Gunsmoke Western TV
The Lone Writer  

Crooked Mile Full Episode – Gunsmoke, Season #10, Episode #02

Mr. Degler is resolved to sabotage his adult daughter’s relationship with Quint, who is of half-Indian descent. To achieve this, he seeks assistance from his cousin Praylie. However, Praylie has different intentions altogether. Gunsmoke Crooked Mile originally premiered on October 3, 1964.

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Crooked Mile Cast

Below are the actors featured in the Gunsmoke Crooked Mile:

  • James Arness as Matt Dillon
  • Milburn Stone as Doc
  • Amanda Blake as Kitty
  • Burt Reynolds as Quint
  • Ken Curtis as Festus
  • George Kennedy as Cyrus
  • Royal Dano as Praylie
  • Katharine Ross as Susan
  • John Breen as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Loren Brown as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Noble ‘Kid’ Chissell as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Rudy Germane as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Chick Hannan as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Chester Hayes as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Pete Kellett as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Rex Moore as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Charles Morton as Barfly Stealing Ham (uncredited)
  • Jimmy Noel as Barfly (uncredited)
  • Glenn Strange as Sam (uncredited)

Full Story Line for Crooked Mile

Cyrus Degler is resolute in his efforts to sever the romance between his adult daughter and the half-Indian Quint. Seeking aid, he summons his cousin Praylie, but unbeknownst to Cyrus, Praylie harbors murderous intentions.

Cyrus (portrayed by George Kennedy) finds himself at odds with his daughter Susan (played by Katharine Ross) over her relationship with Quint. Cyrus vehemently opposes their union, resorting to horse-whipping Quint and issuing threats of dire consequences if the relationship persists.

Cyrus attempts to assert control over her life by expressing his concern for Susan’s well-being since her mother’s passing. Susan, however, stands her ground and even resorts to pointing a rifle at her father to protect her autonomy.

In a desperate bid to eliminate Quint, Cyrus summons his relative Praylie Degler (played by Royal Dano) to Dodge. Praylie, known for handling delicate matters within the family, arrives with sinister intentions.

Despite Festus and the Marshal growing suspicious, Praylie endeavors to carry out his lethal mission. A mysterious explosion at the blacksmith shop further complicates matters, prompting Matt to advise Praylie to leave town.

Ignoring Matt’s warning, Praylie confronts Cyrus to demand payment for his services. However, instead of accepting the owed money, he robs Cyrus of all his wealth. Susan intervenes again, aiming the rifle not at her father but at Praylie, marking a turning point with unforeseen consequences for all involved.

Full Script and Dialogue

You think you ought to be here?

I'm here because I
wanted to see you.

Well, there you are.

Good as new.

Thank you.

Better tell your pa that Old
Man Blair made this for you.

I know.


I daren't stay any longer.

See you tomorrow?

I can't tomorrow.

Maybe later in the week?

I'll try.



I got this here new double-tree

I was figuring to
get some fittings on.

I-I'd better go now.

I'll walk you out.

Howdy, Miss Susan.

Bye, Miss Susan.

I seen that buggy out yonder,

but, golly Bill, I

didn't know it was her.

I made the noise when I come in.

Well, it doesn't matter.

We, uh, we're not trying
to keep it any secret.

I've been seeing
her for about a month.

Well, I can't say I
blame you, Comanche.

She's an awful pretty gal.

Does old Cyrus know about this?

It's none of his business.

Besides. she's got a
mind of her own, ain't she?

Well, I reckon she has, but...

Sure she has.

Look, I got some clevises
here I think I can make work.

You want to go around
back and see if you can find

some ring clamps?

Yeah, I'll see what I can find.

Quint Asper.

You hurt bad, boy?

Well, I ain't hurt, but
there's somebody gonna be!

Just easy, Quint!

Hey, you let him go if
that's what he wants.

I let him go, and
he'll get on you

like ugly on ape.

You stay away from my daughter,

or I'll kill you.

I'll stay away from your
daughter when she tells me to.

Now get out of here!

You had fair warning.

You need to put some
horse liniment on that.

Why didn't you let me
have at him, Festus?

Well, what good
would that've did

if you figured to
go on seeing her?

That's just what I figure to do.

Hey, you busy, Marshal?

Well, no, Cyrus. Sit down.

I'll keep my feet if it's
all the same to you.

What can I do for you?

I want to swear out a
warrant or a complaint

or whatever it is you call it.

I want you to keep that
young Quint Asper half-breed

away from my daughter.

Now, Cyrus, let me
tell you something.

Quint Asper is a friend of mine.

And I don't think he's any of
the things you're calling him.

Well, you might think different

if it was your daughter
he was bothering.

How's he been bothering her?

Aw, he's been seeing her,

meeting her on the sly
every chance he gets.

Against her will?

Girl her age ain't got no will.

And got no sense, neither.

How old is she?

She's coming up 19.

That's too young to
be gallivanting around.

Well, I don't know
about that, either.

A lot of girls 19 in this town

are married and have
a couple of kids by now.

Well, they ain't
marrying that half-breed!

And she ain't, neither.

Not if I have to keep
her under lock and key.

Well, there's a lot of
folks around Dodge

say that's what you've
been doing for 12 years

since her ma died.

Well, then a lot of people
ought to mind their own business.

Cyrus, let me tell
you something.

No matter what you
think of Quint Asper,

he happens to be
a pretty good man.

He's a steady worker
and a hard worker.

And it seems to
me your daughter's

a pretty levelheaded
young woman.

Now, why don't you just
let the two of 'em work it out?

I'll see Quint Asper
dead before I let him

take that girl away from me.

Maybe you don't have any idea

of ever letting your
daughter get married, huh?

I didn't come here
for that kind of talk.

No, you came here to
try and get me to do a job

that you can't do.

Oh, I can do it
all right, Marshal.

Don't you worry.

I just figured the law ought
to have the first chance.

Well, Cyrus, there's
nothing I can do about it.

It's up to those
two young people.


All right.

I'll handle it myself.


You know, you're asking
for a lot of trouble with this.

Marshal, back in the hill
country where I come from,

they figure a man's got a
right to protect what's his own.

And you figure that's
what you're doing?

That's what I know I'm doing.

And that's what I'm
gonna keep right on doing.

In spite of Quint
or Festus Haggen

or you, Marshal,
or anybody else!

In spite of Susan, too.


Yes, in spite of her, too,

if it comes to that.

What belongs to a
man belongs to him.

And that's the way
it's meant to be.

And young Quint
Asper better realize that

if he wants to
go right on living.

Have a good day, Marshal.

FESTUS: It's your
turn to draw, Miss Kitty.

KITTY: I know it. Don't rush me.

Well, I can take any number
from one to three, right?

FESTUS: Right as rain.

KITTY: All right.

I'll take one.

How come you
took three that time?

I don't know.

Something just said take three.

All right.

I'll take three, too.

Why just one?

I ain't greedy.

I am.

You know, the last
game we played,

you took three every time.

I know I done that.

And I've been ashamed
of myself ever since.

It just wasn't fair
to you, Miss Kitty.

All right, now let's see.

If I take three.

And you'll take one.

And I'll get stuck with
the last one and you'll win.

Now, if I take two, and you...

Well, you've won again.

Well, golly Bill.

What do you think of that?


Bring him another beer, Sam.

I reckon that just goes to prove

the natural superiority
of the male brain.

It goes to prove the
natural superiority

of some dirty, low-down trick.

And I'm gonna
find out what it is

if it costs me every
barrel of beer in this place.

Well, I'll be glad to go right
on learning you, Miss Kitty.

- How are you, Matthew?
- Festus.

I thought you were the one

that told me never to
play another man's game.

It looks so simple.

And I just can't...

Yeah, well, we'll
go on with it later.

Say, Festus, what was
this that I heard about, uh,

Cyrus, uh, beating up
Quint with a bullwhip?

Oh, it-it didn't amount to much.

I took a little
hand in it myself.

And kind of discouraged
him more or less.

Well, did he threaten
Quint or what?

Well, I reckon you
could call it that.

He said he'd kill him

if he caught him
with Susan again.

I tell you, that Cyrus
is a bullheaded man.

Once he makes up
his mind on something,

it's hard to change him.

Ah, he sure is, Matthew.

We used to have a saying
back home in the hill country.

Scratch a Degler
and find a rock head.

Did you know him back there?

No, but all of his
kinfolk lived right around

where us Haggens come from.

We didn't have a lick
of use for them then.

And I doubt that
we ever will have.

I've been a-telling Quint
that there's other gals.

But he don't pay me no heed.

Yeah, I've been
looking around for him.

Somebody said he was in here.

He was till a little bit ago.

You know where he is now?

I don't know where, Matthew.

But I know why.


Well, he's went
someplace to meet Susan.

Was it real bad? The pain?


Just shocked and
surprised mostly.

If Festus hadn't have
been there, though,

one of us would've killed
the other one for sure.

If anything like that
was to happen, Quint,

it'd kill me, too.

Don't worry.

It didn't and it won't ever.

I don't know what's got into Pa.

He wasn't like this
when I was growing up.

Just the last two
or three years.

Just when he ought
to be learning to let go,

it seems like he's grabbing
on to me tighter than ever.

Maybe he just
doesn't take to the idea

of his daughter
marrying a half-breed.

Don't say that again.

Folks that know you has
got more respect for you

than they got for most anybody.

I don't think it's you
that's the reason.

I think he'd be just the
same if it was anybody else.

It's like he wants to
keep me with him forever.

Quint, it scares me.

Don't let anything scare you.

You do, and you let
it get power over you.

And then it can hurt you.

What are we going to do?

Gonna wait it out, be careful.

Things have a way of
working themselves out

if you just give them time.

I don't know.

Once Pa sets his mind,

it seems like it's
just set forever.

He's different, Quint.

He's not like other folks. He...

I'd better go.

I've been here too long already.

He'll be asking me questions.

Trying to pin me down.

All right.

When will I see you again?

I'll get word to you somehow.

I am scared, Quint.

Of what?

I don't know.

Be careful.

I will.




Afternoon, Miss Susan.

Have a pleasant
trip to town, did you?

Not especially.

What's wrong, Pa?

What's the matter?

Come over here, Susan.

What is it?

How long has it been
since your ma died?

12 years.

You recollect anything
about her, do you?

Well, sure, a lot of things.

What things?

Well, I remember
how pretty she was

and how she was
always so cheerful and all.

And, well...

You recollect the day she died?

I remember I cried.
Not just that day

but for a long time.

Even now, sometimes I still do.

Why are you asking
me all this, Pa?

12 years it's been
since I've dug that grave.

Dug it with my own hands.

Buried her there, laid
her in it, covered her over.

She always favored that tree.

So that's where I put her.

With my own hands.

Best wife a man
could ever hope for.

12 years gone now.

That's a mighty long time.

I'm sorry, Pa.

I miss her, too.

I know how you feel.

Now, what make you
think you know how I feel?

How would you know?

I do, Pa, I really do.

Then what makes you
behave the way you do?!

What do you mean?

I try to do the best I know how.

You seen Quint
Asper again today.

Not more'n an hour ago

after I warned you
to stay clear of him.

Well, didn't you?! Answer me!

Yes, I saw him.

And didn't I warn you

I'd wale the
daylights out of you

if you went near him again?

You told me.

And didn't you know I warned him

I'd kill him if he
kept bothering you?

I knew that.

Then why in tarnation
did you do it?!

Because I love him,
and he loves me.

You love him?!

What about me?!

Who is it that's raised
you and done for you

every day of your life
since your ma died?

Who is it that you
owe a little loyalty to

and gratitude and
a little love maybe?

I do love you, Pa...

but that's got
nothing to do with it.

You keep trying to make me
stay a little girl, and I'm not.

I'm a woman, and I think
and I feel like a woman!

And I've got to
live like one, too.

If Ma was alive,
she'd understand!

Don't you tell me
what your ma would do.

Well, she would!
Any woman would!

I knew your ma
better than anybody

because she was my wife.

Oh, sure, you look like her.
These last two, three years,

you've grown into the
spitting image of her.

But looking like her
don't mean being like her,

because your ma was no tramp!

And neither am I!

Got no right to
talk to me like that!

Or sending Creed to
spy on me like you done.

I seen him sneaking
around the town,

only I just didn't know
what he was up to.

I'll do anything that's needed
to protect what's my own.

Your own what? Your daughter,
your housekeeper, your slave,

your hired hand, what?

Now you stop that kind of talk.

I'm a grown woman!

I'm old enough to get married.

And that's what I'm gonna do.

I may look like Ma,
but I'm not her. I'm me.

I'm Susan!

I'm not your wife!

I'll curb that Satan's
tongue of yours

if I have to cut it out of you.

You're not. You're
not gonna do it, Pa.

I'll teach you a proper respect.

No, don't!

What did you mean by
that, "I'm not your wife"?

Don't make me do it, Pa.

Get back.


Now I just want you
to just try that there.


Mmm, Doc, now
that's really good.

I haven't tasted one
like that for years.

I'll say you haven't.

Where'd you get it?

Friend of mine sent that to me.

That's been aged three years.

Hard as a rock, just
look at the mold on it.

Now that's what I call ham.

And you just, just
can't find it anymore.

Well, people don't take
the trouble these days.

You know,
everybody's in a hurry.

Yeah, everybody's
looking for a shortcut.

Hello, Susan. How are you?

I'm sorry to butt
in like this, Doc.

It's all right.

I was looking for the marshal.

Susan, what can I do for you?

Well, uh, can I talk to you?

Say, you know
what I was thinking?

Wouldn't a glass of cold
beer go good with that?

Sure would.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm just gonna take that
right over to the Long Branch

and see that everybody
gets a taste of real ham.

Now when you, when
you get a chance, come by.

All right.

Well, Susan, how are
things going at home?

Not very good.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Haven't been by for
a couple of weeks.

I thought maybe things
were getting straightened out.

No, they're not, Marshal.

My pa won't even speak
to me unless he has to.

Well, I'm sorry to
hear that, Susan,

but, you know, your
pa's a stubborn man.

You'll have to give him time.

He's gone out on a limb

that's pretty hard
for him to back off.

He's not meaning to back off.

What do you mean?

He sent for Cousin
Praylie from back home.

Must have been about
two weeks ago, the day,

the day we had our big argument.

Who's Cousin Praylie?

I've never seen him,
but I heard about him.

He's mean and tough,

and whenever anyone in
our family gets in trouble,

they send for Cousin Praylie.

Marshal, Pa sent for
him to come and kill Quint.

When's he expected
to arrive in town?

Well, about any
time, the way I figure.

Marshal, if anything
was to happen to Quint,

I just wouldn't
want to go on living.

Now, Susan, let's don't
put the cart before the horse.

You know, Quint and Festus
are a pretty tough combination.

And I'm gonna be keeping
my eye on things, too.

Marshal, what's got into Pa?

He's never been like this.

He's always been good to me.

I thought he loved me.

Now it's like I don't
even know him.

Why's he doing this?

Thank you.

It's a little old, isn't it?

Well, it's, uh,
kind of tough, too.

Well, maybe if it
weren't so salty.

Well, thanks for
the taste, anyhow.

I, um, I got things I gotta do.


"Old and salty."

What are you trying to do?


You know a fellow around
here named Cyrus Degler?

Yeah, he's got a
ranch south of town.

You a friend of his?

He's kinfolk of mine.

I'm his cousin Praylie.

I got to say this, Doc,

I ain't never eat ham
better than that since

I was a kid back home.

And that's the pure truth.

You never had any better
ham than this any time.

Well, now, I wouldn't
lie to you, Doc.

It was just a wee mite better.

Well, I just don't believe it.

Well, it-it's the truth, now.

And, well, not that this ain't
the second best ham I ever eat.

The second best?

Well, it ain't actual right
to make a comparison

'cause my papa had this
special way of curing ham.


How'd he do it?

Papa went to work and
built this great big firebox

right outside the hog pen.

QUINT: Yeah?

And then he run the flue

right through the pigsty.

Golly Bill, the wood that
I had to chop and tote

to keep that firebox a-going.

Burned it day and
night the year around.

And of course he always kept

plenty of rock salt
around for the hogs to eat.

Huh. What'd he
want to do that for?

FESTUS: Why'd he do that?

Well, when butchering
time rolled around in the fall,

them hogs was already
smoked and salted

and cured and ready
to eat, right on the hoof.

Ah... ha, ha, ha.

And I'll tell you
something else, Quint.

His pa was probably pickled.

Not my pa; not pickled, Doc.

You'd never catch a
Haggen getting pickled.

Just runs off us like
water off of a duck.

Now... that you've
gone all through that,

would you like to
have another piece

of my second-rate ham, here?

Well, now don't
get sensitive, Doc.

For a pure, old,
everyday, common ham

it's about the best

- I've ever eaten.
- Yeah.

I think we'd ought
to have a little more...

Well, looks like we got
a unexpected visitor.

I hear you call
yourself a Haggen?

Well, you just, uh,
might have, mister,

if you had your ears a-flapping

at our private conversation.

Haggens have got
too big of mouths

for private conversations.

Everybody in the hill
country knows that.

You want to know
something, Comanche?

Either the wind's a-shifting
around to the loading pins,

or this place is taking
on a Degler smell.

That's right.

Praylie Degler.

And a right pretty
smell it is, for sure.

He means, to another Degler.

This here's the one that does

all the dirty work
for the family.

Looks like old Cyrus
sent for some help, Quint.


So you're the one.

That's right.

must be getting old.

Now, let me tell you
something, Praylie.

If you got any notion
of getting old yourself,

you'd better get on that train

and head for home.

Oh, you're in on this, too, hmm?

Cyrus didn't tell me.

But that's all right.

Two to one ain't such bad odds.

Since one of 'em
only counts as half,

as you might say.

Good evening, Marshal.

You Praylie Degler?

Man gets known in
a hurry in this town.

There's a train heading
back east in about two hours.

Why don't you be on it?

Well, now it's three to one.

It appears there's some
things that Cyrus didn't tell me.

You'd be a whole
lot better off, Degler.

I don't know what you're
talking about, Marshal.

Ain't a man got a right
to visit with his kinfolks

without everybody getting
unfriendly toward him?

You can visit with your
kinfolks all you want to.

But if you start what I
think you're here to start,

they're gonna be visiting you.

In jail.

I'm much obliged for
the advice, Marshal.

Real delicate town.

I can see a man has
to walk real careful.

Mighty pleasant meeting you all.

And I appreciate your
asking me to stay and talk.

I reckon I'd better get
on out to Cousin Cyrus's.

You owe me for
your drinks, mister.

Oh, so now it's four to one.

Cyrus didn't tell me how
the odds build up on you here.

You know, every time Pa
would catch hisself a Degler,

he'd throw him into the pen

and smoke him with
the rest of the hogs.

But there never was a one of 'em

that ever turned out fit to eat.

Takes more than a big
mouth to eat a Degler.

You need teeth.

I hate to go back
out to the ranch.

I'm a little afraid of him.

Well, what do you
got to be afraid of?

You're his kin, aren't you?

How can you
forgive me for being?

Listen, I got a grandpa

that still wears a-a
blanket and feathers.


Are you sure we're
doing the right thing?

Just going ahead and
not telling Pa anything?

Well, you know what he'd
do if he found out, don't you?


I know.

Look, once it's done,
he can't change it.

That's when he's gonna
have to do the changing.

I've never wanted to hurt him.

In spite of all
this, I do love him.

Next to you, I love
him more than anything.

Of course you do.

He's your pa.

Sometimes he acts more
like my owner or something.

Well, that's just his way.

Look, we've been over
this about a hundred times.

I know, I'm sorry, I love you.

Have you got it straight?

What-what you're
gonna do, I mean.

I'm going to pack
a bag... A little bag.

A little bag, without
telling anyone.

Yeah, just the things you need

so you can get out
of the house easy.


And then I'm gonna sneak out

and meet you at
the depot at noon.

And stay out of sight.

Now, I'll be there
with the tickets.

We'll go to Kansas
City, we'll get married,

and we'll... we'll
stay there until it...

till it all blows over.

I am scared, I got to admit.

What's to be scared of?

I don't know, just a feeling.

From now on, you won't
be scared of anything.

- Promise?
- That's a promise.

Now, be real careful
for the next 24 hours.

Don't sass your pa,

and don't talk back
to Cousin Praylie.

Just don't do nothing.

I'll be like a mouse.

All right.

(clicks tongue)


Morning, Cyrus.


Is this call official
or just neighborly?

Could be either one.

I'd sure like to
talk to you, though.

Well, come on in.

It's cooler inside.

Will you have a seat?

No, thanks, Cyrus.

Well, Marshal, what is it
that we've got to talk about?

Your cousin Praylie.

Is he here?

No, he rode off
somewhere this morning.

To town, I reckon.

It was a mistake
bringing him here, Cyrus.

Oh, he tell you I
brought him here?

No, but we both know you did.

Let's quit beating
around the bush.

You brought him here
to try and kill Quint.

Well, that's a pretty
rough accusation, Marshal,

unless you've got proof.

If I had proof, Cyrus, this
would be an official visit

and I'd be here to
jail the both of you.

I got what you might call

a little personal
problem, Marshal.

No-good tramp
keeps hanging around,

bothering my daughter.

Now, I've tried warning him,

and I've tried going to the law,

and I didn't get
nowhere either way.

So you brought
in the family killer.

Oh, no.

I just got myself
some help, that's all.

If Quint Asper stays
away from my family,

he ain't gonna have no
trouble with Cousin Praylie.

What does it take
to get some sense

into that hard head
of yours, Cyrus?

(Cyrus sighs)

Now, sense is a matter
of opinion, Marshal.

Ugh, you just don't understand.

You ain't never
fetched up a daughter

all alone like I done.

You seen that grave out there.

Well, ever since then,

I've been both a
ma and a pa to her.

And it ain't been easy.

Well, you've done a
good job, too, Cyrus. But...

And now that she's growed up

and can be of some use to me,

she wants to go traipsing off

with the first no-good tramp

that comes whistling
past the gate.

And you tell me I hadn't
ought to do nothing about it.

There's nothing you
can do about it, Cyrus.

Don't you understand that?

She's a grown woman now.

And I'll tell you something,

if you're worried
about losing her,

the quickest way to do it

is to try to put chains on her.

Like I said, it's a matter
of opinion, Marshal,

and if you want
to warn somebody,

I suggest you warn Quint Asper.

You're wrong, Cyrus.

You're dead wrong.

I just hope you don't
find it out too late.

Now, I told your cousin Praylie

that if he starts
anything around Dodge,

I'm gonna jail him.

The same thing goes for you.

(horse snorts)

Man's got a right
to protect his own,

ain't he, Marshal?



Golly Bill, I was
beginning to think

you wasn't gonna
show up this morning.

What the devil you doing here?

Well, I'm waiting for you.

I got a job of work
that needs doing.

Well, I wasn't, uh, figuring

I'd open the shop today for...

for business, actually.

Well, Old Ruth here
has throwed a shoe

and he's got another one loose.

It ain't gonna take
but a minute to fix it.

Well, as long as it's
only a couple shoes,

why don't you have
Hank Miller do it, huh?

Well, I reckon I could, but...

What are you trying to do,
get rid of me, Comanche?

No, I ain't trying
to get rid of you.

Well, what are you

- trying to do, then?
- I ain't trying to do nothing.

What are you doing all duded up?

I'm not all duded up, I just...

What do you got
in the grip there?

I ain't got nothing in the grip

except some old
dirty clothes, that's all.

"Dirty clothes," my foot.

Well, as long as there's
only a couple of shoes,

and if I got the
right size in there

and it doesn't take
much fitting, I'll...

all right, I'll do it.

You want me to bring him in?

No, just leave him right there

and come on in
and give me a hand.

Well, I'm ever so
much obliged to you,

- I'm sure.
- Well, you ought to be.

You'd think I was
asking you for half

of your blacksmith's
shop or something.

All right, all right. I'm sorry.

Well, I reckon a man's
bound to get snappish

when he's got as much
on his mind as you have.


At least we don't have
to start from scratch;

there's still some
hot coals in there.

You want to throw some more on?

I'll rummage around in here

until I find three or
four that might fit her.

Well, that ought to be
enough to do the job, I reckon.

(humming a tune)

What time's she supposed
to meet you, Comanche?

Today about noon,
down at the depot.


Who told you?

Well, you did just then.

All right, you know.

We're going to Kansas
City and getting married.

Stay a couple of weeks
until Cyrus gets over his mad.

Get out of the way.

If I was you, I'd figure on
staying for a year or two.

You know, that
Cyrus Degler's got

a head harder than
that mule out yonder.

And not a whole lot more sense.

You know, I think you're right.

Once it's done, it's done,
and he can't change it.

Well, things are sure gonna be

a heap different around here

without you, Comanche.

You a married man and all.

How do you mean, Festus?

Well, we won't

get to make no
more trips to Wichita

or go and set in the Long Branch

or anything like that.

It's not gonna be any
different just 'cause I'm married.

FESTUS: Ah, once she gets
that collar around your neck,

that old dog ain't
gonna hunt no more.

Festus, you know
Susan's real fond of you.

Yeah, real fond.

Well, if his old foot
don't fit none of these,

he's just gonna have
to go barefooted.

That's all there is to it.


Get out of here!


Cousin Praylie.


What was that?

I wouldn't know.

Sounded like an explosion.

Could've been.

Well, I can't see anything.

Must've been clear
out the edge of town.

Down by the
blacksmith's shop maybe?

Why'd you say that?

Quint Asper's place is
down that way, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Wouldn't it be a pure pity

if he'd gone and got
himself all blowed to pieces?


- Sam!
- Sam, have you saw that...?

Hold it!

Well, I'd ought to
have knowed that.

If you're looking for a Degler,

the first place you'd ought
to look is behind your back.

That's a good one, Festus.

I know them Haggens
ain't very bright.

But they can be kind
of funny sometimes.

Now, just what did
you two have in mind?

You know, we've
been arguing about that.

Yeah, old Quint here

is for getting the rope
and stringing you up.

But old softhearted me,

I'm for breaking both of
your legs or something.

Like I said, this is a
real unfriendly town.

Yeah, it's gonna get a
lot more unfriendly, too.

Hold it.

Drop the gun.

(gun drops to the floor)

All right, there's a stage out
of this town in ten minutes.

I want you to be on it.

You've got no proof
of nothing, Marshal.

If I had proof, you'd
be in that jail rotting.

Now get going.

How about that explosion?

I guess it was pretty bad, huh?

Well, it's gonna
take a lot of fixing.

No doubt he had
something to do with it.

Well, most of it's
Cyrus' responsibility.

It's about time we had
a little talk with him.

You want to ride out there?

- Let's go.
- Sure.

(horse neighs)


(door opens)

Where you been?

In town.

I'm pulling out, Cyrus.
I'm going back home.

You mean, you already...
I already nothing.

I had a try at
him. It didn't work,

and now the law's on it.

Well, w-what kind of a try?

I laid a powder charge
in that shop of his.

But he got out somehow
before it went off.

Well, you weren't
supposed to make a move

unless he jumped you.

And especially not that kind.

You wanted him dead, didn't you?

What difference does it
make how it was done?

CYRUS: It makes a
difference if it's murder.

You got a weak stomach, Cyrus.

Anyhow, it didn't
work, so forget it.

Well, then how
come you're leaving?

Too many of them
lined up agin me.

You let me think this Quint was
the only one I had to deal with.

You didn't tell me about Haggen
hanging around all the time.

Or the marshal being
a good friend of his.

You got me in a
lot of trouble, Cyrus.

Letting me think this
was going to be easy.


And I wanted to
throw a scare into him.

Scaring that boy is
like scaring a barn door.

There just ain't no way.

So you're just gonna
turn tail and run?

I might as well.

Seeing as you're gonna
lose that girl of yours anyway.

What are you talking about?

I seen that young Quint
down at the depot yesterday.

And after he left,
I asked the agent.

And he told me Quint
bought two tickets

on today's train to Kansas City.

I don't reckon that
second ticket is for Haggen.

I'll soon find out.

You aiming to
run off with Quint?

Who told you that?

Never mind who told me.

I asked you a question.
You answer me!

I'm aiming to marry him
if that's what you mean.

Then you are fixing to run away.

You little sneak.

You're not leaving this ranch.

You hear me?

Not if I have to chain you up.

Now, what the
devil are you doing?

Open that box, Cyrus.

You're just a thief, huh?

Just a common thief.

So low-down, you'd
rob your own kin.

I got some coming
in case you forgot.

I promised you a hundred dollars

if you run Quint out of town.

I figured it was worth more.

On account of you not
telling me about his friends.

Now, how much more?

Half of what's in this box.

That's my whole life savings.

Then I'm luckier than I thought.

Where's the key, Cyrus?

You can shoot me
ten times over, Praylie.

You'll never get that key.

I don't need the key, Cyrus.

I just wanted to give you a
chance to do the right thing.

(gun clicks)

Yes, sirree.

I made a little
agreement with myself.

I said, "Praylie, if Cyrus
does the right thing,

"and pays up fair and square,

"why, then we'll just take half.

"But if he acts mean and cheap,

"why, then we'll take it all.

Just to teach him a lesson."

Well, that's every cent I
got in the world, Praylie.

You see, I was right.

You're already beginning
to learn your lesson.

But I'm your own kin.

You can't do this to me.

Oh, you may be
right... (horse neighs)


Let's hold our fire till we find
out what they're doing in there.

She's dead.

It's her own fault.

You seen it. She
tried to kill me.

CYRUS: Praylie.


Where is she?

Where is she?!

She's in the house.

She's dead, Marshal.

Praylie killed her.

Better go in with Quint.

(birds chirping)

(crying): Aw... aw,
God forgive me.

(crying quietly)


Behind the Scenes of Crooked Mile

George Kennedy portrayed Katharine Ross’s father in the film. Surprisingly, their age gap is merely fourteen years and eleven months.

Looking for More Gunsmoke Episodes?

Grab a bowl of popcorn and settle for good old-fashioned entertainment with Gunsmoke! It is a classic Western by CBS that you will enjoy watching alone or with your loved ones. Crooked Mile is the 2nd episode for Season 10.

You can find more about any of the Gunsmoke episodes here.

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