The Mill Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #02, Episode #04
Bonanza follows the weekly adventures of the Cartwright family, led by the patriarch, Ben Cartwright (Lorne Greene). The 14-seasons program also shows how the main characters cared for their neighbors and the surrounding community. The Mill, Bonanza’s thirty-sixth episode, written by Halsted Wells, premiered on October 1, 1960.
Tom Edwards (Harry Townes), a disabled farmer, holds Ben Cartwright accountable for the accident that cost him his legs. Tom’s hired hand, Ezekiel (Claude Akins), further fueled Tom’s resentment while supplying Tom with liquor, defrauding him of his life savings. The episode reveals Ezekiel’s other reason for his Iago-like treachery: his detestation of the Cartwrights. This dislike increases his determination to use Tom as his weapon of vengeance.
Apart from the actors portraying Tom and Ezekiel, Joyce, Tom’s wife, is played by the special co-star, Dianne Foster.
Read the plot and some behind-the-scene details, or watch the full episode below.
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Watch the Full Episode of The Mill
Watch the Full Episode of The Mill:
Main Cast
The Mill, the fourth episode of Bonanza’s second season, featured some of the program’s recurring and supporting cast members. The cast of the episode includes the following:
- Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
- Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
- Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
- Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
- Harry Townes as Tom Edwards
- Dianne Foster as Joyce Edwards
- Claude Akins Claude Akins as Ezekiel
Full Story Line for The Mill
Ben’s old friend Joyce Edwards visits the Cartwrights at the Ponderosa ranch. Joyce is hesitant when Ben invites her for dinner but later agrees to stay for a little way. When they are about to enter the house, Ezekiel, Tom Edwards’ hired hand, arrives at the ranch after following his boss’ wife. He warns Joyce to return since her husband wouldn’t like it, but Joyce insists on staying regardless, leaving Ezekiel to wait for her.
Ben asks for Tom, and Joy implies that although her husband is doing well, he’s still bitter since the accident. Tom would follow her around with his wheelchair and call her names even in front of Ezekiel. Joyce tells Ben that her husband drinks and gambles with Ezekiel despite his condition. She later reveals that Tom bent over her last night with a carving knife in his hand, smiling at her. Ben assures her that Tom meant no harm, but Joyce is worried since Tom always talks about death. She could only wish for Tom to do something worthwhile to get his mind off.
Joyce leaving with Ezekiel bothers Ben, so he tags along as they return home.
At dinner, Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe discuss the accident and how Tom Edwards continues to blame their father for his condition. Adam insists that Ben didn’t cause Tom’s crippled leg. He clarifies that the two were climbing off a ledge when they fell on another, then Tom’s gun went off and shot him in the spine. Little Joe doesn’t understand why Tom still blames their father. Adam cuts their discussion, urging them to continue eating before the food gets cold. Ben returns home, and as they eat, he asks his sons what Tom can do now that they’re running out of money because of his gambling behavior. Adam suggests they build a small mill house at the Edwards, considering their area has a good water flow. Ben thinks it’s a fantastic idea, and the Cartwrights share a toast to celebrate his suggestion.
Joyce arrives home to Tom’s compliments. Tom requests a kiss, then asks about her whereabouts. Joyce informs him about her visit to the Cartwrights, stating that she talked to Ben about the property his father left in San Francisco. Ezekiel enters the house; then Tom tells him that he’s gambling on his wife’s land, so if Ezekiel loses, they won’t owe him anything anymore. However, Ezekiel argues that he doesn’t stay there only for money. Ezekiel later refuses to bet on the land, and they gamble for five dollars instead.
Ben visits the Edwards the following day to make a business proposal—a grain mill—that would bring them money. Tom thinks it’s a great idea, but Ezekiel believes otherwise. Tom accepts the deal, then tells Ben he doesn’t blame him anymore, implying that it’s his gun and his fault. When Ben leaves, Tom argues that he’ll get a better nurse than Ezekiel once the business takes off.
Ben sees Joyce picking grapes and tells her about his business proposal with Tom. Although happy, Joyce brings up the complaints he brought up yesterday, saying she’s been dying since Tom always seems furious at her. Ben assures her that the mill will benefit them, even change everything for the couple.
The Cartwright boys start building the mill. Ezekiel visits the site and comments on Ben’s motive for helping the Edwards, even Joyce’s assistance to Adam. Tom asks Ezekiel to assist him in the area and asks Ben if he can help them with anything. Ben gives him a wrench to tighten some rods, and Joyce is delighted to see Tom’s progress. Hoss arrives later with a carriage of millstones, drawing the attention of everyone. However, stress rises when Ezekiel makes another comment, igniting Tom’s suspicion toward Adam. Joyce approaches Tom, happy to inform him that the wheel might operate by that night. She suggests holding a party with their neighbors, but her delight is short-lived as Tom brings up her relationship with Adam. Tom argues that Joyce enjoys Adam’s company. Joyce insists that she’s only happy because their life will be better because of the mill. Furious, Tom asks Ezekiel to take him inside, warning Adam to stay away from his wife. The Cartwrights realize Ezekiel’s behind the tension, and Ben runs after the crying Joyce.
Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe continue working on finishing the mill. Soon enough, they finally complete the mill, and the wheel starts working. Much to their delight, Adam goes to deliver Tom the news. However, a gun fires from inside. Inside, a drunk Tom tells Adam he has a reason to shoot because of his wife. Ezekiel fueled Tom’s suspicion that he thinks Ben betrayed him again. Adam informs him about the mill, but Tom says it doesn’t solve anything.
At the Ponderosa, Adam narrates the trouble he faced upon talking with Tom. He thinks Ezekiel has planted some bad ideas in Tom regarding Ben and Joyce, causing him to threaten to kill Ben. Adam asks if this suspicion is accurate, and although Ben doesn’t confirm, Adam expresses his support for both of them.
Ezekiel takes advantage of Tom’s drunken state as they gamble. He bets that if Ezekiel loses, Tom doesn’t owe him anything. In the end, Ezekiel wins. Joyce hears his laughter, so Tom reveals that Ezekiel won the bet, meaning he owns everything now.
Ben arrives at the Edwards and hears a gunshot from inside. Ezekiel welcomes him, saying he owns the house. Lying dead on the floor was Tom, and beside him was Joyce, sobbing. Ezekiel reveals the list he made of all the bets they made, and that includes his wife. Ben stops Ezekiel from taking over, and a fight ensues between the two. Ben gains the upper hand as he gets Ezekiel’s rifle, killing him with several shots.
Joyce decides to leave town to start over again and orders Ben not to sell the mill.
Full Script and Dialogue of The Mill
[Music] [Applause] [Applause] so hey hey joe look who's coming yeah that's what i call a real fine looking woman yeah you mind your manners because she's a married woman hey mrs edwards this is a real pleasure man hello horse hello little joe my pleasure man uh little joe why don't you see after ms edward's horse while i hem her down little brother why don't you say after a horse while i help her down hey joyce stan oh ben oh it's so good to see you again that's wonderful seeing you uh you'll stay for supper adam you remember mrs edwards hello adam i remember her i just wasn't speaking because i was so busy looking you cartwright certainly know how to please a woman uh joe run until hop single have a guess what's up with that right oh uh adam uh down in the cellar by the north wall at two cases of lapeet bring up a couple of bottles sir look you've come all this way sure you can stay for a little while now we need a lady in this house you know i've got these three grown sons and somebody has to teach them manners now please come here all right but just for a little while i wouldn't go in that fight you miss edward it's nothing ben he's just i knew hired hand he must be lost pay no attention to him suit yourself man only mr edward jingle like this ezekiel you can tell mr edwards anything you want to but mr cartwright is an old friend and i'm going inside anything you say ma'am but i'll be waiting for you [Music] so [Music] your house is so attractive then it gets nicer with the years it's been years since you've been in this house twice yes i know i've missed seeing it i've missed seeing you all of us have how's tom all right just all right how is he really he's still bitter he's been bitter ever since the accident all day long he just follows me around in his wheelchair and every night in front of ezekiel he he calls me names he says the most awful things does kill it isn't that night outside the hired hand he's more than just that tom spends half the night drinking and gambling with his hired hand drinking and gambling i thought the accident left him incapacitated only from the waist down tom drinks himself into a stupor and ezekiel carries him upstairs he never knocks he just brings him right into the room and he puts him down on the bed next to me and he straightens up and he looks at me lying there and he says good night mrs edwards and ghost every night it's this but last night usually tom can't turn over but somehow last night he managed to i woke up i saw him bending over me with a carving knife in his hand he didn't move he just he just sort of smiled at me so beautiful he said i can't bear to think of my going first joyce surely he must know tom meant no harm i don't know he's always talking about death his death my death i uh i've got to go joyce please stay i can't ben oh time will be all right if only he could find something to do to take his mind off himself he oh i i've got to go uh would you get mrs edwards please right paul [Music] choice i don't like the idea of his following you oh it's all right ben he'll keep his distance i'll ride along broadway with you all right thank you there you are ms edwards thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i heard once it was paw's gun at hitting well that's a lie eat yourself for both of you stop talking about it oh look i didn't mean to hit him on purpose i may hit him accidental well that's two lies that's not what they say in town well that's mr edwards joe joey blames paul he claims he crippled him well did he or didn't he he did not yeah well how do you know you weren't even there i was there an hour later they were out after wild mountain sheep mr edward slipped and fell to a ledge and paul risked his life trying to save him he got right at him they were climbing up off that ledge when they fell to another legend that's when the gun went off getting him in the spine whose gun mr edwards gun all right then why does he blame paw eat your supper it's getting cold [Music] my boys i'm sorry i opened the wine i didn't know she was leaving so soon well we haven't had any of this since christmas yeah it's a miracle this wine imprisoned in this bottle for 20 years and each year it seems to grow better yep sorry ms edwards couldn't make the dinner tonight but i'm so glad to be taking part of this wine uh me too boys i need your help what do you think tom edwards could do uh what do you mean bob well they're out of money he squandered everything they ever had they owe everybody and he's always gambling that's zeke fellers would he live with them i'm sorry boy i wouldn't want you to talk with your mouth for he not only lives with him but they owe him too well what about virginia city maybe uh he could clerk somewhere you ever talk with him every time he opens his mouth like poison poured out uh-huh this was once a wonderful man but he was struck down life struck him down paul didn't mean to venture a pretty good flow of water on their place haven't they no we just say that if we were struck down we wouldn't be pouring out poison too now what were you saying about water oh well i was thinking that there's no mill around then they have a pretty good stream there we could uh rig up a water wheel build a small mill house they could grind grain that's a wonderful idea a wonderful idea adam i want to drink a toast here hey paul can we drink to him too he's a mighty bright fella downright bright and a real pride and joy to the cartwrights well thank you gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Music] take care of my horse anything you say ms edwards well did you have a pleasant ride yes i hope so at least that will compensate little for all that you have to put up with darling i know it's dreadful of me to make such a fuss when you go out but you have no idea how awful it is for me to sit here alone without you let me kiss you your skin is so lovely your cheeks are pink kiss i'm awfully tired i think i'll go up to bed you told me where you've been i uh went to see the cartwrights why complain about your husband tom please don't start that again i love you i'll never leave you you know that i expect ben received you very warmly didn't he did you get any money out of him tom please he's very rich you're very attractive we need money yes i did go about money you know that property that my father left me in in san francisco well ben sometimes goes to san francisco and i thought that he might sell it for me darling what about that prophet your father left you in san francisco what do you mean five acres that should be worth quite a lot wouldn't it ezekiel now mr edwards you don't want to go gambling your wife's good land oh no i'm doing it for her how's that mr edwards well she hates you this way she could get rid of you now miss edward you don't want to get rid of me close as i've been to your husband how would that get rid of him i'd bet the whole five acres against all we owe ezekiel if he loses then we don't owe him anything and he clears out go ahead bet the land you surprised me mr edwards you think i stay with you just for money you think i take care of you you think i carry you up them stairs night after night and put you to bed just for money believe you me mr edwards i know i ain't fit to tie your shoe but just living with you sir ms edwards here i've grown to you two like it was home almost no son no offense man but i can't take that bet all right all right play for five dollars will you lend me five dollars you did give me a scare miss edwards i thought i was gonna lose my home [Music] goodnight ms edwards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] want to come what brings you around well i was running into town are you about to drop by see me see my wife to see you both tom sit on the porch if you want to she's picking grapes good morning mr cartwright yeah that's a it's a mighty fine stream you have here in the property i hear my wife paid you a little visit yesterday it's good to see her good to see you tom is that i'm i'll be straight out honest with you i made a definite point of stopping by here this morning a little business proposition i'd like to talk over with you how'd you like to make some good money there ain't much mr edwards can do alan chronic the way he is tom i want to build something in your property a money-making operation when i get my money out plus 15 and it's yours to own did you hear that my wife goes to see my best friend and suddenly i'm in business i'm rich what's the proposition mr cartwright a mill a grain mail now there's not around here for miles and people around here need a mill now you have the water i have a son who knows how to put that water to work what are you doing trying to get something from me tom i said this is a business proposition now put up the money and my sons and i will build that meal for you what are you getting mr cartwright water rights forever i've already said what i want my investment back plus 15 to have that i'm satisfied you mean hmm that sounds pretty good not to me it don't would you be good enough to let mr edwards make his own deal if he so sees fit of course sir excuse me excuse me never mind zeke ben we've been thrown together so much we're almost like partners my only thought sir is for mr edwards that's enough zeke now you keep out of this mr edwards we'd have all those people coming around all that excitement you don't hardly sleep nights as it is tom what do you say have we in agreement or haven't we fifteen percent huh fifteen you shake on that we'll have that mill up in a week you make it 10 no 12 and a half 12 and a half i'm mighty glad tom boy that will be a great thing for everybody what do you think of that ezekiel why do i tell joyce hello all right tom are you let's be getting on at the town oh say uh we can start bringing the stuff into mob that's all right oh do that you do that man ben we'll be friends again let me tell you ben in my heart when i'm not in pain i mean in my heart i never blame you it was my gun my fault bless you for coming goodbye tomorrow tom fine man i thought you owned me didn't you thought i couldn't even get up to bed without you i'll show you i'll take you to your wife mr edwards would you like to go pick grapes with your wife i'll make me so much money i'll hire me a nurse from san francisco it'd be a real one too not just somebody like you i wouldn't get excited mr edwards you're going to have another bad night you hope i have another bad night at night i hope i'll have to call for you where are you taking me to your wife mr edwards i'm going to take you to your wife you forget about my wife you hear me you get her right out of your head [Applause] take me back in the house man joyce ben oh how wonderful to see you does does tom know you're here yes i just talked to him you just i think i have some very good news for you i suggested a time that we build a grist mill here and that he run it what did he say he's all forward he likes the idea oh ben i'm so happy if only this could make tom happy too remember the way he used to be i'll help you pick some grapes ben what you're doing is the most wonderful thing anyone could do for us oh wait a minute you're forgetting i'm making a profit too i know what you're doing [Music] then about about yesterday i've i've never complained to you before have i never complained to anyone but all these years i've been dying too i know jess sometimes i think it would have been better for him if i'd left him my health my just the sight of me seems to infuriate him at times just the sheer side of me just just your beauty [Music] oh dan i forgot about that a long time ago he's a [ __ ] and i'm a [ __ ] too how are you a [ __ ] because i don't stand up to him because i take every terrible thing he says to me sometimes he he eyes me like a stranger would he says things he shouldn't this may all come to an end you know he was so happy when i left him i think the mill may change everything oh i hope so it's got to be a fine mill you know adam's very clever with that sort of thing he's made some wonderful drawings you're so fortunate in your boys three fine sons they could be half your life only half sons can't be everything [Music] did you notice how blue the mountains were this morning yes i i saw them well it's starting to look very good coming along fine pop hey paw what's up's gonna get here with those mill stones she'll be real soon well we'll be ready for him anytime now that's fine oh thank you glad to see you pitching in i wouldn't want to give you any wrong notions mr cottrick i'm just doing this to please mr edwards i still don't think any good is going to come of it well going to give it a chance well i'll give it a chance i'm just wondering one thing what's really in this for you mr cut right hey fly i sent me some more nails yeah coming right up but it looks so complicated how did you ever figure it out well it's really not original it the design is actually a combination some of it comes from the uh all new england mills and some comes from the wheels of the miners built here in nevada as you see we've built a flume leading to the top of the wheel now at the proper time we'll divert the water back through the flume it'll pass over the top of the wheel striking the blades which will turn the wheel which will dry the shaft which will turn the upper millstone and presto you're grinding wheat it's really quite simple oh adam i think you're absolutely marvelous well actually the idea is thousands of years old but imagine what it meant to man before the steam age or should be assumed with the millstones uh which reminds me i better see our little joe's coming along oh and i better see about tom hey professor hi that's a mighty pretty assistant you got there meaning what oh you're sly one i was watching you standing close spinning over sniffing her head i know you bright boys how would you like to shut your filthy face huh well i'm just doing you a favor friend don't let her husband catch you he's still handy with a rifle is he gone come get me excuse me professor i was so busy watching you and mrs edwards i forgot all about her husband i don't know what you're up to but don't make any trouble for mrs edwards that's about time you got your professor did some of the heavy work don't call me that what's the matter with you just don't call me professor here let me get that i'm perfectly capable of doing this myself anything you say ma'am wheel me down there i want to see how things are going yes sir you think it'd be all right all right why shouldn't it be all right come on i mean the ground's so rough your leg's being so weak must you always remind him of that i didn't mean no harm man i was just thinking come on come on you know adam i gotta hand it to you i think this thing's gonna work thanks i uh i'm sorry about blowing up all that steam a while ago hey well that's all right i'm used to taking all the guff around this family that's what i'm here for oh sure you're really abused aren't you here put this flank up there see what i mean got it yeah why don't you get some light wood well ben you're really making progress moving right along tom and the reason why i can't be of some help i never thought as a matter of fact i think i've got the very thing for you ezekiel who was cheering for the wheel you see these binder rods yeah they need tightening huh here's a wrench get to work fine oh adam isn't it wonderful to see tom working again sure is what's the matter i just think you have the most wonderful father how many alarm folks just a signal signal for what the arrival look to the east boss cut right charioteer charging up with a ton of millstones come on horse driver have any trouble getting this load across the river you know a little bit keep swimming with it hey can i get it i got it well i don't know about you mr edwards but i always go by the rule you ought to lock the barn before the horse gets away what are you talking about just a certain party and your wife you know what i think i'll do with you when this meal is finished i'll put a rope around your neck and hang you from one of the raptors just to celebrate mr edwards you know i'm just protecting your interest listen you filthy snake i trust my wife and i trust ben cartwright he's my friend did you ever again put one of your rotten suspicious thoughts in my mind so help me have an i'll get you your friend mr edwards i wasn't talking about him i was talking about his son adam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch your hands down there with that paul all right let me get this out of there it's here easy now easy easy okay let her slide down and easy does it watch your hands pop that slip i ain't saying she did anything but the point is just tell me if you saw anything or you didn't between her and that mr edwards i don't want you getting excited never mind about that just tell me what you saw well adam was well he kind of brushing up against her here now did he touch her no not exactly it's his eyes you know when she wasn't looking at him his eyes was you know what i mean it it just kind of touching her all over of course gotta admit that adam is a good looking boy and with a little bit of luck we'll have this mill running by tonight tom they think they'll have the wheel going by tonight isn't that wonderful do you know what i think we should have a party and let's dance and let's grind the first grain and have the neighbors in oh wouldn't it be wonderful to have music again i bet you'd like to dance wouldn't you dusty hear the music would be enough i bet you'd like to dance with adam i beg your pardon what's all this between you and adam between me and adam ever since the mill started you've been tagging each other around tom i don't understand you you understand me you're a woman aren't you you're young you're lovely don't tell me you don't know what i'm talking about tom and my word of honor no such thought for adam ever ended my mind then why are you so happy why have you been smiling ever since this move started because of you because i thought it would start your life again and my life you haven't been tagging adam around no brushing against him leaning against him laughing with him at me no you have father you've been tagging each other around like a couple of simpering love birds what's going on i don't know looks like ezekiel has done his work jose hill get me out of here excuse me miss edward you got him so upset i better take him inside and lay him down for a while is he killed do i have you to thank for this no ma'am i didn't title on you that's what you mean if you come near my wife again adam cartwright i'll kill you both [Music] i'll give you my word it's ezekiel he's warped and twisted edward's mind bob maybe we'd better stop working the mill well after i lug these these stones in here we'll finish this mail man as mixed up as that's able to kill somebody keep working [Music] guys guys guys [Music] don't know what to do all right now take it easy joe you ruined the whole thing look i told you it wouldn't fit at him you made the shaft too short oh come on i'll lift now a lift horse dang it at him if i lift anymore i'm gonna lift the whole earth up oh come on we adam let's call it quits quit yeah quits we did enough work today for ten men ah come on joe give me a few more minutes i'm hungry uh and i'm you give me one reason why i had to break my back because i want to see it work i want to see this male grind wheat i want to eat bread from this mill that we built you do i do he does he does why don't you say so brother come on let's get to work all right all together now all right let's go one who he all right she goes hey i get the other side over there hey will i get this board up let's go one hey way to go brother hey look it won't let's get up to the diversion gate when i give you the signal let the water in the flume right hey adam doesn't think we got to wait for paw patrol to get it done and that's what we're going to do i'll get up there and let up that slow skate when i tell you hi sir all right horse let it go hey it's filling up the flume adam you all set let it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make us as bright as our brother adam [Music] hey adam hey maybe we better get up there no come on in whoever you are [Laughter] well right what do you want there's one thing i don't want is people shooting at me without a reason i got a reason best reason in the world my wife where is she that's right where is she mr edward here has been worried about it it ain't good for him to worry how should i know where his wife is you ought to know where she is she's with your father ain't she he run off after didn't think i knew did you i know ezekiel told me i know all about your father too from a long way back it's not the first time he betrayed me he shot me in his spine my father didn't shoot you and you know it i don't know any such thing i know it was you cartwright's caused all my trouble mr edwards you're wrong real wrong but i didn't come here to argue with you i just come to tell you that your mill is finished we got it going you think the mill solves everything don't you you know what i'm gonna do with your mill i'm going to destroy it i'm going to burn it to the ground it's been cocked i think he can buy my wife with a mill you mock my words before i let him steal my wife i'll kill him and hurt you ezekiel if you're really his friend you'll get these wild ideas out of his head i am his friend mr cartwright but what's right is right man has a simple duty to protect his home [Applause] ben i'll always remember this time we've had together as though today had escaped to another world it's been that way for me too dan look the wheel is turning oh oh isn't it beautiful it certainly is joyce i just can't let you go back please at least spend the night with us at the ponderosa don't go back to that house not right now i'm not afraid tom and ezekiel will be so drunk they won't even hear me come in besides with the mill and all perhaps it will be different again i've got to give him that chance well just to be sure everything's all right i'll ride by first thing in the morning ben thank you for everything [Music] wow we've been waiting for you oh boy i was a little worried about you smiley thoughtful of you adam but i have a feeling i'm old enough to take care of myself i ran into some trouble over at the edwards place what sort of trouble tom took a shot at me no i can't believe that neither could i i went up to the ranch to tell him they would finish with the mill and he and that hired hand of his were glassy-eyed drunk what started it what brought it on i don't know tom had some wild idea about you and joyce being off some place together and he was making threats about killing you if you didn't stay away from her where are you going right back to that house as fast as i can make it that man touches joyce want me to go with you no you stay here i'll handle this alone ah tom's suspicion about you and joyce it isn't true is it i suppose it were adam how would you feel about it i'd say that if there ever was a chance she couldn't do any better i'd be happy for both of you thank you for that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that does it mr edwards it's my house now your house your money your strength packs me upstairs and puts me to bed this is my way ezekiel you hear that he's my wife that's right you're what you owe me quite a bit mr edwards i've got a meal they'll grind flour i don't make money ain't you forgetting something i won that meal i'll pay you somewhere i'll pay you now that you mention it there is a way an easy way you like to gamble don't you 20 years of driving yet i just want to make one more bed with you just one cut of the cards if i lose you don't owe me anything mr edward's not a thing you get the house back and all the money you owe me if i lose what i still own you don't already have well just one cut of the cards can prevent that mister there's a gambler like you ought to jump at the chance nobody ought to kill you somebody ought to stop you well maybe somebody will but that ain't gonna be you is it mr [Music] edwards [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hahahahahaha [Laughter] [Music] looks like my king beats your nine [Music] [Laughter] ezekiel would you mind bringing mr edwards up to our room now i don't have to do that no more ms edwards that's my room now that's where i'm going to sleep even drunk as you are you know that's not true isn't it you ask your husband what does he mean i said was there some things going on here i think you ought to know about tom what is he saying he won the bet what bit what do you mean oh you're just as drunk as he is you don't even know what you're saying no he's right i won the bet don't tell him to get away from me help me i can't help you joyce i can't help you might as well get used to the idea ms edwards from now on thing will be nobody get away from me you touch me and i'll kill you i don't know how i'll do it but i'll tell [Laughter] [Music] you well she'll get over that as soon as she calms down a bit will she is he go are you sure yeah i'm sure why shouldn't i be you heard her she said she'd kill you first maybe someone's gonna stop you after all hello mr cartwright you should knock before you come into my home get out of here no mr cartwright everything here belongs to me now you see i've taken mr edwards place even this chair belongs to me come on choice oh now stay right where you are mr cartwright i wouldn't want to have to hurt you how you lay your pistol belt on that table why are you sitting that wheelchair you're not crippled that's right i'm not i just want to get the feel of it i want to know how mr edwards felt when he sat in it i want to know how mr edwards felt about everything come on joyce let's get out of here nope not now you can't mr karaj she belongs to me too don't you understand look look i i have it all here i kept track of every bet i made with mr edwards he gambled away everything and tonight he gambled away his wife well if you won everything from him why did you kill him well he tried to go back on a bed you know a man can't do that ezekiel you see you're very tired why don't you rest and we can talk about it go on joyce no no no where's she going just outside no no she can't now mr edwards told you that if you tried to steal his wife he'd kill you i'm the same as mr edwards now so if you try to take her i'm going to have to kill you [Music] hmm [Music] ah joyce this is this is what you want to do i've had a lot of time to think this past week and uh well i have friends in denver i'd stay with them and then i'll move on east all right you go and after a few weeks or months well then you can decide what you want to do now whatever you do don't sell the mill you use it that joyce when you come back ben i love you but i could never come back i need you remember you told me once that when little joe's mother died you had to get away had to meet new people well think of it that way hello i'll drive into virginia city i'd rather we say goodbye here it isn't easy for me either [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Behind the Scenes of The Mill
This episode’s title in German is “Der Knecht,” which translates as “The Servant.”
The opening credits list the “Special Guest Stars” for this episode over a shot of Lake Tahoe’s shore in the opening credits. This case is done only once during the run of the series.
The left buttock of Claude Akins’ pants in the fight between Ezekiel and Ben near the end of the episode shows a visible tear. The tears disappear towards the end of the scuffle.
Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?
Bonanza, a popular weekly TV Western series during the 1960s, is a fantastic show to watch alone or with family. NBC produced all 14 seasons of the show from September 1959 to January 1973. Out of 430 episodes, The Mill was the 36th and the fourth for the program’s second season.
You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>