the newcomers
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

The Newcomers Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #01, Episode #03

Bonanza was a Western television show airing from 1959 to 1973 and starring Lorne Greene, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blocker, and Michael Landon. The series follows Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their Nevada ranch while also helping the local community.

Thomas Thompson wrote the episode The Newcomers, which aired on September 26, 1959.

The series’ third episode featured Inger Stevens, who guest starred as Emily Pennington, the frail and sickly future wife of traveling miner Black McCall. Upon his arrival on the Ponderosa, McCall requests to allow Emily to stay until her health improves.

Another actor appearing in the episode was Bob Knapp, who acted as Emily’s brother John.

In this episode, the Cartwrights find an old opponent killing steers on the Ponderosa. Hoss succumbs to the future wife of a treacherous miner that presumes the Cartwrights of concealing gold.

John Pennington and his staff wish to mine the Ponderosa land by hydraulic ways. Ben is totally against this technique, evicting them quickly. Hoss’ task involves informing Pennington’s men to leave, yet he promptly faces a moral predicament on his hands when he meets Pennington’s lovely sister, Emily. He quickly discovers her heartbreaking secret—she’s terminally ill. Their partnership then results in lots of problems for the Cartwrights.

Review its plot, including some remarkable facts, or view the full episode below.

Watch the Full Episode of The Newcomers

Watch the full episode of The Newcomers:

Main Cast

Aside from the main actors, Bonanza’s third episode, The Newcomers, also featured some of the program’s recurring and supporting cast members. The episode’s actors consist of:

Books Worth Reading:
  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Inger Stevens as Emily Pennington
  • John Larch as Blake McCall
  • Robert Knapp as John Pennington
  • Charles Maxwell as Krug
  • George J. Lewis as Jose Moreno
  • Byron Foulger as Justin Flannery
  • Duane Grey as Wyoming
  • Jon Lormer as Doc Riley
  • Martin Mason as 1st Miner
  • Troy Melton as Merrill
  • Nick Borgani as Miner (uncredited)

Full Story Line for The Newcomers

The Cartwrights see a group of people crossing their land. Among these people was Blake McCall, who previously ran off their residential or commercial property. The others include McCall’s fiance, Emily, a terminally ill lady, and her brother (also McCall’s business partner), John Pennington. Ben recognizes Pennington’s work—hydraulic mining, which destroys the land by uprooting trees and removing topsoil.

Meanwhile, John claims they’re just trying to get Emily to the high country for her health. However, Ben is adamant that they leave.

Ben has Hoss escort them off to ensure their departure the next day. As they make their way, John and one of his men, Krug, create strategies to surpass Hoss. They have seen his concern for livestock, so they acted to have a lame steed. When Hoss checks the animal, they strike him out. John and Emily protest against this, only to find themselves captives of McCall. McCall eliminates the Cartwrights’ foreman for weapons and ammo, dumping the body at the Ponderosa’s front door.

Hoss breaks free when they leave. At John’s prompting, Hoss runs away with Emily. The Cartwrights tracked McCall and his men, who sought the assistance of local miners. On their way, Hoss and Emily saw that Ben, Adam, and Joe were about to stroll into an ambush. Hoss draws McCall’s focus to himself and handles the gang alone. Hoss succeeds when the Cartwrights arrive and shoo every person else off. Hoss is discussing points when he realizes Emily is seriously unwell.

The Cartwrights and also John rush Emily back to the Ponderosa. She knows she’s on the verge of death, so she asks John to take her back to San Francisco. Emily doesn’t desire Hoss to know her illness’ severity. Although Hoss arranged for her to go with a wagon train, he tells her he would certainly like her to stay. Emily informs Hoss to visit his favorite meadow in the springtime, stating she’ll be there. She declares her love, touches his cheek and leaves. Hoss can’t believe what happened. He’s going to get married! Hoss then rushes into the ranch house so ecstatic, yet he can’t understand why nobody else was as thrilled as him.

Books Worth Reading:

Upon Emily’s departure, they tell him about Emily’s fatal illness, tuberculosis. Distraught, Hoss leaves the house with Joe attempting to follow to console his sibling, only for Ben to stop him. Experiencing the loss of three wives, he informs Joe, “For a while, it’s a hurt you need to birth alone.” Hoss spends his time alone by the water, pleading with God to help him.

He eventually goes back to the Ponderosa. Bothered and unable to speak about it or clarify things, Ben understands Hoss’s feelings and encourages him to go on by simply going back to work.

Full Script and Dialogue of The Newcomers


Yes, it's McCall.

Found another one of our prize
steer butchered this morning.

I told you talk
wouldn't be enough

for a man like Blake McCall, Pa.

The only kind of
talk he understands

comes out of this.

Looks to me like they
picked up a little company.

They didn't have a wagon

the last time we
ran him off of here.

We gonna to let him
get away with it, Pa?


He has the sickness
of gold, Señor.

You have already
given him more chance

than he deserves.

Jose, it's a family affair.

What I have I owe
to you, old friend.

Something that would destroy

the Ponderosa
would also destroy me.

Your fight is my fight.

All right, let's visit
with Mr. McCall.


Well, we're on the
Ponderosa, John.

That means we'll be running into

the Cartwrights before long.

Let's hope you'll
make out better


with them this time than last.

John, that isn't fair.

Blake did the
very best he could.

Your brother doesn't
always approve

of my methods, Emily.

Think you could do better, John?

I'd like to try
talking with them.

They're people same
as you and I, aren't they?

Old man Cartwright
and his three sons?

Yeah, they're people
all right. Rough ones.

What happened
between you and them?

Thought we were partners, John.

Partners don't pry.
They trust one another.

Are you implying
I don't trust you?!

That's ridiculous!

John, please.

You're letting yourself
get all on edge.

I'm sorry, Emily.

It's just that I'm, I'm
worried about your health.

I need to get you into that high
desert country without delay.


I think you better get
some rest. Come on.

What's the matter, McCall?

You lettin' your
love life interfere

with your moneymakin'?

Take my advice,
you'd get rid of her.

And Pennington, both of 'em.

There's gold here.

Besides, she ain't gonna
last much longer anyway.

Krug, don't ever let me
hear you say that again.

It's the truth, ain't it?


Well, I'd say we we're flattered

to have the great Mr. Ben
Cartwright pay us a call.

My name is John Pennington.

We're on our way

to that new mining
area at Virginia City.

We were told this is
the best way to get there.

Well, you were told wrong.

You're on private property.

Well, other people
have come through here.

They have.

And they've
slaughtered our beef,

cut and burned our timber

and dug holes in
our best pasture land.

Are we to be blamed for
the actions of other people?

When you're standing alongside
one of the worst offenders, yes.

Now, we told you to get
off last month, McCall,

and we meant
for you to stay off.

Blake, what's he talking about?

Very simple, Emily.

The great Ben Cartwright
thinks he owns the world.

No, just this part
of it, Mr. McCall.

Now I'll ask you
to get off my land.

All of you.

Please, Mr. Cartwright,
if I may speak?

Uh, my name is Justin Flannery.

My only purpose here
is to obtain specimens

of Sierra flora and fauna.

You see, sir, by profession,

I'm a botanist and entomologist.

You see, sir,

I only fell in with these
people two days ago.

Well, you made a very
poor choice, Mr. Flannery.

That's an unfair thing
to say, Mr. Cartwright.

You don't even know us.

If my partner caused
you any damage,

I'm sure we can
arrive at a settlement.

I'm afraid we can't.

Well, can't I even
reason with you?

Mr. Pennington, your
reasoning became apparent

when you introduced
hydraulic mining to California.

Oh, I've seen the operations
of Pennington and McCall.

Thousands of acres of
virgin timber uprooted.

Mountains washed away.

Floods caused by the
debris of your monitors.

Orchards buried under mud.

Hoss, see what
you can do for him.

Sure, Pa.

You keep away from
him, you ugly... brute.

Now, ma'am, I can't hardly
help being ugly, can I?

He ain't even hurt bad.

Oh, Blake...

now, nobody can
be as unreasonable

as these Cartwrights seem to be.

You must have done something
to turn them against us.

Well, you don't
have to do too much

to have those Cartwrights
turn against you.

All right, maybe we
did cut down a couple

of their precious trees, and
Krug shot one of their cows.

Believe me, it was an accident.

He thought it was a deer.

Well, that's the
kind of accident

we could do without, huh?

Now, uh, be a little more
careful next time, will you?

Now, look, John,

I don't tell you how
to run the office.

Don't tell me how to run
my end of this partnership.


I wish you two
wouldn't quarrel so.

You're really in love with him?

Well, you and he
are all I have left.

That's why I don't want
any trouble between you.

Don't worry, Emily.

Why, Blake and I get along fine.

The main thing is to get
you into that drier climate

without delay.

Now you go back in the
tent and get some rest, huh?

That's right, just
get some rest.

Two hours in the morning,
two hours in the afternoon.

Don't exert yourself.

Just sit and look pretty.



Do you think there's any hope?

Well, of course there's hope.

If you keep believing,
you'll get well.

Just as I have to keep believing

I have a right to love?

I have to keep
believing that, John.

'Cause if I couldn't...

I'd want to die.

Mr. Cartwright, I demand

you allow us to
pass through here.

Oh, how is he, son?

He's all right, Pa.

It's just a crease. Mm-hmm.

Mr. Cartwright, why don't you
answer my brother's request?

And why are you so unreasonable?

Why am I so unreasonable?

Miss Pennington,

I'd like to tell you
about a friend of mine.

He came across
the plains with me,

and all the way across,

he nursed a wagonload
of young peach trees.

He had a dream.

Wanted to plant an
orchard in California.

Well, I saw what was left
of that orchard last year.

Buried under a dozen feet of mud

washed down by your
brother's hydraulic monitors.

Well, I remember the man.

I paid him twice what
his land was worth.

I paid for each of his trees.

Well, just what price do you put

on the dream of
a man's lifetime?

My brother has no intention

of bringing hydraulic
equipment into the Sierra.

No? Then why is he
here, Miss Pennington?

No, I swear to you,
we have no intention

of staying on your
Ponderosa Ranch.

I'm sorry, but I, uh...

I find that hard to believe.

See, the facts are, your
partner has filed claims

on some of the
neighboring ranches.

Ranches that contain
watershed vital to the Ponderosa.

Well, don't look so
suspicious, John.

The claims were filed in
the name of the partnership.

Well, then, we'll have
to relinquish them.

I don't agree.

They're perfectly legal.

We'll keep them,
and we'll work them.

I disagree.

Nobody's gonna
destroy the Ponderosa.

Oh, what do you plan
to do, Mr. Cartwright?

Stop every man who
comes over those mountains?

I'll fight for what's mine

and what I believe in.

And when a man who
believes differently comes along,

what do you do then?

Kill him?

If I have to.

Pattern of history,
Mr. Cartwright.

A man with a dream
goes into a country

knowing he'll be killed.

But after him come two
more, and then two more,

and the military are
along to protect them.

And then they build a
fort to house the military,

and soon, they own the country.

Yes. It's happened many times.

Be careful history
doesn't repeat itself.

Mr. Cartwright, can't you see
your way clear just this once?

I told you my
sister wasn't well,

and now we have a wounded
man on our hands, and...

Don't beg, John.

You, uh, camp here until...

till you rest up and
get your stock in shape.

Anything we can
do for your sister...

Save your concern,
Mr. Cartwright.

Blake, why didn't you tell
me about these claims?

Well, I meant to, John.

I just didn't get around to it.

You were supposed
to be following through

on that assay report
on the Washoe.

Now, John, we have as much right

to this watershed
land as Cartwright has.

Do you know

what hydraulic operations
would do to these hills?

I don't care what
they'll do to these hills.

I just want the
gold in these hills!

And you'd do just about
anything to get it, wouldn't you?

Blake, why don't we
just forget about it,

and go on to Washoe
the way we planned?

Well, now, that's easy
for you to say, isn't it?

You and your brother both.

Sure, your father left
you a mining company

and a million dollars
to play around with.

Blake, what's got into you?

Just this.

I want to make it clear that
the only thing my father left me

was a bunch of debts
and bruises on my back.

What I got, I dug out of
the ground with these hands,

and nobody's going to stop
me from digging out more of it!

But it's not important.

I've told you that before.

It has nothing to
do with you and me.

Oh, doesn't it?

What do you spend
your time talking about?

That fine mansion
where you were raised.

The servants you had,
the beautiful horses.

Well, you're the one that always
asks me about those things.

You say you like
to hear about them.

And you like to remind
me that I never had them.

Blake, that's not so.

Just a second. What...?

John, please.

You said that you loved me.

I do, Emily.

More than anything
else in the world.

You're everything
I've ever wanted.

Then those things don't matter.

Just give me a
chance to get well

and just give me a chance

to be everything that
you want me to be.

You'll be all right, Emily.

Someday we'll have
everything we've ever wanted.

You're gonna let old Ben
Cartwright back you down, eh?

Who says so? Pennington.

You take your orders
from Pennington?

Well, now, you know, I was
beginning to wonder about that.

Few years ago,
when I first knew you,

there was no doubt about
it. I took my orders from you.

You still do.


Maybe when you two get married,

you can use your wife's
money to keep me on the payroll.

That's more like it.

You just say the word... Boss.

You just remember
that. I'm boss.

That's the way I like it.


You know the bug
hunter, Flannery.

He says he's going on alone.

Ah, let him go.

Well, I figured to,
except I was thinking...

Be a shame if the Cartwrights
should shoot him down on sight,

wouldn't it?

What makes you think they will?

Well, you never can tell.

'Course if they did, it'd
go kind of hard on them.

Cold blooded murder and all.


There must be a lot of
folks up here in these hills

don't like the Cartwrights
any better than we do.

Think what would happen if
they was to murder in cold blood

a poor, harmless little old
coot like Flannery there.

Come on, Christian. Let's go.

I think I'll take
myself a little ride.




The Cartwrights' front yard.

All right. Let's see if we
can make up for yesterday,

and drive some cows today.


Hey, Pa.

Ain't that that bug hunter?

Yes. Yes. It's Mr. Flannery.

Do you want me
to run him off, Pa?

No, no, no. It's all right.

Mr. Cartwright, I must
apologize for coming...

Cartwright's coming.

That's Flannery.

He was walking toward us.

He was shot from behind.

How'd it happen?

An unarmed man
whose only crime was

setting foot on your
precious ground.

I wouldn't do that.

You butchers, all of you.

You're quick to accuse,
Miss Pennington.

But wasn't it you who mentioned

about a man being
sent into the enemy camp

in order to be a known casualty?

This was a planned murder.

Someone here is guilty.

Well, now, who do you
think is going to believe you?

When the decent people

in this part of the
country hear about this,

they're going to
ride on your place

and wipe out the whole
stinking Cartwright clan.

Looks like you
got it all figured out,

don't you, McCall?

How would you like to
start wiping us out right now?

That's enough.

Take their guns.

What are you going
to do... Kill us, too?

You're going back to
California, all of you.

You're drawing a pretty
fine line on murder.

Aren't you, Cartwright?

Now, we're out of supplies.

I told you my sister is sick.

And you're going to make us
go back through that country

without food and guns
and our stock worn out?

Isn't that murder?

Mr. Pennington,
Pa wouldn't do that.

We brought along fresh stock
and supplies by muleback,

and I'm gonna be
riding along with you.

You... as our guard?

Well, no, ma'am, you see,

I'm gonna be going along

to make sure no
harm comes to you.

Ma'am... I wouldn't
hurt you, not for nothing.

Pa, can Little Joe or Adam
go along instead of me?

We talked it out, Hoss.

We think you can do this best.

Hey, be careful and
watch your driving.

You hear?

Ain't no use making it
any rougher on the lady

than you got to.

I notice your partner
ain't talking to you.

Of course I never could figure

you and him being
partners in the first place.

Not that I blame you none.

You got some money
out of it, a pretty girl.

Krug, you're going to
push me once too often.

I am?

I don't mean to.

As a matter of fact, I
wanted to talk to you

about maybe working
out a partnership

on them claims you filed.

What makes you think
I'd want to share with you?

Well, I was thinking about
you and that bug hunter.

I didn't kill him.

No, I guess you didn't.

Just about as
responsible as if you did.

All right, let's get moving.

Well, you have to admit I do
pretty well with what I have.

Thank you.

You could have a lot more.

She could be out in the desert,

not on her way
back to California.

You blaming me for that?

You think it was my fault
that Flannery was shot?

No, I'm just a little sick of
the way fighting and killing

follows everything you do.

You and your
pretty little world,

all wrapped up in tinsel.

How do you think I got

that land we
hydraulicked in California?

You sat back in
your plush office

while I went out there and
fought for what we had...

Every inch of it.

Aren't you forgetting
why we're making this trip?

Didn't we agree on it?

We both knew Emily had
to get to a drier climate.


Well, a-are you forgetting

or are other things
more important?

Can't you control that
miserable coughing?

These fir branches will make
a good bed for you, ma'am.

You just put 'em in the
ground with the needle end up.

You'll sleep a lot better.

The smell of that fir will
be good for that cough, too.


You boys got you some
extra oats coming tonight.

Long, hard climb we had today,

but you're gonna
feel a lot better

soon as old Hoss gets
you all scrubbed down here.

They, they like for
you to talk to 'em.

It makes 'em feel good.

You really love
horses, don't you?

Oh, yes'm.

I like all animals.

You can trust 'em.

But you can't trust people?

Well, I wouldn't say that.

It's... it's just that
some folks have got a...

a natural mean streak in 'em

that animals just don't
know nothing about, I guess.

You giving it up?

Well, what do you ex...?

What do you expect me to do?

That big moose could break
your back with one hand.

Yeah, rough on men
but easy on horses.

He pays more attention to
the stock than he does to us.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Maybe if one of the horses
was to go lame tomorrow...?

Eh... even if we could
handle that big moose,

we'd still need guns
and ammunition

before we could tackle
the rest of the Cartwrights.

That foreman of
theirs... Jose Moreno...

He don't live far from here.

He'd have guns.

What about Pennington and Emily?

Well, now, that's your problem.

Me, I'm just a simple man.

All I care about's the gold.

Ma'am, you're going to see

some mighty
pretty country today.

Matter of fact,
if you'll look off

right through the
trees down there,

you can see the lake now.

Pretty, ain't it?

That off-horse over there
has got a mighty tender mouth,

so don't go sawing
the lines too hard.

You hear?

Hey, Hoss!

You better come here a minute.

What's the trouble?

Horse has gone lame.

How long has he been lame?

Oh, about a half hour, I guess.

Why didn't you tell me?

Poor old boy, looks like
you picked up a stone.



Now either you get the
guns from Moreno your way,

or we'll get 'em our way.

Hey, Señor Hoss!

My good friend, I am
so glad to see you!

¡Ay, caramba!

The miners... they still dig
like gophers down at the flats.

Señor Hoss, is
everything all right?

Jose, we're going
to have to be careful.

I wouldn't.

Well, you finally
came to it, didn't you?

Outright murder.

I told you I wouldn't let
anything stand in my way.

Ah. It's the only way
to fight the Cartwrights.

Don't you see?

I was only thinking
of you, Emily.

You never could think of
anybody but yourself, Blake.

And you never will.

I'll stop you, McCall, somehow.

I can handle that, boss.

We're still partners,
John, if you want it.

No. I said I'd stop you...

if it's the last
thing I ever do.

Tie him up.

Emily, I...

Come on.

I wish Hoss would get back soon.

It takes four men
to replace him.

Well, if you can't hold
up your end of the work,

brother, you know...

Look, why are we
wasting so much time?

What do you expect
to find, anyway?

Well, maybe you can
see through a wall.

Maybe you know how
many guns we're up against!

Look, Hoss had a rifle
and a revolver with him.

If they took his guns,
that's all they've got.

They took Jose's guns, too.

They want us out in the open.

They wouldn't have
brought Jose's body

to the house if they didn't.

All right, Adam's right.

Come on, let's get going.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking just about Hoss.


You look mighty unhappy, ma'am.

What you need is a little
loving to cheer you up.

Leave me alone!

Let go of me!

Let go of me!

No. Never mind me.

Get Emily out of here!

Go on!

Well, now, maybe we should
have tied the girl up, too.

Shall we go after them?

Not yet.

Let's see how far he'll get
with a sick girl on his hands.

It's all right.

I... I'm right here by you.

I could get you something
to eat if you're hungry.

The woods are full
of good things to eat

if you know what
you're looking for.

I just want to rest
for a long time.

Well, we... we can't
stay here too long.

They're gonna be after us.

I don't care.

I... I really don't care.

That ain't no way to talk.

Let me help you, Miss Emily.

Get away from me, can't you?

Leave me alone.

Well, uh, I just hate

to see you hurting so,
Miss Emily, that's all.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to shout at you.

I can't hardly stand

to see nothing hurt
that's as pretty as you are.

Now, you stay right here.

I'm gonna take a look around.

Well, weren't no sign of 'em,

but that don't mean
he ain't right behind us.

We best be on our way.

You can't keep running forever.

You carried me half the night.

Why don't you
rest a few minutes?

I'll keep watch.

Do you really
think I'm... pretty?

I think you're real
pretty, Miss Emily.

I... I think you're as
pretty as I am ugly.

You're not ugly, Hoss.

Forgive me for saying it.


Oh, it's all right.

I... I've heard it before.

We best move on.

And by what right
does a murderer

like old man Cartwright
tell you where you can mine

and where you can't?

This man Flannery...

He didn't even own a gun,

and old man Cartwright
shot him down!

You want to know why?

All right, I'll tell you why!

'Cause the real gold
strike is on the Ponderosa!

Not on that blue stuff

they're been running
into over at Washoe.

That's why Cartwright
and his boys

are willing to kill, and
they'll keep right on killing!

Move in on those murderers,

and get out of this
blasted blue stuff

and into the real gold strike!

I'm with you, McCall.

In fact, we're all with you.

Right, boys?

All right!

We'll all meet at
Horseshoe Canyon.

Working out better
than you hoped for, boss.

Old man Cartwright
and the two boys,

and they're coming in alone.

Well, good.

They'll never know what hit 'em.

Come on.

And bring my partner with us.

Hoss, I'd like to explain
to you about Blake McCall.

You don't have to explain
nothing to me, Miss Emily.

You see, I only saw
the good side of him.

Well, I reckon that's
the way it is sometimes.

You-You look at a
cactus, and you see a rose,

'cause... 'cause a rose
is what you want to see.

I don't reckon there's
anything wrong

with wanting to see
something good and pretty.

Sometimes I even do that myself.

I get sort of lonely like,

and I look for good
and pretty things.

What sort of pretty
things do you look for?

Well, if... if it's
the springtime,

there's this canyon I go to.

It's plum full of dogwood,

and there's a thousand
blossoms on every tree.

And there's a smell of
the damp leaves in the air,

and little ferns
around on the ground.

It sounds lovely.

I was hoping you'd say that.


Because it's sort of a
special place for me, and...

I'd like to take you there.

I'd like to show you
the little gold-back ferns.

You-You press them on your hand,

and-and the gold comes right off

just like it was stardust
right out of the sky.

I ain't never took
nobody else there,

but I'd like to take you.

I don't think there's
anything else I'd rather see.

Miss Emily,

I want you to stay right
here on the Ponderosa.


Hoss, don't you
realize, I'm very sick?

I know that, but I want
to take care of you.

I want to take care
of you all of my life.

I couldn't bear it, having
you feel sorry for me.

No, I... I ain't feeling
sorry for you, Miss Emily.


Well, what I'm
trying to say is that...

I like you, and I want...

I'll be right back.

Well, Hoss, what is it?

It's Pa and Adam and Little Joe.

McCall's got at least a
dozen men down there.

Pa and them don't
stand a chance.

I got to stop it.

Hoss, you can't.
You'll be killed.

Miss Emily, I got to.

You can't go!


Here I am, McCall, up here!

I'm coming, McCall.

Hold your fire.

Want to tip off old man
Cartwright and his boys?

Hoss, you all right? Yeah, Pa.

Well, Hoss, it looks like you
have things under control.

Yeah, reckon I sort
of lost my temper.

All right, you claim jumpers,
get back to your diggings.

It was McCall's
idea, Mr. Cartwright.

I didn't want no part in it.

Get off this land,
all of you! Move!

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

All right, Pennington.

Pa, wait a minute.

Little Joe, you
got it all wrong.

Mr. Pennington
here saved my life.

Pennington, I guess
we owe you thanks.

Thank you.

Is Emily all right? She's fine.

We got to get a doctor for her.

What's ol' Doc
Riley doing up there?

He sure has been
up there a long time.

How is she, Doctor?

She wants to talk to
you, Mr. Pennington.

Well, what did the doctor say?

What the doctor had to say
isn't really very important.

Would you take that?

I'd like to go back
to San Francisco.


Emily, you know what
the doctors there told you.

This is the climate for you.

Why, in three months time,

you'll be completely recovered.

John, you know better.

I don't know better.

I refuse to give up.

It isn't a matter of giving up.

It's being able
to face the truth.

I had to face the
truth about Blake,

and I think that makes it
much easier for me to face this.

I'll find another doctor.

I'll do something.

No, John.

You've done much more than
a brother should do anyway.

I don't want to be
a burden to you

during the time I have left.

I'm going back.

Then I'll go with you.

No, I don't want you to do that.

I want you to go on to Washoe,

and to this new Virginia
City, just the way you planned.

You think I'd leave you?

I want to go back today.

Today? Why?

You're in no shape to travel.

Please let me do
what I have to do.

I'm not...

I'm not really so
brave, you know.

It's just that I've accepted it.

And I don't want to take
a chance on tomorrow.

There must be
something I can do.

Yes, I'll tell you
what you can do.

Get my clothes from the wagon,

because I want to
look my very best.


Please don't tell Hoss.

There's a wagon train crossing
the Sierra into California,

and the wagon masters's gonna
meet us down at Truckee Meadows.

He'll take good care of her.

It'll be fine, Hoss. Thank you.

God bless you, John.

Bye, Emily.

I wish you didn't have
to go back so soon.

I wish that, too.

Maybe I ought to
go along with you.


You're needed on the Ponderosa.

Hoss, tell me about the canyon,

and the dogwood in bloom.

I ain't... I ain't so
good at talking about it.

The gold-back ferns that
you press against your hand

and the gold comes off

just like it was stardust
right out of the sky.

Emily, come back this spring

and it'll be there just
like I told you about it.

You come back,
I'll take you there.

You go there, Hoss.

And when the spring comes

and the dogwood's in
bloom, you go to the canyon.

And I promise
you, I'll be there.

I love you, Hoss.


She loves me!

Miss Emily loves me!

She's gonna come
back this spring.

Did you hear that,
Little Joe? She loves me!

Me, old Hoss.

I'm gonna get
married, Little Joe.

What's the matter?

What's wrong?

What have you been
telling these people?

You must have known
Miss Pennington was very ill.


You quack.

If you've told her something...

Do you think it's any pleasure
for me to tell a dying girl

she's got only
one month to live?

You lie.

You're all liars.

Pa, make 'em tell
me they're lying.

It's God's will, son.

Hoss... Joe.

Son... I've had to bury
three women I loved.

Your ma...

Adam's and his.

For awhile,

it's a hurt you
have to bear alone.

I just don't understand, God.

You got to help me.



Pa, I...

Hoss, there's plenty to do.

Behind the Scenes of The Newcomers

If we were to assume Inger Stevens’ character died in San Francisco, Inger would be the first of the Swedish actresses (Swedish-born or otherwise) whose character passed away or got killed in the show. Meanwhile, Inga Swenson’s character’s (“Inger Borgstrom Cartwright”) death would be by an arrowhead in the back in a 1963 episode.

The ending credits over the Ponderosa map contain a different instrumental version of Bonanza’s theme song.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is a fantastic clean show to watch by yourself or with family. The Newcomers is the 03 episode out of 430. Bonanza was produced by NBC and ran on their network from September of 1959 to January of 1973. The whole series lasted 14 seasons.

Books Worth Reading:

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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