the last haircut
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

The Last Haircut Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #04, Episode #19

In the barber’s chair, Carlos Rodriguez, portrayed by Alex Montoya, meets his demise at the hands of impatient customer Duke Miller, played by Perry Lopez. The only potential witness to Duke’s crime is Joe Cartwright, who, unfortunately, was unconscious at the time of the tragedy. Wracked with guilt over Rodriguez’s death, Joe takes it upon himself to accompany Carlos’s son, Paco, portrayed by Raphael Lopez, to his grandparents’ home in Mexico. Upon reaching the town of Juarez, Joe stumbles into another barbershop, where Duke Miller awaits a final confrontation. The Last Haircut, first aired on February 3, 1963, was penned by Charles Lang.

You can delve into the entire episode by watching it below for further details on the plot and some intriguing trivia.

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Watch the Full Episode of The Last Haircut

Watch the Full Episode of The Last Haircut:

Main Cast

Apart from the main cast, “The Last Haircut,” the nineteenth episode of Bonanza Season 4 presents a diverse array of recurring and guest-supporting actors. The cast includes:

  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Perry Lopez as Duke Miller
  • Rex Holman as Otie / Floyd Brennan
  • Jered Barclay as Cal Brennan
  • Chubby Johnson as Sam Sneden
  • John Harmon as Frank Thomas
  • John Archer as Wilson Reed
  • Ray Teal as Sheriff Roy Coffee
  • Alex Montoya as Carlos Rodriguez
  • Rafael López as Paco Rodriguez (as Rafael Lopez)
  • Howard Wendell as Albright
  • Willis Bouchey as Judge
  • Joe Higgins as Waiter
  • Shelby Grant as Waitress
  • Richard Alexander as Trial Spectator (uncredited)
  • Emile Avery as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Frank Baker as Townsman (uncredited)
  • John Bose as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Harry Carter as Trial Spectator (uncredited)
  • Russell Custer as Deputy (uncredited)
  • Betty Endicott as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Joseph Glick as Trial Spectator (uncredited)
  • Herman Hack as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Sam Harris as Juror (uncredited)
  • Al Haskell as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Lars Hensen as Bailiff (uncredited)
  • Stuart Holmes as Deputy (uncredited)
  • Michael Jeffers as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Kenner G. Kemp as Juror (uncredited)
  • Bob LaWandt as Diner Patron (uncredited)
  • Martha Manor as Townswoman (uncredited)
  • Harry Mayo as Juror (uncredited)
  • Lou Nova as Diner Patron (uncredited)
  • Murray Pollack as Juror (uncredited)
  • Tony Regan as Juror (uncredited)
  • John Rice as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Charles Sherlock as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Leslie Sketchley as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Cap Somers as Townsman (uncredited)
  • Norman Stevans as Juror (uncredited)
  • Arthur Tovey as Juror (uncredited)

Full Story Line for The Last Haircut

Three burly individuals storm into a barbershop, where one of them fabricates a reason to end a man’s life. Little Joe witnesses the gruesome act and forms a bond with the victim’s son, Paco. The perpetrator is apprehended and faces trial.

Despite clear eyewitness testimony, a cunning attorney sways the jury to deliver a verdict of “Not Guilty.” Little Joe is incensed by the miscarriage of justice. He teams up with Paco to pursue retribution against the acquitted murderer. Ben offers Joe, counsel on navigating the aftermath of injustice and assisting Paco in forging a new path without his father.

Full Script and Dialogue of The Last Haircut


Hey, where's your
firecrackers, Paco?

Uh, my father...
He will get me some

when he's finished
out of the barbershop.

Well, you may have a long wait

the way that barber's
cutting hair in there.

Barber, tell me something.

You and Jenny Holcombe
went steady for five years.

That's right.


Now, how come, all of
a sudden you decided

you didn't want to
be friends no more?

What-what the devil are
you talking about, Sam?

You hear that, Rodriguez?

He wants to know what
the devil I'm talking about.

Well, what are
you talking about?

Everybody knows Jenny and
me is getting married next week.

That's exactly. What
I am talking about.

My wife and me... We
got along real amiable-like

until we got married.

And then, my, oh, my.

I tell you, Barber, you
just ain't got good sense.

Now, you laugh. You
laugh while you can,

'cause after next week, your
laughing days is over, boy.


Well, I see an awful lot of
laughing, but not much cutting.

Frank, how can you take so
much time cutting so little hair?

Now, don't you
worry, Little Joe.

Your day's
coming a little later.

With this hair? Are you kidding?

- Yes, I am.
- Hey. -What the...

Hey, you kids!

All right, you kids.

Hey, Paco, you're in luck.
Got some firecrackers.

That ought to hold you
till your pops gets out.

- Thank you, Joe.
- Right.

After you, ma'am.


She's a real pretty
gal, ain't she, Duke?

Guess that don't
do Duke no good.

She didn't even
give him a tumble.

Wait a minute, honey.
I want to talk to you.

What are you afraid of?

All I want to do is talk to
you and get acquainted.

Just let me alone!

Let go. Let...

Whoa! Whoa!

Come on, I'll buy you a haircut.

Thanks, Frank. Here.

Oh, uh, you're coming to
the wedding, ain't you, Sheriff?

Yeah, if this old goat here

don't talk you out
of getting married.

- Not a chance.
- Little Joe.

Hey, uh, you're-you're not
gonna let him charge you

full price for that,
are you, Roy?

Will you stop?!

Get on here. Get in here.

Hey, come on, now, don't...

don't cut too much
off, will you, please?

Now, now, you
ain't gonna tell me

how to cut your hair,
are you, Little Joe?

I just want to make sure
my hat still fits, you know.

Uh, be a little wait, boys.

Uh, two ahead of you.

Well, we got lots of time.

Uh, just find yourself a
chair someplace there.

Hey, don't-don't get carried
away with the scissors, Frank.

You in that chair...
Just hold your head...

Would you mind letting
me take your place?

You got to be kidding.

I waited for two hours
to get in this chair.

You're willing
to wait that long,

you ought to be willing
to wait a little while longer.

Uh, like I told you, there's
two ahead of you. Two.

Yeah, I know, but,
uh, I'm in a hurry.

How about it?

Oh, you're gonna wait your turn

just like everybody else.

Go ahead, Frank.

Yeah, but I'm not
like anybody else.

That's good.

This makes the difference.

Better get out of
that chair, mister.

No sense getting killed over

a little thing like a haircut.

Duke here is, um,

touchy about the way he looks.

You don't get out of that chair,

you'll never have
need of a haircut.

Better listen to him, mister.

Like I told you, he's... touchy.

I've seen too many
mean, loco killers in my life

not to recognize
one when I see him.

You shut up, old man.

Better get out of that chair,
Little Joe, before he kills you.


you are getting out of
that little chair, aren't you?

Oh, yeah.

But I'm gonna
remember you, mister.

Why don't you sit
over here... mister?


I'll need a shave.

I would also like
a shave, por favor.

What do you think you're doing?

Carlos, get out of the chair!

No, Joe.

I know what he
wants, but it is not right.

If you want a shave,

you will have to wait
until after I get mine.

Somebody tell him to
get out of that chair...

before I kill him.

Come on, Carlos. This
is no time to be a hero.

Get out of the chair.

No, Joe.

It's all right.

He will wait.

No man would kill for
such a foolish reason.

Por favor, Barber,

get busy with that lather.

Carlos, don't be a fool.



I'm mighty particular
about my hair.

I don't want you to take
too much off the top.

Trim it nice and
neat in the back

and keep the sideburns long.

No sight of them?

Not a thing.

Joe, why don't you come inside?

Have some supper
with Paco and me.

Paco's in there?


He has no relatives
this side of Mexico.

Roy Coffee wrote
to his grandparents.

Until he hears back,

I-I told him I'd take
care of the boy.

Well, how's he feeling?

Well... how do
you think he feels?

That poor kid.

Every time I think about
what happened in there...

All right, Joe.

Nothing you could
do. Wasn't your fault.

You're not responsible
for Mr. Rodriguez' death.

I know it wasn't my fault, Pa,

but I just wish there was
something I could have done.

What could you have done?

Sam Sneddon and Barber
told me what happened and how.

Joe, sometimes situations arise,

and there's nothing
you can do about 'em.

Yeah, well, there's something
I can do about it now.

I can find Miller.

I'll saddle a fresh horse.

Well, we caught a couple of 'em.

Frank Waldron's barn.

Roy's got 'em in
jail in Virginia City.

Did they get the one
that did the killing?

Well, we don't know.

According to them, they didn't
have anything to do with it.

I have to go into town, Pa.

You be careful now.


Howdy, Joe.

Tell me if one these
fellows the killer, will you?

Yeah, that's the one.

Yeah, that's the one!

Joe, you know better than that.

- No.
- Let-let... Let... here.

Let... let go of him. I said,

- let go!
- The one.

- The one.
- Look, Joe.

- Hey, Joe.
- That's the one!

- Joe.
- Out!

- The one!
- Come on. Come on. Come on.

Paco, how you feeling?


About my father.

I know there's nothing
you could have done.

Thanks, Paco.

Howdy, Ben.


Joe. Hey, Paco,
got a letter for you.

Oh, he heard from
his grandparents then?

- Yeah.
- Good, I'm glad you were able

- to get in touch with them.
- And so was I.

Well, trial all set?

Yeah, but it's been
changed over to Carson City.

How come?

Well, Duke Miller's lawyer
claimed that he couldn't

get an unbiased
jury in Virginia City

so he pulled some legal strings

and had the whole trial
transferred over to Carson.

Oh... Hey, Paco letter
from your grandpa.

Just come in before noon.

Thank you, Señor Sheriff.

Must've got himself a
pretty smart lawyer, huh?

They just don't come no smarter.

Wilson Reed's defending him.

And, Ben... now
both Barber and Sam

are eyewitnesses to this murder

and their testimony
should convict Miller,

but I just don't want
to take any chance

on having any
trouble at the trial.

So you get Joe to stay
away from the trial, huh?

Now, Roy...

Joe isn't gonna start any
trouble in a court of law.

Roy, I'm going to that trial
whether you like it or not.

Señor Cartwright... Yes, Paco?

My grandfather...

he wants me to go to Juárez...

to live with him and Grandma.

Well, that's good news, Paco.

You'll be real happy living with
your grandparents, won't ya?

We'll make arrangements to
get you there as soon as possible.

Señor Cartwright...
I will stay here...

until they hang the
men who killed my father.

Warning: About
that time. Let's go in.

Thank you, Deputy.

Well, boys, this
is your big day...

How do you feel?

I've felt better, Mr. Reed.

Have they caught Otie yet?

No, it's a good thing
for you that they haven't.

Otherwise you'd hang.

You think you can get us off?

There's a possibility.

If there weren't I
wouldn't be defending you.

Let's go.

Oh, Mr. Reed, uh...

I ain't had a haircut
in a long time

and I thought maybe, uh,

I hate to go into court
looking so shabby.

So if it's possible I'd like
to get a barber in here

to sort of clean me up.

Well, there's only one way

that you'd ever get
a barber in here.

That's if the jury
convicted you.

They always grant a last
request to a condemned man.

And that would be
your last request,

wouldn't it, Duke?

Come on, boys. It's not
smart to keep a judge waiting.

And then when Mr. Rodriguez

refused to get out of his chair,

Duke Miller shot him.

Shot him and killed him.

And then while...

while Rodriguez was
laying dead on the floor,

Duke Miller got
into the chair...

and then very calmly...

made Frank finish
cutting his hair.

You have heard the barber,

Mr. Sneddon, and
now Mr. Cartwright

tell how Carlos
Rodriguez met his death.

Never have I heard

of such a cold-blooded killing,

and never have I
been able to offer

such overwhelming evidence

against a murderer...
Your Honor...

it isn't up to Mr. Albright

to decide whether
Duke Miller is a murderer.

That's up to the jury.

Until a decision is reached

I insist that
Mr. Albright refrain

from referring to Mr. Miller
or one of the defendants

as a murderer.

You see that you
do that, Mr. Albright.

I'm sorry, Judge.

Your witness.

Mr. Cartwright...
I, um, I understand

that you were unconscious
at the time of the killing.

Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct,

but I, I came to immediately...

That's all. No more questions.

- He had the gun in his hand!
- That's all.

Your Honor...

That's all, son.
You can step down.

Miller maintains that
he never stepped foot

inside that barbershop,

but you have heard
three men swear

that Miller did come
into that barbershop

and that he murdered
Carlos Rodriguez

in cold blood right
before their eyes.

Gentlemen, there is no
need for me to say more.

If ever a man was
guilty of murder

and deserved to be hung,

that man is Duke Miller.

Now I know you're
going to find him guilty.

And I know that
he is going to hang.

The state rests, Your Honor.

All right... well, Mr. Reed?

Thank you, Your Honor.

Gentlemen, you have
heard the two defendants

state that Joseph Cartwright
tried to strangle Duke Miller

in his cell in Virginia City.

Now I don't know
why Joseph Cartwright

wanted to kill Mr. Miller,

but I do know that he hates him.

So do you.

Therefore, I want you
to completely disregard

his testimony because
the testimony of a man

full of hate... is
very unreliable.

I object, Your Honor.

I'll sustain that.

Mr. Reed, I will
instruct the jury

what to disregard, hmm?

I'm sorry.

Your Honor, I would
like for the barber

and Mr. Sneddon to come up here

and take another look at
Mr. Brennan and Mr. Miller.

Objection, Your Honor.

Just a minute.

Now, uh, they've had plenty
of time to see them, Mr. Reed.

It isn't necessary for them
to come back up here...

Your Honor, I insist
that they come up here...

and positively
identify the defendants

as two of the men who
were in that barbershop...

and I will prove them wrong.

Now, there is no doubt

that someone killed
Carlos Rodriguez,

but there is grave
doubt, and I am certain

that it was not Duke Miller.

All right, Mr. Sneddon,
Mr. Thomas,

come on up.

Come on, come on.

Come on right up here.

Gentlemen, if you'll stand
right in front of defendants,

and don't take
your eyes off them.

Uh, Mr. Reed,

you're sure now that you're
not taking up this court's time

- for nothing.
- Please bear with me, Your Honor.

All right.

Now Mr. Brennan and Mr. Miller

admit that they rode
through Virginia City

the day of the murder.

They swore they did not
go into the barbershop.

They swore that they were not
in the company of a third man.

Now, maybe three men did enter

that barbershop, I don't know,

but Cal Brennan
was not one of them;

nor was Duke Miller.

Mr., uh, Sneddon...

why do you wear glasses?

Why do you think I wear 'em for?

Because you have
very poor eyesight.

Well, I got good enough eyesight

to know that these were the two

that came into the
barbershop that day

and that's the one that
killed Carlos Rodriguez

and you can't disprove that.

You bet you can't.
We know who we saw.

Then you still insist...

you are still positive that
those are the two men

that went into the barbershop?


And could you
identify the third man

you claim went
into the barbershop

if you ever saw him again?

- I'm sure I could.
- So could I.

Now, gentlemen,

the prosecutor bases his
entire case on an old man

who has very poor eyesight,

and a barber who admits

that he was terrified at the
time the crime was committed.

Now I don't think
that's sufficient evidence

to hang a man.

But I can see from the looks
of your faces that you do.

You still believe
these witnesses.

All right.

I want you to go
on believing them.

I mean that.

I want you to believe them.

Because I'm going to
base my entire defense

on the fact that you do believe
them even though I know,

and am certain
that for a fact...

that they are mistaken.


Mr. Sneddon... do you
recognize that man?

That's the one.

That's the other one that
come into the barbershop

with them.

That's him, all right.

And you both
positively identify him

as the man who came
into the barbershop

on February the second

with Calvin Brennan
and Duke Miller?

I'm positive he's the one.

There ain't no doubt about it.

That's all, gentlemen.

You may go back to your seats.

Your Honor,

the man who the two
witnesses just identified

is Floyd Brennan,
Calvin Brennan's brother.

Take off his hat.

Calvin isn't very proud
of his brother Floyd

because he's a criminal.

As soon as he is through here

the two deputies will
escort him back to his jail cell

in Kingman...

where he's been incarcerated
for more than a year.

No, I object, Your Honor...

All right, all right. Quiet.

Quiet, quiet, please.

All right, Mr. Reed, go ahead.

Thank you.

Gentlemen, they said
they were positive.

Positive that this man
was in the barbershop,

but on that fatal day

Floyd Brennan
was locked up in jail

more than 500 miles
away from Virginia City.

So how in God's
name can you believe

anything those
witnesses have said?

You can't, gentlemen. You can't.

Floyd Brennan was
not in that barbershop.

Cal Brennan was
not in that barbershop.

Duke Miller was not
in that barbershop.

So, gentlemen, you can't...

you can't possibly
bring in a verdict of guilty

unless you are willing
to make a mockery

of the word "justice."

Quiet, quiet, please!

You gentlemen reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

The defendants please stand up.

How do you find?

We find both the
defendants not guilty.

- Not Guilty?
- Joseph, Joseph.

Not guilty?

You Honor, how much
proof do you need?

There were three
eyewitnesses that saw Miller

- kill Mr. Rodriguez...
- Just a minute.

Now the jury has handed
down a decision; it stands.

What kind of a decision?
What proof do you need?

- Now that is enough.
- Oh, no, it's not enough.

Deputy, get in here.

Joseph... got him tight?

Quiet, please.

Did you hear me? Stop it.

Young man, that
is going to cost you

30 days in jail.

Oh, really? I can probably

get that sentence cut
considerably, Judge,

if I can afford Mr. Reed
for an attorney.

I said be quiet.

Your Honor...

my son has been
under great strain

for the past couple of weeks.

I beg the court's indulgence.

All right.

All right, Mr. Cartwright.

But let me tell you this.
Let me tell all of you this.

Duke Miller was tried
in a proper court of law,

and he was declared innocent!

Now, if anyone decides
to reverse that decision

by putting a bullet
into Duke Miller,

the killer will be
tried in my courtroom,

and I promise you he will be
hanged by the neck until dead.

This court stands adjourned.

I never heard anything like
it in my life... in my whole life!

We saw... we saw
Miller kill Paco's father

right in front of our eyes.

And-and just
because that jury...

Roy! Roy, what are
we gonna do about it?

Are we just gonna stand
around and do nothing

while them murderers
in there go free? Are we?!

You know what we ought to
do? We ought to go in there,

pull him out of jail and
hang him up ourselves!

That's the first sensible
thing I've heard all day!

Now, wait a minute, boys.

We come over here to
Carson City to attend a trial.

Now, that trial's over.

Just because a smart
lawyer happens...

Now, look, he was
tried according to law.

The jury brought in
a verdict of not guilty.

Now, no matter
how any of us feel,

there's not gonna be any
hanging, legally or ill... Huh?


Now, Joseph, what
happened in there is final.

You heard what the judge said:

there'll be no more trouble.

So let's get on home.


How's Paco feeling?

I thought he could
use a glass of milk.

I'll bring it up to him.

With a gun in your hand?

I tried to talk to him.

All he wants to do is kill
Duke Miller personally.

Yeah, well, don't you worry

about him killing
Duke Miller, Pa.

'Cause I'm gonna do it for him.

Evidently, all I've taught
you means nothing.

That boy upstairs needs help.

He's being eaten away by hate.

He won't listen to me.

But he likes you, Joseph.

So you talk to him.

He admires you.

You advise him.

Tell him that the
sacred book lies.

Tell him that vengeance
belongs to Joe Cartwright

and Paco Rodriguez.

Tell him that the
courts are to be obeyed

only when they
decide in our favor.

Tell him there's no such thing
as human dignity or decency.

You tell him that men
have the God-given right

to turn themselves
into jungle animals.

Go ahead. Tell him that.

Isn't that what you believe?


Hey, I brought
you a little milk.

I don't want any.

Come on, it'll do you some good.

Take a little bit, anyway.

Hey, you mind if
we do a little talking?

No, I don't mind.

Well, the family and I have
been talking downstairs,

and, uh... we think it
might be a good idea

if you went to your
grandparents right way.

My grandparents
will not see Paco...

until my father's death
has been avenged.

You gonna kill the man
who took my father's life,

and I'm gonna help you.

You meant it, didn't you?

Yes, I meant it
when I said, Paco.

Let me try to explain
something to you.

When a fella grows
up like I have, he...

he sometimes says
things when he's angry,

and forgets some of the truths
that he learned when he was boy.

What truths?

Well, wh-where does a man go
when he dies, Paco? A good man.

To heaven.

And where does a bad
man go when he dies?

To hell.

Yes, that's where he goes.

'Cause nobody goes
unpunished, Paco.

The man who killed my father...
He must be punished now.

The court said he's innocent
even though we know he's guilty.

Now, that's because the
courts are not perfect, Paco.

But God is.

Yes, but...

- You believe in God, don't you?
- Yes.

All right, then you must believe

that God will
punish Duke Miller.

Look, I know it's hard.

It's hard for you,
and it's hard for me.

But, son, if you believe in
God, then you must believe that.

You want me to go to my
grandparents in Juárez?

And leave vengeance to God?

Yes, that's what I want.

I don't want to, but...

if you go with me,
Little Joe, I'm ready.

Well, look, I, uh, I got a lot
of things to do around here.

Maybe... maybe Hoss
or Adam could take you.

What things?

If you believe that we must
leave vengeance to God,

what things have you got to do?


I'll take you to Mexico.

Get some sleep.

We'll leave tomorrow.

Well, that just about
makes a load, don't it?



Hey, Hoss, finish tying
this stuff on for me, all right?

Yeah, Pa?

Just want you to know that I
appreciate you volunteering

to take Paco to
his grandparents.

Well, I didn't exactly
volunteer to take him, but...


But I do want your word that
you're going straight to Juárez,

- nowhere else.
- I couldn't very well

go chasing after Miller on
a wagonload of supplies.


But I also want your word

that you're not gonna go
after Miller afterwards, either.

And if you happen to
bump into him, no guns.

All right, you have my word.

You really mean that?

You asked me to
talk to Paco last night,

- talk things out with him.
- Mm-hmm?

What you were
really asking me to do

was talk things out
with myself, wasn't it?


I guess I better get Paco
and tell him time to go.



I'm ready, Joe.

Adios, Padre.

Adios, Señor Cartwright.

Bye, Paco.

Oh, Paco.

This letter's for
your grandfather.

Maybe someday we'll come down
to Mexico and visit with you, huh?

You tell your grandpa we'll
write him about the ranch, huh?

Thank you, Señor Sheriff.


You take care of
things, and of Paco.

Don't worry. I'll
take care of him, Pa.


What are we trying to prove?

Oh, it's a nice town.

Who knows?

We might see that
Cartwright kid again.

Ain't worth it, Duke.

They ain't forgot how
you killed that Mexican.

You're pressing your luck.

Hey, fellas, why don't you go
in and say hello to the sheriff.



I'd like to have this
table. Do you mind?

Well, there's plenty of
tables. Can't you see?

Yeah, I know, but I'd
like to have this one.

Look, I said there's pl...

Hello, Sam.

Sam, you remember me, don't you?

You got a lot of gall,
showing your face in this town.

Sam, let bygones be bygones.

To show you I ain't mad at
you for trying to get me hung...

I'm gonna pay for your dinner.

How's that?

I ain't a-gonna eat
with the likes of you

and I ain't sitting
with the likes of you.

Sit down, old man.


How's your friend Cartwright?

Still pushy as ever?

You'd find out soon enough
if he knew you was in town.

Well, that's exactly
what I want him to know.

You know where to find him?

I know where to find him.

Will you tell him I'm here?

Yes, I'll tell him
you're here...

and I'll tell the sheriff, too,
you skunks are back in town!

This place is too fancy for me.

I'm going next door
and have a drink.

Well, look who's here.

Hello. Can I talk to you now?

Just let me alone, will you?

What's the matter with you?

Why are you being
so standoffish?

- Just leave me alone.
- I'm not such a bad guy.

You look kind of shaggy, Duke.

Think we better
clean up and, uh,

and give it another try, huh?

Maybe you're right.

Come on.

Hey, where you going?

Lover boy wants a
haircut... What else?

Now, that-that-that's
what Sam told me.

- What I wouldn't give...
- Barber.

I'll be right with...
Need a haircut.

Uh... we're closed up.

I said I need a haircut.

I, I-I told you,
we're closed up.

You're open now.

What's the matter, Barber?
Ain't you glad to see me?

Come on. He's not
gonna hurt you. Come on.

Want the same kind of haircut
you gave me the last time.

Sure, sure, Mr. Miller.

You know, the
last time I was here,

I left in such a hurry,
I forgot to pay you.

So this time I'm
gonna pay you double.

How is that?

Why, that's fine, fine,
Mr. Miller. That's...

Little Joe... Little Joe!

Little Joe!

Duke Miller is back in town
and them two fellers is with him.

They're over in the barbershop.

I couldn't find the sheriff.

Let's go get him.

- I'll take this rifle.
- Leave it alone, Sam.

We don't want
anything to do with him.

What in tarnation
is wrong with you?

You said after the trial
you was going to get him.

Yeah, well, I changed my mind.

Little Joe, ain't you going
to do anything about it?

Remember that talk
we had last night, Paco?

You remember what
we talked about?

Well, I meant what I said.

Paco, I believe what I said.

Now, I'm gonna go in the
bank and cash that draft.

Want you to sit
here in the wagon

and wait for me
just like I told you.

I never thought I'd
live to see the day

when a Cartwright
would turn coward.

Señor Joe is no coward.

He said God will
punish those men.

In due time, Paco, in due time,

but I still say Little
Joe is a coward,

and so would your father
if, if he hadn't been killed

by them three skunks down
there in that barbershop.



Paco, come back here!

Hello, Cartwright.

Paco, you all right?

Yeah, I had to come.

My father wasn't a coward.

I can't be either.

I understand.

All right, Duke, nobody's hurt.

Let the kid go.

Get out, kid.

Not you, Cartwright.

You stay.

Go on back to the wagon.

What are you going to do?

Just go on back to the wagon.

Put your guns away, fellas.

I want this nice and legal.

I want him bruised up
so he'll never forget us.

All right, let him go.

Just let him go.

Hey, Barber.

Come on over here.

Let me out of this chair.

Oh, Frank, you
did a beautiful job.

Yeah, I figure that's one of
the best jobs I've ever done.

Let me out of this chair.

We're gonna let
you out of the chair.

Don't want you to go
out without your tie.

First we'd like you
to see the job we did.

- I want my hat.
- No hat, Duke.

- I want my hat.
- No, you're gonna see the whole town

- with no hat.
- Don't let anybody see me like this.

Don't let anybody see
me like this, please.

Please don't let
anybody see me like this!

Everybody's gonna see you, Duke.

Everybody's gonna see you!


Let 'em all see you, Duke!

Go ahead. Let 'em see you!


Paco, Paco, Paco.

Paco, that's enough.

That's enough.

That's it. You cry.

You get it all out, Paco.

You've done all you can do.

Come on. Go home.

Go home.

Behind the Scenes of The Last Haircut

Willis Bouchey, who portrays the judge in this narrative, also assumed the role of a judge multiple times throughout “Perry Mason.”

During the pivotal barber shop scene, an elderly man warns Little Joe, “Better get outta’ that chair, Little Joe, before he kills ya.'” Duke retorts, “Now… you are getting out of that little chair, aren’t you?” Presumably, Duke’s response contained a slight error, referring to “little chair” instead of addressing Little Joe directly. Despite the potential mistake, the directors should have noticed the slip-up, or, given the actors’ commitment to their roles, they should have chosen to retain the line as spoken without correction.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is an exceptional and family-friendly series suitable for solo viewing or enjoying with loved ones. The Last Haircut marks the 119th episode out of 430 installments in the series. Bonanza, produced by NBC, aired on the network from September 1959 to January 1973, spanning 14 seasons.

Books Worth Reading:

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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