The Returning Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #12, Episode #22
The Todd family faces hardship due to the harsh drought. Luke reconnects with his former crew and proposes robbing the Dodge freight office. However, when complications arise, Luke leaves behind the stolen cash for his wife to discover. This decision will likely exacerbate their troubles. This particular event was depicted in Gunsmoke: The Returning aired on February 18, 1967.
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Watch the Full Episode of Gunsmoke The Returning
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Gunsmoke The Returning Cast
The performers featured in the Gunsmoke episode The Returning include:
- James Arness as Matt Dillon
- Milburn Stone as Doc
- Amanda Blake as Kitty
- Ken Curtis as Festus
- Roger Ewing as Thad
- Lois Nettleton as Amy Todd
- Kenneth Mars as Clyde Hayes
- Glenn Strange as Sam
- Roy Barcroft as Jonas
- Ted Jordan as Burke
- Roy Roberts as Mr. Bodkin
- Billy Halop as Barney
- Troy Melton as Barton
- Michael Ansara as Luke Todd
- Steve Sanders as Ethan Todd
- Johnny Whitaker as Shem Todd
- Jonathan Goldsmith as Billy Judd (as Jonathan Lippe)
- Richard Webb as Will Hayes
- Gene Coogan as Townsman (uncredited)
- Bert Madrid as Townsman (uncredited)
- Jimmy Noel as Townsman (uncredited)
- Rudy Sooter as Townsman (uncredited)
- Max Wagner as Barfly (uncredited)
Full Story Line for The Returning
After eight years of struggling as a farmer, husband, father, and former outlaw seeking redemption, Michael Ansara’s character decides to reunite with his old gang to alleviate financial strain by robbing the Dodge City freight office.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Returning
♪♪ You're gonna throw it all away, Luke. I'm throwing nothing away. You'll wake the boys. I'm just trying to hang on to what little we got. It'll be a time getting used to the old days again. Stop it, hear? There's nothing to get used to. It's just this one time. Is it? Will's got something good. We're lucky I'm part of it. You were always proud of this land. It meant as much to you as it has to me. We've scratched for every little thing we have. And you've never been prouder of anything in your life. You've told me so more times than I could count. Yeah. The drought's just about burned out our whole crop. The drought can break any day. The almanac said that... Amy, two days ago, Mr. Jonas told me we got no more credit at the store. Now, what does your almanac say about that? In four weeks, I'm going to need $600 for Mr. Botkin at the bank, or we lose the farm. Now, if that's getting along, I'll gladly go back to the old days. Have you forgotten the running already? And the hiding and the only being together when you could sneak away without the law hearing about it? I remember it all good... Real good. As long as I live, I'll remember Ethan and Shem crying 'cause they were sent to bed hungry. I'll remember you wearing them hand-me-downs from the good ladies of the church. I'll remember me putting 18 hours a day into this farm and having it all come to nothing. It hasn't come to nothing. Sure, I remember. But from tonight on, it's all going to stop. And what if something goes wrong? What if Marshal Dillon or... or Festus or young Thad has to come after you? Will you kill one of the ones that made you their friend? Amy, it won't come to that. Will's got it all worked out. (hoofbeats approaching) ♪♪ Evening, Luke. Amy. How do, folks? Luke, please. Amy, get back in the house. You'll catch yourself a chill. ♪♪ (theme music playing) ♪♪ (hoofbeats approaching) That'll be Will and Clyde. Maybe, but I ain't gonna take no chances. Like you know women, Billy, I know horses. MAN (outside): Harry? See? - Hi, Harry. - Clyde. - Hi, Billy. - Hello, Harry. It's good to see you again, boss. How have things been going with you? Oh, getting by. Been a long time. Yes, sir, it's gonna be like old times, us riding out together again. Yep, just like old times. Only this time, I call the play. Where's Clem and Alex? Posse out of Donnyville caught Alex over a year ago. And Clem, uh, he got hisself... Billy Judd, Luke Todd. Clem a friend of yours, was he? Clem jumped my fence line couple of months ago. Tried to run off with a filly I was kind of fond of. Maybelle was a little horsey, now that I come to think about it. Shut up. It was even all the way, Luke. I saw it myself. Billy even gave Clem a chance to back off. Boys tell me you used to be top gun. Let's get on with what we came here for. Eight years you been farming now. Billy. Man get kind of soft in that time. You still figure... ♪♪ What do you got, Will? Payroll transfer... $25,000. Freight office in Dodge. Dodge? Too close to home for you? I know the man who runs the office. Fellow named Burke. Little gabby sort, ain't he? (laughing) Well, if he's a friend of yours, we'll try and see that he don't get hurt. Now, here's the plan. Clyde and Harry will be outside... ♪♪ (thunder rumbling) I wish that was rainstorm lightning instead of just plain old heat lightning. Don't you, Matthew? Yeah. By the time the rain gets here, if it ever does, it'll be too late for the crops anyway. You know, a feller'd stop and study about it, why, it's either a dang drought or we're having a rainstorm that's just a frog strangler and a trash mover. Folks hereabouts either getting just plumb burned out or they're getting froze out or cooked out or washed out, it... (thunder rumbling) I'll tell you, he did it, the feller I was telling you about, long enough, he just moved plumb away from this place. - DILLON: Kitty. - FESTUS: Miss Kitty. - I'll buy you both a beer. - Oh, sounds good. Obliged. I'll fetch it, Matthew. - Two on the house, Sam. - SAM: Sure. Who's moving away? What do you got there? Oh, it's just a letter from a girl I know in Dawson Springs. Now, tell me, who's moving away? What girl in Dawson Springs? Festus, this letter's private. Now, tell me who's moving away. Well... I am. There you are, Matthew. Oh, thanks, Festus. Kitty, thanks for the beer. Welcome. Doc? Doc! What? What are you reading there? Well, it so happens that this is a newspaper. Well, I can see that. What are you reading about? DOC: Well, you wouldn't understand it if I told you. FESTUS: Well, now, I wouldn't say that. DOC: Well, I would, and I just did. And if you must know, I'm reading about an awful lot of people that got the measles in Saint Louis. - Measles? - Yes, measles. What's it say about the measles? Well, it says, Festus, there's an epidemic there, but it-it... you wouldn't understand it at all. All right, Mr. High-Tony. It just happens to be that I know what the measles is. Oh, yes, of course you do. Certainly, you do. You also know all about the symptoms and the complications and everything. No question about it... you know about bronchopneumonia. You know about otitis, gastrointestinal inflammation, and membranous laryngitis, certainly. But, in spite of the fact that you are such an authority, you take it from me, that's what the measles are. They are not. The measles is little old dots that gets on your arms and your legs and up betwixt your shoulder blades and up your neck and all over your head, in your hair, and they just... that's what the measles is. (crickets chirping) (crickets continue chirping) (crickets continue chirping) (thunder rumbling) Open that rear door. Yes, sir. Get that box open, and you be quick about it. Mister, you get that box open, or you're gonna be a dead man. I never saw anybody as touchy as that old Doc is lately. He was a little crabby tonight, wasn't he? Well, what it is, is that he's just a-gettin' grouchier in his mellowing years. That's what it amounts to. Well, guess we better get going, finish the rest of the rounds, Festus. I think I'll go over to the office and write a letter. A private letter. (Festus scoffs) (chuckles) Come on. ♪♪ Hurry up! Somebody's coming. Come back to your desk. Be smart, stay alive, mister. Start writing or something. Look here, Matthew, old Burke's working late. Yeah. (thunder rumbling as guns fire) Let's get out of here. No! (groans) It's Harry Barton. Don't he ride with the Hayes brothers, Matthew? Yeah. I got one of them, Marshal... The one with the money. They got close to $20,000. Festus, look after him, will you? Matt, I think I shot one. He went into Hank's stables. ♪♪ ♪♪ All right, come on out of there with your hands up. I'm not going to tell you again. (groaning, mumbling) Clyde Hayes. All right, let's get him up to Doc's quick. (continues mumbling) (thunder rumbling) ♪♪ (thunder crashes) Amy, I'm all right. Here. Sit down here. Harry, Clyde and the fancy one ran out on me. How bad is it? Went clear through. Oh, Luke, what have you done? Harry was killed. (groans) Who else? Nobody. Nobody else. Amy, I'm in the clear. - This is all ours. - No. No more want for food for the kids, no more... - No, Luke. - Don't tell me no. No more want in this house. There's enough here to ready up the place and make it pay, enough to carry us if it don't pay, and no one to know the better. (thunder rumbling) Who was it that shot Burke? Was it your brother? I done it. Who else was there? (quietly): Wasn't no one. We got Harry Barton. Now, who else was with you? Billy Judd. Who's Billy Judd? I don't know. All right, who else? Who was it got the money? It was Luke. Luke Todd. Luke? Luke? What is it? What good will it do us? We can't use the money. How would we explain it? I've got it all figured out. Your aunt in Saint Louis. What about her? She's going to make us a loan. Not a big one; just a little one now and then. Amy, we're free. Free from wanting. Free from worrying ever again. (hoofbeats approaching) See who it is. Luke, it's starting all over again. See who it is! (knocking) (thunder rumbling) Who is it? DILLON: It's Matt Dillon, Amy. Well, Marshal, come in. Thank you. What-what brings you out so late? Amy, is Luke around? Luke? Uh, well, no. He, uh... he left early this evening to see some friends. Is something wrong? Afraid there is. There's been a robbery down at the freight office. A man was shot. What... what's that got to do with Luke? Matt, there's a horse in the barn... pretty well lathered up. Sorry, Amy. - Look around, Thad. - AMY: I don't know what to say. Mama! What's the matter, Marshal? Nothing, nothing. Just, uh... just... just go back to sleep, boys. (hoofbeats outside) Hyah! (gunshots) (thunder crashing) (thunder crashes) Oh, Luke. Luke. Oh, Luke. Luke. The drought's broke. ♪♪ BURKE: Let me through. Let me through. Hey, Marshal. Marshal! Did you get Luke Todd? How'd you know it was Luke Todd? Well, I overheard Doc telling Miss Kitty. - Did you get him? - No, we lost him in the rain. Well, I told you I hit him, Marshal. It should have slowed him down. Look, Burke, we're tired. We've been riding all night long. Look, that money was my responsibility. I'd like to keep up with... We'll keep you posted. That there dinner was a very T-I-inctum-dinctum, wasn't it, Doc? Couldn't agree with you more, Festus. Satisfying. You know, if I had you back with the hill Haggens, I'd take you right by Uncle Bluey's house and get you a swaller of scamper juice just to kind of settle them good vittles, you know. Wait a minute, wait-wait... wait-wait a minute, now. Just a minute. Are you kind of sneaking up on the idea that I might be induced to take you down to the Long Branch and buy you a drink? No, I wasn't thinking nothing like that. Honest, Doc. Well, that's too bad, 'cause that's just what I was fixing to do. Well, uh... I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings. - Hi, Doc. - Howdy. - Well... - Hi. Good morning. - Howdy, Miss Amy. - Amy. Thank you, Ethan. Now, watch Shem. - I'll be back directly. - Yes'm. And you mind your brother, hear? Yes'm. Ethan, let's go down to the stable. Hey, Shem, wait for me! Here you are, Amy. Six shirts, six dollars. Two, four, six. I don't know what I'd do without you, Mr. Jonas. Well, as a matter of fact... There's two dollars to add against what we're owing you. (chuckles) Thank you. I think I'll try some of this material. It'll make into fine shirts. I'm afraid I've got all I can handle, Amy. What? Well, you can see for yourself, I-I'm overstocked. Oh. Oh, yes, of course. I can see. I... Oh, I-I might as well give you my... my grocery list. How are the boys, Amy? They're fine, Mr. Jonas. Just... just fine. That little Shem's getting cuter than a bowl of buttermilk. Well, he's got his share of the devil in him. Well, I think we all were at that age. Ethan's coming on to be a very fine young man, too. Yes, he is. Getting to look more like his pa every day. I'm sorry. Oh, no, it's all right. Um, I-I've got down there a... a pound of coffee. Half pound will do. A pound you need, Amy, a pound you get. ♪♪ Turn around here, will you? Do we have to go to church? Yes. Pa's going to miss church. Well, so have we for the last three weeks. When's Pa coming home? Soon as he finishes the chores he set out to do. How many times I got to tell you? Ethan? Yeah? Pa ain't really doing no chores, is he? He is so. Now, you stay right here, and don't get dirty. Ma. I got the horse hitched, and Shem's ready. ETHAN: You better hurry. We'll be late for church. ♪♪ Ma? Something wrong, Ma? I'm just coming, Ethan. ♪♪ ♪♪ Ethan? Yes'm. This mending's gotta go to Mrs. Carpenter by suppertime. I'll take it. The chicken coop mended? Yes'm. But if that old coon knocks it down one more time to get at them chicks, ain't nothing gonna mend it. New wire is what we need. Well, and some patching for the leaky roof, and some new pipe for the well. The old one's just about rusted through. Ma, we need so many things. What are we going to do? ♪♪ Finest cheroot on the market. Give me four. Four it is. That'll be, uh, 20 cents. There you are. Thank you. JONAS: Amy Todd. Haven't seen you in town for quite some time. Well, I've been kind of busy, I guess. Yes, time has a way of passing by, doesn't it? I-I, uh... I need a few things. JONAS: Yes, I expect you do. Amy, before I get these things together... And, uh, please understand my asking... Could you let me have a little something on your bill? Oh, mind you, I don't mean all of it, but, uh... All right. I'll carry some more. Now, what is it you have to have? Well, I-I got down there, uh... Well, all I really need is, uh, some flour. Flour. And, uh... some... Uh, molasses. Molasses. And a pound... half pound coffee. Half pound of coffee. All right. - Hi, Matt. - Hello, Doc. On my way over to Delmonico's, get a bite to eat. You want to join me? That sounds like a good idea. Come on in. Sit down. Sit down? I didn't say I was tired. I said I was hungry. Well, I'll be with you in a minute. Well, now, is that so danged important that I'm going to just have to stand here and starve to death till you finish it? It's from the Prairie Insurance Company. Oh. You figure on buying some insurance, huh? Well, just make me the beneficiary. Then somebody will come along and make me rich. (chuckles) Don't count on that. You're not going to get off that easy. No, this is the outfit that insured the freight company. Oh. They're getting kind of worried, huh? Don't blame them, having to cough up $20,000. Well, Doc, they've been doing some checking on Luke. They're thinking of offering him an amnesty. Amnesty? Yeah. None of the money's turned up yet, so they figure he hasn't spent any of it. If he's willing to turn it back in, they'll drop the charges. That'd be fine, wouldn't it? Sure would, being Luke and all. Amnesty, though, is that... is that legal? Well, as far as I know, it is, yeah. If they can talk the freight company into it. He just returns the money, they drop the charges. That's all. Yes, sir, that would sure be fine. I can't help thinking about Amy and those two boys. Yeah. Just hope we can get word to Luke in time. Whoa, whoa. (chickens clucking) Afternoon, Mr. Botkin. Ethan. How do, Mr. Botkin? Amy. Ethan, go look to Shem. - Ma... - I got fresh dough rising. See he don't get into it. Pleasant ride out here from town? I reckon. Like to sit a spell? Have a cold drink? Uh, no, thanks, Amy, I... Got to spoil it all now, talking business. I'm, uh, sorry to tell you this, Amy, but I got to have some money on the property. I know. - It's, uh, $600 owing. - Yes. Now, it's already past the due date. Ethan and I are planning to put in a new crop soon as the plowing's done. Who's going to work the crop, Amy? You and the boy, you can't do that... We'll manage. The $600 is two weeks past due, Amy. I've got to have it. Eight years of my life is in this place. I'm sorry. I'm truly very sorry. I'm only the trustee for the people who do business at the bank. I've got to have the money, Amy. Mr. Botkin. You'll have the money. In less than ten days. My aunt in Saint Louis, my Aunt Sarah, I'll borrow it from her. Ten days? I'll write Aunt Sarah this afternoon. Amy. Ethan! Yes'm? Come here. Take the plow horse. - Take this into town. - Yes'm. I want it to go out on the evening stage. Yes'm. You think Aunt Sarah will loan us some money? Hmm? Aunt Sarah... you think she'll loan us some money? I expect. Shem, you want to ride to Dodge with me? - Can I hold the reins? - (chuckling): Yeah. AMY: Ethan? Wait a minute. Go see Mr. Jonas. Tell him I need some flour and some side meat. And another pound of coffee. And get you and Shem some hard candy. - Candy? - Yep. Come on, Ethan. Ethan? Tell Mr. Jonas I'll be in to pay him what we owe... All of it... In about a week or so. Yes'm. Ride careful. Well, let's see now. It's been almost four, five weeks. Nearer six. He's avoided every posse that's gone out since the night he lost himself in that rainstorm. Oh, he's probably down in old Mexico living high on the hog. Don't you believe it. Luke Todd's around here somewhere. That money's still here, right on his farm. Oh, Burke, for heaven's sake. Luke gave up being an outlaw on account of Amy. He went back to it for the same reason. I haven't noticed any change in the way Amy's been living. Her boys still wear the same clothes, and she hasn't had a new dress since I've known her. - Miss Kitty... - Burke. - What? - You owe me for two beers. I know it. Look, Sam, I-I got shot protecting that money. I got a right to my opinion. I'll say this... if that money's not on the farm, Luke will be trying to get it to her one day. Old Burke sure has some pretty definite theories. Why in creation do I let him get me so steamed up? - Did you hear him just now? - We heard. Well, I'll tell you one thing... He's right about Luke's reason for being in on that robbery. Maybe so, but he's wrong about the money being on the farm. Howdy. What can I do for you? Name's Billy Parker, ma'am. Be obliged I can get some of that water for my horse. Help yourself. I've been on this stump head since sunup. Mind the rust in the water. Pipe's about gone. Let it settle before you drink. Split some wood of the like for a meal. You looking for work here? Just enough for a meal or two. Man's hand wouldn't hurt, from the looks of things. Enough needs doing, no denying. Is your man away, Mrs., uh... Todd. And my man is away. No disrespect, ma'am, but... he'd be a fool to stay away too long. You can hold your tongue on that kind of talk. Well, like I said, ma'am, no disrespect. I ain't no dried-up prune needs soaking in sugar water. Yes, ma'am. Guess I get going. Wait a minute. There's some cold meat and stewed greens. You're welcome to some. Thank you, ma'am. Boy, I sure am going to enjoy this meal. After you split some wood. Yes, ma'am. Wood box is right here. Sit down. Place smells of home, it does. I just baked that bread. You know the trouble with fresh-baked bread? - What's that? - There's only two heels. Heels is always my favorite. Ma'am, that looks lickin' good. There's more, and work aplenty for you to earn it. Yes, ma'am. I just got to say it. Just don't seem right. Pretty woman like you all alone. Your man's awful wasteful. I told you I wanted no more of that kind of talk. You don't mean that, do you? Yes, I do. Well, then there will be no more of it. Not till after you tell me where it is. Where what is? The money. I don't know what you're talking about. Don't you? Get out. Not until I get the money. Now, where is it? I don't know. (yells in pain) Where's the money? I told you, I don't know. Your old man's going to regret belting me. (Amy yells in pain) Lady, tell me where the money is. (sobbing): I don't know. I don't know. (gunshot) (gunshot) Mama! Mama! (gunshots) (Amy gasping) ♪♪ Well, I'll say this... It took no small amount of grit for young Ethan to shoot that cowboy. Well, some would say, like father, like son. - What do you mean? - Well, Sam, I... You're wrong about that boy, Burke. He's a... he's a good youngster. You bet he is. Just remarking what some folks might say. DOC: You know, this is the best time of the day, the morning, having coffee here with you, Kitty, just the two of us. Is this the, uh, same old proposal? Same old one. Why don't you get a new one? - Bigmouth. - Who? What's the matter with you? Burke. Why can't people mind their own business? It's been two weeks now, and they're still talking about that shooting at the Todd place. Well, I think it's just as well. Keep people from going out there causing more trouble. Maybe so, but it was a terrible experience for those two boys. It was. I wager Luke Todd didn't figure on anything like that happening. Morning, Amy. Good morning, Barney. Well, it finally came. - It did? - Yes, indeed. Saint Louis postmark it has. Oh, thank heavens. I sure hope it's the good news you've been waiting for. So do I, Barney. So do I. ♪♪ BARNEY: Mr. Harris? BARNEY: George Harris? BARNEY: Was that the one, Amy? (laughing): Yes, it sure was, Barney. (Barney chuckles) Must be nice to have a rich aunt. Well, she isn't exactly rich. But she's a good old soul. And generous to a fault. Too bad she didn't send you something a while back. Well, I never asked her before. But pride only carries a body so far, Barney. - Bye. - Bye. Barney, did she get a letter from her husband? No, no, no, it was from her aunt. And you know what? Sent her a whole bunch of money, too. She did? Mm-hmm. ♪♪ ♪♪ By golly, Matt, it's sure peaceful. Yep. Too bad every day can't be like Sunday, isn't it? Yeah. Shame it can't last. Well, maybe it will, Doc. Not a chance. Oh, what makes you say that? (Festus clucking like a chicken) Like a old hen that's got her tail feathers - caught in the henhouse door. - Who? Nathan Burke, that's who. What about him? What has he been saying? Well, I was just over yonder at Delmonico's having myself a peaceful breakfast... - What'd he say? - And all of a sudden, he comes in and sets hisself down... - What'd he say? - Well, he's... he's a-sayin' that Amy's been spending the money that Luke stole from the freight house down yonder. Oh, Barney over at the post office says she got it from an aunt in Saint Louis. Yeah, well, I hope that's where she got it, Doc. What do you mean, you hope? Well, I got a wire from Kansas City. That freight company's agreed to the amnesty offer. Is that a fact? If all the money's returned. Amnesty? That's right, Amy. The freight company has agreed to drop all charges as long as the money's returned. They have? They're putting out notices to that effect now. Amy, do you know any way that we can get a hold of Luke? No. I've told you from the beginning I... I don't know where he is. Yeah. We gotta find some way to get word to him before he spends that money. I haven't heard from him since that night. You've been snaking around the territory for nigh three months now, Luke. You've been following me? (laughs) Oh, I near caught up with you in Wallow. I know. Now, all of a sudden, you're making a beeline for Dodge. I got tired of running. Take whatever the law gives me. Where's the money, Luke? Half of it's mine. Way things went that night, you got call on none of it. Way things are, I figure I have plenty of call. Killing me won't get you the money. You really believe that amnesty offer? What are you talking about? You mean that ain't why you're heading home? I told you why I'm going back. And I told you I want half of that money. Where is it? Who's offering this amnesty? Well, I reckon maybe you ain't seen them notices the freight company's been putting out. Well, they say that if you're nice and give them back their money, they won't have to put you away. You lying to me? No, I'm not lying to you. And I'm not lying to you when I tell you I want half of that money. You can take the other half and do what you want to with it. Now, come on. Let's go. Get out of here. ♪♪ (grunting) Hold it. I don't want to add killing to it all, Will. Mount up and ride out of here. That's the... that's the best offer I've ever had, Luke. You can't blame me for trying. It's a lot of money. Good-bye, will. Yes, sir. It's a lot of money. ♪♪ ♪♪ You came here for nothing. You'll get killed looking for that money. Amy... Amy, it's me. Luke. It was that or me getting killed by him. Oh, Luke. That's all right, Amy. Don't you see? We can give the money back. No, no, no, no, no, it's not all right. Oh, Luke... Luke, what have I done? What is it, Amy? I spent almost a thousand dollars of this money. Well, looks like it's all there, except for the $960. Well, I'm tired of running, Marshal. You do what you gotta do. You'll have to lock me up, too. I'm as guilty as Luke. It was me spent the money. What's going to happen to Ethan and Shem if you go to jail? I don't know. Aunt Sarah's too old. There's nobody I could ask. Marshal, I'll take what's coming to me, but let Amy go back to the farm. Luke, there's one way out of this that I can think of. How's that? Sell your farm. Luke, I'm not saying it's easy, but as you know, they've offered complete amnesty if all the money's returned. Now, if you can sell your farm for enough to make up the difference, they won't prosecute either of you. Marshal, you think the farm would bring enough? Well, I don't know, Amy. Can find out quick enough. I can ask Mr. Botkin. It's up to you, Luke. We'd appreciate that, Marshal. Good. Well, why don't you two go on back to the farm, and I'll... I'll let you know. Then you're not going to lock me up? No, I'm not going to lock you up. Not much to show after all those years, is it, Marshal? Well, I don't know about that, Luke. You got two fine boys and a mighty fine wife. Yeah. I'll tell you this... I'm going to do a lot better by them. That's a promise. Just see that you keep it. I'm grateful to you, Marshal. DILLON: Bye, Amy. Luke's going free is your doing. We know that. Well, I'm sorry it took selling the farm to do it. We're not. We got us a new start. We'll do it in a new place. DILLON: Good luck to you. So long, boys. Bye, Marshal. Bye-bye. ♪♪
Behind the Scenes of The Returning
As Luke arrives back at his cabin and his wife attends to his wound, a noticeable shadow from the boom mic shifts across the wall behind them.
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Do you appreciate timeless yet sophisticated television shows? Gunsmoke might be your cup of tea. Whether you’re watching solo or with cherished company, this CBS network series, which spanned 20 seasons from 1955 to 1975, promises to dispel any traces of boredom. The Returning marks the 22nd episode of Season 12.
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