rich man, poor man
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Rich Man Poor Man Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #32

Claude Miller, perennially unsuccessful, experiences a sudden reversal of fortune when he strikes a lucrative silver vein. Motivated by a desire for revenge against those who once mocked him, Claude uses his newfound wealth to pay off the mortgages of his former tormentors. However, his plans for vengeance are thwarted by his corrupt deputy partner. The ensemble includes Florence Sundstrom portraying Daisy, J. Pat O’Malley as Clancy, Jay Lanin in the role of Slauson, Ken Mayer as Tarbosh, and Ken Drake portraying Claude. Originally aired on May 12, 1963, Rich Man, Poor Man was written by Richard P. McDonagh and Barbara and Milton Merlin, based on a story by Arnold Belgard and Robert Fresco.

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Main Cast

Rich Man, Poor Man, the thirty-second episode of Bonanza’s fourth season, featured some of the program’s recurring and supporting cast members. The cast of the episode includes the following:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright (credit only)
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • John Fiedler as Claude Miller
  • Florence Sundstrom as Daisy Slade (as Flo Sundstrom)
  • J. Pat O’Malley as Clancy
  • Jay Lanin as Deputy William Slauson
  • Ken Mayer as Tarbosh
  • Ken Drake as Clem Wilson
  • Phil Chambers as Assay Clerk
  • Clegg Hoyt as George Thompson
  • Bill Hickman as Harvey
  • John Barton as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Bose as Carriage Driver (uncredited)
  • John Breen as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Bill Clark as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Charles Fogel as Townsman (uncredited)
  • James Gonzalez as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Martha Manor as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Forbes Murray as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Charles Perry as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Rice as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Rich Man, Poor Man

After Claude Miller loses his job, his girlfriend and Little Joe conspire to restore his self-esteem by purchasing his seemingly worthless land.

When he enlists his brother Hoss to buy additional mining claims, the previous owners sabotage the area, inadvertently uncovering a massive silver deposit akin to the Comstock Lode. However, newfound wealth attracts others who are eager to capitalize on the opportunity.

Full Script and Dialogue of this Episode

- Morning, Daisy!
- Morning, Daisy!

How you doing, Charlie?

Hey, hi, Claude!

Oh, Little... Oh!


You see what Christian
charity'll get you.

I never should've let Daisy
talk me into hiring Claude Miller.

Oh, come on, now, I know, Clem.

I hired him once, too, you know.

The day I hired him, he
locked up for me at closing time,

and left the spigot running
on the molasses barrel.

I know, he's got two left feet.


Put that down and start
loading the Cartwright's supplies.

Uh, yes, sir, Mr. Wilson.

I-I'm sorry... I-I mean, uh,

right away, sir.

Morning, Mr. Cartwright.

- Hello, Little Joe.
- Hello, Daisy.

Good morning, Daisy.

You look pretty as a
peach tree in the rain.

Hey, Claude, let me give
you a hand with those.

No, I can handle 'em.

- Good morning, Daisy.
- Good morning.

Be with you in a minute.

Seems to be getting
along pretty well at his job,

- don't you think?
- Mm-hmm.

Now, don't go, Daisy.
This is the last of the load...

Whoa! Hold on!

Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Whoa!

Whoa, boy.

I don't know how it could've
happened, Mr. Wilson.

Well, I do... and it's the
last time it's gonna happen.

Now, take off that apron and
get out of here. You're fired!

But you can take
it out of my pay.

What pay? With all the
damages you've caused me,

I don't owe you a cent.

I-It's really all my fault.

He was only trying
to be nice, and...

Poor dear.

Oh, I have your favorite on
the special today, Mr. Cartwright.

Uh, ribs and cabbage.

And the coffee's fresh.


It'll give us a chance to talk.

Um, I, uh, I had a favor to
ask of you, Mr. Cartwright.

I'll go get the things ready!

That Daisy's a
wonderful woman, but...

I'd do her a favor
if I could, but...

I'm a coward.

Last time I had
that Claude Miller

out at the Ponderosa,
he caused a stampede.

Yeah, Pa, but that
wasn't his fault.

He was just excited
about getting that job.

He got all excited
and yelled "yippee!"

And that one "yippee"
cost me ten head of cattle.

Joe, I know how you feel,

but I cannot have that
man out on the Ponderosa!

I can't afford him.


- Hi, Daisy.
- Hi. Sit down, Little Joe.

All righty.

Isn't your pa coming?

Uh, n-no, no. F-Fact
of the matter is, Daisy,

that, uh, he's-he's talking
to Thompson about a mare,

shoeing a mare, yeah.

You never were any
good at telling fibs.

Your pa isn't coming 'cause
he was afraid I'd ask him

to give Claude
another job, isn't that it?

Yeah, but the mare did
throw a shoe, honest.

Well, now, Little Joe,
to get to that favor

I was gonna ask your pa...

Oh, uh, let me get
you a cup of coffee first.

Daisy, I wouldn't worry
too much about Claude.

He's gonna find
something else to do.

Oh, I know.

But the poor dear,

he's had so many
little setbacks lately.

You know, he's
looking awful peaked.

I don't think he's
getting enough to eat.

You know, Little
Joe, you and me,

we're just about the only
two people in the world

who know what
Claude's really like.

Well, I know a lot of men
that can handle themselves

better than Claude, but...
to be real honest with you,

I don't think I know anybody

who's better on
the inside than he is.

Yeah, but you and
me, we're just about

the only two
friends he's got left.

What about those two
miners up in Box Canyon?

They're friends
of his, aren't they?

Clancy and Tarbosh? Those
worthless good-for-nothings?

Why, they're not a good
influence for Claude.

They're too much like him.

Well, no, that's
not what I mean.

What you mean is, they're
not getting anywhere.

I know the only thing
I've ever seen them

pull out of those
diggings are weeds.

Well, some people are no
good working for other people.

Now, I think if Claude had
a chance to be on his own,

to be his own boss, why, it
would make a new man of him.

And that's where you come in.

Me? How?

Well, now, the only thing in
the world that Claude owns

is that land that fast-talking
salesman sold him.

- You know, up near Box Canyon?
- Yeah.

And I want you
to buy it from him.


What the... That cactus patch?

- That-that worthless...
- I know it's worthless.

But that's why
you got to buy it.

Aw, come on, Daisy,
give me a break.

- I want to help Claude...
- With my savings, $600.


Daisy, honey, that whole piece
of land isn't worth six dollars!

Well, $600 will
give Claude a stake

and make him
feel like a new man,

and then we can get married.

Has he asked you yet?

Well, how can he?
He's always broke.

Oh, Daisy, I'd like to help you.

I wouldn't even know
how to go about...

Oh, now, Little
Joe, you've got to.

He won't take it from me.

He's got pride.

Well, think about
it, $600 for that...

Aw, Little Joe, I love Claude.

And he's worth an awful
lot more than $600 to me.

I've got my heart
set on something,

and this is the only way
I know about getting it.

Now, you got to
promise me one thing...

You won't tell a living soul
where that money came from,

not even your father.

Daisy, me darling...

you're a nut, but
you're a wonderful nut.

And don't you worry, I won't
say a word about it to Pa.


- Hey, Pa?
- Oh, good, I was just looking for you.

- You ready to leave?
- Yeah, well,

there's a favor I
wanted to ask you.

Now, does this have anything
to do with Daisy's favor?

Well, I just wanted to know

if I could stay in
town for a little while.

- Mm-hmm.
- Uh, just a little while.

Then I'll go borrow a
horse from Thompson.

Well, it better
be a little while.

- We got to get all that hay in tomorrow.
- Thanks, Pa.

Oh, just a minute, I want
to point something out

about your friend, Claude.

Do you remember what
I used to say to you fellas

when you were little?

Unless you learn to
stand on your own two feet,

you're gonna keep
falling on your face.

I think you're absolutely right.

Look, all Daisy
and I are trying to do

is just prop Claude
up a little, that's all.

I just don't
understand you boys.

Why do you always
pick up lost causes?

I guess it's heredity.

Oh, get anything else
for you, Mr. Slauson?

No, thank you, Miss
Daisy. That was right fine.

Oh, thank you. Good night.

Good night.

Oh, that's the new deputy
the sheriff took on last week.

I feel terrible about you
having to wait around

like this, Little Joe.

I can't imagine
where Claude got to.

Well, he had a
pretty rough morning.

He'll be back.

Oh, you got a move...
Uh, red ten on black jack.

Oh, here he is now.

Oh, it's you.

Clancy, what have
you done with Claude?

Oh, nothing, Miss Daisy...
We just brung him back.

But, you know, he won't come in

till he finds out if
you're mad at him.

Oh, of course not!

Claude, you come on in here.

- Howdy, Miss Daisy.
- Howdy.

Oh, hello, Little Joe.



Come on in.

I'm sorry, Daisy.

Claude, I'll bet you haven't
had a thing to eat all day.

How about a nice piece of fruit?

You know where we
found him, ma'am?

He was out to his shack,
and he was packing

and getting ready
to head for the hills.

That's right,
heading for the hills.

Oh, Claude!

Hey, you weren't gonna
leave Daisy, were you, Claude?

Oh, no, no, of course not.

I... well, I was just
thinking, well, uh,

after losing my job and all...

You know, I told
him, I said, "Claude,

you've been in a lot
worse messes than this."

You know, Little Joe,
when Tarbosh and me

picked up this little
fella the first time,

when we was coming out West,
you know where we found him?

- No, where?
- Smack-dab in the middle of nowhere.

The Indians had
burned all the wagons

and scattered the
rest of the party,

and him... him,
they just left there.

They wouldn't even scalp him!

That's right. Didn't
even scalp him!

Thanks a lot, fellas, for
bringing him down here.

Hey, Claude, sit down here.

Sit down. I been
waiting to talk to you.

I'm real sorry about busting
them lanterns, Little Joe.

I... I don't have the change
on me now, but I'll make it good.

I promise you.

Gives me a good idea.

We'll just make
that part of the deal.


Yeah. You see, uh...

You see, I'm very, very
interested in buying your land.

- What?!
- Oh...

Now, wait a minute, look, now,

business is business,
right, Claude?

All right. Now, I'm
gonna offer you $600

for the property, and
not a penny more.


Oh, I couldn't let
you do that, Little Joe.

Why... why, it
wouldn't be honest.

Well, you're not doubting
Little Joe's honesty?

Now, wait a minute, Miss
Daisy, let me handle this.

Little Joe, are you
playing straight?


- Straight.
- Straight.

He means it.

Better accept his offer

before he changes
his mind, Claude.

Deal, Claude?

But $600! Why, that's cheating!

And... and you're my friend.

Claude, do it for a friend.

Well, uh... Uh, what
do you think, Daisy?

You know what this is
gonna mean for us, Daisy?

I-I think I do, Claude.

And I think you're very lucky

to have such a good
friend as Little Joe.

You still got my deed
you're keepin' for me?

I'll get it right away.

Hey... I got $600.

Uh, w-well, what's
the matter, Clancy?

Well, uh, nothing, Claude.

It isn't that I'm insensitive
to your good fortune.

I mean, it means
nothing for myself,

as far as I'm... you understand,

but Tarbosh...

he was wondering
what it would feel like

just to touch that much money.

Well, yeah, yeah,
all at one time.

Would you mind, Claude?

Sure, go ahead,
touch it. It's only money.

Well, what's the
matter with you?

You scared or something?

Yeah, don't, don't feel
anything like I thought it would.

You know, I broke my neck
diggin' for the last ten years,

and I don't think
in all that time

I've taken out half
as much as this.

And now...

I have it in the
palm of my hand.

All in one lump.

Well, congratulations, Claude.

Come on, Tarbosh, we
better get back to Box Canyon.

We can start diggin'
again tomorrow.

Oh, wait.

You're not leaving
on an empty stomach.

Not when I just come into $600.

Oh, Daisy...

I'm starved. How
about shootin' the works

for me and my friends here.

Well, of course, Claude,
but business before pleasure.

Here's your deed.

There you are, Little
Joe. All proper and legal.

Sounds good.

Now, boys, what
about that party?

It's all on me. Steak,
champagne, anything you want.

Besides, you fellas haven't
had a decent meal in months.

Now wait a minute.

I don't know about that, Claude.

Maybe Tarbosh and
I don't go in for that

fancy steak and champagne
stuff, but at least we eat regular.

Yeah, that's right.

What's got into you fellas, huh?

Here I am wanting to celebrate.

I mean, I give a little
party for my friends,

and you two go and get sore.

Ah, fine friend you are.

Treating us like charity cases.

Well, who do you
think you are, anyway?

You of all people.

Something even the
Indians didn't even want,

- wouldn't even scalp...
- Yeah, wouldn't even scalp.

Come on, Tarbosh,
let's get out of here.

I'm sorry.

Come on, Claude, you got
nothing to be sorry about.

They're just envious
of you, Claude.

No, it's my fault and I
don't blame 'em either.

Little Joe, I want
you to do me a favor.

I've heard that before.

I want you to buy up
those mining claims of theirs

in Box Canyon.



I want to share my
fortune with my friends.

Now, let's see...
at $200 a piece,

that makes it equal all around.

Yeah, but, Claude...

If you won't do this for me,

then our deal's off, Little Joe,

and you can have
your money back.

Guess you better do
as he says, Little Joe.

Claude has such
a generous nature.

Claude, oh...

Now, mind you, I ain't concerned
with what you done last night,

it's what you didn't
do this morning.

I had to get up a whole
hour early just to do

my chores and
yours. And I might add

- that Pa's fit to be tied.
- How are your eggs, Hoss?

- Good, real good.
- Yeah.

- Can I get ya a third helpin', Hoss?
- No thank you, ma'am.

This is my second breakfast
this morning already, anyhow.

Better than the first one,
too. Don't you tell Hop Sing

I said that, ya hear?

Pa sent me to fetch ya,
and that's what I'm gonna do.

Fine, I come peaceable.

Just we got to stop off and...

buy a couple of mining
claims in Box Canyon.

We got to what?

Well, not we exactly... you.

Yes, it wouldn't look right

if I did it 'cause I just

got done buying Claude
Miller's place yesterday.

Joe, Pa's right.

You're plumb out of your mind.

Finish your eggs,
they're gonna get cold.

I don't want no more
eggs. I ain't got no appetite.

Well, all right, listen.
Here's where you come in.

Joe, this is where I get out.

Joe, this Claude Miller
he's done addled your brains.

What're you doing hanging
around with a no-account

little guy like him for anyhow?

Look who's talkin'.

A big softy who
picks up every stray

from Virginia City
to the Klondike.

Don't change the subject.

Now, come on, let's get going.

All right, all right.

Of course I'd hate
to have to tell Pa

what happened to that $100 bonus

you got for cutting
timber last time.

How'd you know about that?

You know Pa thinks
that money's in the bank.

I guess I'm the only one who
does know where it really is...

in the hip pocket of
that funny little man

with the gold-makin' machine.

Uh, Joe... Hmm?

Exactly where abouts
are these mining claims

that you want to go look at?

You wanna buy what?

You know, if you
Cartwrights keep this up,

you're gonna land
in the loony bin.

Well, I'll tell ya,
Clancy, It's just that I...

well I sorta gotta hankerin'
to buy this end of Box Canyon,

that's all.


Why? Because it's...

I don't know. It's just sorta...

well, it's gotta...
looks like a...

look's like exactly
what it is, don't it?

A piece of junk.

- Junk?
- Junk? Junk, he says.

If it's junk you're after,
you ought to take a look

at what your little
brother bought yesterday.

Yeah, it ain't worth
a hill of beans.

Nothing but cactus and sand.

Yeah, well, I tell ya,
you talked me into it.

I'll give ya $200
a piece for it.

Only 200?

Your brother paid Claude
Miller 600 for his place.

Well, I'll tell
you what. I'll...

That's my last offer.
You can take it or leave it.

Well, now...

It isn't worth it,
but we'll take it.

You know, now it's
mine it feels better.

Oh, uh, Hoss.

Ain't ya gonna need
the deed to them claims?

Yeah, ain't ya gonna need
the deed to them claims?

Dad-burnit, if I don't at that.

Well, I got 'em
here... in a safe place.


Hoss, where you been? I
been lookin' all over for ya.

Oh, I been around.

Buying up some
mining claims and such.

You mean you fellas finally
sold your mining claims?

Claude, there's one
born every minute.

We got us a Cartwright
just like you did yesterday.

I hope you're
satisfied, little brother.



Uh, Clancy, what
about these here tools?

Tools? Who cares about
tools at a time like this?

Throw 'em away.

It's all right, Claude.

What are we gonna
do about this dynamite?

Dynamite. I think
we better bury it.


Now, wait a minute.

Don't bury it. I've
got a better idea.

Let's show the rest of the world

what we really think
of this stinking, uh...

this garden of Eden.

Follow me.


I wonder what
Claude dropped now?

Ah, we raised,
sure raised a ruckus,

didn't we boys?

I give...

Tarbosh... Claude...
do you see what I see?

Would you look?

- We found it!
- Whoo!

Found what?


Well, a lot depends on
the width of your vein,

of course.

Hard to tell proper
from just one chunk.

One? There's dozens
of 'em out there.

That's right. There are
dozens of 'em out there.

There are some of
them too big to carry.

Then if this assays out
the way I think it should,

you boys got a strike
pretty near as big

as the Comstock load.

C-C-Comstock load.

We're rich.

We're rich, we're rich!

Two rich men.

We're rich. We blew up the...

Tarbosh, what's
the matter with ya?

C-Clancy, we don't own
that property no more.


We done sold them claims to him.

T-T-To him.

Why you swindlin'

son of a stuffed money.

Why I'll drive your feet
up behind your ears,

ya big baboon.

Oh, a big left, and an uppercut,

but I just can't
seem to reach...

Clancy, Clancy, stop it.

Uh, where are ya?

It wasn't him. It was me.

Hoss just made the
deal. I bought the mine.

You? You? Why you sneakin',

double-crossin' little weasel.

I'll strangle ya!

And you know why... Clancy.

You know why he bought it?

So he could share his
good fortune with two friends

who wouldn't even sit down
and have dinner with him.

Not that I blamed you for it.

I understood. I mean,
you're pride and all.

The only way I could think of
to share my money with you

was to buy your claims,

but I could never run a thing
as big as this all by myself.

Oh, you know I'll
cut you in, fellas.

After all, I'm the owner.

I mean, I own it all.

I own it all.

Daisy, we're rich.

- Wha...?
- I love you.

Will you marry me?

Oh, Claude.

But first we'll have to
measure the streets.

- Measure the streets?
- For what?

For a red carpet for my
queen on our wedding day.


Well, good morning, Miss Daisy.

- Oh, good morning, Mr. Cartwright.
- How are you?

- Hello, Little Joe.
- Well, I must have missed a day, Daisy,

you look like Sunday.

That's just how I feel.

Claude's coming back today.

Coming back?

Yeah, I didn't know the
silver baron was out of town.

Oh, yes, he went
down to San Francisco,

ordering machinery
and Lord knows what all.

Oh, well, Daisy, I've
sort of been expecting

an invitation for the big event.

Oh, we haven't set the date
yet, Claude being so busy.

He took Clancy and
Tarbosh with him.

Well, don't put that
date off too long.

We haven't had a good party
here since last Saturday night.


Oh, my gracious.

Excuse me.

And the meek shall
inherit the earth.

Is that Claude Miller?

- Daisy.
- Claude.

Oh, hello, Mr. Cartwright.

Uh, say, send me that bill
for ten head of cattle, will you?

And, oh, uh, Ben, if
you ever need anything

in the way of money, call on me.


Everybody ridiculing him.

Wish people wouldn't do that.

Well, I guess the
harder they laugh at him,

the, the more they forget
their own foolishness.

Well, Daisy'll take
good care of him.

We'd better get back.

Got a lot of work
to do at the ranch,

and you've got to help Adam

in Carson City
with those yearlings.


It didn't get ripped
at all, Claude.

All it needs is a good brushing.

- Mr. Miller.
- Hmm?

Oh, thank you, thank you.

Uh, just a minute.

A little something
for your trouble.

No, no, no trouble at all.

My pleasure.


Guess they're
still laughing at me.

You know, you
don't have to put up

with that sort of thing
anymore, Mr. Miller.

You can buy 'em and sell 'em.



You're next on
my list, Thompson.

Why, you little worm.

I'll break you in two.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Slauson.

I won't forget that.

Uh, say, uh, how much does
the sheriff pay you a day?

Two dollars a day and meals.

I'll give you five if you
come to work for me.

Naturally I'd expect you
to protect my interests, and,

and there would be
some paperwork, so, uh,

so let's make it six dollars.

How does that strike you?

You're the boss, Mr. Miller.


Hey... hey, Clem, what in
thunder is going on around here?

Your little friend
Mr. Miller bought up

all the mortgages from
the bank, that's what.

Why, that little son of a gun.

Mr. Miller, I hate to bother
you with these small details,

but I need your
signature on these papers.

Oh, of course, of course.

Uh, it's nothing that
needs reading, Mr. Miller,

it's just invoices for
that new equipment.

Oh, oh, well,
i-if that's all, yes.

Clem, better get
those supplies ready.

Pa needs that
coal oil in a hurry.

Right away.

Uh, there's one
more, Mr. Miller.

Hmm? Oh.

Little Joe, Little Joe, where
you been keeping yourself?

- Hey, Claude, how you doing?
- Fine.

Well, I haven't seen
you in a long time.

I didn't know you had
such a head for business.

You made a lot of changes
around here, lot of changes.

Well, I guess I have
branched out some.

Uh-huh, I'll say.

Hey, do you mind?

Go ahead.

Thank you.


Hey, what about the mine?

Doesn't that keep
you pretty busy?

The mine?

Oh, oh, yes, the mine.

Oh, silver pouring
out just like I figured.

Thousands of dollars
a day, or is it a week?

Well, uh, well, Slauson's
got the exact figures.

- Slauson?
- Mm-hmm,

he's working for me now.

It's more than I can
handle by myself.

I see.

Hey, what about you and Daisy?

You set the date yet?


Uh, well, no, not yet.

We, uh... Well, I
got to be going.

Lots of things to attend to.

Good to see you, Little Joe.

Good to see you, Claude.


You, Claude Miller.

Oh, something I can
do for you, Harvey?

Do for me?

You've done it,
you've ruined me.

You've got my home,
my farm, everything.

Everything except this.

One dollar.

Now, you get down
and you pick that up.

You put it in your pocket

so you'll have everything
I got before I kill you.

He's... Harvey's dead.

You killed him.

He pulled a gun
on Mr. Miller here.

But... h-he didn't know
what he was doing.

He'd been drinking.

He pulled a gun.

He wouldn't have used it.

How do you know that?

Well, I guess you're right.

I don't.

Mr. Miller, I just
saved your life.

Daisy, I came as soon
as I got your message.

Oh, Little Joe,

he killed him, that Slauson.

I know, Daisy, I heard.

There, there now.

Come on, sit over here.

But it wasn't his fault.

Claude wouldn't knowingly
hurt a gnat, you know that.

Well, I thought I knew that,
Daisy, but now I'm not so sure.

Big man now with a lot of power.

I think I have a
mind to tell him

where that $600 came
from that started all this.

Little Joe, if you
do that, why, I-I'll...

You mean, after all this
you still love the guy?

Yes, Little Joe,
I still love him.

I just wish there was
something we could do.

Daisy, why don't
you run out on him?

Come out to the ranch,
spend some time there,

maybe he'll come to his senses.

Oh, I couldn't do that.

Why, if I left Claude now, why,

that Slauson... He-he'd
gobble him up whole.

Don't you think he's
done that already?

Oh, uh, Daisy... Little Joe,

what are you doing back in town?

I heard about Harvey.


Terrible, wasn't it?

Imagine, nice quiet
fella like Harvey

going clean out of
his mind like that.

Why, he was gonna shoot me.

Claude, you don't really
believe that, do you?

If it hadn't been for
Slauson, he might have.


Why, Claude, don't you
see what he's done to you?

Well, he saved my life,

and he's been very helpful.

Well, Clancy, Tarbosh,

what are you doing back here?

"Clancy, Tarbosh, what
are you doing back here?"

"Clancy, Tarbosh,

what are you doing back here?"

Would you listen to him?

Without shame and
with the smile of Satan

on his sweet,
little, innocent face.

Yeah, that's right.

Ever hear of such perfidy in
the sinful history of mankind?

You know, if he just come
right out and cut our throats,

I'd have some respect for him,

but no, with
prevaricating guile,

he defrauds his benefactors,

then he leaves them to die
way out at the end of nowhere.

But what did I do, Clancy?

What did you do?

Why, you
black-hearted, two-faced,

faithless ghost of a
bug, I'll squash you like...

Hey, Clancy, wait a
minute, wait a minute.

What's this all about now?

Oh, you heard him
yourself, Little Joe.

After stealing Box
Canyon from us,

he said he'd cut us in.

Well, he cut us in, all right.

He cut us in little pieces.

Yeah, right in little pieces,

and then he left
us in San Francisco

and didn't send us the money
like he promised he would.

- Now what's that?
- Uh, Mr. Miller?

I'll take care of this.

Oh, an just who are you to butt
in on a discussion with friends?

I mean, with former friends?

Mr. Slauson works for me.

Oh, he does, does he?

Well, in that case,
he works for us, too.

You see, we happen to be
his partners in Box Canyon.

You have signed papers?

Signed papers?

Well, we got Claude's word or...

Is that a little more of
your prevaricating guile?


Well, you wouldn't understand.

This is business.

Oh, of course, I expect
to take care of you boys.

Uh, Slauson, make a note.

Remind me to arrange
for a regular stipend...


A stipend?

Why you withering
scum of a beetle...

All right, all right,
what's the use, Clancy?

All right, come on, Tarbosh.

Let's get out of here.

You know what you are?

You're contaminated.

That's what you
are, contaminated.

Now I know why the Indians
wouldn't even bother with you.

Claude, how can you do that?

Those men are your friends.

I thought I'd seen everything.

There, there, you see?

Now you're picking on me.

I'll thank you, Little Joe,
to mind your own affairs.

All right, Little
Joe, I'm ready.

Wh-Where are you going, Daisy?

She's going with me,
and that's my affair.

Now, Daisy... Daisy,
you can't do this.

Well, well, I'll show them.

And incidentally, Slauson,

I got a couple things
to take up with you.

Such as?

What did Harvey mean
about me ruining him?

All we did was lend
him enough money

so he could pay
off his mortgage.

That's right... at 30% interest.


I never did.

Why, that's crooked.

You signed the papers.

I did?

You signed a lot of papers.

Including power
of attorney for me.

Power of attorney?

Why, you can't do that, Slauson.

I already have.

You're working for me!

I own the mine!

Did you really think
I was gonna work

for six dollars a day and meals?

That power of attorney,
that doesn't mean a thing.

I think it does.

And this is gonna
make sure it does.

- 30% interest on all...
- Now, that thing with...

Hold it, hold it.

Hold it, hold it!

Now, you,

how did Claude Miller get
to own a rich silver mine?

Well, that's a
long, involved story.

I'm in no mood
for involved stories.

Did Claude Miller buy that mine?

If so, with what?

Actually, Hoss bought it.

You bought it?

Yes, sir, I bought it
from Clancy and Tarbosh.

Actually, Mr. Cartwright,

Hoss bought it from
them for Claude.

That's right, for $400.


Now, where did
Claude Miller get $400?

Uh, from me.

You gave Claude Miller $400?

- No.
- No, Pa, not exactly.

Little Joe gave him $600.


Why and for what?

Uh, well, for that
piece of land, uh...

Pa, that's it!

- That's what?
- Daisy, that's it.

That piece of land
in Box Canyon,

what if they couldn't get at it?

What if they couldn't
get at what and who?

Pa, I'm gonna make
Claude Miller regret

he ever sold me that
land in Box Canyon.

Get your hat, Miller.

We're going out to Box Canyon.

I think I'll stay here,
if you don't mind.

I've got some business
I'd like to attend to.

The only business you've
got is out at Box Canyon.

And there won't be any business

if they finish that
fence they've started.

Who-who's building a fence?

Your friends, the Cartwrights.

Now, come on.

That's it.

- A little tighter.
- Miller,

tell them to tear
down that fence.

Mr. Cartwright, uh, Little Joe,

uh, what are you doing?

Building a fence, Claude.

B-But you can't do that.

Oh, yes we can.

I bought this property from
you for $600, remember?

Oh, that's right, uh, he did.

I forgot all about that.

You know what this means.

This is the only
access to those mines.

You can't get that ore
out of there any other way,

so buy it back from him.

Mr. Cartwright, um, if I
can't get that silver out,

well, that'll put me
in an awful squeeze.

Seems to me, Claude,

that you've been
putting quite a few people

in a squeeze lately.

I know, and I'm
very sorry about that,


Uh, there isn't much
I can do about that.

I don't like to disagree
with you, Claude,

but I think there's
something you can do.

First off, you can stop
monkeying around with mortgages.

Cancel the unfair loans.

No more 30%, no
more foreclosures.

Now, if you'll comply

with all these conditions,
Claude, we may...

Now just may, mind you...

Tear down this fence.

Oh, sure, sure, Little Joe.

First thing you do
is get rid of him.

You mean...

Let's get on back to work.

Joe, grab that end down there.

No, no, wait, wait, please.

I have to do it.

Uh, you see, don't
you, Mr. Slauson?

Slauson, you're fired.

Claude, I didn't mean
to be so rough on you.

We didn't want to have
to stomp on you, Claude.

You want to buy
this property back,

you can do it any time.

Oh, no, sir, you
keep it, Little Joe,

just in case I get
out of line again.

All right, I will.

Listen, I think I better go
back in town with you, too.

You mean Slauson?

Well, thanks all
the same, Little Joe,

but I got on my
own two feet at last,

and it's a darn good feeling.

Now I think I'd like
to try and walk a little.


Now that we're alone,
you were saying?

I told you, you're fired.

Well, did you hear me?

Y-You're fired.

You've got a gun.

Pick it up, and say that again.

You're fired.

You heard what he said, Slauson.

Help the lady.

Help her down.


Oh, Claude, I love you.

Behind the Scenes of this Episode

As indicated by its title, the phrase is an English counting game component. It goes: “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief.”

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza offers wholesome entertainment suitable for individual viewing or family gatherings. Rich Man, Poor Man marks the 132nd episode out of 430. NBC produced Bonanza, aired on the network from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning 14 seasons.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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