle.

What is that you want from
me, a candy-coated cloud?!

A tomorrow's paradise?!

I want to be able to
walk upright again.

I want to work again.

How much do you want it?

For your cure stands
here before you!

If you believe in me,
you can be cured!

Some who have sown in
tears have reaped in joy.

And the lame have walked,

the blind have seen,

and the deaf have heard.

Then me.

Help me.

Do you believe in me?

Do you have faith in me?


- I believe.
- Oh, then, my friend,

as I lay my hands on you
now, believe in me, trust in me,

open your soul,
open your heart to me.

Believe in me, and
your body will straighten.

Have faith in me, and
you will walk upright again.


Straighten your body.



It's been five
years since my fall.

Five years of drifting around
and begging for handouts,

and now I can walk.

Did you hear that, friend?

Five long years...
Now I can walk!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

(indistinct chatter)

Mr. Garth?

Could I talk to you, sir?

What about, friend?

That crippled fella you
just... you just helped,

I'd like to talk to you
about him if I could.

Come with me to my hotel.



Susie? It's me, Hoss.

I know.

I heard you talking
to Aunt Celia.

Susie, there's something
I got to talk to you about.

Another doctor?

No. No, no, it ain't a doctor.

But it's a fella that's liable
to be able to help you.

I just want to be left alone!

Susie, you got to listen to me.

This feller's liable to
really be able to help you.

Hoss, go away. Please go away.

Susie, just listen
to me for a minute.

It's about this
feller named Garth.


You mean that man in
town, the faith healer?

Susie, he's... sure
enough he's helped people.

I saw him cure an old
cowboy that was all stove up

and bent and
crooked from a fall.

He made him stand up
straight and walk again.

Susie, it can't do no
harm to talk to him.

I told you, I don't
want to talk to anyone!


Feeling guilty about
your pa again, ain't you?

Susie, I... I feel
guilty about you.

But I reckon it's just something

we'll have to live with
the rest of our lives.


Hoss, I don't
want you to suffer.

It was all my fault.

Will it make you feel
better if I see this man?


anything that'll help you
will make me feel better.

I... I just want you to
talk to him, that's all.

All right.

I'll talk to him, Hoss.


I don't know about this, Hoss.

I... I just don't know.

Look, Miss Celia,
I done told you,

I talked to Susan and
she wants to see him.

I was under the impression
that you'd explained this

to the young lady's
family, Mr. Cartwright.

I'm sorry, madam, I hadn't
intended on forcing my way in.

Just a minute.

Miss Celia, you do want
to help Susan, don't you?

You don't want to see her
laying there in that room

- the rest of her life.
- Oh, Hoss, you know I don't,

but... this kind of thing...

Well, ma'am, what
harm can it do?

We've already
tried everything else.

I beg your pardon, Mr. Garth,
I didn't mean to be rude.

If Susan wants to see you,
naturally, you can see her.

Thank you. Where is she?

There in that room.
Go on, I'll show you.

Uh... if you don't mind.

SUSAN: Don't open
the blinds; I want it dark.

(blinds open)

GARTH: Do not
be afraid of the light.

I am Garth. I am
here to help you.


(laughs) Oh, that's
wonderful, Hoss.

I'll tell you, they
had a bunch of them.

It was one of the funniest
minstrel shows I've ever seen.

Oh, I wish I could
have been there.

Oh, Hoss, I haven't even
asked you about your arm.

- How is it?
- Aw, it's fine, Susan.

I'll be out of this rig in a
couple of days, I reckon.

You're the one that counts.

How are you feeling?
How you getting along?

Oh, Garth says that I'm
making marvelous progress.

Well, it's been a
couple of weeks.

Oh, Garth tells me it
won't be much longer.

He thinks I'm doing beautifully.

Well, Susie, it's... it's
you that I'm interested in.

How do you feel?

Well, I feel wonderful.

And every day I seem
to get more confidence.

Oh, before this summer is over,
Hoss, I'm going to walk again.


Moving your feet
or legs or anything?

No. But Garth says that
it happens all at once,

when I have
complete faith in him.

HOSS: Yeah. Appears
to me like you got

plenty of faith in him already.

SUSAN: Oh, I do. I guess I
just don't have enough, do I?

Well, good morning,
Mr. Cartwright.

Mr. Garth.

Uh, Susan...

I'm sorry, Hoss, but I've
got to go to work now.

(chuckles) I'll run along,
and I'll see you later.

Before you go, Mr. Cartwright,
Susan is entering

a very critical phase
of her treatment.

It might help her if you
didn't see her for a while.

Oh, Mr. Garth...

Susie and me been
friends for a long, long time.

What possible harm could
it be me coming to see her?

Well, Susan and I are entering
a period of intense concentration.

Any influence outside,
no matter how friendly,

would tend to destroy
that concentration.

Might slow down her recovery,

tend to make it
impossible altogether.

I'm sure you understand.

Susie, is that the
way you want it?

You don't want me to come back?

Well, if... if
Mr. Garth wants...

if he thinks it's best...

I'm afraid I do,
Susan; I think it's vital.

Well, that's the
way it'll be, then.

Well... I'll see
you later, Susan.

Well, it won't be for long.

I'll send for you.


- Good-bye, Mr. Cartwright.
- Good-bye, Hoss.

You must have
faith in me, Susan.

Faith so complete and absolute

that it fills every
portion of your being

and leaves no room for
the slightest shred of doubt.

Do you have faith in me, Susan?

Yes. Yes, I do.

Do you have such
unquestioning faith

that you will do exactly as I
say simply because I say it?

Yes, Garth.

Well, what's the matter, Garth?

There seems to be
a limit to your faith.

Oh, no, there
isn't. No, there isn't.

I have the most
complete faith in you.

You think you do, but you've
never had complete faith before,

so how can you possibly
know what it's like?

Well, I'm trying
as hard as I can.

There's something in there,
something like a barrier

that's holding you back,
something like a dam,

something we must
remove if you're to be cured.

Well, I'm not aware of it.

But it's there.

Removing it will take an
even greater effort on your part.

You've... you've given so
much of your time to me.

There are so many others
you could be helping.

Maybe I shouldn't keep
you to myself anymore.

You're an unusual woman, Susan.

Lovely of face and form.

And most important,
so unselfish.

Thank you.

Do you know I've never
seen you smile before?

In the world I see, there's
little enough to smile at.

Wretchedness, poverty of spirit.

Garth, if you feel
you ought to move on,

I'd understand.

No, we've made too
much progress to stop now.

There's one last
effort you can make,

if you're willing to try.

I'll try anything if it will
only make me walk again.

I think what is needed
to break the barrier

that prevented your
cure is an act of blind,

unquestioning faith,
an act by which...

and act by which you place
yourself completely in my hands.

When you have put
yourself in a position

where you must trust me,
where you must have faith in me...

then and only then
can you be cured.

What do you want me to do?

It will require thought.

I'll tell you when
I have decided.

Well, I got your message.

What do you want?

I want to talk to you.

Well, make it fast, will you?

I have to get back in the house.

I've been working
here for two weeks

and you haven't told me a thing.

I want to know what's going on.

Look, I told you repeatedly,
my ways are my own.

And I told you, I ain't leaving
without part of that money.

What money?

Oh, now, don't treat me like
one of your stupid followers.

I know how rich that girl is

and I know you're planning
on getting some of it

and I want my share.

You made a mistake, Thorne.

This girl is sensitive.

She's an intelligent,
unusual girl.

I'm going to do
everything I can to help her.


You've been
preaching for so long,

you're starting to
believe your own words.

Well, if you don't agree with my
words, maybe it's time you left.

Oh, no, you're not
getting rid of me.

I'm staying for this one,

and it'd better not be too long.



Who is it?

Garth... may I come in?

Yes, of course.

I spoke to you about an act
of faith this morning, Susan.


Well, I've been thinking
about it ever since.

Oh, so have I, and I've
been worrying about it.

Well, you shouldn't
worry about it, Susan.

I had hoped you were
looking forward to it

for a chance to express yourself

in one of the most beautiful
of all basic human emotions.

I never thought of it that way.

It sounded more like a test.

What do you want me to do?

Susan, I...

I want you to marry me.

Am I presuming too far?

I, I don't know.

It's just that I never thought

anyone would want to
marry me the way I am.

Perhaps this will help
you have faith in me,

faith that I'll be
able to cure you.

But it's all so mechanical.

I always thought that I
would marry because of love.

But faith and love are but
two sides of the same coin.

One cannot exist
without the other.

But underneath all
those words, Garth,

aren't you asking me to marry
you so that I can walk again?


Garth, that, that
wouldn't be right.

Susan, I'm asking you to
marry me because I love you.

Susan, please... marry me.

Don't you see I need you
as much as you need me?


You, you need me?

Oh, Garth, you need me.

Hey, hold a little
bit tighter, will you?

I said a little bit tighter.

I notice you're not going over

to Susan Blanchard's
every day now.

Have you heard
how things are going?

Well, I decided I'd
stay away for a while.

Long as that Garth helps
Susan, that's all I care about.

Well, she's sure got
a lot of faith in him.

Well, I reckon she should.

He's done her a
lot of good, Joe.

Done a lot of folks good.

Have you seen that
Thorne ride lately?

Ain't nobody rides any
better than he does.

Yeah, I've seen him.

Rides awful good for a man

who hasn't been on
horseback for five years,

maybe a little bit too good.

What are you driving at?

Everybody is always
taking a dig at Garth.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Just a feeling I have.

Oh, Hoss.

One of the Blanchard
ranchmen just rode by,

had a message for you.

What sort of message?

Susan wants to see you.

Hey, you don't reckon she's,
you don't reckon she's walking?

No, I...

I don't know, it didn't
say anything about that.

Well... just might be.

I'd better get over there.

I'm sorry I ever taught you
how to braid these things.

You've been braiding them
since you were five years old.

Oh, Hoss, it's so
good to see you.


Good afternoon, Mr. Cartwright.

Was just a few days ago that
you asked me not to come back.

What's happened?

We have news for you.

The surprise?

Might be.

Susan has consented
to be my wife.

His what?

Yes, we-we're
getting married, Hoss,

and I would like
you to give me away.

But, Susie, you
hardly know this man.

He's almost a complete stranger.

He's no stranger to me, Hoss.

We love each other.

Well, what's all the
big, the big hurry about?

Why don't you wait until
you're for sure, Susie?

I'm sure now.

The sooner the better
for Susan's sake.

We're planning it for Saturday.

Hoss, will you be there?

I'll let you know, Susie.

I'll let you know.

I heard the news.


Pretty smart.

Great big ranch,
all that cattle.

Look, what do you want, Thorne?

I want my share.

There aren't going
to be any shares.

I'm marrying Susan
because I love her.


And what's going to happen

when the little lady finds
out you can't make her walk?

Listen, she's going
to see through you

before the ink's
dried on that license.


Maybe she can be cured.

I have a feeling sometimes,

at the right time with the right
person, maybe I could cure.

Listen, you couldn't
even cure a hangnail,

but I'll tell you what
you're going to do, Garth.

You're going to go in and get
some money from that little lady

and you're going
to give me my share.

No, I'm not.

The agreement we
had before is all over.

Is it?


And suppose I tell
the little lady the truth.

What happens to you then?



Now, you get out of here.

You ever come back
here again, I'll kill you.

Son, I, I think you ought
to do as Susan asks...

Give her away at the wedding.

Pa, how can she love him?

She doesn't even know him.

Hoss, sometimes two people
just look at each other once

and they're in love.

What's really bothering you?

Pa, I, I took Garth out there so
he could make Susan walk again.


I never figured on
anything like this.


Thorne, what are you doing here?

I want to see you.

Come in.

Pa, this is, this is Mr. Thorne,

the feller I was
telling you about

that Mr. Garth healed downtown.

Oh, yeah.

I'm pulling up stakes
and I'm leaving tonight,

but before I go, there's
something I want to tell you.

Well, go on.

That Garth... the great
healer... He's a fake.

What do you mean?

Every time we go to a new
town and start a meeting,

he cures me.

That sets up the
suckers real good for him.

Now he's going to marry
that girl for her money

and that big ranch
her father left her.

Pa, that explains
it, don't you see?

That explains
everything... The marriage.


You're going to go back out
there and confront him with me.

Oh, no, I ain't gonna
get myself killed.

Thorne, Thorne!

Hoss, Hoss, well, you, you
don't need him out there.

But, Pa, I-I can't let
her go through with this.

Thorne being out there
isn't going to help anything,

not if Susan really loves Garth.

Oh, Pa, she can't love him.

She's, she's in love with
what, with what she thinks he is.

Don't you see?

He-He's got some kind of
a hold on her or something.

Pa, I can't let her
go through with it.

(sighs) Yeah,
maybe you're right...

but you got to be real careful
the way you break this to Susan.


I'll think of something.


Miss Celia, I'd like
to talk to Susan.

I just got her ready for bed.

You can see her in the morning.

Well, I think maybe she'd
like to say good night to me.

No, Garth, just
a minute, please.


If it's money you want,
I can get it for you.

I'm a fairly wealthy
woman in my own right.

Just why are you
telling me this?

Because I want
you to leave here.

Miss Celia, I'm in love with
Susan, I'm going to marry her.

I think the sooner
you accept that,

the sooner we'll
all be happy here.

You just want the
ranch and her money.

I don't believe you love her.

You love her.

Do you want to deprive
her of happiness,

perhaps even the
chance to walk again?

SUSAN: Garth... Garth.

I've been waiting for
you to say good night.

I'm glad.

I, I wanted to
talk to you, Susan.

Why, is something wrong?


How lovely you are.

I love you so much.

And I love you, Garth.

Susan, why do we have to wait?

Can't we be married tomorrow?

I don't have any
objections, Garth,

but, well, we haven't
heard from Hoss, yet.

Is it that so important?
Do we have to wait for him?

Well, it is rather
important to me, Garth.

We grew up together,

and we've always
been such good friends.

And a girl only
gets married once,

and I... I would like to
have him at my wedding.

We can wait a
few days, can't we?

Susan, I'm afraid.

Afraid? Of what?

People... they-they
don't understand me.

They don't
understand my abilities.

I'm afraid they're going
to try and keep us apart.

Nothing will ever keep
us apart, Garth, nothing.

Susan, this is so
important to the both of us.

Why... why take a chance?

Why run the risk
of perhaps losing...?

Well, if we don't hear
from Hoss by tomorrow,

you can go and make
arrangements for the next day.

Will that be all right?


Yes, of course.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Pleasant dreams.

Well, good evening.

I'd like to talk to you alone.


(crickets chirping)

What's on your
mind, Mr. Cartwright?

What kind of a man
are you, Garth, really?

What, uh... what do you mean?

I just had a little visit with
your compadre, Thorne.


But look, let me explain
to you about Thorne.

Don't bother. Don't bother.

He gave me all the facts.

Well, he gave you the facts,

but I want to tell you the
reasons behind those facts.

I'd like to hear 'em.

All right.

Look, in order for me to
be able to heal anybody,

they have to have faith in
me, they have to believe in me.

Now, Thorne's little
demonstration is like a...

like an incentive.

With that evidence,
false as it may be,

they begin to believe in me,
they begin to have faith in me.

Like Susan.

Well, yeah, yeah, I-like Susan.

But Thorne tells me

you're a complete,
a... a total fake.

Now, what happens
when Susan discovers that?

What happens when she
finds out you can't help her?

Well, I-I believe I can.

Susan isn't just
following after me,

begging to be cured.

Look, I... I, uh...

I've fallen in love with Susan.

Now you listen to me.

You listen to me
real good, Garth.

I brought you to Susan.

I'm responsible
for any influence

you might have over
her, for good or bad.

If you're planning on
marrying that little gal

for this ranch and her money,

I swear to you, I'll kill you.

Well, then, the only way to
convince you and everyone else

of my sincerity is to cure
her before I marry, isn't that it?

I don't want you to even try
to do something you can't do!

Not even try? And
then after we're married,

have everyone think I
married her for her money?!

I don't want her hurt!

All right, all right, then
you come with me,

because I'm gonna prove to
you that I'm not what you suspect.


What are you going to do?

I'm going to cure her.


Miss Celia, I want
you to get Susan.

But she's asleep.


I think you best get her, ma'am.

(door opening)

I heard your voices.

I was so excited,
I couldn't sleep.

Hoss, what are you doing
here at this hour of the night?

Garth, is anything wrong?

No, Susan, nothing's wrong.


Mr. Cartwright
doubts my sincerity.

He doubts my
ability to cure you.

Is that true, Hoss?

Susan, I brought Mr. Garth
here in the first place.

I just want to be sure
that he can help you.

Oh. He's going to help me, Hoss.

But when, Susan? When?

Garth will pick the
time, Aunt Celia.

I have picked the time, Susan.

The time is now.


But Garth, you said...

You said that I had to
have complete faith first.

That first, we must marry.

I know, Susan,

but you do have
faith in me, don't you?

You see, Mr. Cartwright
and your aunt...

They question my motives.


Aunt Celia?

Susan... we must
prove them wrong.

We've worked together
day and night, both of us,

so hard, for this moment.

Ever since we
first met each other,

we have built up
your strength in me.

Your strength that I
could make you walk.

Now you must walk.

When I tell you to walk,

you will stand and walk to me.

Now I say to you, "Walk."

Stand, Susan.

Stand and walk to me.

Stand, Susan.

Do as I say.


I command you to walk!

Garth! Garth, I can't!

- Garth.
- Stay away from her!

- (Susan crying)
- Susan!


Susan... get up.



Oh, Garth.

I can't move my legs.

(crying): I can't.

Get up, Susan.

I command you to.


Get up and walk.

(crying): I can't.

I, Garth, command you to!

That's about enough, Garth.

- Wait. I know I can.
- Garth!

No. Wait. I know I can!

Miss Celia, help me with Susan.

Okay now.

(crying quietly)


I believed I could cure her.

I believed I could cure her.

Garth! No. Garth!





Susan... he's...
He's just a man.

But I love him, Hoss.

- No.
- Hoss, I love him.

No, no.

You fell... you fell in love

with-with what you
wanted him to be.

So sorry, Susan.

It was all my fault.

I'm sorry.

That's all I can say.







Hoss. Hoss.



Oh, Hoss, he's gone,
and he made me walk.

No. No, Susie.

He didn't make you walk.

You walked because
you wanted to walk.

Susie... there's only
one miracle maker.


Yes, you're right.

Oh, Hoss, I wish he knew.

Oh, I wonder if he'll...

I wonder if he'll
ever come back.

Oh, when he learns
what you just learned...

he'll be back.

SUSAN: Then I'm
gonna wait for him, Hoss,

because he will be back.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is an excellent, family-friendly television series suitable for solo viewing or enjoying with loved ones. The Miracle Maker marks the 100th episode out of 430 in the series. Produced by NBC, Bonanza aired on the network from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning 14 seasons.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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