Davy Crockett Quotes Compilation
Davy Crockett gained popularity as the “King of the Wild Frontier,” displaying bravery as a frontiersman, soldier, and politician. His adventures, especially his participation in the fight for freedom and Texas at the Battle of the Alamo in San Antonio, gave him the American folk hero status. Many stories used him as the lead character for demonstrating the characteristics of a hero who fought for his country with courage and determination.
Here is the compilation of quotes of Davy Crockett, whose words inspire people to take a bold stand on what is right, even if it requires fighting against all odds.
Davy Crockett Famous Quotes
Davy developed a reputation as an adept frontiersman and politician during his time. Like most people who acquired the folk legend standing, he was famous for his skill and words. Moreover, many people still recognize his words today as they demonstrate his view on freedom, justice, people’s rights, and life.
Here are the well-known quotes by Davy Crockett, touching subjects of different kinds.
I am at liberty to vote as my conscience and judgment dictates to be right, without the yoke of any party on me… Look at my arms, you will find no party hand-cuff on them.
– Davy Crockett
Remember these words when I am dead. First be sure you’re right, then go ahead.
– Davy Crockett
We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
– Davy Crockett
The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be entrusted to man
– Davy Crockett
It was nonsense to talk about its being a sacrifice to come there; for if it were, they would not see so many grasping to be members of Congress.
– Davy Crockett
… A man’s wife can hold him devilish uneasy, if she begins to scold and fret, and perplex him, at a time when he has a full load for a railroad car on his mind already.
– Davy Crockett
Know your right, then go ahead.
– Davy Crockett
Better to keep a good conscience with an empty purse, than to get a bad opinion of myself, with a full one.
– Davy Crockett
Since you have chosen to elect a man with a timber toe to succeed me, you may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.
– Davy Crockett
And for the information of young hunters, I will just say, in this place, that whenever a fellow gets bad lost, the way home is just the way he don’t think it is. This rule will hit nine times out of ten.
– Davy Crockett
I had gone but a little way before I killed a fine buck, and started to go back to the boat; but on the way I came on the tracks of a large gang of elks, and so I took after them. I had followed them only a little distance when I saw them, and directly after I saw two large bucks.
– Davy Crockett
I want people to be able to get what they need to live: enough food, a place to live, and an education for their children.
– Davy Crockett
If one man in the country could take all the money, what was the use of passing any bills about it?
– Davy Crockett
In the land of the stranger, I rise or I fall.
– Davy Crockett
But it will be a source of astonishment to many, who reflect that I am now a member of the American Congress… that at so advanced an age, the age of fifteen, I did not know the first letter in the book.
– Davy Crockett
… all my misfortunes grew out of my want of learning.
– Davy Crockett
Although our great man at the head of the nation, has changed his course, I will not change mine.
– Davy Crockett
I shall commence my book with what little I have learned of the history of my father… Mine was poor, but I hope honest, and even that is as much as many a man can say.
– Davy Crockett
… if this petty, un-patriotic scuffling for men, and forgetting principles, goes on, it will be the overthrow of this one happy nation, and the blood and toil of our ancestors will have been expended in vain.
– Davy Crockett
I have never knew what it was to sacrifice my own judgement to gratify any party and I have no doubt of the time being close at hand when I will be rewarded for letting my tongue speak what my heart thinks.
– Davy Crockett
You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.
– Davy Crockett
I hope to see our once happy country restored to its former peace and happiness, and once more redeemed from tyranny and despotism…
– Davy Crockett
I ain’t used to oily words; I am used to speak what I think, of men, and to men.
– Davy Crockett
Fashion is a thing I care mighty little about, except when it happens to run just exactly according to my own notion…
– Davy Crockett
I must say as to what I have seen of Texas it is the garden spot of the world. The best land and the best prospects for health I ever saw, and I do believe it is a fortune to any man to come here. There is a world of country here to settle.
– Davy Crockett
There ain’t no ticks like poly-ticks. Bloodsuckers all.
– Davy Crockett
I’m that same David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half-horse, half-alligator, a little touched with the snapping turtle; can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slip without a scratch down a honey locust [tree].
– Davy Crockett
If I could rest anywhere, it would be in Arkansas, where the men are of the real half-horse, half-alligator breed such as grows nowhere else on the face of the universal earth.
– Davy Crockett
There ain’t no ticks like poly-ticks. Bloodsuckers all.
– Davy Crockett
Congress allows lemonade to the members and has it charged under the head of stationery-I move also that whiskey be allowed under the item of fuel.
– Davy Crockett
It is quite possible that someone is insane and they think they have a chance. Not insane in the clinical sense, but they may have such a strong political ambition that they blind themselves to reality.
– Davy Crockett
Money with them is nothing but trash when it is to come out of the people. But it is the one great thing for which most of them are striving, and many of them sacrifice honor, integrity, and justice to obtain it.
– Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett Inspirational Quotes
Crockett seemingly embodied the word “hero” for his courage and noble qualities. Hence, he became a role model and inspiration for many who aspire to become as strong as him. It’s as if his statements exist to give people a little push, overcome difficulties, and have the strength to continue living.
These are the inspirational quotes of Davy Crockett for anyone who needs a little inspiration to keep going.
I am now here in Congress I am at liberty to vote as my conscience and judgment dictates to be right, without the yoke of any party on me, or the driver at my heels, with his whip in hand, commanding me to ge-wo-haw, just at his pleasure.
– Davy Crockett
I leave this rule for others when I’m dead: Be always sure you’re right—THEN GO AHEAD!
– Davy Crockett
Fame is like a shaved pig with a greased tail, and it is only after it has slipped through the hands of some thousands, that some fellow, by mere chance, holds on to it!
– Davy Crockett
I would rather be politically dead than hypocritically immortalized.
– Davy Crockett
The General refused to let us go. We were, however, determined to go.
– Davy Crockett
Pop, pop, pop! Bom, bom, bom! Throughout the day. No time for memorandums now.
– Davy Crockett
It was expected of me that I was to bow to the name of Andrew Jackson… even at the expense of my consciences and judgment. Such a thing was new to me, and a total stranger to my principles.
– Davy Crockett
I know not whether, in the eyes of the world, a brilliant death is not preferred to an obscure life of rectitude.
– Davy Crockett
They said it was a favorite measure of the President, and I ought to go for it. I told them I believed it was a wicked unjust measure…
– Davy Crockett
… we all had our flints ready picked and our guns ready primed, that, if we were fired on, we might fight our way through, or all die together.
– Davy Crockett
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.
– Davy Crockett
I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.
– Davy Crockett
Be always sure you are right – then go ahead.
– Davy Crockett
Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.
– Davy Crockett
The enemy fought with savage fury, and met death with all its horrors, without shrinking or complaining: not one asked to be spared, but fought as long as they could stand or sit.
– Davy Crockett
Heaven knows that I have done all that a mortal could do, to save the people, and the failure was not my fault, but the fault of others.
– Davy Crockett
The party in power, like Jonah’s gourd, grew up quickly, and will quickly fall.
– Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett Popular Quotes
Davy Crockett became a well-liked hero in real life and protagonist to fictional stories. Even before he fought in the Texas Revolution, he was like a nineteenth-century celebrity recognized by people, especially as the representative of Tennessee in the Congress. Aside from his personality and bravery, the “King of the Wild Frontier” spoke words of wisdom that grew popular today.
For example, take a look at the list of popular quotes from Davy Crockett:
The entreaties of my wife were thrown in the way of my going, but all in vain; for I always had a way of just going ahead at whatever I had a mind to.
– Davy Crockett
I have always supported measures and principles and not men.
– Davy Crockett
Sorrow, it is said, will make even an oyster feel poetical.
– Davy Crockett
We gaze with admiration upon the glories of the setting sun, yet scarcely bestow a passing glance upon its noonday splendor.
– Davy Crockett
We only want to do away prejudice and give the people information.
– Davy Crockett
Go ahead! Liberty and Independence forever.
– Davy Crockett
… run down the Mississippi till you come to the Oberon River. Run a small streak up that; jump ashore anywhere, and inquire for me.
– Davy Crockett
In peace or in war I have stood by thy side —
– Davy Crockett
My country, for thee I have lived, would have died!
Look at my neck, you will not find there any collar… But you will find me standing up to my rack, as the people’s faithful representative, and the public’s most obedient, very humble servant.
– Davy Crockett
I had been elected by a majority of three thousand five hundred and eighty-five votes, and I believed they were honest men, and wouldn’t want me to vote for any unjust notion, to please Jackson or any one else…
– Davy Crockett
I would rather be beaten, and be a man, than to be elected and be a little puppy dog.
– Davy Crockett
Whenever I had anything and saw a fellow being suffering, I was more anxious to relieve him than to benefit myself. And this is one of the true secrets of my being a poor man to this day.
– Davy Crockett
I voted against this Indian bill, and my conscience yet tells me that I gave a good, honest vote, and one that I believe will not make me ashamed in the day of judgment.
– Davy Crockett
I learned to read a little in my primer, to write my own name, and to cypher some in the three first rules in figures. And this was all the schooling I ever had in my life, up to this day. I should have continued longer if it hadn’t been that I concluded I couldn’t do any longer without a wife, and so I cut out to hunt me one.
– Davy Crockett
I now say that the oldest man living never heard of the president of a great nation to come down to open electioneering for his successor. It is treating the nation as if it was the property of a single individual, and he had the right to bequeath it to whom he pleased – the same as a patch of land for which he had the patent
– Davy Crockett
It is a huckleberry above my persimmon to cipher out how it is, with six months’ schooling only, I, David Crockett, find myself the most popular bookmaker of the day, and such is the demand for my works that I cannot write them half fast enough, no how I can fix it
– Davy Crockett
No man who has not tried it can imagine what dreadful hard work it is to listen. Splitting gum logs in the dog days is child’s play to it. I’ve tried both, and give the preference to the gum logs.
– Davy Crockett
Soldier, reputable frontiersman, and political figure Davy Crockett is an American hero who showed bravery and courage as he fought for freedom, truth, and justice. The footsteps he left through words and actions served as today’s inspiration for many people looking for a reason to continue living and battling challenges in life.
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