the good samaritan
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

The Good Samaritan Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #13

Hoss Cartwright plays Cupid in The Good Samaritan, orchestrating a meeting between two lonely hearts: Abigail Hinton, recently widowed, portrayed by Jeanne Cooper, and Wade Tyree, freshly jilted, played by Don Collier. Their union seems promising, but as they tie the knot, Hoss’ good intentions begin to backfire, complicating matters. Noreen DeVita joins the cast as Abby’s daughter, Bonnie. Originally aired on December 23, 1962, this episode, penned by Robert Bloomfield, offers a blend of heartwarming moments and unexpected obstacles.

Dive into the plot for mesmerizing trivia, or enjoy the full episode below.”

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Watch the Full Episode of The Good Samaritan

Watch the Full Episode of The Good Samaritan:

Main Cast

In addition to the primary cast, “The Good Samaritan,” the thirteenth episode of Season 4 of Bonanza showcases a diverse array of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The cast includes:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright (credit only)
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright (credit only)
  • Don Collier as Wade Tyree
  • Jeanne Cooper as Abigail Hinton
  • Noreen DeVita as Bonnie Hinton (as Noreen de Vita)
  • Victor Sen Yung as Hop Sing
  • Roy Engel as Doctor Martin
  • Gene Coogan as Buggy Driver (uncredited)
  • Bob Miles as Sam – Bartender (uncredited)

Full Story Line for The Good Samaritan

Hoss takes it upon himself to assist Wade Tyree by introducing him to Abigail and her daughter, Bonnie, hoping to curb Wade’s drinking habit. Wade swiftly marries Abigail but struggles when circumstances turn unfavorable, resorting to alcohol once again. Hoss steps in, aiding the new family in planting crops.

Facing a drought, Hoss suggests irrigation, leading to Abigail collapsing while tending to the crops. This incident prompts Wade to acknowledge his shortcomings as a husband and father. However, redemption arrives when Abigail discovers she is expecting another child. Both Abigail and Bonnie forgive Wade, heralding the beginning of a renewed family bond.

Full Script and Dialogue of The Good Samaritan


You finally decided
to come home.

I'm sorry I'm late, Pa.

How long does it take a body to
drive to Virginia City and back?

Pa, I hurried, I promise.

Hurried, honest, I did.

Now, just one minute.

Now, what are you
so all-fired busy about?

I ain't busy, Pa, nothing.


Well, did you bring the mail?

Yes, sir, it's out there
on the buckboard.

Did that letter arrive
from Carson City?

Gee, I reckon, Pa,
I-I didn't even look.

What's that?

It's just a little something
I had up in the room.

If you don't mind,
Pa, I got to be going.

Wait a minute,
you just got home.

I got to go see somebody, Pa.

Hoss, may I remind
you, we're shorthanded,

your brothers are away?

I'll be back, I'll
be right back.

"I'll be back, I'll
be right back."

Is it all right if a father knows
where his son is headed,


or is that too much to ask?

No, sir.

First of all, I'm going
over to the Tyree place.

Pa, he's a friend of mine.

- Yes...
- He ain't always been like he is, Pa.

I remember one time
you said, you said,

"I'm proud to have a man like
Wade Tyree for a neighbor."

Yes, that's true, and
we all tried to help him,

and he's in love
with a whiskey bottle.

If that little gal from
back East hadn't jilted him

and married that
other feller... Oh, Hoss,

is that any excuse
for a grown man?

Doesn't that prove
he's a weakling?

Pa, Wade Tyree ain't a weakling.

He was crazy
about that little gal.

He'll get back
on the right road.

Oh, and you're
the Good Samaritan

who's going to help
him out of the ditch.

Pa, I remember one
time, you and me worked

a half a day with
a block and tackle

pulling a maverick
steer out of a ditch.

I figure Wade Tyree is at least
as good as a maverick steer.



Hey, Wade.


Hey, Wade.

Wade... Wade.

You all right?

You're acting mighty leisurely

for a man that's
got so much to do.

How come you ain't out working?

I'm a drunk, Hoss, and
drunks don't have to work.

It's empty and I'm still sober.

Wade, I've been trying
to tell you for months,

that boozing just
ain't gonna get it.

Oh, but you're wrong, Hoss.

It keeps everything
nice and hazy,

and that's just
the way I like it.

Aw, come on.

Probably find you another
gal one of these days,

fall in love, might
even marry her.

No, I'll never make
the same mistake again.

Well... I can't hang
around here all day.

I just thought I'd drop by

and see if you needed
anything from town.

What would I need in town?

Unless maybe you
can find me a greenhorn

that I could sell this
place to for a few dollars.

Stage just came in.

You want to go and check it?

No, I'm not likely to
find that greenhorn.

You won't buy me any booze and
everybody else knows I'm broke.

I might buy you a drink.

You would?

Yeah, sure,

but I ain't gonna go in there
with you looking like that.

You need a shave.

Go on.

Oh, yeah.

Well... I guess I
could shave for a drink.


Let's go over here
to the hotel a minute.

I got some business.

I thought you said we's
going to have a drink.

Will in a minute; first
I got some business.

Come on over
and help me with it.

Well, let's, let's
have a drink first.

We'll get it in a
minute, now, come on.

- Who's that?
- That's a little gal

I met on the
stagecoach this morning.

Now, come on over
and say hello to her.

- Oh, I don't want to...
- Come on, come on.

- Hi, Bonnie.
- Oh, you're back, Mr. Hoss.

Yeah, I told you I would be, and
I brought a good friend of mine.

This here is Wade Tyree.

- Say hello, Wade.
- Hello.

Oh, here comes Mama.

Hey, what's this
all about, Hoss?

Well, nothing to
get excited about.

It's just a lady
and a little girl

I met on the
stagecoach this morning.

Will Jeffries was supposed
to pick them up here.


What kind of a woman would
want to meet that polecat?

Well, I don't know.

But she came all
the way from Illinois.

- Now, shh, shh, shh.
- Illinois...

Mr. Cartwright, I'm so
glad to see you again.

Hi, ma'am, I hope
I wasn't too long.

No, no, I've been
resting in my room.

The trip was more
tiring than I had realized.

Didn't seem to get little
Bonnie down too much.

Mr. Hoss, is that a real Indian?

He sure is.

Come on over here and sit down.

Oh, excuse me, Miss Hinton,
this is a good friend of mine,

an old and dear
friend... Wade Tyree.

Wade, Miss Hinton.

How do you do, Mr. Tyree?

Hello, ma'am.

Mr. Cartwright, didn't
you find Mr. Jeffries?

Well, ma'am, Wade and me
were just talking about Jeffries.

Were you a friend
of Will's, Mr. Tyree?

Uh, me? No, ma'am.

Uh, are you a relative of his?


to tell the truth, I
came out from Illinois

to, to marry him.

Mr. Tyree, do you...?

Mr. Jeffries ain't
in town, ma'am.

Well, then, where is he?

Uh, he...

well, well, he, uh, he
left town last week, uh...

Uh, he, uh...

Well, well, he, he married
a widow with money,

moved to California.

Mommy, how are we going to
marry him if he moved to California?

Hush, hush, hush,
hush, hush, Bonnie.

Uh, Mr. Jeffries ain't a man to
be trusted, ma'am, never was.

But he wrote to me,
I have his letters.

Well, you see, I met him
back in Illinois last year.

We've been
corresponding ever since.

Well, I sold everything we had,

sent him the money
to buy us a little farm.

What are we going to do?

Uh, well, I-I don't know.

Uh, there's a stage leaving
for back east tomorrow.

I can't go back.

Even if I had the
money, I can't or I won't.

Well, under the circumstances...

Mr. Tyree, I came from
a small Midwestern town.

Everybody knows everything
about everybody else.

Now, I won't go back there and
be snickered at or clucked over.

Yeah, well, I... certainly
understand, ma'am.

I-I sure am sorry, uh...

Look, there's something
I got to take care of.

I'll, uh, I-I'll see you later.

Uh, excuse me, please.

Bonnie, you take real
good care of your mommy.

I'll be back in a minute, ma'am.


Hardly ain't a time
to be boozing, Wade.

Get away from me, you...

Look, I know what you're
trying to do, and forget it.

Besides that, you
promised me this drink.

Yep, sure did...
if you wanted it.

Well, I want it.

No, you don't,

not when there's
folks in trouble.

Well, they ain't my folks.

Hit me again, Sam.

Wade, don't do it.

Hit me again, Sam.

- Wade...
- Now, look, climb out of my hair, Hoss,

I want to get
drunk all by myself.

You can't afford it, Wade.

Think about that
poor little gal in there.

Hoss, will you go away?

I ain't no nursemaid.

No, no, you ain't.

You're a man, Wade,

and you can't force a man to
do something he don't want to do.

Well, that's for sure.

There's something else for sure.

Those folks have got to
have a roof over their head.

I'm gonna take 'em
out to the Ponderosa.

The least you could do is
give me a little bit of help.

Well, all right.

Promise me you'll drop
me by my place first.

Come on.


Well, here it is...
Wade's place.

Ain't it nice?

Oh, it's nice, Mommy, it's nice.

- Yeah.
- Yes, yes, it is, dear.

Just like I told you, ma'am,

lot of nice families
and big ranchers

have come from
homesteads just like this one.

- Right, Wade?
- Well, plenty of 'em fail, too.

Well, not if they had the
right folks working on 'em.

Uh, hadn't you
ought to get started?

It's getting kind of late.

Probably have one of
the biggest, nicest places

in this whole part
of the country.

I don't know whether
it's what you had pictured

in Illinois or not, but...

Uh, Mr. Cartwright, I do hope

you don't think I'm the sort
of person who would just...

Oh, no, ma'am, no,
ma'am. I just thought

that you might be a little
disappointed or something.

Uh... it's getting kind of late.

Yeah, I reckon we had, Wade.

We'll see you tonight at dinner.

Wade's coming over to the
Ponderosa for dinner tonight.

Uh, uh, I got
things to do, Hoss.

- I...
- Why, Wade,

you mean you don't
want to have dinner

with Miss Abigail
here and little Bonnie?

Oh, no, I didn't
mean that. Uh...

Good. See you at
8:00, Wade. Giddap.

Bye, Mr. Tyree!

Mrs. Hinton, this is
my pa, Ben Cartwright.

Welcome, Mrs. Hinton.

My son and I are very
happy to have you both here.

Well, I do hope this isn't
an imposition, Mr. Cartwright.

Your, uh, your son
assured us it would...

Hoss was perfectly right.

Now, I know you've
had a long journey.

You must be exhausted. Would
you like to rest before dinner?

Well, yes, I am rather
weary; I'm afraid we both are.

Why don't I show
you up to your room.

Uh, Hoss, why don't
you let Hop Sing do that?

- All right.
- This way, missy.

- Fine. Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, what do you
think of 'em, Pa?

Hoss, ever since I can remember,

you've been
bringing home strays.

Ah, if it wasn't a
motherless calf,

it was a stray dog
or a stray cat or a bird

- with a broken wing...
- Well, Pa,

somebody's got
to look after 'em.

Yeah, somebody's
got to look after them,

and it always
turns out to be you.

Well, Pa, it's me only because
I was the one that found 'em.

I found 'em stranded
in town this morning

right at the stage; they
was just fresh off of it.

Will Jeffries was supposed
to have met 'em there.

Will Jeffries?

That woman was coming here
to meet that cheap gambler?

Aw, Pa, she didn't
know nothing about him.

She didn't know what
kind of man he was.

Pa, it'll work out,
it'll be all right,

- I promise you.
- Yeah, yeah.

Oh, Hop Sing.

Hop Sing... a very
special dinner tonight.

- And set places for five.
- Very special dinner.

Five places. Yes, Mr. Hoss.

- Right.
- Wait a minute, Hop Sing.

Two Cartwrights and two
Hintons... that makes four.

Do you have a surprise
waiting for me outside?

Well, uh, as a
matter of fact, Pa, I...

I invited Wade Tyree
to dinner tonight.

You invited Wade Tyree?

Thank you, Hop Sing.

Now, just exactly
what is that individual

going to contribute

- to your little party?
- Now, wait a minute, Pa.

- Wade's sober today.
- Ah?

And besides, I... I think Mrs.
Hinton might kind of like him.

Oh. She's already met him.


And who was it that,
uh, introduced them, you?

Yeah, and they hit it
off, just like that, Pa,

- all three of 'em.
- Yeah, just like that.

- Yeah.
- And now my Good Samaritan friend

is going to have a nice little
dinner party for them all here.

Now, you listen
to me, Hoss... ♪♪

Mama's crying.

You still want me to
turn my back on 'em, Pa?


Hey, Bonnie, I'll bet you
never tasted any ice cream

as good as old Hop
Sing's, have you?

This is scrumptious, Mr. Hoss.

Well, we got a scrumptious cook.

Not scrumptious,
Mr. Hoss... Chinese.

- -HOP SING: More
ice cream, ma'am?


no, I-I couldn't eat
another bite, thank you.

What's the matter with
your appetite, Wade?

Uh, th-that's all
I want. Thanks.

Hey, Pa, you know, for a feller

that's only been
out here five years,

old Wade has put
together a pretty nice place,

hasn't he? Nice herd...

Yes, I-I believe
you did mention that.

Yep. Hey, Wade,

you remember Jack
Hastings' wedding?

He married this little gal...
She was a mail-order bride,

and... oh, excuse
me, Pa. Anyhow,

she cried all night the night of
the dance. Remember, Wade?

Never thought it'd work out.

Fact is, right now they
got one of the nicest places

in the whole country.

Five great, big ol',
healthy, strong sons,

and a big herd of cattle.

They're doing fine.

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Oh, uh, Bonnie?

Uh, why don't you and
I go out in the kitchen

and see if Hop Sing has any
more of that scrumptious ice cream.

All right, Mr. Cartwright.

- Wade...
- Not a word,

not one single word.

Just leave bad enough alone!

All right.

There's the door
over there, Wade.

Why don't you go on out of it?

Go as far as you like;
go all the way back

to New Hampshire if you wanna.

But let me tell you
something, mister,

everybody needs somebody.

You can't blame me
for remembering that

with your bare hands
you cleared 160 acres,

built that house,
the barn, the corral!

That's all in the past!

Means nothing? Then
why didn't you clear out?

Why didn't you go on
back to New Hampshire

when that little gal jilted you?

What are you doing
still sticking around here?

Whiskey don't do its best

unless you got a
home to drink it in!

That's what you want to do,

that's all you want to
make out of your life,

you go right ahead and do it.

But you first of all go out
there and tell that little gal

that I made a real
big bad mistake.

You tell her that you
ain't no good for her.

You go tell her that.



it, uh, sure is a
pretty night, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

The stars seem
so close out here.

I, uh...

I want to apologize for the way
Hoss has been talking me up.

I'm sure he means well.

Oh, yeah, Hoss is a good friend.

Well, he hasn't, uh, he
hasn't told you everything.

Um... well, the truth is...

before you get any
wrong impressions,

well, for the past three months

I've been nothing
but a common drunk.

Mr. Tyree, you don't
have to tell me all this.

Yes, I do.

I, uh... well, the
point is that...

I'm no prize, and...

well, you see, my
homestead, it's no mansion.

It sure gets lonely.

People can get lonely anywhere.


I suppose Hoss told you about...

that girl I had back East
I had my heart set on,

supposed to join me out here.

Well, I was wrong.

Sort of makes us two
of a kind, doesn't it?

Well, that's what
I was thinking.

Mr. Tyree...

exactly what are you
trying to say to me?

Well, uh, I been
thinking that, uh...

maybe you and your
little girl and me...

You mean marriage?


But I don't love you, Mr. Tyree.

Right now there's no love
in my heart for anybody.

Me, neither... but
you, uh, can't go back.

You've never seen
the inside of my cabin.

It's fixed up real
pretty, for a bride.

Well... I don't
know what to say.


mail-order bride
Hoss was talking about

at the dinner table, is...

- is that true?
- Yeah, it sure is.

Out here in this country,

we don't have time
for courtship and such.

I've seen a lot of those
mail-order weddings

that have worked
out pretty good.


You know so many
tricks, Mr. Hoss.

Yes, sir. And I learned every
one of 'em from Hop Sing.

Only Hop Sing do them
all right way, not wrong way.

Let me show you another one.

You take the handkerchief
and you fold it over like a diaper.

Uh... Mr. Cartwright?

Yes, Wade?

Well, uh...

Abigail and me got something
we'd like to tell you and Hoss.

Uh, yes, we're, um...

we're gonna be married.

That's great, Wade!

- You son of a gun! Ha!
- Best wishes to you.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you, sir.

Mr. Tyree, are you
gonna be my daddy?

Uh, it, uh... sure
looks that way, Bonnie.

Hey, Wade, got
something here for you.

Well, I'll be doggone.

Where'd you get this?

I... threw it away
three months ago.

I figured the time would come
when you'd be needing it again,

so I been hanging
on to it for you.


Having troubles?

Oh, Hoss, I'm so
glad to see you.

How are you, Miss Abigail?

Oh, I don't know, it
seems to take me forever.

Well, we'll soon remedy that.

Stand right over there.

Where's that husband of yours?

Well, he went into town

to cash the bank
draft for our cattle.

- Done sold 'em, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

The ones that got
through the winter.

Better than market prices, too.

He sell 'em to that Denver
buyer he was telling me about?

I don't know, Hoss,

I'm afraid I'll never
learn to chop wood.

What's the matter, ma'am?

You worried about making
the change from a city gal

to farm wife?

Oh, you're right, I am worried.

Oh, Hoss, it's a hard country

and it's pretty lonely.

Yeah, it is for everybody
at first though, Abigail.

Couples newly together,
it's even more so.

First, you've got the
discovery of each other,

after a time, you
begin to look for...

a sign, something...

a yardstick to measure
your partnership by.

For us, Wade and me,
there's not much to show.

We lost a lot of
cattle and we...

oh, I don't know, the
whole thing's a mess.

Now, listen here.

Don't you start blaming
yourself for a hard winter.

Wade ain't made no
complaints about you, has he?

Oh, no.

Oh, no, Hoss, Wade's a good man.

He's provided for Bonnie and me.

It's just that...

has taken a lot out
of him. I can see that.

You know what I think?


I think you're just making
worries for yourself.


but I can't forget
something, Hoss.

Marrying me, for Wade that
was like a shotgun wedding,

and no man likes
that feeling, does he?

I reckon not.

You said, he got better than
market price for his cattle.

Now everything can't
be all bad then, can it?

Maybe you're right.

Hoss, how would you
like to have dinner with us

and help us celebrate, huh?

I'd be right proud to, Mrs.
Tyree, if you'll let me earn it.



Hey, hello, Wade. We
been waiting for you.

Hoss is going to have dinner
with us, help us celebrate.

Where's my bottle?

I put it away.

Then get it. I want it.

All right.

Abigail said she thought
you'd come home a rich man.

Oh, shut up, Hoss.

Here, give me that.

Well, I reckon
I'm entitled to that.

That's my whole winter's
pay... a bottle of rotgut.

That Denver buyer gave it to me

to seal the bargain.

Something's wrong,
Wade, what is it?

I gave away my cattle,
that's what's wrong.

I pull them through the
worst winter we've ever had,

through blizzards
and fighting wolves,

and then, then I give them away.

That Denver cattle
buyer swindled you, huh?

There ain't enough money
in the bank to cover that draft.

Oh, Wade.

Well, can you get
the cattle back?

I told you they're gone.
No. we can't get 'em back.

Wait a minute, that's nonsense.

All we got to do is get a
judge and get some papers.

Well, where do you think
I've been all this time?

That Denver buyer sold
the cattle to somebody else

and then skipped town.

Judge says all I can do
is sue him, but you know

how long, and how
much money that'll take.

- Oh, Wade, Wade...
- Wait a minute.

Well, Hoss...

Miss Abigail, it ain't all
that bad. Wait a minute.

Wade, I'll tell
you what I'll do.

I'll stake you
again, and I'll get Pa

to give you some stock.

I don't want your stock.
You've done enough.

In fact, this whole
miserable thing is your fault.

My fault?

Yeah, if you'd left
me alone that day

and let me go out
and get dead drunk

and flat broke, I might have

hired out for $30
a month and found.

No more homesteading,
no more worries.

Instead, thanks to you, I
got a woman and a child

I don't even want,
and can't even feed.

That's about enough, Wade.

He didn't mean
that, Miss Abigail.

I promise you he didn't mean it.

Sometimes when a feller...

gets cheated or
chiseled he... well, he...

he just didn't
mean it, that's all.

Wade... Oh, I don't
want to listen, Hoss.

Six months ago you told
me if I didn't give up drinking,

I'd wind up with nothing.

Well, I did quit drinking
and I still got nothing

except a family I can't support.

And that's exactly why
you ain't gonna to give up.

You know it.

Nothing I do turns out right.

Look, Wade, ranching ain't
the only way to make a living

off the land.

If you'd plant a crop right now,

you'd have it ready
for harvest by the fall.

What kind of crop?


Vegetables? What
kind of vegetables?

Any kind of
vegetables... sweet corn.

Potatoes, tomatoes,
lettuce, cabbage...

anything that you could sell
to the restaurants in town.

Look, look, Wade,

I'll buy the seed for you...

and I'll help you plant it.

Wade, you can't give up now.

Guess I do owe Bonnie
and Abigail something.

All right, Hoss,
I'll take you up.

Nothing else I can do.

Come on.

Hey, Pa.


- Need some help?
- Where have you been?

I've been back over
at the Tyree's place.


Put your weight on that.

Set her down.

Hoss... how long is
this going to go on?

First, you give them the seed
and then you plant the crop.

How long is this gonna go on?

Pa, you yourself told me

that a neighbor was
supposed to help a neighbor.

That's right. What're
you going to do?

You going to harvest
the crop for them, too,

and then sell the crop for them?

I already have, Pa.

I talked to the Silver
Dollar Restaurant in town

to contracting all
his fresh produce.

Pa, I promised him
I'd help him harvest it.

I can't just let him down.

If there's gonna be any harvest.

Well, he's got a good crop, Pa.


we haven't had a
drop of rain hereabouts

in over a month.

Doesn't look as if
we're going to have any.

I've seen dry spells before.

They can be pretty disastrous.

Well, it'll rain.

It's gotta.


Wade... What do you want?

We brought you some water.

Here, take some.



Oh, it's so hot.


It's the worst summer
I've ever seen.

Isn't there a chance of rain?

Look at that sky, there's
not a rain cloud up there,

just that sun beating
down day after day.

I don't think it'll
ever rain again.

Hoss Cartwright says...

I don't care what Hoss says...

crops die without water.

There's nothing
else I can do here.

Let's go back to the house.

Mama, Mama, come look.

Look, Mama.

Ho! Ho.

How about some water?

I got tired of
waiting for the rain,

decided we'd do
a little irrigating.

Too late, Hoss, it won't work.

Ain't got time to
argue with you, Wade.

- Will you tell him, Abigail?
- Wade...

We can't let the crops die.

Come on.

Give me your hand, sweetie.

There we go. Whoopsy daisy.

We'll be out in the corn fields

if you change your mind, Wade.

Giddap, giddap. Hyah.


Thank you, Hoss.


Miss Abigail, why don't
you slow down a little bit?

You're pushing
yourself way too hard.

I can't, Hoss.

Well, that's the end of it.

I reckon I'll have to ride back

to the Ponderosa
and get some more.

And then what?

You know as well as I do, Hoss,

it'll take a rain
to save this crop.

- Now, you listen to me.
- Mama! Mama!

Mama, please!

Mama! Mama, please! Please!

I'll take her to the wagon.

No, don't touch her.

Get away. Don't touch her.

You don't want us. You hate us.

You hate us, and I hate you.

Come on, honey.

Take Miss Abigail
on back to the house.

- I'll go get the doctor.
- Yeah.


Well, the doctor's in
there looking at her now.

He told me to wait out here.

How's Bonnie?

She's asleep now.
I covered her up.

Look, Wade, you're
dead on your feet.

Why don't you get some rest?

You're going to need
it for tomorrow's work.

I'll get the water over here
first thing in the morning.

What for? I don't care
anything about that crop now.

Don't you talk like that.

Dad-gumit, you
got... you got me,

you got anything I got.

Money, my two hands.

You know you can depend on me.

Oh, I've been a
rotten husband, Hoss,

and a worse father.

I gave everything
I had to this place,

and gave them nothing.

That Bonnie... she hates me.

That child just hates me.

That ain't so.

She didn't mean what she said.

She was just riled up.

Little young'un was dog tired.

Well, Doc?

Your wife needs rest,
Tyree, but she's in no danger.

Well, what seems
to be ailing her?

Working out in the sun too long?

That didn't help any.

Anyway, you can go see her now.

Thanks, Doc.

Look... Doc, is there
anything I can do?

Well, I doubt

if Mrs. Tyree will get
the rest she needs here.

Not with that little
girl to take care of.

Yeah. Yeah, I could take
'em out to the Ponderosa.

At least she wouldn't have

to do any housework
or cooking out there.

It's certainly advisable, Hoss.

I'll see you.


You, um, gave us quite a scare.

I'm sorry.

She's, uh, kind of all worn out.

Poor baby.

You know, Abigail, uh, this
is no place for a young kid.

Truth is, I've been thinking.



I'm going to have a child.


Company all bedded
down for the night?

Yeah. Little one's sound asleep.

She's all tuckered out.


What about Abigail?

Sitting up, feeling better.

Wants to talk to Wade.


You know where he is?

Mm. By the barn.

What about his crop?

Oh, I think... I think we could
probably save enough of it

that he could scrape by, maybe.



You know, we'd all
be happy to pitch in,

but, uh... it's his decision.

Yeah, I know, but
it seems like that...

That... Remember what I said.


Wade, Abigail
wants to talk to you.

Oh, good.

Look, I, uh... I want you
to come along with me

and hear what I got to tell her.

What are you going to tell her?

Well, never mind.

Just come on along, will you?

Are you feeling any better?

Uh... Abigail I got
something I want to tell you.

I've got something
I want to tell you.

Well, let me finish.

I want to tell you this

while I got it all
straight in my mind.

And I want Hoss to hear it, too.

Abigail, uh,

well, you, uh, married
the wrong man.

It's as simple as that.

Like I was telling Hoss,
I... I've been a poor husband

and a worse father,

and I don't blame
Bonnie at all for hating me.

Oh, now, come on, Wade.

You know she didn't mean that.

That little gal
doesn't hate you.

Oh, she hates me. She hates me.

I... I'll never win
her trust again.

Sure you will.

You never lost it.

Did he, Abigail?

What else have you
got to tell me, Wade?

Well, I, uh... I know
when I'm licked.

I'll call it quits.

But, Wade, wait.

What about your wife
and... and little Bonnie?

I'm going to send
them back to Illinois.

Well, if that ain't the
dangest fool thing

I ever heard of in my life.

I've got my mind made up.

But I'll, uh... I'll still
need your help, Hoss.

What kind of help?

I'll need a loan of some
money to get 'em back there

and keep 'em going until
I can pay for their support.

You figure that's
the right thing to do?

I mean, with a new little
one coming along, right?

Do I get the money, or don't I?

If that's the way you want it.

That's the only way.

They can... they can go

as soon as Abigail feels like
she's strong enough to travel.

Well, I'll have no part of it.

I'm going to wake up
Bonnie, and we're going home.


What do you mean... the house?

What other home do we have?

Well, Abigail,
there's nothing there.

Crops are dying,

there's no cattle,
there's nothing.

Oh, Wade, all your hopes
and dreams... they're there.

Well, that homestead's as
much mine now as it is yours.

If you choose
to-to leave, then go.

But I'm not
quitting. I'm staying.

I'll get Bonnie.

That's the way to talk, Abigail.

I'll be out there to
help you all I can, too.

Oh, no, you won't,
Hoss Cartwright.

I don't want another favor from
you ever, do you understand?

Abigail, what are
you talking about?

I think you know
what I'm talking about.

You've cut my
husband down to nothing

with your interference,
forcing your help on him.

Forcing it?!

Yes, I said, forcing it.

Well, just remember
this, Hoss Cartwright.

You're not going to do that to
Wade Tyree's wife and children.

We're going to make
that homestead work.

Why, Wade built that house
with his own two hands.

He-he cleared
and plowed our land

without your help, and I...

I guess we can do it, too.

Abigail, I...

Wait a minute.
You let my wife talk.

Yes. He's no
doormat for anybody.

He can stand on his own
two feet. He doesn't need

you or... or anybody else

to-to prop him up.

You're doggone right.

All I need is my
wife and family.

And another thing,
Hoss Cartwright. You...

What did you say?


I said, all I need is
my wife and family.

Oh, Wade, Bonnie loves you.

All she needs is

for you to let her
know that you love her.

Go upstairs and wake her
up, and... we'll go home.

All right.

What's the matter, son?


I just don't understand 'em.


Strange thing about people.

They wouldn't be
much fun any other way.

Rain's coming.

Hoss, it's going to rain.

I had nothing to do with it.

I ain't responsible for this.

Behind the Scenes of The Good Samaritan

As Abigail returns to Hoss’s wagon to refill the water jugs for the second time, the sound of a vehicle or machinery abruptly grows louder, increasing in frequency.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza offers excellent, family-friendly entertainment suitable for both solo viewing and enjoying with loved ones. The Good Samaritan is the 113th episode out of 430. NBC aired Bonanza from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning 14 seasons on their network.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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